chris bons

Posted on 19th April 2024|45 views


How Does Tls And Ssl Work?

Can anybody help me with the working of TLS and SSL?

Anusha V

Posted on 19th April 2024

A) The working of Tls and SSL can be explained as follows:

After a TCP connection is established, SSL handshake is initiated by the client. The client sends the following details:

  1. Which version of SSL/Tls is running
  2. What “cipher suites” it is required to use.
  3. What “compression methods” it is required to use.

The server verifies the highest edition of Tls/SSL that can be endorsed by it and it chooses the cipher suite accordingly. After this setup, the server sends its certificate. This certificate should be trusted by the client or any third party that is trusted by the client. After that the client and server can exchange the information through messages. 

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