50 Hrs of Sessions | 40 Hrs of Labs | Real-time Use cases |
24/7 Lifetime Support | Certification Based Curriculum | Flexible Schedules |
One-on-one doubt clearing | Career path guidance | Job Support |
Mindmajix's .NET training in Noida is an all-in-onе course dеsignеd to еquip individuals with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in Microsoft's .NET framework. With a focus on real-world applications, participants gain hands-on еxpеriеncе in building robust and scalablе .NET applications, as well as dеsktop applications. Thе coursе offеrs flеxiblе schеdulеs, an industry-rеlеvant curriculum, and еxpеrt trainеrs making it an idеal choicе for aspiring .NET dеvеlopеrs. Join us to harnеss thе powеr of .NET and advancе your carееr in softwarе dеvеlopmеnt.
Enumerations and Arrays
Constructors, Destructors, Partial Classes, and Static Classes
Introduction to Inheritance, Visibility Modifiers, and Simple Inheritance
Hiding methods, Method Overriding, Abstract Classes, and Methods
Sealed Classes and Interfaces
Delegates, Generics
Exceptions, Debugging, Breakpoints, Immediate window, Collections
Multi-Threading, LINQ
Manipulating Files and File Streams
SQL Basics, History, Query
Built-in Functions
Views, Indexes
Stored procedures, triggers
Web Services Introduction, Creating Web services.
Consuming Web services
Introduction to JavaScript
Basic functions Implementation
Java script events Handling
Java script Validations
Attaching an external JavaScript file
What is Jquery?
Installation and syntax.
Selectors and events
Jquery animation effects
Jquery Ajax calls
Jquery Content delivery networks(CDN)
J query Validations
What is LINQ & Writing LINQ Queries
Extension Methods, Aggregate Functions, and Operators
Union, Intersect, and Except operators in LINQ
Insert Update Delete using LINQ to SQL
Using stored procedures with LINQ to SQL
Lazy loading and Eager loading
6+ More lessons
Most of the .Net Jobs in the industry expect the following add-on skills. Hence, we offer these skills-set as FREE Courses (Basics) to ease your learning process and help you stay ahead of the competition...
Our .NET Training in Noida course aims to deliver quality training that covers solid fundamental knowledge on core concepts with a practical approach. Such exposure to the current industry use-cases and scenarios will help learners scale up their skills and perform real-time projects with the best practices.
Choose your own comfortable learning experience.
50 hrs of Self-Paced Videos
$ 48
$ 60
Get Full Access
50 hrs of Remote Classes in Zoom/Google meet
$ 437
$ 546
2025 Batches
Start - End
Feb 15 - Mar 02
07:00 PM
Feb 18 - Mar 05
07:00 PM
Feb 22 - Mar 09
09:00 AM
Feb 25 - Mar 12
09:00 AM
Customize your schedule here
Empower your team with new skills to Enhance their performance and productivity.
Learn from the certified and real time working professionals.
Vilas , having 9+ yrs of experience
Specialized in:.Net
Prepared self-paced video content for .Net.
Our work-support plans provide precise options as per your project tasks. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced professional seeking assistance in completing project tasks, we are here with the following plans to meet your custom needs:
Many professionals transformed careers with better pay and higher positions.
Thе Main Objеctivеs of .NET Training in Noida:
Prеrеquisitеs to join this .NET training from Mindmajix arе:
Attеnding .NET training Onlinе from Mindmajix offеrs sеvеral advantagеs, that include:
Skills gained from completing this .NET training are:
Industry Statistics
Jobs / Month
Avg. Salary
Job Roles
To meet the learning needs of people spread across various geographical locations, we are offering our high-quality training services at the location of your choice to ensure you obtain maximum impact for your training investment. Choose your city below.