imran mohammad

Posted on 22nd January 2025|48 views


What is Microsoft Azure portal?

i want to briefly know about microsoft azure portal

2 answers
Munaf syed

Posted on 22nd January 2025| views

Its a cloud computing platform and infrastructure created by Microsoft to manage all its apps and services which they offer through a global network that is managed by Microsoft’s data centers. Users can avail all the Azure services  by using web-based azure portal

Sujith Sukumaran

Posted on 22nd January 2025| views

The Azure portal is a single web-based console that can be used instead of command-line tools. The Azure portal provides a graphical user interface for managing your Azure subscription. Anything from simple web apps to complex cloud deployments can be designed, managed, and monitored. Create custom dashboards to see all of your tools in one place. Set up usability options to get the most out of your experience.

The Azure portal is designed to be resilient and available at all times. It can be found in all Azure datacenters. By being close to users, this design makes the Azure portal immune to individual data center failures and prevents network slowdowns.

Microsoft Azure, which already has the second largest market share in the Cloud Computing sector, is threatening to surpass Amazon Web Services in the near future. This popularity can also be attributed to the ease with which Microsoft Azure could be used for computing. Azure Portal makes a significant contribution to this vertical and helps you get closer to being Azure certified.

This is what Microsoft has to say ‘Microsoft Azure is an ever-expanding set of cloud services to help your organization meet your business challenges. It is the freedom to build, manage and deploy applications on a massive, global network using your favorite tools and frameworks.

It offers a variety of common service domains, including Compute, Storage, Database, Networking, Analytics, and Migration, among other things.

As the name implies, Azure Portal is a single portal or junction that allows you to access and manage all of your applications from a single location. In a single, streamlined dashboard, you can create, manage, and control anything from simple web apps to complex cloud applications.

Features of Azure portal include; single-point management, personalized experience, access control and security, service amalgamation for a powerful experience, and more visibility.

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