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When a message is sent to a user who is offline, the message waits in the queue and gets delivered when the user appears online again. This phenomenon is called “Durable Subscription”.
The BPD can be divided into Lanes and Milestones. The horizontal lines are called Lanes and vertical ones are called Milestones.
You can Start, Stop, Control, and Monitor Processes using Process Portal.
UnderCover, Agents are used to sending and receiving a message within teamwork. The body of the message is defined by teamwork’s service that is attached to the UCA.
If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in IBM BPM Developer, then visit Mindmajix - a global online training platform: "IBM BPM Training" This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain. |
1. An event listener is a widget that is added to our BPD. It basically tells our process to do something if an event occurs.
2. An event is anything that may happen outside our processor in our process that affects how our process runs.
3. An event listener cannot be added to the service layer. Presently they are used in our business process layer.
Two types of Event Listeners are available
Coach is a Human activity in BPM Lombardi. When we build human service We usually include Coaches.
Which provides the interface for the end-user interaction.
Routing is mainly used to assign the task to a particular Participant or Particular group. Same participant performing one or more tasks. (Or) Assigning the same participant to one or more activities.
Even though the client is down message is with the event manager. Then When the client is up message is delivered.
We can build error handling capabilities both at the BPD level and Service level using available Exception components.
a) Intermediate Exception event
b) End Exception Event
a) Catch Exception
b) Throw Exception
We need to report the data in different formats Ex: Bar graph, Pie graph, etc…
Reports were displayed using Scoreboards.
Ad-hoc Reports: To create reports at any time.
SLA full form is Service Level Agreement. It mainly used to do work timely manner fashion
Simply SLA is an Agreement Between Two People
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Shared Model: Stores all Process, Services, Performance Data, Business Events, and Conditions.
Process Server: Executes the Process and Services that authors build using Teamworks Authoring Environment.
Performance Server: Manages and aggregates Process Performance data and monitors business events and conditions.
Server Consoles: provide interfaces that enable the administrator to configure and maintain the Process Server and performance Server other users may have limited access to change the password and perform other basic tasks.
Authoring Environment: Eclipse-based development Environment consists of several interfaces that enable authors to Model, Simulate, and Inspect processes. Available interfaces include Service Modeler, Process Inspector, Process Molder.
Process portal: Enables process participants to perform the assigned task, view the history of the task, launch any processes or services that are attached to the task, and view the performance of their processes and teams. Tools available from the process portal include Scoreboards.
A process is like a Program that does works inside Teamworks. It has a starting point and at least one exit point.
An Activity represents a logical unit of work that can be executed at run time by a Human or System.
Business objects are called variables in Teamworks represent data that provides the data that provides the business context to a running process. There are two types of variables:
Ans: Gateways control the divergence and convergence of a sequence flow, determining branching and merging of the paths that a runtime process can take.
You can model the following types of gateways in your process diagram:
Parallel (AND): Use a parallel, diverging gateway when you want the process to follow all available paths.
Use a parallel, converging gateway when you want to converge all available paths.
Inclusive (OR): Use an inclusive, diverging gateway when you want to follow one or more available paths based on conditions that you specify.
Use downstream of an inclusive diverging gateway to converge multiple paths into a single path after all the active paths completed their runtime execution. The inclusive join looks upstream at each path to determine whether the path is active, in which case it waits. Otherwise, it passes the token through without waiting.
Note: Inclusive gateways can follow a maximum of n–1 path. So, if you model a conditional split with three paths, the process can follow two of those paths
Exclusive (XOR): Use to model a point in the process execution where only one of several paths can be followed, depending on a condition, or to model a point in process execution when the token for one of several incoming paths is passed through the gateway.
Event: Use to model a point in the process execution where only one of several paths can be followed, depending on events that occur. A specific event, such as the receipt of a message or timer event, determines the path to be taken. An event gateway must be modeled a certain way as described in Modeling event gateways.
Be aware of the following when using gateways:
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User Task:
System Task:
Decision Task:
Ans: There are three types of subprocesses that you can model in a BPD. Their characteristics are described in the following table.
1. Subprocess: A non-reusable subprocess that exists only within the parent process
Variable Scope
2. Linked process: A call to another reusable process.
The process called by the linked process activity can contain multiple start events but must contain at least one start event with an implementation type of None.
Variable Scope
Variable data is local to each process, therefore data mapping is required to pass data into and out of the linked process.
3. Event subprocess: A specialized type of non-reusable subprocess that is not part of the normal sequence flow of its parent process, and which might occur zero or many times during the execution of the parent process.
a) Timer
b) Message
c) Error
Variable Scope
For any activity with a BPM service implementation, you can designate the users who receive the runtime task by using the Assignments page in the properties for that activity.
In the Designer view, click activity in a BPD diagram to display its properties.
Go to the Assignments page in the properties view.
From the Assign To list, choose one of the following options:
Last User in Lane
Assigns the runtime task to the user who completed the activity that immediately precedes the selected activity in the swimlane.
Do not select this option for the first activity in a lane unless the activity is a service in a top-level BPD and a Start Event is in the lane. In this case, the runtime task is routed to the user who started the BPD.
Lane Participant
Assigns the runtime task to the participant group associated with the swimlane in which the selected activity is located (the default selection).
Routing Policy
Assigns the runtime task according to the policy that you establish.
List of Users
Assigns the runtime task to an ad hoc list of users.
Assigns the runtime task according to the JavaScript expression that you provide in the corresponding field. To select one or more variables for your expression, click the variable selection icon next to the field.
The JavaScript expression produces results such as USER, ROLE, or PG, where user_name is the name of an IBM® BPM user (such as tw_author), group_name is the name of an IBM BPM security group (such as tw_authors), and participant_group is the name of a group of users in your enterprise.
Coaches are the user interfaces for human services.
There are two types of user interfaces for human services: dashboards and task completion. To build either type of user interface for human services, you use Coaches.
Coaches contain one or more Coach Views. The Coach Views provide the user interface elements and layout for the Coach.
Each Coach View can contain one or more other Coach Views, which creates a parent-child relationship between these Coach Views.
At run time, the parent Coach View is rendered as a
tag that contains a nested
tag for each child Coach View.
Each Coach View can also have a binding to a business object, CSS code to control its visual layout, and JavaScript to define its behavior
Coach Views are reusable so you can create a library of common user interfaces and behavior. You can combine these common user interfaces to rapidly develop new Coaches.
The Coaches toolkit that is included with IBM BPM contains a set of common user interfaces that are called stock controls. You can include these stock controls when you are creating your own Coach Views.
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1. Coaches can contain multiple Coach Views. Coach Views are a reusable collection of user interfaces and can be bound to a data type. They can be shared between the Coaches. But in Heritage Coaches, all UI elements need to be recreated.
2. Coaches have web 2.0 appearance and behavior and have client-side data model i.e. data can be refreshed without the full page refresh. They use Dojo 1.7.3.
3. Instead of the one-button mechanism of Heritage Coaches, Coach Views use named boundary events. Programmers use boundary events for actions such as data updates with the server and transitions to other Coaches or services.
4. Coaches support collaboration while Heritage Coaches do not. More than one person can work on the same Coach instance at the same time in their own browsers.
5. The control ID of a view-based Coach is different from the control ID of a Heritage Coach. The control ID of a Heritage Coach is the div node ID. This is not the case in view-based Coaches because Coach Views are reusable and you can have multiple views in a Coach.
In view-based Coaches, the control ID is the value of the data-viewed attribute of a
tag. By using the data-viewed attribute, View developers can locate the nested View because data-viewed is unique within its parent or enclosing view.
The coach cannot contain Heritage Coach elements and Heritage Coaches cannot contain Coach Views. That is, a user interface must be a Coach or Heritage Coach and not a mix of the two.
To validate the data that is in the Coach before the flow proceeds to the next step in the service flow, add a validation node to the flow. The validation node can be a nested service or a server script. The server script is the simpler implementation although the nested service provides greater flexibility.
Example server script,
tw.local.validate = new tw.object.CoachValidation();
if (tw.local.application.name == “”){
tw.system.addCoachValidationError(tw.local.validate, “tw.local.application.name”,
“The name cannot be empty.”);
For debugging purposes, you can set your Coaches and Coach Views to use the readable versions of Dojo and the Coach framework JavaScript.
Open the administrative console and click Resources > Resource Environment > Resource Environment Provider
On the Resource environment providers page, click Mashups_ConfigService.
Under Additional Properties, click Custom Properties. The list of custom properties opens.
Click isDebug, change the Value field to true, and then click OK.
Save your changes to the master configuration.
Restart the application server instance.
In some situations, you might want to use the ID attribute for your DOM elements within a coach view. However, all DOM IDs must be globally unique. For example, during collaboration, the default highlighting behavior is implemented based on a unique DOM ID.
To ensure a unique ID, you can use the $$viewDOMID$$ placeholder keyword. At run time, this keyword will be replaced by the Coach View DOM ID.
context.getSubview(viewed, required order)
Accesses a subview instance given the subview ID. This method is similar to tocontext.subview[viewid] except that the return value is an array of subview instances.
viewed(String) – the view ID or control ID of the subview
required order (boolean) – (optional) indicates whether the array returned needs to maintain the same order as in the DOM tree. The default value is false.
They call this.context.getSubview(“viewid”) returns an unsorted array of subview objects. They call this.context.getSubview(“viewid”, false) returns the exact same array.
The only difference between the two calls and the function callthis.context.getSubview(“viewid”, true) is that this.context.getSubview(“viewid”, true) returns an array of subview objects whose order matches the order of the DOM nodes in the DOM tree.
Please refer:
An undercover agent is started by an event. The event can be a message event, a content event, or a timer event that is the result of a specific schedule
Message events can originate from a Business Process Diagram (BPD), from a web service that you create, or from a message that you post to the JMS listener.
When an undercover agent executes, it invokes an IBM Business Process Manager service or a BPD in response to the event.
When you include a message event or content event in a BPD, you must attach an undercover agent to the event. For example, when a message event is received from an external system, an undercover agent is needed to trigger the message event in the BPD in response to the message.
If you want to run the startBpdWithName application programming interface (API) to start a BPD instance inside an undercover agent, set the property to true in the 100Custom.xml file or another override file.
Restart the product, and check the TeamworksConfiguration.running.xml file to ensure that the setting has the appropriate value. The property is set to false by default, and if you don’t change it, you might have errors that prevent the BPD from starting.
To create customized and third-party reports in IBM® BPM, you need to identify the data to track and send that data to the Performance Data Warehouse.
To track data in a business process definition (BPD), use auto-tracking, tracking groups, or both.
automatically captures data from tracking points at the entry and exit of each item in a BPD (for example, services, activities, and gateways).
To enable auto-tracking, make sure that Enable Auto Tracking is selected under the Tracking tab of the Business Process Diagram. (This is the default.)
Tracking groups
provide more control over tracked data. For example, use tracking groups to track a selected group of process variables across multiple BPDs or process applications and to store tracking points for a timing interval.
To enable tracking groups, make sure that Enable tracking is selected under the Overview tab of the Business Process Diagram. (By default, the checkbox is not checked.)
Note that the Enable tracking setting does not apply to services with tracking points. Tracking data is always enabled when services contain tracking points.
You can take advantage of both tracking methods in a single BPD. If you use both auto-tracking and tracking groups, you can create a timing interval.
After you configure data tracking for your BPD, and each time you subsequently update your data tracking requirements, you must send the tracking definitions to the Business Performance Data Warehouse.
When you send tracking definitions, either directly or as part of a snapshot deployment, the Business Performance Data Warehouse establishes the structure in its database to hold the data that is generated by the Process Server when you run instances of your processes.
In IBM BPM, these tracking requirements are called definitions because they establish the database schema in the Business Performance Data Warehouse to accommodate the tracked data generated by the Process Server.
If you want to analyze the amount of time that elapses between certain steps in your process, you can add tracking points to your BPD and then create a timing interval to capture the duration between defined start and endpoints. When you create a timing interval, you can create custom reports that enable you to calculate the duration of a process or compare the duration of several processes.
Do the following tasks before creating a timing interval:
Process Center tracks the changes in the process applications using Snapshots.
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Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at Mindmajix.com. His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.