SAP CRM Interview Questions And Answers

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If you're looking for SAP CRM Interview Questions for Experienced and Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world on SAP CRM. Mindmajix offers advanced SAP CRM Interview Questions 2024 that help you in cracking your interview & acquire your dream career as SAP CRM Developer.

Top 10 Frequently Asked SAP CRM Interview Questions

  1. What is the architecture of SAP CRM?  
  2. Define the term 'Opportunity" in SAP CRM.  
  3. Define the term Account Planning.  
  4. What do you mean by SAP CRM Sales?
  5. Differentiate between Opportunity and Lead in SAP CRM?
  6. Mention the various standard transaction types for sales.
  7. Mention the various kinds of Businesses Transactions.
  8. Define the function of the action profile in SAP CRM.
  9. Define CRM Marketing.
  10. What are the benefits of CRM?

SAP CRM Interview Questions For Freshers

1) Differentiate between the completion rule and date rule available in an Outline Agreement?

Date RuleCompletion Rule
The date rule is used at the beginning of the contract or at the end of the contract.The completion rule is used on the release of the entire product quantity by a user.                                              
Dates can be created or can be manually entered in order to determine the beginning as well as the ending of the contract. The completion rule basically helps in deciding how the entire contract will act. 

2) Explain SAP CRM and explain why these are used by companies?  

SAP CRM handles customers efficiently and is considered to be a really great organization module. The changes which are made by companies are made in a really competitive environment and so it is necessary that these changes be dynamic in nature. Customer services should be handled really carefully. This software tool helps the company to manage all their business and also handles tasks related to customer service really efficiently. Both medium, as well as large-scale organizations, consider CRM to be the key factor in their business strategy which helps them in making a better understanding of the needs of the customer. All the customer-related business processes and the customized services are carried out with the help of SAP CRM. This tool is said to be a part of the SAP ERP business suite. This tool can also help for the integration with the SAP systems as well as non-SAP systems. Customer satisfaction is achieved greatly by this tool SAP CRM which successfully provides the products which are required by the customers.  

If you want to enrich your career and become an SAP CRM professional, enroll in " SAP CRM Training".This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

3) What is the architecture of SAP CRM?  

SAP CRM includes various components which help in the integration of the module of CRM which various other non-SAP as well as SAP modules, cell phone devices, Internet, etc. The SAP CRM server has various components like -  

  1. CRM Middleware  
  2. CRM Enterprise Functions  
  3. Communication with the help of the Internet and also other devices with the help of the adapters.

SAP ECC or SAP R3 system is mainly used for the backend. For the reporting, SAP BI is used and in order to increase SAP CRM's capabilities, SAP SCM is used. The key components which are included in the SAP CRM are as follows -  

  1. SAP SCM 
  2. SAP ERM Server like for example, CRM Enterprise, Adapter, and CRM Middle Ware  
  3. SAP ECC (backend system) 
  4. SAP BI (analytical reporting)  
  5. Enterprise Portal  
  6. Internet  
  7. Mobile devices  
  8. Other hand devices  

4) Mention the components available in the software tool of SAP CRM?  

The following components can be used to work on in the SAP CRM -  

  1. SAP CRM Sales
  2. SAP CRM Analytics
  3. SAP CRM Marketing
  4. SAP CRM Service
  5. SAP CRM Interaction Center IC
  6. SAP CRM Web Channel like for example CRM Mobile and E-Marketing etc
  7. SAP Hybrids

5) Define the term 'Opportunity" in SAP CRM?  

The sales prospect and the sales volume are actually defined as an Opportunity. Requested product or service and also be defined as an Opportunity. Opportunity can also mean sales probability. The possibility of Sales of a product or service can be an opportunity and this can be the result of the sales deal or invitation of bidding etc. 

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6) Define the Opportunity Management available in the SAP CRM?  

Opportunity Management is considered to be a very important part of the module of SAP CRM which allows the process of sales to be controlled by it. In the following scenarios, Opportunity Management can be used in sales 

7) Define the term Opportunity hierarchy. Where can it be used?  

Opportunity hierarchies which are complex in nature can be used when keeping track of the sales project splits into various other subprojects. In order to link these to the sales project, the opportunity hierarchy can be used. For connecting the sub-projects as well the sales projects together, different opportunities can be used to connect to each other.  

The following scenarios need the help of opportunities hierarchy -  

  • For linking the opportunity and the sales project.
  • For linking sub opportunity with a product.
  • For connecting various sales projects.

Related Article: What is SAP ISU

8) Define the term Account Planning? 

Account Planning can be defined as a function that helps in allowing the management of the planned revenues, the contribution of the margin as well as the costs of it. All the cost of discounts by the organization is all managed with the help of Account Planning. This can be well integrated with the SAP ECC and the SAP BI which helps in increasing the data accuracy and the maintenance of the data. 

9) Mention the various partner function Available in the SAP CRM?

Partner function refers to the organization and the people who do the business deals. This includes business transactions as well. The following information is included in the Partner Function -  

  • Sold to Party 
  • Bill to Party 
  • Sold to Party 
  • Payer  

10) Define Sales Quotation?

For ensuring the delivery of a particular product quantity within a particular time and at a particular price, Sales Quotation are used.  

11) What do you mean by SAP CRM Sales?  

SAP CRM Sales are those components that help the organization to manage the activities of sales of organization. These activities include sales processing, the productivity of the sales team to be increased and also the increase of the revenue for the satisfaction of the customer. The management of sales cycle is all managed with the help of this tool.  

12) What are the different functions of SAP CRM Sales?  

The different functions of the SAP CRM Sales are as follows -  

  • In order to forecast the planning of the revenues and the quantities of the items and also to perform the sales planning, SAP CRM Sales are used by the organization.  
  • SAP CRM Sales are also used to organize and manage, capture, monitor as well as save different details about various products, customers, and partners.  
  • Territorial management can be performed with the help of CRM Sales. In order to define criteria-based territories and assigning the territorial representatives and identification of prospects are all done with the help of SAP CRM Sales.
  • Expenses for the field sales are all managed with the help of SAP CRM Sales and updates on the information regarding travel and maintenance of the times sheets are all done with the help of SAP CRM Sales.  
  • Different tasks are assigned to the sales professionals with the help of SAP CRM Sales.  
  • Helps in implementing and managing the sales plans efficiently.
  • Helps in the configuration and creating sales orders.
  • In sales, Customers Contract management is all defined by the SAP CRM.  
  • Sales projects are also managed efficiently from the very beginning.  

13) Define the term Lead available in the SAP CRM?

The sales process has various stages and the very first stage is known as Lead. It is mainly represented by a person who has shown great interest in buying a product. Various marketing lead generation processes like advertisements, trade fairs or direct marketing can help in generating a Lead.  

14) Mention the various categories of Lead?  

With the help of the marketing department, Lead can be categorized as Cold, Hot and Warm. The sales department is said to be creating a great opportunity for a lead if that looks promising.  

15) Differentiate between Opportunity and Lead in SAP CRM?

Lead is considered to be Opportunity's predecessor and that is how both are different from one another. Longer scales of project cycles and sales rep uses opportunities in order to control the project of sales and also is used to maximize the customer's chance to win and minimize the sales time.  

SAP CRM Interview Questions For Experienced

16) Mention the various standard transaction types for sales?

The following are the different standard transaction types for sales -  

  • LEAD - lead  
  • Opt - Opportunity  
  • AG - Quotation  
  • TA - Tele Sales  
  • OPSM - Sales Methodology  

17) Mention the various types of Business Documents?

The following are the different types of Business Documents -  

  • Synchronization Business Documents  
  • Messaging Business Documents  
  • Mobile Application Business Documents  

18) Mention the various kinds of Businesses Transactions?

There are mainly two types of Business Transactions -  

  • Header: Information regarding the complete transaction is included in the header namely BP number, transaction status, and dates.  
  • Items: It includes the product of the business transaction and it also includes the status of the items.  

19) Define an Outline Agreement?

The Online Agreement helps in releasing the services and the products are an agreed condition which was previously discussed. The conditions such as terms of delivery and price are all defined as online agreements which are used for customer retention.  

20) Define the function of the action profile in SAP CRM?

Action profiles are used to give outputs on certain given conditions and are considered to be PPF which is a Post Processing Framework.  

21) What are the steps involved in the Quotation Processing and Order Management Life Cycle?  

The following steps are included in the Quotation Processing and Order Management Life Cycle in the SAP CRM -  

  • Create Quotation: For providing the customer, a quotation is made. Items are also included in this quotation which is in turn performed in the SAP CRM.  
  • The configuration of the product: All the products which the customers have requested is entered into the quotation and are also configured at the same time.  
  • Checking for availability: Product availabilities are checked in the Quotation.
  • Value and Pricing: The price and the value of each and every product are added in the SAP CRM.  

22) What are the functions of using Availability Check?

The availability of a product that is to be included in the sales order is checked with the help of an availability check. Performing a check to see the presence of enough stock which can be produced at the time of sales order are all done with the help of performing an Availability Check. This can be performed across various systems and information can be shared across the purchasing and production.  

23) How can billing tax be calculated in SAP CRM? 

Tax event helps in calculating the tax in billing. Determination of tax is also done with the help of tax events. Tax rates and locations and applicable tax types are all determined by the tax event. Calculations are done in a very simple method with the help of tax event.   

24) What is the full form of IPC? Mention it's complete?

IPC is the abbreviation form of Internet Pricing and Configuration.  
It has the following components -

  • Sales Pricing Engine  
  • Free Goods Engine 
  • Sales Configuration Engine 
  • Listing

25) What do you mean by Rebate Processing? 

Sometimes customers get discounts and these are processed with the help of Rebate Processing. Rebates or discounts are provided on the basis of certain terms and conditions. It helps in forming a good customer relationship.  

26) How can CRM business partners be mapped with the R/3 business partners?  

PIPE track or transactions like SMOEAC can be used in order to map these two types of business partners.  

27) How can links be maintained between various sub-opportunities and single opportunities? 

Project profile can help in maintaining the link between an opportunity and other various sub-opportunities.  

28) Define CRM Marketing?

CRM Marketing is considered to be the main component used to maintain good Customer Relationship Management and is used in planning actions and marketing activities. Analysis of various segments of marketing is all done with the help of CRM Marketing.  

29) Define the Market Plan?  

The market plan is used for the implementation of the market policy of an organization.  

30) Define campaign management? 

For the improvement of sales, campaign management is used by an organization. It includes creating campaigns.


31) Difference Between CRM and ERP?

Customer Relationship ManagementEnterprise Resource Planning
Deals with Marketing IntegrationDeals with Accounting
CRM is a SubsetERP is Superset
CRM focuses on increasing salesERP focuses on reducing costs
Emphasis on Channel ManagementEmphasis on Supply Chain

32) What is SAP CRM and What it does?

  • SAP CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. SAP CRM is an SAP tool to support and handle customer-related tasks.
  • SAP CRM software that automates and integrates your customer-facing activities like sales, marketing, and customer service.
  • Apart from core functionality SAP CRM also providing additional tools for customer analytics, personalization, e-commerce, social media, collaboration, and more.
  • The ultimate goal is to drive the best customer engagement.

33) Compare SAP CRM vs Salesforce CRM

SAP CRMSalesforce CRM
Can use cross-industry and industry-specific end-to-end business processesEase of Use
Flexible and process-based deployment optionsFlexibility and Customization
Open adaptable technology platformOutstanding User Resources
Complex segmentationIntroduced AppExchange, APEX - Does not require any specific coding language

34) What are the benefits of CRM?

CRM benefits are wide-ranging – from higher levels of customer engagement, loyalty, and revenue to lower costs and smarter customer-facing activities. Explore some of the top benefits of CRM systems below.

  1. Increase the sales and revenue
  2. Access deep customer insights
  3. Highly targeted marketing
  4. Boost customer satisfaction
  5. Easy for internal and external collaboration

35) What is Marketing Permissions Assignment Block (AB)?

Depending on your legal requirements, you can use some or all of the following fields in the Marketing Permissions assignment block for accounts and contacts assigned to an account:

  • Communication Channels - Specifies how marketing messages can be communicated, for example by e-mail, letter, or SMS. You configure values for communication media in Customizing campaign execution.
  • Form of Consent - Specifies how the account or contact communicated the consent information, for example by letter or by e-mail. You configure values for the form of consent in Customizing.
  • Date of Consent - Specifies the date on which the account gave or rejected consent
  • Consent - Specifies the consent status as Given or Rejected
  • Communication Details - Specifies the e-mail address, telephone number, pager or so on that can be used, or must not be used for accounts and contact.

36) What is Master Data?

Master data comprise data about basic objects used in business transactions in SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) and stored on a long-term basis, such as data on accounts, products, installed bases, or warranties.

37) What is Organizational Management in CRM?

  • Organizational Management in CRM offers you a flexible tool for displaying your company’s task-related, functional organizational structure as a current organizational model.
  • Displaying your service or sales and distribution structure is at the forefront of CRM. To work with SAP CRM, you can simply display the organizational units that are relevant for your sales and service-related processes
  • CRM organizational management has many options for linking to your organizational units:
  • The organizational units (for example, sales organization, service organization) are not already specified: You can include your own organizational levels and leave levels out.
  • The SAP ECC organizational units (for example, sales organization, distribution channel, division, maintenance processing plant) can be assigned as attributes to the organizational units in CRM. These attributes are not mandatory for planning the organizational model. However, they are required for automatically determining organizational data in transactions.
  • You can activate an organization to be used for several scenarios, enabling it to be a sales organization and a service organization at the same time.
  • The organizational model is time-dependent. This enables you to plan organizational changes in the future.
  • Organizational units can occur as business partners. The system automatically creates a business partner record for an organizational unit with the organizational unit role. 

38) What are the differences in the Organizational Data in SAP ECC (SD) and CRM?

  • Organizational management in SAP CRM offers a flexible tool for maintaining the company structure for different scenarios (Sales, Service, and Enterprise Buyer Professional).
  • SAP ECC component Sales and Distribution (SD)
  • You maintain the sales organization in Customizing Organization Settings.
  • You maintain the organizational plan for HR and Workflow independently in Business Management (Basis).
  • Organizational data in Sales and Distribution is static, changes in organizational data result in major changes in Customizing.
  • Responsibilities are proposed from the sales area-related data from the customer master
  • SAP CRM component Organizational Data
  • You maintain the organizational model once for all applications in CRM. Scenario-specific data in the structure is assigned by attributes to the organizational units. These attributes are passed onto subordinate organizational units.
  • Organizational models can be maintained and adapted dynamically.
  • Responsibilities are defined independently from the business partner master and are determined, if required, from the organizational model.

39) What are Organizational Objects?

Objects used for the object-orientated design of Organizational Management when structuring an organizational model. The following object types are available in CRM:

  1. Organizational unit
  2. Position

40) What is Organizational Management in SAP CRM?

Organizational Management in CRM offers you a flexible tool for displaying your company’s task-related, functional organizational structure as a current organizational model.

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Course Schedule
SAP CRM TrainingMar 15 to Mar 30View Details
SAP CRM TrainingMar 18 to Apr 02View Details
SAP CRM TrainingMar 22 to Apr 06View Details
SAP CRM TrainingMar 25 to Apr 09View Details
Last updated: 23 Feb 2024
About Author

Anji Velagana is working as a Digital Marketing Analyst and Content Contributor for Mindmajix. He writes about various platforms like Servicenow, Business analysis,  Performance testing, Mulesoft, Oracle Exadata, Azure, and few other courses. Contact him via and LinkedIn.

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