Intuit Interview Questions

Are you trying to make a career in Intuit? Do you need Intuit interview questions? No more wait! MindMajix content team compiled and included the top 30 Intuit interview questions with answers in this blog. The team gathered questions from various topics such as data structures, DBMS, web services, exceptions, etc. This blog also unveils the Intuit interview process, leadership principles, tips to clear Intuit interviews, FAQs, and Intuit interview questions and answers.

Intuit is a global technology company that offers businesses solutions to their financial challenges. The customer base of Intuit is vast, with nearly 100 million. The company provides various software products such as QuickBooks, TurboTax, MailChimp, Credit Karma, etc. These products provide practical financial solutions to all types of businesses, whether small or large.

Intuit is a company that has offices in many countries with a massive workforce. Trying to make a career in Intuit is a good choice. But it needs solid preparation to crack the Intuit interview. Keeping this in mind MindMajix offers the top 30 Intuit interview questions and answers to help candidates who aspire to get a technical job in Intuit.      

This blog provides all you need to know about Intuit interviews. You can find Intuit interview questions with answers, leadership principles, Intuit interview process, tips to clear Intuit interview process, and FAQs in this blog in greater detail. So clearing your Intuit interview will be a piece of cake if you go through this blog deeply.

Top 10 Frequently Asked Intuit Interview Questions

  1. Name the different access modifiers of Java.
  2. Describe the Asymptotic Notation.
  3. What is the Git Repository?
  4. What are the vital Features of Node.JS?
  5. Brief about DOM?
  6. What are the benefits of React.JS?
  7. What are the properties of B-Tree?
  8. List out a few cryptographic algorithms.
  9. How will you avoid SQL injection risks?
  10. Explain the different Data Structures Types.

Intuit Interview Process

There are totally four rounds in the Intuit interview process. Let’s see them in detail in the following:

Online Test

This is the aptitude round. In this round, the questions will be mainly multiple-choice questions. You need to answer many quantitative, puzzles, and logical questions in this test. Intuit conducts this round to test your analytical skills, logical and reasoning abilities, and numerical proficiency. In short, intuit tests your IQ through this test.

Intuit Technical Interview Round -1

The candidates who clear the online test can attend this technical round. Intuit conducts this round to test your technical competency. You need to give a brief introduction about yourself. You can discuss things you didn't mention in the resume in this round. If you wish, you can show relevant images too.

The company will test your knowledge of computer fundamentals and coding abilities in this round. You must answer conceptual questions from key computer topics such as OOPs, data structures and algorithms, DBMS, web services, operating systems, etc.

Intuit will ask you to write codes for problems using modern programming languages such as C, Java, C++, Python, etc. After coding, you might face questions like – why do you choose this language to solve this problem? Why do you follow this approach?

Based on your performance and experience, you might have another technical interview round.

Intuit Technical Interview Round -2

If you are an experienced candidate, you must answer questions from previous projects, achievements, challenges, etc. You must answer behavioral questions about your leadership qualities, problem-solving skills, etc. You will need to answer questions about Intuit's work culture and principles. Once you complete this round, you will be familiar with Intuit's culture and values in a straightforward way.

Intuit HR Round

In this round, the HR team will evaluate your communication skills, strengths, and weaknesses, ability to work with teams, long-term and short-term goals, etc. Interviewers will test your interest in Intuit by asking questions like vision, principles, values, and other essential information about the company. 

You might also answer questions asked based on your resume information. So before attending the interview, you must be clear and accurate with your resume details. Moreover, before attending intuit interview, you must thoroughly research Intuit.

Intuit Technical Interview Questions

As mentioned, the MindMajix content team compiled the top 30 Intuit interview questions with answers to support the aspirants who will face the Intuit interview soon. They have divided the Q&A into two sections – freshers and experienced. You can go to the relevant section based on your expertise level.

Intuit Technical Interview Questions for Freshers

1. Mention the different types of Scope in Java.

There are three types of scope in Java as follows:

Regarding class-level scope, a variable defined inside a class is accessible only within the class. In other words, methods can only access the variable inside that class.

Regarding method-level scope, a variable defined inside a method is accessible only inside the method.

Regarding block scope, a variable defined inside a loop is accessible only inside the loop.

If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in Java, then enroll in "Core Java Training" - This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

2. Name the different access modifiers of Java.

Following are the four types of access modifiers of Java.

  • Private
  • Protected
  • Default
  • Public

3. Why don't browsers support JSX?

Know that JSX binds JavaScript and HTML. This is the reason why browsers don’t support JSX. 

If you want browsers to support JSX, you need to use Babel Transpiler. This tool converts JSX files into JavaScript objects. It allows browsers to understand the JSX files and execute them quickly.

4. What do you understand by Distributed Transactions?

We use this transaction to update the related data stored in various databases. It is a set of operations that we can perform on many databases simultaneously. We can also complete distributed transactions in multiple databases of a single server.

With distributed transactions, we can execute and complete all the operations simultaneously. At the same time, there is a drawback with this transaction. If any failure occurs in any of the systems, we can perform no single operation.

5. Describe the Asymptotic Notation.

It is the mathematical representation that indicates the running time of an algorithm. The running time of algorithms usually varies depending on the type of input. Simply put, we can measure the efficiency of algorithms using asymptotic notations.

There are three types of asymptotic notations – Omega Notation, Big-O notation, and Theta Notation.

6. How to implement three stacks in a given single array?

We can implement this using the following two approaches.

  • We can divide the given array in the way that the last two stacks can share the same array space
  • We can divide the given array into three equal arrays

7. What is the Git Repository?

The Git repository is the place where we can store the codes of software projects. We use repository folders to store the codes. We can copy and delete the repository folders. We can create new repository folders for new projects and existing projects. Mainly, we can change the codes stored in the folders as and when required.

Know that Git is a version control system that tracks all the changes we make in the projects. And there are two types of Git repositories – Bare Repository and Non-bare Repository.

8. What are the Vital Features of Node.JS?

Below are the vital features of Node.JS

  • Node.JS uses a single thread
  • It is an open-source software
  • It is asynchronous by default
  • Node.JS applications are highly scalable
  • It supports caching modules
Related Article - Introduction to Node.JS

9. What do you mean by full functional dependency in DBMS?

Consider A and B are the attributes of the data stored in a database. If B is functionally dependent on A, then B is considered fully functionally dependent on A. Additionally, B is not reliant on any proper subset of A.  Full functional dependency equals the normalization standard of the second normal form. The main thing about full functional dependency is that it enhances the quality of data stored in databases.

10. What are the benefits of Data Warehouses?

Data warehouses provide a lot of benefits to users. Following are a few of them.

  • It provides a centralized repository to store a large volume of historical data
  • It allows easy access to any data – no matter how long before we store the data
  • We can extract many valuable insights from the stored data by leveraging AI techniques
  • It improves data quality and security significantly
  • Above all, we can boost productivity and improve business outcomes

11. Define the Singleton Class in Java.

We use a singleton class to limit the creation of many objects. It is the class that has only one object at a time. As a result, we can optimize the use of memory space.

Action Servlet, Runtime Access, and Service Locator are examples of singleton classes. Besides, factory methods and private constructors are other singleton classes.

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12. Brief about DOM?

DOM stands for Document Object Model. When we create a web page, the browser creates the DOM of the web page.

Know that DOM is a World Wide Web Consortium standard. This standard is separated into XML, Core, and HTML DOM.

JavaScript uses the DOM to create dynamic HTML. For example, JavaScript can change the HTML elements of a page with the help of the DOM. More to the point, it can change the CSS style of a page.

13. List the different types of SQL injection attacks.

Below are the different types of SQL injection attacks.

14. What are the benefits of React.JS?

Here are the benefits of React.JS

  • We can create high-speed apps
  • We can write reusable and small codes instead of large files
  • React.JS solves complex issues easily
  • We can quickly learn this language
  • React.JS delivers better performance
Related Article - React JS Tutorial

15. What are the Properties of B-Tree?

B-Tree is a special type of tree that we use to access disks efficiently. We can perform many B-Tree operations, such as searching, insertion, and deletion.

Below are the properties of B-Tree.

  • Each node in the B-Tree has many children
  • Each leaf node must have the same number of data elements
  • The root must have two nodes in the least

Intuit Technical Interview Questions for Experienced

16. What do you mean by Object-Oriented Data Model?

The object-oriented data model represents objects' logical organization and their relationship. It consists of static properties of objects and attributes. It also has integrity rules that govern objects. It also has dynamic properties, such as defining changes in the database states. 

17. What are the key differences between DBMS and RDBMS?

There is no concept of a relationshipThere is a concept of a relationship
Hardware complexity is lowHardware complexity is high
It works slowlyIt works faster
There is no concept of tables but fileThere is a concept of tables

18. What is the need for algorithms?

  • Algorithms provide a detailed description of problems and how to solve them
  • They comprehend program flow effectively
  • They denote the resource needed to solve problems
  • They help to figure out the complexity of problems
  • We can reduce costs by designing efficient algorithms

19. Explain the heap sort algorithm

It is a kind of comparison-based sorting algorithm that separates its input into sorted as well as unsorted regions. This algorithm converts a list into a max heap. Then, it swaps the first and last values in the list. So it reduces the range of the list by one. This is the reason why it is one of the most efficient algorithms.

20. List out a few cryptographic algorithms.

  • CAST
  • Blowfish
  • LOKI
  • Triple DES

21. How will you avoid SQL injection risks?

We can avoid SQL injection risks in the following ways.

  • We must not trust any user input – no matter how authenticated the route is.
  • We must regularly scan web applications using powerful scanning tools.
  • Developers must use the latest web development platforms since they provide many efficient SQL protection methods.
  • We must not focus on blacklists only. This is because intruders usually try to access resources in multiple ways. So it is better to verify user inputs using whitelists as well
  • We can use query parameters to segregate user inputs and queries, preventing SQL injections.

22. State the differences between virtual DOM and real DOM.

Virtual DOMReal DOM
DOM manipulation is easyDOM manipulation is complex
It doesn’t waste memoryIt wastes memory
It cannot update HTML directlyIt directly updates HTML
It updates pages faster since it is lightweight.It updates pages slowly.

23. When would you use Git over the SVN repository?

We can use Git if we want to store codes quickly. When developers use Git, they can have their own repositories. Unlike SVN, we can work offline with Git.

On the other hand, developers need to use only the central repository to store their codes when they use the SVN. So, if any failure occurs in the central repository, no one can use the repository until we solve the failure.

24. What are the differences between mocking, faking, and stubbing?

Fakes are essentially objects. Mainly, they have working implementations. In a way, fakes are nothing but simplified production codes. We use fakes when testing codes that depend on APIs or external services. We use fakes to improve performance.   Mocks are nothing but objects. And they have predefined behavior. Mocks don’t have working implementations.

We use stubs to answer calls during tests. Stubs are also objects, but they don't have working implementations. They return predefined values.

25. Differentiate Union and Structure in C language?

We define unions using union keywordsWe define structures using struct statements
If we change the value of a data member in a structure, it will affect the other data membersIf we change the value of a data member in a structure, it won’t affect the other data members
We can store a single value for all data members at a timeWe can store multiple values for different data members
We can access only one data member at a time.We can access any number of data members at a time.

26. Can we have Private Constructor in Java?

Yes. Java has private constructors. We use a private constructor to restrict creating objects. It ensures that we can create only one object at a time. If a constructor is declared private, its objects can only be accessed within the class. Know that we use private constructors in Java to serve singleton classes. We can use it with constant classes. Besides, we can use it to stop subclassing.

27. Explain the different Data Structures Types.

There are two Data Structure types: linear and non-linear. Regarding the linear data structures, the data elements are arranged sequentially. Each data element is connected with the previous and following elements. Arrays, stacks, linked lists, and queues are linear data structures.

Regarding non-linear data structures, data elements are not connected sequentially. We cannot pass through all the elements in a straight line. Trees, tables, graphs, and sets are non-linear data structures.

Related Article - Data Structures Interview Questions

28. Compare: Throw and Throws in Java.

It is a keyword used to throw an exception inside the methodIt is a keyword used to declare exceptions that the method may throw
It is used inside the methodIt is used with the method signature
We can propagate unchecked exceptions – not checked onesWe can propagate checked exceptions
Only one exception can be thrown at a timeWe can declare multiple exceptions at a time
An instance variable follows the throw keywordThe exception class follows the throws keyword

29. What do you mean by RAID structure in Operating Systems?

RAID stands for Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks. We use this method to store data on multiple hard disks. This method provides heightened data protection, data reliability, and system performance. Mainly, it helps to control data redundancy and data loss.

30. How is SOAP different from REST?

Representation State TransferIt refers to Simple Object Access Protocol
It supports XML, HTML, and JSON formatsIt is an XML-based protocol that supports accessing web services.
It is a stateless, client-server modelIt supports both states as well as stateless operations
It is a data-driven modelIt is a function-driven model
It uses only the HTTPS protocol.It uses transfer protocols such as HTTP, UDP, SMP, etc.

Intuit Coding Interview Questions

1. Write a code to find the GCD of two numbers in C.

We can find the Greatest Common Divisor of two numbers in C using the following code.


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  // declare the variables
  int n1, n2, i, GCD_Num;
  printf ( "Enter any two numbers: \n");
  scanf("%d %d", &n1, &n2);
  // use for loop
  for (i = 1; i <= n1 && i <= n2; ++i)
  if (n1% 0 && n2 % i = 0)
  i; /* if n1 and n2 is completely divisible by i, the divisible number will be the GCD_Num */
  // print the GCD of two numbers
  printf(" GCD of two numbers %d and %d is %d.", nl, n2, GCD_Num);
  return 0;


Enter any two numbers:
24 48
GCD of two numbers 24 and 48 is 24.

2. Write a code to find the median from a stream of integers using Python.


from heapq import heappush, heappop, heapify
import math
# Function to find the median of stream of data
def streamMed (arr, N):
# Declaring two min heap
g = []
s = []
for i in range(len(arr)):
# Negation for treating it as max heap
heappush(s, -arr[i])
heappush(g, -heappop(s))
if len(g) > len(s):
heappush(s, -heappop(g))
if len(g) != len(s):
print((g[0] - s[0])/2)
# Driver code
name == '__main_
A = [5, 10, 1, 4, 2, 9, 7, 9, 15, 6, 12, 4]
N = len(A)
# Function call
streamMed (A, N)



3. Write a code to find whether the given two numbers are anagrams in Java.


str1 = "traingle"
str2= "integral"
# convert both the strings into lowercase
str2 = str2.lower()
# check if length is same
if(len(str1) == len(str2)):
# sort the strings
sorted_str1 = sorted(str1)
sorted_str2 = sorted(str2)
# if sorted char arrays are same
if(sorted_str1 == sorted_str2):
print(strl + " and " + str2 + " are anagram.")
print(str1 + and + str2 + are not anagram.")
print(str1 + " and
+ str2+" are not anagram.")


traingle and integral are anagram.

4. Write a code to reverse strings without reversing individual words in Java.


import java.util.Stack;
class Main
public static String reverseText(String s)
if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
return s;
int low = 0, high = 0;
Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
if (s.charAt(i) == '')
else {
stack.push(s.substring(low, high + 1));
low high = i + 1;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (!stack.empty()) {
sb.append(stack.pop()).append(' ');
return sb.substring(0, sb.length()
public static void main(String[] args)
String s = "MindMajix Training provider";


Provider Training MindMajix

5. Write a Java program to implement insertion sort.


public class InsertionSortExample {
public static void insertionSort(int array[]) {
int n = array.length;
for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) {
int key = array[j];
int i = j-1;
while ((i> -1) && ( array [i]> key ) ) {
array [i+1] = array [i];
array[i+1] = key;
public static void main(String a[]) {
int[] arr1 = {29, 24, 43, 12,33};
System.out.println("Before Insertion Sort");
for(int i:arr1){
System.out.print(i+" ");
insertionSort (arr1); //sorting array using insertion sort
System.out.println("After Insertion Sort");
for(int i:arr1){
System.out.print(i+" ");


java -cp /tmp/Csk9K3bS9w InsertionSortExample
Before Insertion Sort
29 24 43 12 33
After Insertion Sort
12 24 29 33 43

Intuit Leadership Principles

Intuit leaders employ excellent leadership principles to motivate employees and improve business outcomes.

Let’s address them one by one.

  • Sharing Knowledge 

Intuit leaders are interested in sharing their knowledge with the respective teams in the workplace. They exchange their knowledge through forums such as the VP leadership lab, Director Leadership lab, and Leading Exclusively. They intend to transform everyone in the company into leaders.

  • Integrate Technology

Intuit leaders are determined to integrate technology with human skills. They believe this combo will trigger a change in the work atmosphere and enhance business outcomes greatly.

  • Dynamic Approach

Intuit leaders consistently demonstrate an active approach in every activity they perform or decision they make. They are determined to take care of the employees' well-being and support them in all the best ways possible. In short, they act dynamically with compassion.

  • Prioritization

Intuit leaders are keen on implementing innovative and game-changing solutions. They prioritize tasks and decisions that will elevate business outcomes to greater heights.

  •  Succession Planning

Intuit leaders are interested in creating leaders. They identify potential employees from the next line of the workforce and transform them into great leaders. The transformed leaders will be ready to take their roles at any time.

Tips to Clear Intuit Interview

Learning all the technical concepts and improving coding skills is not enough to impress interviewers. It would help to prepare yourself to face Intuit interviews in every aspect. On this note, we provide a few battle-tested tips to clear the Intuit interview effortlessly.

Let’s see the tips in the following.

#Tip 1 - Practice Pays Off

Before attending the Intuit interview, you must practice elaborately. You must be highly confident to participate in the interview. You can use mock interviews, online coding platforms, etc., for practicing. Mainly, you must practice well to answer the behavioral and situational questions. You can get the help of your friends, siblings, and mentors to conduct mock interviews and garner feedback to improvise yourself further.

#Tip 2 - Showcase as Team Player

Show yourself as a good team player to interviewers. This is because teamwork is one of the highly-expected skills of employees today. An individual may be highly talented, but if they are not a good team player, they cannot succeed. Cohesiveness among the team members is essential for the success of every project. So you must speak about your experiences and how you have been a key team player and paved the way to success in your earlier projects and works.

#Tip 3 - Discuss rather than answer

Merely answering questions won't showcase you as a compelling candidate. You need to interact with your interviewers rather than answer questions. Ask doubts to get a clear idea about the questions asked. You can ask the opinion of interviewers whether the answers have satisfied them or not. 

Mainly, when you speak about coding-related questions, you can talk about the approach that you have followed to solve the problem, your thought process, alternative ideas, challenges faced, and other related things. The main thing is that you must speak within limits and be meaningful.

#Tip 4 - Feel free to discuss the challenges faced

While answering your past experiences or projects, feel free to discuss your challenges. No success is achieved without crossing hurdles. Talking about your tough times won't indicate you as inefficient.

On the contrary, it will show that you are ready to learn and grow. So you shall openly talk about the challenges you have faced in the past, particularly how you have resolved them.

Most Commonly Asked Intuit FAQs

1. Is Intuit interview tough to crack?

No, if you prepare well. Yes, if you don't. We advise you to learn computer concepts thoroughly. Practice coding to the expertise level. Cracking the Intuit interview is not a big deal if you do these things.

2. Is Intuit a better place to work than Google?

Both companies have their own pros and cons. Intuit is highly rated for its culture and values, work-life balance, diversity and inclusion, compensation, senior management, and benefits. Regarding Google, senior management, learning opportunities, and work environment are highly-rated in Google.

3. How will you get selected for Intuit interview?

Intuit conducts four rounds of interviews. The rounds include online tests, technical interviews, and HR interviews. Once you clear all these rounds, you will get selected for Intuit.

4. How long will it take to complete the interview process in Intuit?

It will last over 3-4 weeks to complete all the interview processes of Intuit.

5. What is the freshers’ salary in Intuit?

The salary range for freshers in Intuit falls within 14 LPA – 30 LPA.


Finally, you must have gone through the top 30 Intuit interview questions, the interview process, tips to clear Intuit interview process, leadership principles, and FAQs. They all must have helped concretize your dream to land a job in Intuit ultimately. However, remember that continuous learning is essential to sharpen your knowledge and skills.

If you wish to go the extra mile by taking professional training, you can sign up for a course in MindMajix and get a certification. It will be an excellent idea to ace your Intuit interview.

Course Schedule
Core Java TrainingSep 17 to Oct 02View Details
Core Java TrainingSep 21 to Oct 06View Details
Core Java TrainingSep 24 to Oct 09View Details
Core Java TrainingSep 28 to Oct 13View Details
Last updated: 27 May 2023
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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