OBIA Interview Questions

If you're looking for OBIA Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers, you are in the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research, OBIA has a market share of about 9.2%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in OBIA Administration. Mindmajix offers Advanced OBIA Interview Questions 2024 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire your dream career as OBIA Administrator.

Top OBIA interview questions and answers

1. Compare OBIA vs OBIEE features?

Financial AnalyticsAd-hoc query and reporting
HR AnalyticsInteractive Dashboards
Marketing AnalyticsProactive business activity monitoring and alerting
Order Management Fulfillment AnalyticsFull analytical functionality for mobile professionals
Vertical (Industry Specific) AnalyticsDashboard page snapshots to view and share(offline)
Sales AnalyticsOracle BI Administrator
Service Analytics 
Contact Center Analytics 
Supply Chain Analytics 

2. What do you mean by Business Intelligence?

It is a process with the help of which the competitive advantage of a particular business can be increased. It is done so by intelligently emphasizing the use of data that is available to an organization.

3. Highlight the stages of business intelligence?

Here is the list of five critical stages of Business Intelligence. They are as follows:

  • Situational Awareness
  • Assessment of Risk
  • Decision Support
  • Analysis of Data
  • Sourcing of Data

4. Define the notion of guided navigation in relation to the aspect of Business Intelligence?

Guided navigation can be defined as the arrangement of hyperlinks that can be utilized to guide the user to explore the reports in order to carry out an analysis.

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5. Illustrate the process of the creation of Dashboards in OBIA?

You can do that by clicking on the administration menu. After that, you would get an option called Manage Dashboards. You can click on Manage Dashboards and can also add a column selector by the use of a view selector. You can also facilitate that by using command prompts.

6. What do you mean by table alias in OBIA? How would you facilitate the creation of it?

Table alias can be created by clicking on the table in the physical layer. One should also note that table alias is primarily utilized for the creation of self-joins.

7. Define authentication with respect to OBIA and also shed light on its various categories?

Authentication is the way by which a system verifies a user in an OBIA environment. Here is the list of multiple types of authentication.

  • Outer table authentication
  • LDAP authentication
  • Database authentication
  • Authentication of the operating system

8. Describe the process of executing direct SQL in OBIA?

One can complete the process of direct SQL in OBIA by clicking on the direct Database Request that is situated below the subject area in the Answers section.

9. Describe the types of variables in OBIA and also provide a brief explanation

There comprises mainly two types of variables in OBIA. They are repository variables and session variables. A repository variable refers to a variable that is meant for the whole repository. On the other hand, the session variable relates to a system variable. There exists a non-system variable also in OBIA which uses a unique form of command prompt.

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10. Provide the names of some standard commercial intelligence tools that exist in the market.

Various standard business intelligence tools exist in the market. It depends on their performance. Here is the list of them.

  • OLAP Services
  • Crystal Reports and Business Objects
  • Strategies related to the microenvironment
  • Cognos Report

11. What is the use of Offline and Online Mode in the process of development and deployment?

In the online mode, you can facilitate various alterations in the RPD file. One can also push changes that would be immediately visible to the users. This feature can be used by organizations in the production environment. On the other hand, the offline mode can also be useful in the development environment as well as a test environment.

12. What do you mean by a bridge table in an OBIA environment?

If you want to facilitate a connection between the two tables where there is a complete lack of relationship, you can also utilize a third bridge table for connecting the first two tables. It would have common columns in both tables which can also be used in BMM Layer.

13. Shed light on the various layers of the OBIA Repository?

Here is the list of the multiple layers of the OBIA Repository. They are as follows:

  • Business Model Layer
  • The Physical Model Layer
  • The presentation Model Layer

14. In the context of Business Intelligence, what is a universe?

A universe can be defined as a business object in an environment that is related to Business Intelligence. In this context, it is also important to note that business objects also happen to be the name of the company. A universe can also be defined as the interface layer that exists between the data warehouse and the client. The world states the relationship among the different tables that lives in the data warehouse. The universe is also referred to as a semantic layer that exists between the user interface and database.

15. With reference to OBIA, define OLAP in Business Intelligence?

OLAP is also known as Online Analytical Processing. It is a set of software tools that would provide you with data analysis which is stored in a database. The means of OLAP enables the users to assess various dimensions of a rich variety of data. For instance, it is important to note that it facilitates time series and the views of trend analysis. One should also note that the primary component of OLAP is the server in OLAP. It is located between database management systems and a client.

It is also vital to note that the OLAP server comprehends how data is being organized in the database. It also comprises of special functions used for analyzing data. An efficient OLAP interface has the ability to read accurate data from DB. However, to design, an architect must possess excellent knowledge of understanding the report requirements.

16. Illustrate the different modules that exist in the product suite of Business Objects?

Here is the list of various types of modules in the product suite related to Business Objects.

  • Designer: It is the process that is used to create, distribute and manage universe for Business Objects and users of Web Intelligence. A world can be defined as a file that comprises the connection parameters for middleware related to a large and complex database. It can also be interpreted as a SQL structure called objects that are used to map the actual SQL structure in the set of the database. It comprises tables and columns in the database.
  • Supervisor: It is also known as the control center that facilitates security and administration for the deployment of the entire Business Objects.
  • Client Reporting Tool related to Business Objects: It assists in analyzing patterns of data on the universe. It also facilitates report sharing among other users. It does not need any software and just needs a web browser. It also requires an efficient system that is connected to the server of the Business Objects.
  • Full Client Reporting Tool: It assists in creating reports of Business Objects that are based on the universe also helps to generate business and also from the other sources of data.

17. What do you mean by ROLAP?

ROLAP also refers to Relational OLAP, and it designates several star schemas that are usually stored in relational databases. ROLAP also permits the analysis of data in a multidimensional environment. It is in sync with the data that is stored in the relational databases. It is used for large departments of data analysis as it supports massive amounts of users and data.

18. Define the term DOLAP with respect to OBIA?

Desktop OLAP also refers to small products for facilitating local multidimensional analysis by using Desktop OLAP. There exists a mini multifaceted database or the extraction of a data cube. It can be used by using Personal Express by the usage of Business Objects. It is designed for single and low-end departmental users. The data is stored in the form of cubical patterns on the desktop. It is just like having your spreadsheet. Moreover, as information is local, the end-users do not have to worry about performance aspects related to the server.

19. Illustrate the role of MOLAP?

MOLAP is also known as multidimensional OLAP, and it designates a Cartesian structure of data in a more detailed manner. MOLAP also contrasts with ROLAP in certain operational aspects. MOLAP comprises joining between tables that are suitable which also enhances the performances. However, in the case of ROLAP, the joints of the tables are computed during the process of a request. It is targeted at the groups of users as it is growing within a shared environment. The data in MOLAP are usually stored in a particular server-based format. It also performs a sophisticated analysis of data.

20. What are the various standard business intelligence tools that exist in the market?

The tools related to business intelligence can be used to present and analyze data. Here is the list of devices that are available in the market.

OPenl: It is an application of the web that is used for the reporting of OLAP. It is a web-based reporting tool that is free.

BIRT Eclipse Project: It is mainly emphasized on eclipse. It is primarily used for applications related to the web and is open-sourced in nature.

Pentaho: It facilitates dashboard, data mining and capabilities related to workflow.

JasperSoft: It is a business intelligence tool that can be utilized for ETL and reporting.

21. Why Infocube comprises a maximum of various dimensions?

It usually depends on the limits of a database that is generally provided to illustrate the constraints related to Foreign Keys. For instance, in SQL Server 2005, the maximum limit for foreign keys is 253. However, one can define more if it is related to multifaceted dimensions.

22. What are the significant adversities related to the creation of RPD?

In the implementation process of RPD, there exist problems related to connections of the database. However, the main problem lies in the creation of repository RPD files that are equipped with the existence of complex schemas. It is also based on OLTP systems that also consist of a lot of joins. It also creates problems while checking the results. By default, it is the inner join and at times requires specific data demands over other types of table joins. There also exist a lot of complicated problems with the formats of data.

23. How can you define dashboard in the notion of Business Intelligence?

A dashboard in the environment of business intelligence allows the colossal amount of data and reports that are to be read in a single interface related to a graph. They also assist in facilitating faster decisions by making a reply on the amount of measurable data that is seen at a glance. They can also be utilized to assess intricate details of data. It can be used to analyze data the cause of the business performance.

It also denotes the business data and the state of the business that is located at a high level. In this context, it is vital to mention that specialized forms of dashboards can also be used to control the aspects of cost. Let's take a generalized example of a panel. For instance, banks run thousands of ATMs. By facilitating the specialized form of dashboards, they can quickly assess the amount of cash that is deposited and extracted.

24. Define BAS and illustrate its function in the OBIA environment?

BAS refers to Business Application Support, and it is the functional area at SLAC that provides computing services related to administration. It is mainly used in the division of Business Services and the Department of Human Resources. It is also responsible for the development of software in a complex OBIA environment. It also facilitates consultations with customers concerning their computer-related assignments.

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OBIA TrainingMar 18 to Apr 02View Details
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Last updated: 05 Jul 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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