imran mohammad

Posted on 26th July 2024|81 views


What are the benefits of Linux?

i would like to know the benfits of linux os

1 answers
Munaf syed

Posted on 26th July 2024| views

Linux is an operating system like windows and etc. There are many benefits of using it I will list out some of the benefits below 

Open Source - It is an open-source operating system so that every one of us can access it, download it, edit it as per our requirement.

Security - As we all know the Linux offers great security to its users as compared to windows every application on Linux can only be accessed with a password 

Free to use - Linux is free to use we don’t need to buy any license to use it and many of its apps are also free to use 

Privacy - Linux gives more privacy to its users it does not collect much data from the users when giving software or its apps


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