WPF Interview Questions

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Mindmajix as a team has got enough questions from the trainees who got their WPF Training and cracked interviews at various MNCs around the world and successfully placed. From the collection of WPF Interview Questions, the following are the most common questions we got are listed to make it easy for those who are willing to crack the interview with ease. All the answers to those were written by our professional experienced trainers and are tailored to meet the concepts expected by the interviewer.

Top WPF Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is WPF?

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a graphical interface that furnishes the user interface for Windows-based applications. 

  • Visual State Manager
  • Touch and Manipulation
  • Graphics and Animations
  • Binding
  • XAML Browser Applications
  • Silverlight Designer.
If you would like to Enrich your career and become a professional in WPF, then enroll in “WPF Training”  Course. This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

2. Which types of document controls do WPF supports?

There are two types of WPF controls:

  1. Fixed Document Control - DocumentViewer
  2. Flow Document Controls - FlowDocumentReader.

3. Which namespace is used to work with 3D in WPF?


supports 3-D presentation in WPF.

4. Which Class is used for converting the instances of String to and fro instances of Brush?

BrushValueSerializer class.

5. WPF vs Winforms / Compare WPF With Winforms

Newer Version with fine-tuning in current standardsOlder Version with more tried and tested
WPF is built from scratch and doesn't rely on standard Windows controls in almost all situationsWinForms is simply a layer on top of the standard Windows controls (e.g. a TextBox)
Uses a lot of new applications, such as Visual StudioUses existed 3rd party controls that you can buy or get for free
More flexibleThe designer in Visual Studio is still, as of writing.
Can do more things without having to write or buy new controlsBetter for WinForms than for WPF, where you will have to do more of the work yourself with WPF
When you do need to use 3rd party controls, the developers of these controls will likely be more focused on WPF because it's newerUses existed 3rd party control
XAML makes it easy to create and edit your GUI and allows the work to be split between a designer (XAML) and a programmer (C#, VB.NET, etc.)We can use XAML to design the Windows Forms project forms. Just deserialize the classes in the namespace System.Windows.Forms.
Databinding, which allows you to get a more clean separation of data and layout-
It allows you to make user interfaces for both Windows applications and web applications (Silverlight/XBAP)-

6. WPF vs WPF XBAP vs Silverlight

 WPF WPF XBAPSilverlightAjax.Net
Client – OSWindows XP SP2 & VistaWindows XP SP2 & VistaWindows XP SP2, Vista, Mac, LinuxAny OS
Client – .NET FX.NET 3.0.NET 3.0Silverlight PluginNot required
Client – Browser NAInternet Explorer 6+Firefox, Mac Safari, Internet ExplorerAny Web Browser
Deployment Downloadable Installer or ClickOnceRuns in Internet Explorer secure sandboxOne-time install of Silverlight plug-inWeb Page
When to usePrograms that need access to Windows desktop files.Intranet applications for Windows-oriented companies.Rich Internet Applications for public-facing websitesGeneral-purpose public-facing websites

7. What common assemblies does WPF use?

  1. PresentationFoundation
  2. WindowsBase
  3. PresentaionCore.

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8. What is Path animation?

Path Animation is defined as an AnimationTimeline that uses input as Path geometry.

9. Without XAML can we build WPF applications?

Yes, of course, we can create WPF applications without XAML.

10. Name windows types in WPF?

  • Normal Window
  • Page Window and
  • Navigation Window.

11. Name the WPF layout panels?

  • Canvas
  • WrapPanel
  • StackPanel
  • DockPanel
  • Grid
  • UniformGrid.

12. Define methods used by Data Objects in WPF?

  • GetData
  • GetDataPresent
  • GetFormats
  • SetData.

13. Name some pre-defined document formats in WPF?

  • Bitmap
  • CSV file
  • HTML
  • RTF
  • String
  • Text and
  • Audio.

14. Define BAML?

BAML - Binary Application Markup Language., it is tokenized XAML in binary form and quicker than XAML.

15. Define DockPanel Class in WPF?

DockPanel class where a child controls are aligned to the edges of the panel.

16. WPF vs. Xamarin.Forms

 WPF Xamarin.Forms
Control TemplatesWPF supports the concept of Control Templates which provide the visualization instructions for a control (Button, ListBox, etc.).Xamarin.Forms do have a ControlTemplate type - it is used for theming Page objects.
XAMLXAML is supportedThe syntax is identical - the primary difference is the objects that are defined/created by the XAML graphs.
Markup ExtensionsIn WPF, you must derive from MarkupExtension - an abstract base class.In Xamarin.Forms, that are replaced with an interface IMarkupExtension or IMarkupExtension which is more flexible.
RelativeSourceIn WPF, these allow you to bind to other visual elements defined in XAML. In Xamarin.Forms, this same capability can be achieved using the {x: Reference} markup extension
Text property - RelativeSource bindingsText={Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource otherControl}, Path=Text}Text={Binding Source={x:Reference otherControl}, Path=Text}
Model-View-ViewModelMVVM is completely supportedMVVM is completely supported
User ControlsIn WPF, UserControls are used to provide a section of UI that has associated behavior. In Xamarin.Forms, we use the ContentView for the same purpose. Both support binding and inclusion in XAML.
NavigationWPF includes a rarely used NavigationService which could be used to provide a "browser-like" navigation featureXamarin.Forms include support for several forms of navigation
URL navigationWPF is a desktop-oriented technology and can accept command-line parameters to direct startup behavior. Xamarin.Forms can use deep URL linking to jump to a page on startup.

17. Mention the path for selecting DatePicker?

Inheritance Object --> DispatcherObject --> DependencyObject --> Visual --> UIElement --> FrameworkElement --> Control --> DatePicker.

18. How does TreeView Class help in WPF?

TreeView presents the hierarchical collection of labeled items, each of those are indicated by a TreeNode.

19. What are the benefits of Graphics in WPF?

  • Resolution-independent and device-independent graphics
  • Improved precision
  • Advanced graphics and animation support
  • Hardware acceleration.

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Course Schedule
WPF TrainingMar 15 to Mar 30View Details
WPF TrainingMar 18 to Apr 02View Details
WPF TrainingMar 22 to Apr 06View Details
WPF TrainingMar 25 to Apr 09View Details
Last updated: 03 Jan 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at Mindmajix.com. His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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