Real-time Use cases | 24/7 Lifetime Support | Certification Based Curriculum |
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Aspects of Java
How to Create New Java project
How to create New Java Class
Hello World program
How to run this program
Types of integer
Class creation & name given
Create object
Creation of package
Sub-class & super Class
Map-Reducing in Inheritance
What is the method of overloading
overloading modify
Difference between overloading & overriding
Method of overriding
Basic concept of abstract
Abstract class demo
Class extends
Difference between Abstract & concrete class
Implementation of abstract class in Java
Difference between JRE & JBM
Word count example
Tool runner
Map method
Sum reducer
Introduction and characteristics of big data
Introduction of Hadoop and its work
What is HDFS and its explanation with example
Introduction to Map Reduce?
What is Map Phase?
What is Reduce Phase?
Introduction to Hadoop ecosystem
How Hadoop solve problems of typical distributed system
What is Sqoop and its working
What is Qozie and its working
What is Pig and its working
What is Flume and its working
What is Hive and its working
HDFS Storage Mechanism
How files are Stored / Read / Written in HDFS
Understanding Demons
Hadoop installation
Introduction to Mapreduce and HDFS
MapReduce job Execution
MapReduce Combiner
Shuffle & Sort Phase
Map Reduce in detail
Comparison b/w YARN and MRV1
Cloudera Developer Certification Overview
Hands on Exercises on Map Reduce
Introduction to Mapper, Box classes and Reducer
Input Formats and Output Formats
How to filter File Inputs
How to work on amazon cluster
Most of the MapReduce Jobs in the industry expect the following add-on skills. Hence, we offer these skills-set as FREE Courses (Basics) to ease your learning process and help you stay ahead of the competition.
Our MapReduce Training course aims to deliver quality training that covers solid fundamental knowledge on core concepts with a practical approach. Such exposure to the current industry use-cases and scenarios will help learners scale up their skills and perform real-time projects with the best practices.
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I think the MapReduce Training from MindMajix. Nice online institute for learning MapReduce Training. Provides quality training by real-time examples.
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