ServiceNow is the leading ITSM tool, the best cloud-based software platform. Progressive adoption of ServiceNow in the IT industry provides many opportunities as a ServiceNow Administrator and ServiceNow Developer. We have got a list of frequently asked questions gathered from our experts who have attended and conducted interviews at Cognizant, Accenture, Amazon, and other MNCs. We got questions for every level of ServiceNow professional to help you understand the depth of each concept.
If you're looking for ServiceNow Interview Questions and Answers, you are in the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. Explore and excel ServiceNow IQAs to crack your first interview after reading our blog.
Research shows that ServiceNow has about 39.6% riding on a 22.4% jump. It assures you of many opportunities to move ahead in your ServiceNow career. MindMajix offers Advanced ServiceNow Interview Questions 2024 that helps you clear your interview and acquire a dream career as a ServiceNow Developer.
We have categorized ServiceNow Interview Questions - 2024 (Updated) into levels they are:
Ans: Below are the major differences between ServiceNow and Salesforce
Function | ServiceNow | Salesforce |
Platforms Supported | Web-based, iPhone & Android app | Web-based, Windows phone app |
Typical Customers | Enterprise & Mid-size business Customers | Enterprise, Small & MId-sie business Customers |
Support | Phone & Online Support, Knowledgebase, Video tutorials | Phone & Online Support, Knowledgebase, Video tutorials |
Integrations | OpsGenie, PagerDuty, Workato | MailChimp, Trello |
Security | No CSA, CCM Certification | CSA, CCM Certification |
Encryption | No encryption i.e sensitive data which is at rest | Encryption of sensitive data at rest |
Access Control | No multifactor in the authentication process | Multi-factor in the authentication process |
Data Policy | No data backup in multiple locations | Data backup in multiple locations |
Ans: ServiceNow is a cloud-based ITSM tool. Please check the below URL before attending a service-now interview.
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Ans: Application is a group of modules that provides related information. For example, a change application provides information related to the change process. It consists of modules like create change tickets, view change tickets, etc.
Ans: The latest user interface is the UI14 interface. It came in the Eureka release
Ans: Configuration Management Database
Ans: CMDB baselines help to understand and control the changes that have been made to a configuration item(CI) after its Baseline has been created. The baseline is the snapshot of a CI
Ans: Navigate to the “Application Menus” module under the system definition application. Open the respective application that requires enabling or disable. Set active as true to enable it or set active to false to disable it
Ans: The view defines the arrangement of fields on a form or a list. For one single form, we can define multiple views according to the user preferences or requirements.
Ans: An ACL is an access control list that defines what data a user can access and how they can access it in service now.
Ans: Impersonating a user means that you can log in to the system as that user and can have felt how the service-now UI is set for that user. This is very useful while testing. For example, if you are required to test whether a user can access the change form or not. You can impersonate that user and can test instead of logging out from your session and logging in again with that user's credentials.
Ans: Task table
Ans: A record producer is a type of catalog item that allows users to create task-based records from the service catalog. For example, you can create a change record or problem record using a record producer. Record producers provide an alternative way to create records through the service catalog
Ans: Dictionary Overrides provides the capability to override several properties of a field in an extended table. For example, a changing table is extended from the task table. There is a field named status in the task table and set as read-only.
When we use this field in change form it will show to be read-only. We can set this to non-read only by using the dictionary override. Similarly, there are other properties that can be set for the fields in an extended table.
Ans: Coalesce is a property of a field that we use in transform map field mapping. When we set the coalesce as true for a field mapping it signifies that this field will work as a unique key.
If a field match is found with the coalesce field, then the existing record will be updated with the imported information in the target table else a new record will be inserted into the target table
Ans: UI policies are alternatives to client scripts. It can be used to set a field as mandatory, read-only, and visible on a form. You can also use UI policy for dynamically changing a field on a form.
Related Article: ServiceNow Tutorial for Beginners |
Ans: Data policy checks the mandatory and read-only of a field whenever a record is inserted or updated through a web service or import set.
For example: If a mandatory field in the incoming record (from import set or web service) is empty then the data policy will not allow inserting that record into the table.
Ans: UI policy acts when a record is inserted or updated through a ServiceNow UI i.e ServiceNow forms while data policy acts whenever a record is inserted or updated into the database through any means.
Ans: Client script sits on the client-side(the browser) and run there only.types of client script are OnLoad() OnSubmit() OnChange() OncellEdit)
Ans: In the onSubmit function return false. function onSubmit() { return false;}
Ans: A business rule is server-side scripting that executes whenever a record is inserted, updated, deleted, displayed, or queried.
The key thing to keep in mind while creating a business rule is when and on what action it has to execute. You can run the business rule ‘on display, ‘on before’, or ‘on after’ of an action (insert, delete, update) is performed.
Ans: Yes you can call a business rule through a client script by using glideajax
Ans: Gliderecord is a java class that is used for database operations instead of writing SQL Queries.
Ans: Data lookup and record matching feature helps to set a field value based on some conditions instead of writing scripts. For example: on Incident forms, the priority lookup rules sample data automatically sets the incident Priority based on the incident Impact and Urgency values. Data lookup rules allow specifying the conditions and fields where they want data lookups to occur.
Ans: An updated set is a group of customization. It captures the customization or configuration changes made by a user and then these update sets can be moved from one instance to another.
For example, if we made some configuration changes in our development environment and want some changes in our test environment then we can capture all the changes in an updated set and can move this update set to the test environment instead of doing changes manually in a test environment.
Ans: A unique 32-character GUID that identifies each record created in each table in ServiceNow
Ans: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. It is used for user data population and User authentication. Servicenow integrates with LDAP directory to streamline the user login process and to automate the creation of user and assigning them roles
Ans: Go to that respective field dictionary and set the unique check box to true.
Ans: The data dictionary defines every table and field in the system. It contains information about a field’s data type, default value, dependency, and other attributes.
Related Article: What is ServiceNow - A Complete Guide |
Ans: When a user makes some changes on the homepage then that page is saved as his personalized homepage instead of updation on the actual homepage. For example, the home page name is Incident overview. When a user makes some changes to it then this page is saved as My incident overview and is only visible to that user.
Ans: security_admin
Ans: Goto SystemDiagnostic -> Stats. The statistic page will be open where you can get the details of the node and the instance on which you are working on
Ans: To enable or disable the labels in the pie chart we need to set the property glide.ui.chart.pie.labels to true or false.
Ans: Installation exits are customizations that exit from Java to call a script before returning back to Java. Navigate to System Definition > Installation Exits. Some installation exit names (Login, Logout, ValidatePassword, ExternalAuthentication) are reserved and cannot be changed. Other installation exits can override these with a custom script that replaces the script in the default installation exit.
Ans: Import Sets is a tool used to import data from various data sources and, then using transform map, a map that data into ServiceNow tables. The Import Sets table acts as a staging table for records imported.
Ans: A transform map transforms the record imported into the ServiceNow import set table to the target table. It also determines the relationships between fields displaying in an Import Set table and fields in the target table
Ans: A foreign record insert occurs when an import makes a change to a table that is not the target table for that import. This happens when updating a reference field on a table.
Ans: Zing is the text indexing and search engine that performs all text searches in ServiceNow.
Ans: The Client Transaction Timings plugin enhances the system logs by providing more information on the duration of transactions between the client and the server. By providing information on how time was spent during the transaction, performance issues can be tracked down to the source by seeing where the time is being consumed.
Ans: An inactivity monitor triggers an event for a task record if the task has been inactive for a certain period of time. If the task remains inactive, the monitor repeats at regular intervals.
Ans: Domain separation is a way to separate data into (and optionally to separate administration by) logically-defined domains. For example, A client XYZ have two business and they are using ServiceNow single instance for both businesses. They do not want that user’s from one business can see the data from other businesses. Here we can configure domain separation to isolate the records from both businesses.
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Ans: You can set the property – “glide.ui.forgetme” to true to remove the Remember me check box from the login page.
Ans: The HTML sanitizer automatically cleans up HTML markup in HTML fields to remove unwanted code and protect against security concerns such as cross-site scripting attacks. The HTML sanitizer is active for all instances starting with the Eureka release.
Ans: ServiceNow uses the Sys Audit [sys_audit] table to audit changes to records.
Ans: The schema map displays the details of tables and their relationships in a visual manner, allowing administrators to view and easily access different parts of the database schema.
Ans: The dashboard is a visual collection of reports and paralytics presented as KPI scorecards and indicator summary tab.
Ans: A scorecard can be used to measure the performance of an employee or a business process. It is a graphical representation of progress over time. A scorecard belongs to an indicator. The first step is to define the indicators that you want to measure. Scorecards can be enhanced by adding targets, breakdowns (scores per group), aggregates (counts, sums, and maximums), and time series (totals and averages).
Ans: Indicators, also known as metrics, business metrics, or KPIs, are statistics that businesses track to measure current conditions and to forecast business trends.
Ans: Goto the dictionary of the respective date-time field and set the default value as javascript: DateTime;
Ans: Client transaction timing provides more information on the duration of transactions between the client and the server. This requires activating the plugin – “Client transaction timing plugin”.
Ans: set workflow(e) enables or disables the running of business rules that might normally be triggered by subsequent actions. If the e parameter is set to false, an insert/update will not be audited. Auditing only happens when the parameter is set to true for a GlideRecord operation.
e – A boolean variable that if true (default) enables business rules, and if false to disables them.
Related Article: Learn ServiceNow Workflow |
Ans: setForceUpdate() updates the record even if there are no changes on the record.
Ans: set limit(n) functions to limit the number of records to query by Gliderecord().
Ans: Yes, you can do it by using a function autoSysFields() in your server-side scripting. Whenever you are updating a record set the autoSysFields() to false.
var gr = new GlideRecord(‘incident’);
short_description = “Test from Examsmyntra” ;
Ans: By using the getRowCount() function you can retrieve the number of rows.
Ans: delete multiple() deletes multiple records according to the current “where” clause. Do not delete attachments, whereas delete record() deletes the single record.
Ans:Following is the stepwise step process:
Navigate to System Properties > Security.
In the Attachment limits and behavior section, locate the List of roles (comma-separated) that can create attachments: property (glide.attachment.role).
Enter one or more roles separated by commas.
Only roles listed in this property are able to upload attachments to a record. If no roles are entered, then all roles can upload attachments to ServiceNow forms.
Click Save.
Ans: Go to the dictionary of that table and add “Add no_attachment” to the Attributes field.
Ans: Checkbox to select whether the variables used should cascade, which passes their values to the ordered items. If this checkbox is cleared, variable information entered in the order guide is not passed on to ordered items.
Ans: A gauge can be based on a report and can be put on a homepage or a content page.
Ans: Metrics record and measure the workflow of individual records. With metrics, customers can arm their process by providing tangible figures to measure, for example, how long it takes before a ticket is reassigned or changes state.
Ans: Use any of the following searches to find information in ServiceNow:
Lists: find records in a list:
Ans: Knowledge management uses these roles knowledge, knowledge_admin, and admin role.
Ans: Navigate to Reports > Create New. In releases prior to Eureka, navigate to Reports > View / Run and then click New.
Ans: Make the glide. report.use_charting_v2 system property to true.
Ans: Few reports are:
Ans: You can Add glide.sys_reference_row_check to the System properties and set it to true.
Ans: Navigate to System Policy > Email > Inbound Actions and Click New.
Ans: Via Watermark or InReplyTo email header. If These are not present, ServiceNow recognizes an email containing a prefix in the subject line.
Ans: Set the property glide.pop3readerjob.create_caller to true in system properties.
Ans: By adding the system property glide.pop3.process_locked_out to true.
Refer for more information:
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Ans: role is required to create and access baselines.
Ans: By setting the system property
Ans: ${URI} shows the word LINK whereas ${URI_REF} shows the display value of the record as the link text.
Ans: Create a new property named and set it to false.
Ans: BSM Map is a Business Service Management map. It graphically displays the configuration items (CI) that support a business service and indicates the status of those configuration items.
Ans: Each update set is stored in the Update Set [sys_update_set] table, and the customizations that are associated with the update set, are stored in [sys_update_xml] table.
Ans: If the Default update set is marked Complete, the system creates another update set named Default1 and uses it as the default update set.
Ans: Homepages and content pages are not added to update sets by default. You must manually add pages to the current update set by unloading them.
Ans: Reference qualifiers are used to restrict the data that is selectable for a reference field.
Ans: Performance Analytics is an additional application in ServiceNow that allows customers to take a snapshot of data at regular intervals and create time series for any key performance indicator (KPI) in the organization.
Ans: Set the glide.client.track_transaction_timingsproperty to false to disable any client transaction.
Refer for more:
Ans: Administrators can create or modify layouts by navigating to Homepage Admin > Layouts.
Ans: You can change the banner and list caption background color by navigating to
System Properties > CSS.
Ans: Navigate to User Administration > Role and click New.
Ans: You can, but there is no guarantee of sequencing. You cannot predict what order your event handlers will run.
Ans: You can use the addActiveQuery() method to get all the active records and the addInactiveQuery() to get all inactive records.
addJoinQuery(joinTable, [primaryField], [joinTableField])
Note: This is not a true DATABASE Join. addJoinQuery() adds a subQuery.
Ans: g_form object is used to reference the currently active form in the client script
Ans: You can use the object g_user object to get the details of the currently active user.
Ans: Few of the best practices to use client Scripts :
Ans: You can use the g_form.setVisible(‘field name’, ‘value’); method to show/hide a field using client script.
Ans: Record ACL rules are processed in the following order:
Ans: addNotNullQuery(String fieldName) can be used.
Example: To get all the records where ‘name’ is not null.
Ans: Use addOrCondition(String name, String oper, Object value) .
Example :
var gr = new GlideRecord(‘incident’);
var qc = gr.addQuery(‘category’, ‘hardware’);
qc.addOrCondition(‘category’, ‘software’);
Ans: By default queries with the invalid field, names run but ignore the invalid condition. For more strict query control you can enable the glide.invalid_query.returns_no_rows property which will result in an empty result set for invalid queries.
Ans: By using the method changes() you can determine that the field value has been changed for a record.
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Ans: The next() method is responsible to move to the next record in GlideRecord. _next() provides the same functionality as next(), intended to be used in cases when we query the table having a column name as next.
Ans: Using getRowCount() method .
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Here are a few tips to shine in your ServiceNow Interview:
Ans: The following are key skills that a ServiceNow professional should have:
Ans: Yes, both front-end and back-end involve coding, and you'll rely heavily on ServiceNow's proprietary JS libraries for database transactions.
Ans: Yes. Even if you're a newbie or an experienced pro, you can easily build a successful career with ServiceNow. All you need for a stable ServiceNow career is to acquire the right ServiceNow training and go over the top ServiceNow interview questions, and you'll be all ready to land a job in ServiceNow.
Ans: ServiceNow's hiring procedure is extremely competitive, as it is one of the most well-known companies in the world. It has been named one of the top places to work in 2024 by Glassdoor.
Here are the few ways that help you to get hired in ServiceNow -
Ans: On the basis of previous candidates' interview experience, usually the process at ServiceNow consists of 5 rounds: : one online exam, two technical interviews, one managerial interview, and the final HR round.
Ans: ServiceNow provides digital workflows that boost productivity and provide great experiences for employees and organizations.
The major reason behind ServiceNow’s popularity is that it offers features that no other ITSM tool has, such as an intuitive service experience, assured service availability, key service metrics, process delivery and management, real-time communication, customer engagement, collaboration, and resource sharing, testing, quality assurance, and more.
Ans: ServiceNow has turned into a market leader in the ITSM space. As a result, ServiceNow has become an in-demand job skill for employers. ServiceNow Developers and administrators are in higher demand than ever, and jobs requiring talent and experience with the platform are on the rise. Becoming a ServiceNow certified opens many opportunities for landing a good, and high-paying career.
Ans: According to AmbitionBox, in India, ServiceNow professionals can earn an average of ₹ 18 Lakhs per year with experience between 2 to 6 years, which is much higher than the salary earned by most other job profiles.
Ans: The following are the most important skills a ServiceNow developer should have:
Ans: A ServiceNow developer manages an organization's ServiceNow platform, which helps IT service management in automating business processes. To improve the platform will be involved in designing, configuring, building, troubleshooting, and installing baseline and custom apps. A ServiceNow developer must also monitor the platform's stability and make necessary architectural changes.
Ans: The certifications offered by ServiceNow are:
Ans: Below listed are the main roles and responsibilities of a ServiceNow developer:
Ans: As a ServiceNow developer, you can work as one of the following:
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Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.