Anusha V

Posted on 19th April 2024|3968 views


Method Does Not Exist Or Incorrect Signature

How to resolve the method does not exist or incorrect signature salesforce?

 I have a code as below

public class TestClass { 

Public TestClass { } 

public long[] callerSub(string keya, String keyb){ 

long[] datalr = new long[] {0,0}; 

datalr[0] = 5; 

datalr[1] = 7; 

return datalr; } } which is showing the error method does not exist or incorrect signature can anyone help me please


rushi chowdary

Posted on 19th April 2024

The obstacle is that you are working to call that function as if it signified a static function. However, it is represented as an instance function.

You can fix it with either by modifying the function declaration to get it static or by changing the way you call that function.


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