The mainframe is critical to commercial databases, transaction servers, and applications that require high resiliency, security, and agility. We compiled a list of the most important Mainframe tutorials. These tutorials will be useful for software programmers who want to understand the Mainframe basics. Also, this tutorial will be helpful to mainframe professionals in increasing their level of expertise.
Among all the Computing Technologies still in use today, mainframes have the most history. In actuality, the history of mainframes is too extensive. Only a small percentage of the software engineers who worked on the initial mainframes still use them today. Because of this, mainframes stand apart from practically every other computing technology in use today.
MainFrame Tutorial - Table of Contents |
Mainframes are high-performance computers with lots of memory and processors that can handle a huge number of quick calculations and real-time transactions. Commercial databases, transaction servers, and applications that need high resilience, security, and agility depend on the mainframe.
If you are a Mainframe programmer, it is necessary to know how to create and verify the code necessary for Mainframe programs and applications to run correctly. Mainframe programmers also convert the code written by Mainframe engineers and developers into instructions that a computer can understand.
IBM MainFrames are especially to operate
If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in MainFrames, then enroll in "IBM Cognos Framework Manager Training" This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain. |
There are many benefits to using a mainframe for cloud computing. A few benefits are listed below that you should think about:
Related Article: MainFrames Interview Questions |
Architecture is a set of specified concepts and guidelines that serve as building blocks for products. The architecture of mainframe computers has improved with each generation. Yet, they have remained the most reliable, secure, and interoperable of all computing systems
Architecture in computer science specifies how a system is organized. An architecture can be broken down recursively into constituent pieces, interactions between constituent parts, and constraints for assembling constituent parts. Classes, components, and subsystems are examples of parts that communicate with one another using interfaces.
Each new generation of mainframe computers has seen advancements in at least one of the following architectural components, beginning with the first massive machines, which appeared on the scene in the 1960s and gained the moniker "Big Iron" (in contrast to smaller departmental systems):
It can change to address brand-new difficulties. The client/server computing model, which relies on dispersed nodes of less powerful computers, first appeared in the early 1990s to compete with mainframe computers' hegemony. Industry experts referred to the mainframe computer as a "dinosaur" and prophesied its quick demise. As a result, designers created new mainframe computers to satisfy demand, as they have always done when faced with shifting times and an expanding list of customer requirements. As the industry leader in mainframe computers, IBM® gave its then-current system the code name T-Rex as a nod to the critics of dinosaurs.
The mainframe computer is ready to ride the next wave of growth in the IT sector thanks to its enhanced features and new tiers of data processing capabilities, including Web-serving, autonomics, disaster recovery, and grid computing. Manufacturers of mainframes like IBM are once more reporting double-digit annual sales growth.
The evolution keeps going. Although the mainframe computer still plays a key function in the IT organization, it is now considered the main hub in the biggest distributed networks. Several networked mainframe computers acting as key hubs and routers make up a considerable portion of the Internet.
You might wonder whether the mainframe computer is a self-contained computing environment or a piece of the distributed computing puzzle as the mainframe computer's image continues to change. The New Mainframe can be used as the primary server in a company's distributed server farm or as a self-contained processing center, powerful enough to handle the largest and most diverse workloads in one secure "footprint," according to the answer. In the client/server computing approach, the mainframe computer effectively serves as the sole server.
"Customer Information Control System" is what CICS® stands for. It serves as the z/OS® operating system's general-purpose transaction processing subsystem. While many other customers request to execute the same applications using the same files and programs, CICS offers services for executing an application online upon request.
CICS controls resource allocation, data integrity, and execution priority while responding quickly. Users are authorized by CICS, which distributes resources (such as actual storage and processing cycles) and forwards database queries from the program to the proper database management (such as DB2®). We may claim that CICS behaves similarly to the z/OS operating system and carries out many of the same tasks.
A CICS application is a group of connected applications that work together to complete a business task, like processing a travel request or creating a paycheck for a corporation. Applications under CICS control access programs and files through CICS services and interfaces.
Traditionally, CICS applications are launched by submitting a transaction request. Running one or more application programs that implement the necessary function constitutes the transaction's execution. CICS application programs are occasionally referred to in CICS documentation as "programs," Sometimes, the term "transaction" is used to denote the processing carried out by the application programs.
Enterprise JavaTM Beans can also be used as CICS applications.
The following are the primary tasks carried out by CICS in an application
The following are CICS's Features
The services that we will go over in-depth, step by step, are as follows
The following control functions are maintained by CICS to manage the allocation or de-allocation of resources within the system
Applications are interfaced with using application programming services. Features offered by the CICS application programming services include command-level translation, CEDF (the debug facility), and CECI (the command interpreter facility). In the following modules, we'll go into further detail.
Monitoring Services
Monitoring services for various events monitor the CICS address space. It offers numerous statistical data points that can be utilized to fine-tune the system.
Common Business Oriented Language is known as COBOL. It is procedural, object-oriented, and imperative. A computer program called a compiler converts other computer programs written in high-level (source) languages into machine code, which the computer can understand. Data is input into a file or database, processed, and produced via COBOL. In a nutshell, COBOL receives data, computes it, and then produces the results.
COBOL was created for corporate computer applications in sectors like finance and human resources. COBOL employs English words and phrases, in contrast to other high-level computer programming languages, to make it simpler for regular business users to understand. The language was based on Rear Admiral Grace Hopper's work on the primarily text-based FLOW-MATIC programming language from the 1940s. Often known to as the "grandmother of COBOL," Hopper served as a technical consultant on the FLOW-MATIC project.
All operating systems had their own corresponding programming languages prior to COBOL. This presented a challenge for businesses that utilized a variety of computer brands, as was the case with the US Department of Defense, which supported the COBOL project. COBOL soon rose to prominence as one of the most widely used programming languages in the world due to its portability and ease of use. Even though COBOL is often considered obsolete, it has the most lines of active code of any programming language code.
Standard Language
On devices like the IBM AS/400, personal computers, and other computing platforms, COBOL is a standard language that may be compiled and run.
For business-oriented applications in the financial, defense, and other sectors, Business Oriented COBOL was created. Due to its sophisticated file processing features, it is capable of handling large volumes of data.
Strong Language
Due to the availability of its many debugging and testing tools across practically all computer platforms, COBOL is a robust language.
Organizing Language
Because COBOL has logical control structures, it is simpler to read and alter. COBOL is simple to debug since it has numerous divisions.
The following graphic illustrates the divisions that make up a COBOL program structure.
Below is a quick description of these divisions.
Program logic is divided into sections logically. A section consists of several paragraphs.
The subdivision of a section or division is a paragraph. It has zero or more sentences/entries and is either a user-defined or a predefined name followed by a period. The combination of one or more statements forms a sentence. Only the Procedure division has sentences. A period is required to end a sentence.
Statements are grammatically correct COBOL commands that carry out the processing.
In the hierarchy, characters are at the bottom and cannot be divided.
Related Article: Cobol Interview Questions |
An IBM database product is called DB2. A relational database management system is what it is (RDBMS). DB2 is made to store, analyse, and retrieve data efficiently. The DB2 product is enhanced with XML-based non-relational structures and support for object-oriented capabilities.
IBM had initially created the DB2 product for their particular platform. Since 1990, it has made the decision to create a Universal Database (UDB) DB2 Server that can function on any reputable operating system, including Windows, Linux, and UNIX.
With BLU Acceleration and the code name "Kepler," the current UDB version for IBM DB2 is 10.5. Below is a list of every DB2 version released up to this point
Version | Code Name |
3.4 | Cobweb |
8.1, 8.2 | Stinger |
9.1 | Viper |
9.5 | Viper 2 |
9.7 | Cobra |
9.8 | It added features with Only PureScale |
10.1 | Galileo |
10.5 | Kepler |
Organizations choose the best DB2 version based on the necessary characteristics that they require. The DB2 server editions and their characteristics are displayed in the following table
Information Management System is referred to as IMS. IMS was created in 1966 as part of the Apollo mission to send a man to the moon by IBM, Rockwell, and Caterpillar. It spearheaded the revolution in database management systems and is still developing to satisfy demands for data processing. IMS offers a user-friendly, dependable, and uniform environment for carrying out high-performance transactions. High-level programming languages like COBOL use the IMS database to store and access data organized hierarchically.
A database is a grouping of connected pieces of data. These information elements are arranged and kept in storage such that quick and simple access is possible. Data is stored in a hierarchical format in the IMS database, where each entity relies on higher-level entities. The following diagram depicts the physical components of an application system that utilizes IMS
A database management system is a collection of software tools used to store, manage, and access data in a database. IMS database management system protects data's integrity and enables quick recovery by structuring it in a way that makes it simple to find. With the use of its database management system, IMS manages a sizable volume of corporate data for the entire world.
The transaction manager's job is to act as a platform for communication between the application programs and the database. IMS manages transactions in this way. A transaction manager interacts with the end user to store and retrieve data from the database. IMS can store the data in its back-end database, which is either DB2 or IMS DB.
The application applications that make up DL/I provide access to the data kept in the database. The interface language used by programmers to access the database in application software is called DL/I, and IMS DB uses it.
The main operating system for IBM Mainframe systems, Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS), uses Job Control Language (JCL) as its command language. JCL notifies the Operating System using Job control Statements about the program to be performed, the inputs needed, and the input and output location. Programs can be run in batch mode or online mode on a mainframe. JCL is used to submit a program for batch mode execution.
In a mainframe setting, JCL is utilized to provide a communication channel between an application (for instance, COBOL, Assembler, or PL/I) and the operating system. Programs can be run in batch mode or online mode on a mainframe. A VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method) file used to process bank transactions and apply them to the appropriate accounts is an example of a batch system. A back office screen used by bank employees to open an account is an example of an online system. Programs are sent to the operating system as a job in batch mode using a JCL.
Processing Jobs
The steps involved in processing a job are as follows:
Several methods exist for users to connect to a mainframe server, including thin clients, fake terminals, virtual client systems (VCS), and virtual desktop systems (VDS).
When accessing the TSO/E or ISPF interface on Z/OS, every legitimate user is given a login ID. The JCL can be programmed and stored as a member in a partitioned dataset in the Z/OS interface (PDS). The JCL is performed when it is sent and the output is received.
The basic form of a JCL with the joint statements, is given below
//* (2)
//SYSIN DD * (6)
/* (7)
The following explains each of the numbered JCL statements
The in-stream data ends at (7) /*.
Except for stream data, every JCL statement begins with /. Before and after the JOB, EXEC, and DD keywords, there should be at least one space and no spaces in the remaining portion of the statement.
A type of data set and the access technique used to control different user data types is a virtual storage access mechanism (VSAM).
VSAM offers a lot more sophisticated functions than other disc access methods as an access mechanism. Disk records are stored in VSAM in a unique format incomprehensible to other access techniques.
The primary use of VSAM is for applications. It is not used for executable modules, JCL, or source code programs. ISPF cannot routinely display or edit VSAM files.
Key-sequenced, entry-sequenced, linear, and relative records are the four types of data sets that can be created using VSAM to organize records. The method their records are kept, and accessible is the main distinction between different kinds of data collection.
The following are the VSAM's characteristics:
VSAM's only restriction is that it cannot be stored on TAPE volumes. It is constantly kept in the DASD space. Data storage requires a lot of cylinders, which is not economical.
VSAM consists of the following components −
The logical datasets for storing records, or clusters, are called VSAM. A cluster is an association between the dataset's index, sequence set, and data components. Contiguous regions called Control Intervals, separate the space occupied by VSAM clusters. Control intervals will be covered in more detail later in this lesson.
A VSAM cluster consists of two primary parts
Here is a list of terminology used in the program above.
Combining two or more Control Intervals creates a Control Area (CA). There may be one or more Control Areas in a VSAM dataset. A multiple of the VSAM's Control Area determines its size at all times. Control Areas are the units of extension for VSAM files.
The Control Area example is provided below
Digital mainframe computer focuses on input/output devices, including large-capacity discs and printers for high-speed data processing. Payroll calculations, accounting, corporate transactions, information retrieval, airline seat reservations, and calculations in science and engineering have all been made on mainframes. Client-server architecture has largely replaced mainframe systems, which had remote "dumb" terminals, in many applications.
Contrary to common assumptions, mainframes and the programmers who develop code for them are still alive and thriving. Furthermore, they do not program in obscure ancient languages. They combine more "contemporary" mainframe languages like Java and C++ with more conventional ones like COBOL and REXX.
Systems such as IBM zSeries, System z9, and the new System z10 are good examples of mainframe computers.
Java is a language, whereas Mainframe is a platform. You cannot compare a language to a program. Mainframes are capable of running Java as well. The mainframe cannot be executed in Java.
You must have learned about important mainframe technologies like CICS, COBOL, DB2, IMS DB, JCL, and VSAM in this tutorial. These technologies offer different characteristics and functionalities. We made an effort to describe everything in a single piece and ready book. We assure you that this training will be useful to both aspiring mainframe professionals and current working professionals.
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IBM Cognos Framework Manager Training | Feb 08 to Feb 23 | View Details |
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IBM Cognos Framework Manager Training | Feb 18 to Mar 05 | View Details |