Sambhavi Vijayawada

Posted on 24th July 2024|64 views


What is hardware and software in IoT?

I would like to know what is hardware and software in IoT 

1 answers
Aryan Sharma

Posted on 24th July 2024| views

IoT Hardware: this includes devices such as bridges, sensors, devices for routing, etc. And their tasks are to perform functions like communication, system activation, action specifications, detects support-specific actions and goals, and security. 


IoT software: it is a programming language that contains a variety of software and programming languages from general-purpose languages such as JAVA and C++ to embedded-specific choices such as Google’s Go language or Parasail.

But, there is no such thing like a software or hardware in IoT, as it is a smart and best answer for the present problems. IoT’s Main job is to connect any kind of device to the internet and generate data and use this data for better performance. Software or hardware doesn’t matter until your business requirements meet the solution.

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