WinRunner Interview Questions

If you're looking for WinRunner Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers, you are in right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research HP Winrunner has a market share of about 3.3%.

So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career as Testing Analyst. Mindmajix offers Advanced WinRunner Interview Questions 2024 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as a Quality Assurance Analyst Developer.

Top 10 WinRunner Interview Questions

  1. What is WinRunner?
  2. Please describe WinRunner's testing process.
  3. Specify the language used in WinRunner.
  4. Brief about the test scripts you’ve created in WinRunner.
  5. Explain WinRunner’s Evaluation of Test Results.
  6. Explain different types of modes in which we can run test scripts in WinRunner.
  7. What’s there in Wrun.ini File?
  8. Explain the use of the set_window command
  9. Describe few scenarios where WinRunner cannot identify GUI Objects.
  10. What does it mean by the logical name of any object?
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WinRunner Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is WinRunner?

WinRunner developed by HP is a functional and automated GUI testing tool. Using this tool, users can record UI interactions and can replay them as well as test scripts. It is widely used to identify any defects in business processes. 

2. Please describe the WinRunner testing process.

There are main 6 stages involved in the WinRunner testing process.

WinRunner testing stages

1. Creating a GUI Map file can help WinRunner to identify GUI objects used in the application for which one wants to test
2. Tests can be generated by

    • Recording
    • Programming
    • Combining both

3. Running test cases in debug mode can help us to ensure consistency in tests run. Breakpoints in tests, variables monitoring, and ease of control on test runs can make work easy of finding defects.
4. Running test cases in verify mode to test the application and compares the data of the application with the earlier captured data.
5. This stage states the status of any test – PASS or FAIL. 
6. In case of any failure of any test case due to some defect, that defect can be directly reported from the Test Results window.

3. Specify the language used in WinRunner.

WinRunner used TSL-Test Script Language. It is similar to C.

4. Brief about the test scripts you’ve created in WinRunner.

WinRunner test scripts contain statements written in Mercury Interactive’s Test Script Language (TSL). We can modify the recorded test scripts, either by adding more programming elements and TSL functions or by using Function Generator, a WinRunner’s visual programming tool.

5. Explain WinRunner’s Evaluation of Test Results.

WinRunner displays test results in a report. This report lists out all the events that took place during the test run like error messages, checkpoints, user messages, or system messages. In case of any mismatch at a checkpoint, we can compare the expected and actual results in the Test Results window.

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6. Explain different types of modes in which we can run test scripts in WinRunner.

WinRunner enables us to run test scripts in three different modes as per the phase of the testing.

1. Verify: this mode helps us to check the application and compare it with earlier captured data.
2. Debug: this mode helps us to find bugs in a test script.
3. Update: this mode helps us to modify the expected results or generate a new expected results folder.

7. What’s there in Wrun.ini File?

Wrun.ini the the file is the setup configuration file for WinRunner.

8. Explain the use of the set_window command

Set_window is used to set the focus on any window. This command is used to place focus on the specified window before implementing any test scripts. 


set_window (, )

9. Describe few scenarios where WinRunner cannot identify GUI Objects.

There can be few cases where WinRunner won’t be able to identify GUI objects.

  • If the object is not standards windows object.
  • If the browser is not supported by the WinRunner version.

10. What does it mean by the logical name of any object?

The logical name of any object is nothing but the text label of that object. This makes the code easily understandable and readable.

11. Differentiate between GUI Map and GUI Map Files.

GUI Map file is a file containing all GUI objects used in the application with their logical names and physical description.

GUI Map is a collection of all GUI Map files.

12. How to organize GUI Map files?

We can organize GUI Map files in 2 ways

  1. Global GUI Map File: there is only one GUI Map file for the whole application
  2. GUI Map File per test: For every test, a separate GUI Map file will be created by WinRunner

13. How can we load GUI Map?

We can load GUI Map by using the command GUI_load ().

14. Can we unload GUI Map file? If yes, How?

Yes, it is possible to unload the GUI Map file. 

To unload any particular GUI Map files: 

GUI_close () or GUI_unload ()

To unload all GUI Map files: 

GUI_close_all or GUI_unload_all

15. What is GUI Spy?

GUI Spy enables us to view all the properties of any GUI object. As soon as the spy pointer points to any object, GUI Spy displays all the properties and values related to that object in the GUI Spy dialog box. However, we can filter to see all or selected sets of properties in the dialog box. 

16. Tell me the extension of the GUI Map file.

GUI Map File’s extension is - “.gui”.

17. Is it possible to edit the logical name of any object? If yes, then How?

Logical names are generally given by WinRunner. They are usually text labels of that object. But if one wishes to change the logical name of any object, then yes it is possible to do so by using GUI Map editor.

18. Explain different Recording modes.

WinRunner provides two ways of recording.

  1. Context-Sensitive Recording: In this type of recording, all the interactions performed by GUI objects in the application are recorded.
  2. Analog Recording: In this type of recording, mouse clicks, keyboard inputs, and the x,y coordinates traversed by the mouse in the screen are recorded.

19. In case of a missing object label, what can be the logical name of that GUI object

If the object doesn’t have any label/text, then the attached text would be the logical name of that object.

20. Specify drawbacks of loading GUI Map files using Startup scripts.

Below are the drawbacks of loading GUI Map files using startup scripts.

  • In the case of a single GUI Map file for the entire application, memory usage by GUI map will be much higher
  • In case of any missing object is already loaded GUI Map file, we need to update the GUI file and reload it. So it is time-consuming as well.

21. Describe the objective of the Temp GUI Map File.

When we run any test scripts in WinRunner, WinRunner identifies windows and objects by itself and also loads them into a temporary GUI Map file. We have an option to load this temporary GUI Map File while running any tests.

22. Give an overview of Checkpoints in WinRunner

A checkpoint is a place where we can compare and check the actual and expected results of any tests. There are four types of checkpoints in WinRunner.

  1. GUI Checkpoints: to check and ensure details about GUI objects. For example, which item is crossed or button is enabled
  2. Text Checkpoints: to verify GUI objects contents 
  3. Database Checkpoints: to check the data set 
  4. Bitmap Checkpoints: to compare a snapshot to an earlier version of the same test.

23. Specify the command used to find resolution settings.


24. Where can we use regexp_label Property and regexp_msw_class?

  1. The regexp_label property: It is only applicable to windows. It privately places a regular expression into a window’s label description.
  2. The regexp_msw_class property: It is mandatory for all windows and object class objects. It places a regular expression into an object’s MSW_class.

Both properties are used to handle constantly changing window labels.

25. Mention drawbacks of Compile Module.

Running Compile Module in WinRunner has few drawbacks as mentioned below.

  1. Checkpoints can’t be inserted in Compile Module
  2. Sync Points also can’t be placed
  3. It is non-executable.

26. Define the Boundary test.

A boundary test is termed as a test carried to ensure the program’s responses to extreme inputs. It ensures that the program can handle extreme inputs and produce respective outputs at both boundaries. 

27. Specify a command which can show us the information from the status bar? 

statusbar_get_text (”Status Bar”, O, statustext);

Here the variable status text contains information in the status bar.

28. Is there any way to face unexpected errors in WinRunner?

WinRunner provides exception handling to face and detect and unexpected events and to take action accordingly. WinRunner supports the following types of exceptions.

  1. Pop-up Exceptions:  to discover and support the appearance of a window
  2. Object Exceptions: to discover and manage any changes in the property of a GUI Object
  3. TSL Exceptions: to discover and manage TSL functions returning specific error codes.
  4. Web Exceptions: to discover and manage any errors in the website, in case web test add-in is loaded in the application
  5. UAE Exceptions: to manage exceptions divided by zero or null pointers.

29. How to freeze GUI Spy?

Press “Ctrl+F3” to freeze GUI Spy.

30. Define Data Parameterization in WinRunner

Data Parameterization is a process where data is recorded multiple times and WinRunner has a Data is written multiple times, while WinRunner has an iterative loop to execute those data. Due to the loop, test script sizes can also be reduced. This process is widely used when values change after each and every test execution. For example, testing the sales order application where the order number is incremented by 1. Data parameterization is the best suit for this type of application

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WinRunner TrainingJan 21 to Feb 05View Details
WinRunner TrainingJan 25 to Feb 09View Details
WinRunner TrainingJan 28 to Feb 12View Details
WinRunner TrainingFeb 01 to Feb 16View Details
Last updated: 15 Jul 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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