Subversion SVN Interview Questions

If you're looking for Subversion SVN Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers, you are in right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research, the average salary for Subversion SVN ranges from approximately $65,368 pa. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Subversion SVN. Mindmajix offers Advanced SVN Interview Questions 2024 that help you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as Subversion SVN Developer.

Top SVN Interview Questions and Answers

1. What do you mean by the term Subversion?

2. What are the exact tasks for this you have used Subversion so far?

3. Which command will you use to get SVN to log for a file?

4. How to get SVN Info?

5. What do you mean by the term Branch in the Subversion? 

6. How the file from the svn repo can be erased?   

7. What do you mean by Tag in SVN?

8. What is trunk, branch, and tag in Subversion?

9. How to check what’s inside the repository?   


Q) GIT Vs SVN - Comparison

There is no support to the commitsSVN largely supports the same
The creation of folders is not allowed everywhere                         The same is allowed everywhere and the users have no reasons to worry
It cannot handle multiple projects                                                If the projects are within the same repository, they can easily be managed
Less preferred for handling bulk files             It can easily handle bulk files
GITs are unchangeableThe same is not at all an issue in SVN


Top SVN Interview Questions and Answers in 2021

1)  What do you mean by the term Subversion?

It is nothing but actually a control system that is open source in nature and has some useful applications in several domains of technology and businesses.

Generally, there are a lot of changes that are made to the files as well as to the source codes. When it comes to monitoring them, this approach is highly interactive and useful. A very large number of businesses all over the world have trusted it for keeping up the pace in this matter.

All the files can easily be managed with the help of this repository and the good thing is the users are always in a position to keep a track record of changes made to their documents in a specific period of time.

It really doesn’t matter who made the changes in the files, the users are always free to have the information available regarding the same.

2)  Name any one command that you can execute when it comes to viewing the exact difference between the repository and the local version?

This can be done by executing the following command

.svn diff dirname”

3) What are the exact tasks for this you have used Subversion so far?

The answer to this question varies depending on your experience. The SVN has applications on large scale in its domain. The tasks that can easily be executed with the same are spotlighted below.

1. Managing the things from local workspace to a cloud
2. Validating the documents and files that you have changed recently
3. Testing and updating prior to commit
4. Using the comment
5. Controlling the conflicts
6. Keeping a close eye on the repository
7. Authorizing minor and major changes that are autonomous in nature

4) Can you make changes to the repo and how you can make sure that the same has been merged into the working copy?

The same is possible and the users have no reason to worry about anything. There are actually certain indications for the same. In the repository, if a message is displayed on the screen which says G code, it simply means that changes have already been made/accepted in the working copy.

5)  Is it possible to add a file directly to the repository? Which command can be used for this?

Yes, the same is possible and the users can go ahead with the command “svn add filename” and “svn add dirname”

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6) While working on the Subversion, what are the various commands which you have used frequently for handling the changes made to the documents?

There are actually a lot of commands in the SVN. You can answer this question based on your experience. However, a few commands which are quite common in this approach are Commit, Import, Update, Checkout, copy, revert, move and merge.

7) Can you tell how in Subversion, how the command commit can be put separated from the command update?

When it comes to updating the local workspace, the command which is used often is Update. It reflects all the modifications made to the document by any member of the team. On the other side, the Commit makes sure to implement properly the same modifications made to the data from the present location to the repository.

It can also be said that it simply upload the files and the documents in the repository without making the users make any sort of effort.

8) Why do you think there is a need to made changes to the files, documents, or source codes in businesses?

Well, business management is itself a very vast term. There are tasks and decisions that are properly based on data and information. When it comes to executing them, businesses often test them in different manners. The reports are generated accordingly and the new outcomes achieved are often considered and is clubbed with the existing information.

Thus, the changes to the documents, files, and source code are frequent. In other words, any sort of change is made because of no other reason but the betterment of the business.

9) In Subversion, is it possible for the users to apply a patch directly in a subsection without taking the entire document into consideration?

The same is possible and there are certain methods to keep up the pace for this. The users are always in a position to get things done in the shortest possible time. On the best method for this is to create a patch. This can be done with the help of

“”.diff file” 

The same can then be considered in the new code base and the user is free to make use of the command “Apply Patch” for this.

10) What do you mean by the term Branch in the Subversion?

It is actually a copy of the code which is derived from a specific location in the trunk. The same is used when it comes to applying changes whether on a small or on large scale. However, it is necessary to preserve the integrity of the code while doing so.

11) Why there is a need to move the existing directory into a new repository? How this can be done in SVN?

There are two reasons for this. Any sort of data cannot be kept in a directory permanently. It will be erased soon as the application is turned OFF. Second is, the memory is always limited when the files are large enough to be accommodated and other files are already running.

At such situations, the users need to move the existing directory into a new repository. This is done by executing the command “svn import”

12) What is Check out the command in Subversion?

IT is basically a command that simply lets you come with a local workable copy when you retrieve any of your projects from the local repository. All of the files get copied to the current directory upon execution of this command.

13) Suppose you have some subset of codes with you while working with the SVN and you need to move them from one SVN repo simply to another along with their history, how this can be done?

Moving the same from one SVN repo to another needs you to execute any of the following commands


“. svn remove”


14) Suppose you need to verify what exactly is present inside a repository, how you will do this?

There is often a need to verify the data or the information present in the repository. For this, the users need not to worry about anything. With the help of a command, this can be done in a very easy manner. Execute the following command for this.

“.svn list file”

Choose the option “repo” that appears on the bar and it will reflect what exactly is present in the repository

15) What does the term R code indicate in the Subversion while handling data or raw information?

It provides information that the file you are working on has item(s) which have already been replaced in the working copy. Also, it means that someone already scheduled the same file for deleting and a new file has already been replaced with the same name at the same location.

16) In Subversion, what exactly is the function performed by the “Revert”?

While working on the source code, there is always a need to directly remove the local changes. This is required for a diverse array of reasons.

The users have to go through a complex procedure for this quite often while the command “Revert” can simply enable them to eliminate the local modifications and simply reload the fresh version from the repository.

17) Can the users simply switch to a previous version while working on a repository in SVN? If so, what is the simplest method for this according to you?

The same is possible. For this, generally, the command “Revert” is considered. However, the same will make all the local edits go. The same might be required to be merged at a later date. Thus this method can be considered only when local edits don’t matter.

Otherwise, the users have to rely on another method and i.e. using the command for this. The one that can be applied directly is 

“.svn merge –r 101:201 abc.txt”

With this, users can switch to the previous version anytime and without taking anything complex into consideration.

18) Can you tell what exactly you as a user of Subversion can store in the repository?

It is possible to store a lot of things easily and the users are always free to manage them all in one go. You have no reasons to worry when it comes to storing. The things that can easily be stored and managed are Build Scripts, DB Schema, Source Code, Test data, Meta Data, Various documents related to the project, Project documentation, Project Settings, Articrafts related to expenses as well as information about meetings.

19) How the file from the svn repo can be erased?

The following command can be executed for this


“.svn delete filename”


20) What exactly do you know about the Tortoise SVN and what sort of help it offers to the users?

Tortoise SVN is basically a subversion client. The same is often implemented by the users as a Windows shell extension. It is possible for the programmers after this to simply manage different versions of source code. It is available under the General Public License and is free software provided to enable SVN users to manage their tasks easily.

21) Under Version control, how you will create a new directory in SVN?

There is actually nothing much one needs to do for this. The users are free to get things done in a very reliable manner. Simply one can rely on the command

“.svn mkdir directory”

. There is nothing to worry about the same once it is taken into consideration. The users are free to choose the preferred location within the repository after this.

22) What do you mean by Tag in SVN?

It is actually the primary body of the development process and the same originates from the initial stage of the project and remains to continue till the end.

23) By making use of a single command, can you list the entire COS in SVN?

Yes, there are some dedicated commands available for the same. One that you can execute is

“Ct lsco-me”

24) What is the significance of keeping the comment option enabled in the SVN?

 It simply lets the users make sure that they have enabled the team to get help on getting useful information about why the changes have been made and by whom.

25) Is it possible for the users to impose restrictions on storing elements in the SVN repository?

Yes, this is possible. The fact is it is often required in a lot of cases especially when everyone on the branches of the existing system is not allowed to made changes. Restrictions can be imposed depending on certain conditions and they are of different types.

26) What do you mean by the term synchronization in the repository?

It is simply related to the procedure of updating the local workspace along with all the modifications that have been committed by other team members. IT is not to be confused with the task of command “Update”

27) Name the command to create a new directory under version control?

Svn mkdir directory

28) While working with SVN, what are the factors that you should be careful about?

The user must make sure to commit to all the modifications even if they are too small. This is important. Another factor to pay attention to is considering the local space. This will make it easy to perform different functions in SVN.

29) What is the name given to the baselining of the code in SVN?

It is called a Trunk.

30)  What is trunk, branch, and tag in Subversion?

The trunk can be interpreted as the mainstream of development in relation to the SVN repository.

Whereas a branch can be viewed as a parallel line of development that facilitates attaining flexibility and disrupting work by not annoying the other users. The functioning of the trunk can view as the parallel workforce of multiple versions of the same product. 

And the function of a tag can be viewed as a simple marker for highlighting the main revisions within the history of the repository.

31) Describe the work functioning of the SVN checkout command?

Checkout command of SVN will simply update a local duplicate that able to work for the existing project of yours which is redeem among the local git repository. 

This can be explained by a simple example stated below.

You are given a project that is allocated in the git-repository which is created at the URL location.
For example, the .xyz domain name. Now your aim is to check projects among the local system. This can simply be done by making use of the code
svn co-project.

All the files will be copied by using this command into the present existing directory. And in the same way, if you wish to check out your directory into a private git-repository one can use the git-command
svn co –username admin –password admin

32) Define the use of Revert in SVN?

  • The word Revert simply suggests Reverting the local changes.
  • Revert function is categorized into two major types
  • Local Revert: This function will be deleting all the recent changes that have taken place in the files after the commencement of updates and before the commit function.
  • Repo Revert: This will simply upload all the changes to the previous repo.

33) Write the command used for deleting a selected file from the SVN Repo?

Deleting a file from the SVN Repo can be successfully be done by simply making use of the

command “svn delete” followed by the file name which you want to get deleted or removed from your SVN Repo. The command code for this purpose is given below

svn delete filename

34) In simpler words differentiate between SVN Commit & SVN Update functions?

The technical differentiation between the two main functions of SVN Commit & SVN Update can be stated as 

1. SVN Commit - Push or Upload all the local changes to the repository.
2. SVN Update - Get (download) the Repository changes files to the local system.

35) Discuss the command to be used to view both the local version & repository version in SVN and state their difference?

Both the local version and the repository version of the SVN system varies on the extent of modifications are performed to the system. 

The commands which are sued for depicting the difference between the two versions of SVN are given below.

1. svn diff filename
2. svn diff dirname

36) What is the function of Revert in subversion? Mention?

“Revert” function will remove your local changes and reload the latest version from the repository.

37) Explain the main function of Revert in SVN in simple terminology?

Revert is one of the most effective functions of SVN. Without the presence of Revert, it will be hard to extract the local changes from the presently existing system. The main functioning aspect of Revert is to take down all the local changes that are done to the system and to reload the latest update from the repository.

38) Explain how a new directory can be created in SVN under version control?

SVN has the presence of different sets of commands which are called from different approaches to deliver different sets of actions. In such a case where you need to create a new directory using version control can be successfully done by making use of the command stated below

1. svn mkdir directory
2. svn mkdir

39) Explain the process of importing the current directory into a new repository?

One of the best features of SVN functioning is that it facilitates the process of importing the current directory into a new repository by making use of a simple command prompt.

1. The command you need to use to perform this action is
2. svn import/home/xsurface/programming 

file:///home/xsurface/repo/programing_repo-m “initial import”

3. By executing this command prompt you can import your current directory into a new repository. 

40) How to check what’s inside the repository?

SVN command prompts help in checking what exactly is inside the present repository. The command prompt which you need to work on for this approach is 

svn list


. Upon execution of this command prompt, you will get a chance to know what exactly lies in the current repository..

41) List out the commands which you need to use a subset of code & its history from one SNV report to another?

In order to use a subset of code and its history from one SNV report to another, the command prompt which you need to use is 

1. svnadmin dump
2. svndumpfilter include
3. svnadmin load
4. svn remove

42) Which command should be used to add a file or Dir?

 In order to add a file or a dir into the SNV, the command prompt which we have to use is

1. Svn add filename
2. Svn add dirname

43) How to import your existing directory into a new directory?

The command prompt which you need to use for importing your existing directory into a new repository is 

Svn import/home/x surface/programming 

file:///home/xsurface/repo/programing_repo-m “initial import”

44) Which command will you use to get SVN to log for a file?

In order to attain an SVN log for a file the command which we will be working on is
svn log testFile.php

45) How to check for modifications?

SVN modifications can be checked by using the command prompt which is 
Svn status –v path

46) How to get SVN Info?

The command prompt which you need to work on in order to get the SVN info is
svn info

47) How to delete a file from SVN Repo?

To delete a file from SVN Repo the command prompt we need to use
svn delete filename

48) How to get Updates from SVN Repo?

To get updates from the SVN Repo the command prompt we need to use
svn update

49) How to add an SVN folder?

To add SVN folder name the command prompt we need to use is 
svn add folder name

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About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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Application Packaging and Virtualization Quiz