sumana reddy

Posted on 23rd July 2024|14 views


what are the Advantage of Server-less Architecture?

Can anyone tell me what are the major advantage of Server-less Architecture?

2 answers
naveen nani

Posted on 23rd July 2024| views

Here you can see the advantages of Server-less Architecture:

  • Scalability: In server-less computing the backend service provider will scale the infrastructure according to load. Developers do not need to write code for scalability.
  • Pay for what you use: in server-less computing you only pay for the runtime usage and resource consumption of your function. You do not need to pay for idle resources. 
  • Rapid Development and Iteration: In server-less computing each function is single threaded. So it makes debugging easy and deployment easier. The development team is no longer dependent on the IT team and deployment happens directly from the codebase.
  • Less System Administration: Developers need not manage and provision servers and infrastructures. No patching and server updates.
  • Developer Productivity: As the underlying infrastructure is abstracted from developers, so they can focus on writing efficient business logic.
  • Server-less computing decreases the complexity of the application thus making deployment easier.
Sujith Sukumaran

Posted on 23rd July 2024| views

Quality software growth, reduced time-to-market, cost-effective pricing models, and many other business advantages of serverless architecture render designing and deploying software products a breeze.

Following are some of the benefits of serverless architecture:

  • Your programmers will now concentrate on writing code and improving application layouts.
  • As a company, you can become more flexible, gain entrepreneurial creativity, and gain a competitive advantage.
  • You no longer need to handle infrastructures manually because serverless architecture executes business logic/code as functions.
  • The cost-effective pricing model – compensate for value-based costing – eliminates the need to spend a lot of money on internal architecture administration.
  • Failures do not affect the whole program since the event-based architecture separates application modules.
  • You'll be able to launch applications more quickly and have more release flexibility. Furthermore, the command-line interface makes it possible to deploy code in minutes.
  • It enables you to build a beautiful, seamless user interface and meet consumer expectations.
  • On-demand and as-needed scaling and shrinking of applications are possible.
  • Developers can build separate, purposeful functions like an API call using the Function-as-a-Service architecture.
  • Because of the modular-based, fast, and smaller releases, it dramatically reduces time-to-market.
  • You don't have to be concerned about infrastructure protection because the cloud provider takes care of it.

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