If you're looking for IBM WebSphere Portal Developer Interview Questions & Answers for Experienced or Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research, IBM WebSphere Portal Developer has a market share of about 0.1%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in IBM WebSphere Portal Development. Mindmajix offers Advanced IBM WebSphere Portal Developer Interview Questions 2024 that help you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as IBM WebSphere Portal Developer.
Portal is nothing but a web/J2EE application installed on an application server. Portal provides content aggregation, personalization, authorization, and authentication.
Portlets are applications managed by a portal container that generates a fragment of the portal page rather than a complete page as generated by the servlet.
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There are three types of portlet URLs
The major changes in JSR 286 are events, public render parameters, resource serving, and portlet filter.
The inter portlet communication for JSR 168 in the WebSphere portal can be done using Dyna cache or shared library. We can create a hash map or any data structure, where we can store an object that needs to be transported with a unique key and retrieve it from the receiving portlet
Yes, we can create a DB connection in the render phase of the portlet. But it is not suggested to create one in the render phase because it will be called every time any other portlet on the page is changed and may result in stale DB connections.
Different modes supported by JSR 286 are view, edit, and help. A portlet should define its supported mode as a portlet.xml file.
Different portlet states supported are normal, maximized, and minimized.
Dynacache is a disturbing map used to store and retrieve objects from memory. IBM provides API to create, store retrieve the objects.
Client-side aggregation (CSA) is a new method of rendering a WebSphere Portal page that moves the rendering workload from the server to the client. It is made possible by the Representational State Transfer (REST) services introduced in WebSphere Portal 6.1.
In the traditional server-side aggregation (SSA) rendering, the page and each of the portlets is completely rendered on the server, using JSPs, and returned to the client in one big response.
In contrast, in CSA, we request only the pieces of information from the server that are required to update the page as a result of the user’s interactions with the page.
For example, if a page contains four portlets and the user clicks a link in one of the portlets, only that portlet is updated. This means the server must render only one portlet, instead of four portlets plus the theme for an interaction with a single portlet.
The REST services also take greater advantage of caching. Since each individual artifact can be independently cache-able, the client ends up retrieving a greater number of responses directly out of cache, further reducing the server workload.
Apart from standard modes ( view, edit, help) it provides edit_ defaults and configures mode.
XML access is a command-line utility used for exporting and importing portal configurations. It can be used for backing up the configuration of certain environments, for loading new configurations (for new portlets or pages, for example), or for updating existing portlets when a new WAR file is provided by the development. There are few samples C:IBMWebSpherePortalServerdocxml-sample
Web sphere uses a different model for providing content aggregation and navigation The available models are the Content model, navigation model, navigation selection model, and layout model. These models are provided using model SPI.
The navigation model is used to get the topology of the navigation available to a user.
We can debug theme and skin problems by client-side logging and using firebug for javascript problems
A web Content management system is a software system that helps build and manage Web entities (Html pages, documents, etc.) Once setup is complete it provides templates for authoring, workflow management to the content. It is easy to use for non-technical users.
Syndication, (Web syndication in particular) is the ability to provide users updates of the content from the site. The most popular formats of web syndication are RSS and ATOM feeds.
The web content management portlets can be rendered locally or remotely. A local rendering portlet displays content on the same portal as the instance where the web content manager is installed. A remote rendering portlet displays Web content on a different portal server than the instance where Web Content Manager is installed.
The following are different steps involved in creating the content for the WebSphere portal WCM
A workflow is a sequence of steps that are followed in creating approved content. In the WebSphere Portal, A workflow contains one or more stages. Every stage contains one or more actions, the following are different Workflow actions available in WebSphere Publish, Expire, Email, Scheduled Move, Custom Actions.
Authoring Template- This template is defined using the authoring portlet, where we define the access information, form properties, and default content. It does not contain any information for presentation and The elements in this form are linked to the presentation template.
Presentation Template- This allows to change the look of a page without having to update what is being displayed on a page. It will allow defining Page style, Page layout, and map elements to the authoring templates.
Personalization- It means to serve the user or consumer with user-specific data depending on his interests collected over time. A real-world example would be google serving ads basing on the recent search you made.
Customization- It is the ability provided to the user to change the layout, styling of the page, and save it.
Application servers extend the ability of a Web server to handle Web application requests and enable a server to generate a dynamic, customized response to a client request. A portal server extends the application server by providing a portlet container that can run portlets and create a portal a website that provides users with a single point of access to Web-based resources by aggregating those resources in one place.
You need to enable automatic JSP loading by setting reloadingEnable property to true in ibm-web-ext.xmi file of the wps.ear.
Export.xml exports the complete portal configuration and useful when transferring configurations between development installations.
ExportRelease.xml exports the complete portal configuration from the release domain as required by the portal ReleaseBuilder tool and useful when transferring different release configurations between staging and production environments.
If you already have a production server without a staging system:
ReleaseBuilder enables management of release configurations independent of user configurations and used during the staging of follow-on releases of WebSphere portals, configurations, and artifacts that need to be moved between systems.
LDAP (includes LDAP with an optional database user registry).
Database user registry.
Custom User registry, (non-LDAP, non-database).
A Realm allows you to group users from one or more LDAP trees of one user registry and expose them as a coherent user population to WebSphere Portal; this is also referred to as horizontal partitioning. Realms allow flexible user management with various configuration options; for example, you can combine principals from one or more corporate LDAP trees. A realm must be mapped to a Virtual Portal to allow the realm’s defined user population to login to the Virtual Portal.
Application groups are a concept that allows you to define user groups within the database user registry with members (users or groups) contained in the LDAP user registry you configured.
The benefit of application groups is that you can create Groups that are only used in WebSphere Portal particularly in scenarios where there is Read-only LDAP or special group set up specific to the portal.
Empty portal contents on the staging server by running the ./WPSconfig.sh action-empty-portal.
Install portal with the ./install.sh -W emptyPortal.active=”True” option.
Locate the cluster member being upgraded, and change the value in the Configured weight column from a value to zero and make sure the plugin config information is propagated to the webserver to stop traffic.
Setting a maximum number of search results maximumSearchResults=”200″ in wmm.xml
Temporary traces can be set for a temporary period by using the administration portlet Enable Tracing or the IBM WebSphere Application Server administrative console and also using the Enable Tracing portlet in the portal administration page.
To enable extended trace settings for a longer period of time, that is, for more than one session, switch them on in the WebSphere Application Server configuration, save the updates and restart the portal server.
Local rendering portlet and Remote rendering portlet
The core implementation of the portal is UI, hosted by a Portal server. The HTTP requests, HTML responses, and returning appropriate portal pages are handled by the Portal UI. Enterprise Web applications also can be handled by the Portal Server.
The portal architecture has the following:
User identification across many requests and transient information storage about the user is processed by the PortletSession interface. One PortletSession is created per portlet application per client.
The PortletSession interface provides a way to identify a user across more than one request and to store transient information about that user.
The storing of information is defined in two scopes
APPLICATION_SCOPE: All the objects in the session are available to all portlets, servlets, JSPs of the same portlet application, by using APPLICATION_SCOPE.
PORTLET_SCOPE: All the objects in the session are available to the portlet during the requests for the same portlet window. The attributes that persisted in the PORTLET_SCOPE are not protected from other web components.
The portlet view of the portlet container is defined by PortletContext. It allows the availability of resources to the portlet. Using this context, the portlet log can be accessed and URL references to resources can be obtained. There is always only one context per portlet application per JVM.
Set the property WpsContextRoot to the new URI and run ./WPSConfig.sh modify-servlet-path task.
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Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at Mindmajix.com. His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.