Oracle HRMS Interview Questions

During the Oracle HRMS interview, you must prove to the interviewer why you are the ideal applicant for the job. You need to demonstrate why you are a good fit for the role by coming up with responses highlighting your skills and experience. To aid you in landing that dream job, this article provides a list of important Oracle HRMS interview questions and answers! 

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If you're looking for Oracle HRMS Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research, Oracle HRMS has a market share of about 5.1%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Oracle HRMS Development. Mindmajix offers Advanced Oracle HRMS Interview Questions 2024 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as an Oracle HRMS Developer.

Top 10 Oracle HRMS Interview Questions

  1. What are the minimum classifications to create a Business Group?
  2. What are the pre-requisites for creating a Business group?
  3. What is API HRMS?
  4. What are the basic setups of Oracle HRMS?
  5. What is the use of HR organization?
  6. How do you Debug a Fast Formula?
  7. What is a people group?
  8. What are the six validation types?
  9. What is the DFF structure for EIT?
  10. What are costing types?

Oracle Hrms Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

1. Can you call pl/SQL package functions from within a Fast Formula?

Ans: Yes you can

  • There is a Define Function screen in HR. In this screen, you will register the pl/SQL as “External Function”.
  • If we want to pass a parameter PAYROLL_ID to this external pl/SQL function, how do we do it?
  • The “Define Function” screen has a button named “Context Usage”. This button opens up a window in which you can register the parameters.
Want to enrich your career and become a professional in Oracle HRMS, then enroll in "Oracle HRMS Online Training" - This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

2. What are list types?

Ans: List types are:

  1. List of Values
  2. A long list of Values
  3. Pop list

3. How do you Debug a Fast Formula?

Ans: You can create a message variable in Fast Formula.

This message variable must also be registered as a Formula Result( In the “Formula Result Rule” window).

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4. What are the various levels where you can Set up Payroll Costing Accounts?

Ans: Which levels take the highest precedence? **Assume Labor Distributions is not implemented**

  • Element Entry => Highest
  • Assignment => Second Highest
  • Organization => Third Highest
  • Element Link => Fourth Highest
  • Payroll => Fifth Highest

Technically speaking, how do you know from tables that an Employee has been terminated

  • The Person_Type_ID in PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F will correspond to System Person Type EX_EMP
  • A record gets created in table PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE with Actual_Termination_date being not null

5. How can you make Employee Number generation Automated based on business rule etc?

Ans: Use Fast Formula.

6. What are the basic setups of Oracle HRMS?


  • In oracle HRMS there are so many modules like Core HR, Payroll, Self Service HR, Oracle learning management, recruitment, Time and Labour, Compensation Workbench, Oracle Advanced Benefits, Performance Management System, etc., Core HR and System Administrator are the Heart of Oracle HRMS.
  • All basic setups will do in Core HR with the help of the System Administrator.
  • In system administrator we will create all the Users and Responsibilities, Flex fields, Profile values, etc., In core HR we will create Organizations, Locations, Jobs, Positions, Grades, Organization Hierarchy, position Hierarchy, We will create all the employees also. These are the Basic setups in HRMS.

7. If you do personalization at both FUNCTION level and Responsibility level, which personalization has higher precedence?


  • Responsibility level. Responsibility level will override FUNCTION level personalizations.
  • Say you have done a lot of Personalizations to Self Service Screens.
  • But all these Personalizations were done in the DEVELOPMENT environment.
  • How will you migrate these personalizations to the PRODUCTION environment?
  • Before 11.5.7…Use AKLoad
  • This is a java program given by Oracle. This is the only way you can script it.
  • In DEV you will do è akdload DOWNLOAD ( & other parameters)
  • In PRD you will do è akdload UPLOAD ( & other parameters)
  • On or after 11.5.10 Use responsibility “Functional Administrator”, then click
  • On Personalization Tab, and then click on Import/Export.
  • Next, select the documents to be exported.
  • Go to the Unix box and tar the personalizations into a .tar file.
  • On the Production environment unzip this tar file in location as entered in profile “FND: Personalization Document Root Path”.
  • Setting up this profile is mandatory or else Oracle Framework wouldn't know where to search for the files to be imported.

8. What are the minimum classifications to create a Business Group?


  1. Business Group
  2. GRE/Legal Entity
  3. HR Organization

9. What are the pre-requisites for creating a Business group?


  1. Value sets
  2. Key flex fields
  3. Location

10. What is the use of HR organization?

Ans: If we want to assign the employee information to a Business Group then we need to have HR organization classification under a business group

11. What is a people group?


  1. It is a flexible area for holding user-defined assignment data
  2. Data can be used for grouping sets of the assignment together
  3. People group can be used for element eligibility
  4. This information is used by the payroll run
  5. The data will be held in PAY_PEOPLE_GROUPS.
  6. Group_name field holds the concatenation of segment data.

12. What are the six validation types?

Ans: Validation types:

  1. Dependent
  2. Independent
  3. None
  4. Pair
  5. Special
  6. Table

13. What is the DFF structure for EIT?


  1. Extra person information
  2. Assignment extra information
  3. Extra location information
  4. Extra position information
  5. Extra job information
  6. Organization developer DF

14. How to enable EIT?


  1. Switch responsibility to human resources, vision enterprises
  2. Double click on the security
  3. Click on information types
  4. Create your own information types under your responsibility name

15. How to enable SIT?


  • Switch responsibility to human resources vision enterprises
  • Double click other definitions
  • Click on special information types

16. What is the Data Track?


  1. It is used to maintain record history by creating a new record when the date track mode is UPDATE and override on the existing record when the Data track mode is CORRECTION.
  2. The value of the Data track record depends on the date
  3. Tables ending with _F are date track tables
  4. To control data tracked rows, every Date Track table must include an Effective start date and Effective end date.
  5. The effective start date indicates when the record inserted
  6. The effective end date indicates when the record is updated or deleted.

17. Important Tables in HRMS?


  1. per_all_people_f: This table will provide us the very basic information about the employee. The very data from the first screen we see when we open the ‘People -> Enter and Maintain’ form goes into this table.
  2. per_all_assignments_f: This table will store all the information which is been entered in the employee assignment form.
  3. per_addresses: This table will store all the information which is been entered in the employee address form.
  4. per_pay_proposals: This table will store all the information which is been entered in the employee salary form.
  5. per_person_types_tl: This table is used to find the type of employee. This table is linked with the per_all_people_f with the person_type_id to find out the type of person.
  6. per_jobs_tl: This table will contain the various types of JOBS in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct job name from the employee.
  7. per_grades_tl: This table will contain the various types of GRADES in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct grade name from the employee.
  8. hr_locations_all: This table will contain the various LOCATIONS in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct location name from the employee.
  9. pay_all_payrolls_f: This table will contain the various types of PAYROLLS in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct payroll name from the employee.
  10. per_pay_bases: This table will contain the various types of PAY BASES in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct pay basis name from the employee.
  11. per_assignment_status_types_tl: This table will contain the various types of assignment types in oracle. The assignment types generally would be ‘Active Assignment’ etc.. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct job name from the employee.
  12. per_person_type_usages_f: This table will store the correct person type of particular employee. We should never depend on the person type present in the per_all_people_f table. Instead, we need to link the person_id with this table and get the correct personality type.

18. What are Key Flexfields (KFFs) in HRMS?


  • Job KFF
  • Grade KFF
  • People Group KFF
  • Position KFF
  • Cost Allocation KFF
  • Competence KFF

19. What are Date Track Tables?

Ans: Every update in the Table, we will save the change in the form of a Record to provide the facility to find the information at any point of time.
These tables are postfixed by _F

20. What are secured Views?

Ans: The Views which do not have the _all to be said as secured views.

  • Per_all_people_F
  • per_people_f
  • per_all_assignemtns_f
  • per_assignments_f
  • pay_all_payrolls_F
  • per_payrolls_f

21. The difference between both secured views and non-secured views is?


  • Secured views display information only for the current period
  • Unsecured views are used to get the information from the entire rows

22. What is API HRMS?

Ans: API is used in HR to insert the data into the Base tables. As its a very secured system, the user does not have the facility to copy the data directly into the Base tables. When we write the inbound interfaces/use WebAdI, the systems will use the APIs to store the data into the system. The API is published by oracle with a number of parameters. The different types of parameters are IN / INOUT / OUT.Of these parameters few are mandatory, without which the process won't complete. Generally, when we use API we give data for Object Version Number, Effective Date, P_Validate
HR_EMOYEE_api ex:

  • hr_employee_api.create_employee
  • hr_PERSON_api
  • hr_organization_api Ex: hr_organization_api.create_organization
  • hr_applicant_apI
  • hr_assignment_api

23. What are the reports which you have done in HR?

This report is used to display the information about the employees, the assignments which were given to the employees along with the payroll details including the Hours Paid, Salary, NI, Pension, Car Allowances, and Other Allowances.

24. Understanding the p_datetrack_update_mode Control Parameter in HRMS API?

Ans: The p_datetract_update_mode control parameter enables you to define the type of DateTrack change to be made. This mandatory parameter must be set to one of the values as mentioned below:

  • UPDATE: Keep a history of existing information
  • CORRECTION: Correct existing information
  • UPDATE_OVERRIDE: Replace all scheduled changes
  • UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT: Insert this change before the next scheduled change

25. Understanding the p_datetrack_delete_mode Control Parameter?

Ans: The p_datetract_update_mode control parameter enables you to define the type of DateTrack deletion to be made. This mandatory parameter must be set to one of the following values:

  • ZAP: Completely remove from the database
  • DELETE: Set end date to effective date
  • FUTURE_CHANGE: Remove all scheduled changes
  • DELETE_NEXT_CHANGE: Remove next change

26. How will you migrate Oracle General Ledger Currencies and Sets of Books Definitions from one environment to another without reKeying? Will you use FNDLOAD?

Ans: FNDLOAD can not be used in the scenario. You can use the migrator available in “Oracle iSetup” Responsibility

27. This is a very tough one, almost impossible to answer, but yet I will ask. Which Form in Oracle Applications has the most number of Form Functions?

Ans: “Run Reports”. And why not, the Form Function for this screen has a parameter to which we pass the name of the “Request Group”, hence securing the list of Concurrent Programs that are visible in “Run Request” Form. Just so that you know, there are over 600 form functions for “Run Reports”

28. Which responsibility do you need to extract Self Service Personalizations?

Ans: Functional Administrator

29. Can you list any one single limitation of the Forms Personalization feature that was delivered with 11.5.10?

Ans: You can not implement interactive messages, i.e. a message will give multiple options for Response. The best you can get from Forms Personalization to do is popup up Message with OK option.

30. You have just created two concurrent programs namely “XX PO Prog1” & “XX PO Prog2”. Now you wish to create a menu for Concurrent Request submission such that only these two Concurrent Programs are visible from that Run Request menu. Please explain the steps to implement this?


  • Define a request group, let's say with the name “XX_PO_PROGS”
  • Add these two concurrent programs to the request group “XX_PO_PROGS”
  • Define a new Form Function that is attached to Form “Run Reports”
  • In the parameter field of the Form Function screen, enter
  • Attach this form function to the desired menu.

31. Does Oracle 10g support rule-based optimization?

Ans: The official stance is that RBO is no longer supported by 10g.

32. Does oracle support partitioning of tables in Oracle Apps?

Ans: Yes, Oracle does support the partitioning of tables in Oracle Applications. There are several implementations that partition on GL_BALANCES. However, your client must buy licenses to if they desire to partition tables. To avoid the cost of licensing you may suggest the clients may decide to permanently close their older GL Periods, such that historical records can be archived.
Note: Before running the archival process the second time, you must clear down the archive table GL_ARCHIVE_BALANCES (don’t forget to export archive data to a tape).

33. What will be your partitioning strategy on GL_BALANCES? Your views, please?

Ans: This really depends upon how many periods are regularly reported upon, how many periods are left open etc. You can then decide to partition on period_name, or period ranges, or on the status of the GL Period.

34. Does Oracle support running of gather stats on SYS schema in Oracle Apps?

Ans: If your Oracle Applications instance is on 10g, then you can decide to run stats for the SYS schema.

This can be done by

exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(‘SYS’);

Alternately using command


I will prefer the former with default values.
If you wish to delete the stats for SYS use exec dbms_stats.delete_schema_stats(‘SYS’);
You can schedule a dbms_job for running stats for the SYS schema.

35. Can you use the concurrent program “Gather Schema Statistics” to gather stats on sys schema in oracle apps?

Ans: No, “Gather Schema Statistics” has no parameters for the SYS schema.  Please use dbms_job.

36. Which table is used to provide drill down from Oracle GL into sub-ledger?



37. What is the significance of the profile option “Node Trust Level” in Oracle Apps?

Ans: If this profile option is set to a value of external against a server, then it signifies that the specific mid-tier is External i.e. it will be exposed to the www. In other words this server is not within the firewall of your client. The idea behind this profile option is to flag such middle-tier so that special restrictions can be applied against its security, which means a very restricted set of responsibilities will be available from such Middle-Tier.

38. What is the significance of the profile option “Responsibility Trust Level”?

Ans: To make a responsibility accessible from an external web tier, you must set the profile option “Responsibility Trust Level” at responsibility level to “External”. Only those responsibilities that have this profile option against them will be accessible from External Middle tiers.

39. What else can you suggest to restrict the access to screens from external web tiers?

Ans: You may use URL filtering within Apache.

Oracle HRMS Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

40. What is the role of Document Manager in Oracle Purchasing?

Ans: POXCON is an immediate concurrent program. It receives a pipe signal from the application when a request is made for approval/reservations/receipts.

42. How to debug a document manager in Oracle Apps?

Ans: Document manager runs within the concurrent manager in Oracle Applications.  When an application uses a Document Manager, it sends a pipe signal which is picked up by the document manager.
There are two mechanisms by which to trace the document manager

1. Set the debugging on by using the profile option

Step 1: Set profile option “Concurrent: Debug Flags” to TCTM1
This profile should only generate debugs when set at the Site level(I think, as I have only tried site), because Document Manager runs in a different session.
Step 2: Bounce the Document Managers
Step 3: Retry the Workflow to generate debugs.
Step 4: Reset profile option “Concurrent: Debug Flags” to blank
Step 5: have a look at debug information in table fnd_concurrent_debug_info

2. Enable tracing for the document managers

This can be done by setting the profile option “Initialization SQL Statement – Custom” against your username before reproducing the issue. The value of this profile will be set so as to enable trace using event 10046, level 12.

43. Do you want to modify the CLASSPATH such that the new class CLASSPATH is effective just for this program?

Ans: In the options field of the concurrent program, you can enter something similar to below.

-cp :/home/xxvisiondev/XXDEVDB/comn/java/appsborg. zip:/home/xxvisiondev/XXDEVDB/comn/java

44. How will you open a bc4j package in JDeveloper?


  • Oracle ships a file named server.xml with each bc4j package. You will need to ftp that file alongside other bc4j objects(VO’s, EO’s, AM, Classes etc).
  • Opening the server.xml will load the complete package starting from AM(application module). This is a mandatory step when building Extensions to the framework.

45. In OA Framework Self-Service screen, you wish to disable a tab. How will you do it?

Ans: Generally speaking, the tabs on an OA Framework page are nothing but the SubMenus. By entering menu exclusion against the responsibility, you can remove the tab from self service page. In self-service, you wish to change the background color and the foreground text of the OA

46. Framework screens to meet your corporate standards. How will you do it?

Ans: You will need to do the below steps

Go to Mid Tier, and open $OA_HTML/cabo/styles/custom.xss
Enter the below text( change colours as needed)
cd $OA_HTML/cabo/styles/cache
Take a backup of all the CSS files.
Delete all the files of the following pattern oracle-desktop*.css

The idea here is to delete the cache. Next time when you logon to Oracle Apps Self Service, the Framework will rebuild the CSS file if found missing from your browser.

47. Can you extend and substitute a root AM ( Application Module) in OA Framework using JDeveloper?

Ans: You can extend the AM in jDeveloper, but it doesn’t work( at least it didn’t work in 11.5.9). I am hopeful that Oracle will deliver a solution to this in the future.

48. In a workflow notification, you have a free text response field where the user enters the Vendor Number for the new vendor. You want to validate the value entered in the notification response field upon the submission of a response. How will you do it?

Ans: You will need to attach a post notification function to the Workflow Notification.

The PL/SQL code will look similar to below:

The below code will display an error in the notification when the user attempts to create a Duplicate Vendor Number.

PROCEDURE validate_response_from_notif
itemtype IN VARCHAR2
,itemkey  IN VARCHAR2
,actid    IN NUMBER
,funcmode IN VARCHAR2
) IS
l_nid                      NUMBER;
l_activity_result_code     VARCHAR2(200);
v_newly_entered_vendor_num VARCHAR2(50);
CURSOR c_get_response_for_new_vendor IS
SELECT wl.lookup_code
FROM   wf_notification_attributes wna
,wf_notifications           wn
,wf_message_attributes_vl   wma
,wf_lookups                 wl
WHERE  wna.notification_id = l_nid
AND    wna.notification_id = wn.notification_id
AND    wn.message_name = wma.message_name
AND    wn.message_type = wma.message_type
AND    wna.NAME = wma.NAME
AND    wma.format = wl.lookup_type
AND    wna.text_value = wl.lookup_code
AND    wma.TYPE = ‘LOOKUP’
AND    decode(wma.NAME, ‘RESULT’, ‘RESULT’, ‘NORESULT’) = ‘RESULT’;
IF (funcmode IN (‘RESPOND’))
l_nid := wf_engine.context_nid;
OPEN c_get_response_for_new_vendor;
FETCH c_get_response_for_new_vendor
INTO l_activity_result_code;
CLOSE c_get_response_for_new_vendor;
v_newly_entered_vendor_num := wf_notification.getattrtext(l_nid,’NEWLY_ENTERED_VENDOR_NUM_4_PO’);
IF l_activity_result_code = ‘NEW_VENDOR’
AND does_vendor_exist(p_vendor => v_newly_entered_vendor_num)
RESULT := ‘ERROR: VendorNumber you entered already exists’;
END validate_response_from_notif;

49. How to make concurrent programs end with a warning?

Ans: If the concurrent program is of type PL/SQL, you can assign a value of 1 to the “retcode” OUT Parameter.

For a Java Concurrent program, use the code similar to below

ReqCompletion lRC;
//get handle on request completion object for reporting status
lRC = pCpContext.getReqCompletion();
lRC.setCompletion(ReqCompletion.WARNING, “WARNING”);

50. How do you link a Host type of concurrent program to Concurrent Manager?


Assuming your executable script is LOADPO.prog, then use the commands below
cd $XXPO_TOP/bin
ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr $XXPO_TOP/bin/LOADPO

51. How do you know if a specific Oracle patch has been applied in apps to your environment?

Ans: Use table ad_bugs, in which column bug_number is the patch number.

SELECT bug_number
,to_char(creation_date, ‘DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS’) dated
FROM   apps.ad_bugs
WHERE  bug_number = TRIM(‘&bug_number’) ;

52. How do you send a particular Oracle Apps Workflow Activity/Function within a workflow process into background mode?

Ans: If the cost of the workflow activity is greater than 50, then the workflow activity will be processed in background mode only, and it won’t be processed in online mode.

53. What are the various ways to kick off a workflow?

Ans: You can either use wf_engine.start_process or you can attach a runnable process such ghat it subscribes to a workflow event.

When starting (kicking off) an oracle workflow process, how do you ensure that it happens in a background mode?

a) if initiating the process using start_process, do the below

    wf_engine.threshold := -1;
wf_engine.startprocess(l_itemtype, l_itemkey)

b) When initiating the workflow process through an event subscription, set the Execution Condition Phase to be equal to or above 100 for it to be executed by background process.

54. On 10g, how will you use awr?

Ans: By running the below scripts. These are both the same scripts, but with differing parameters.


55. How will you configure Apache to run in Debug mode, specifically useful when debugging iProcurement (prior to 11.5.10)?

Ans: After 11.5.10, FND Logging can be used for debugging Oracle iProcurement.
Prior to 11.5.10

cd $ORACLE_HOME/../iAS/Apache
vi $ORACLE_HOME/../iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/ssp_init.txt
vi $ORACLE_HOME/../iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/jserv.conf
ApJServLogLevel debug
vi $ORACLE_HOME/../iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/

56. How will you add a new column to a List Of Values ( LOV ) in Oracle Applications Framework? Can this be done without customization?

Ans: Yes, this can be done without customization, i.e. by using OA Framework Extension coupled with Personalization. Implement the following Steps :-

  • Extend the VO ( View Object ), to implement the new SQL required to support the LOV.
  • Substitute the base VO, by using jpximport [ similar to as explained in LINK ]
  • Personalize the LOV Region, by clicking on Add New Item. While adding the new Item, you will cross-reference the newly added column to VO.

57. Can you do fnd_request.submit_request from SQL Plus in Oracle?


You will need to initialize the global variables first using fnd_global.initialize
v_session_id INTEGER := userenv(‘sessionid’) ;
SESSION_ID        =>    v_session_id
,USER_ID                =>    
,RESP_ID                =>    
,RESP_APPL_ID           =>    
,SECURITY_GROUP_ID      =>    0
,SITE_ID                =>    NULL
,LOGIN_ID               =>    3115003–Any number here
,CONC_LOGIN_ID          =>    NULL
,PROG_APPL_ID           =>    NULL
,CONC_PROGRAM_ID        =>    NULL
,CONC_REQUEST_ID        =>    NULL
) ;
commit ;
Optionally you may use fnd_global.apps_initialize, which internally calls fnd_global.initialize
  fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id => :user_id,
resp_id => :resp_id,
resp_appl_id => :resp_appl_id,
security_group_id => :security_group_id,
server_id => :server_id);

58. How will you migrate Oracle General Ledger Currencies and Sets of Books Definitions from one environment to another without reKeying? Will you use FNDLOAD?

Ans: FNDLOAD can not be used in the scenario. You can use the migrator available in “OracleiSetup” Responsibility

59. This is a very tough one, almost impossible to answer, but yet I will ask. Which Form in Oracle Applications has the most number of Form Functions?

Ans: “Run Reports”. And why not, the Form Function for this screen has a parameter to which we pass the name of the “Request Group”, hence securing the list of Concurrent Programsthat are visible in “Run Request” Form. Just so that you know, there are over 600 forms functions for “Run Reports”

60. Which responsibility do you need to extract Self Service Personalizations?

Ans: Functional Administrator

61. Can you list any one single limitation of the Forms Personalization feature that was delivered with 11.5.10?

Ans: You can not implement interactive messages, i.e. a message will give multiple options for Response. The best you can get from Forms Personalization to do is popup up Message with OK option.

62. You have just created two concurrent programs namely “XX PO Prog1” & “XX POProg2”. Now you wish to create a menu for Concurrent Request submission such that only these two Concurrent Programs are visible from that Run Request menu. Please explain the steps to implement this?


  1. Define a request group, let's say with the name “XX_PO_PROGS”
  2. Add these two concurrent programs to the request group “XX_PO_PROGS”
  3. Define a new Form Function that is attached to Form “Run Reports”
  4. In the parameter field of Form Function screen, enterREQUEST_GROUP_CODE= “XX_PO_PROGS” REQUEST_GROUP_ APPL_SHORT_NAME=”XXPO” TITLE=”XXPO:XX_PO_PROGS”
  5. Attach this form function to the desired menu.

63. Does Oracle 10g support rule-based optimization?

Ans: The official stance is that RBO is no longer supported by 10g.

64. Does oracle support partitioning of tables in Oracle Apps?

Ans: Yes, Oracle does support the partitioning of tables in Oracle Applications. There are several implementations that partition on GL_BALANCES. However, your client must buy licenses if they desire to partition tables. To avoid the cost of licensing you may suggest the clients may decide to permanently close their older GL Periods, such that historical records can be archived.

Note: Before running the archival process the second time, you must clear down the archive table GL_ARCHIVE_BALANCES (don’t forget to export archive data to a tape).

65. What will be your partitioning strategy on GL_BALANCES? Your views, please?

Ans: This really depends upon how many periods are regularly reported upon, how many periods are left open etc. You can then decide to partition on period_name, or period ranges, oron the status of the GL Period.

66. Does Oracle support running of gather stats on SYS schema in Oracle Apps?

Ans: If your Oracle Applications instance is on 10g, then you can decide to run stats forSYS schema.

This can be done by

exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(‘SYS’);

Alternately using


I will prefer the former with default values. If you wish to delete the stats for

 SYS use exec dbms_stats.delete_schema_stats(‘SYS’)

You can schedule a dbms_job for running stats for SYS schema.

67. Can you use the concurrent program “Gather Schema Statistics” to gather stats on sys schema in oracle apps?

Ans: No, “Gather Schema Statistics” has no parameters for SYS schema. Please usedbms_job.

68. Which table is used to provide drill down from Oracle GL into sub-ledger?



69. What is the significance of profile option “Node Trust Level� in Oracle Apps?

Ans: If this profile option is set to a value of external against a server, then it signifies that the specific mid-tier is External i.e. it will be exposed to the www. In other words, this server is not within the firewall of your client.

The idea behind this profile option is to flag such middle-tierso that special restrictions can be applied against its security, which means a very restricted set of responsibilities will be available from such Middle-Tier.

70. What is the significance of profile option “Responsibility Trust Level?

Ans: In order to make a responsibility accessible from an external web tier, you must set profile option “Responsibility Trust Level� at the responsibility level to “External�. Only those responsibilities that have this profile option against them will be accessible from ExternalMiddle tiers.

71. What else can you suggest to restrict the access to screens from external web tiers?

Ans: You may use URL filtering within Apache.

72. What is the role of Document Manager in Oracle Purchasing?

Ans: POXCON is an immediate concurrent program. It receives a pipe signal from the application when a request is made for approval/reservations/receipts.

73.  How to restrict the users to see the payroll data employee-wise, they only can set up the basic elements and pay bonuses but cannot see the gross salaries of employees?


  • Define task flow for your screen
  • Define Profile security for his employee

74. What are the processing types of an element?

Ans: Elements are nothing but the components of the salary.

Eg. Basic, HRA, TA, BONUS, Loans, etc., There are 2 types of Processing

  1. Recurring: if an entry of this element applies in every period until the entry is ended
  2. Non-Recurring: if an entry applies in one pay period only.

75. What are the termination roles of an element?

Ans: Termination Rules of an Element:

  • Actual Termination: For a nonrecurring element, select Actual Termination if you want the entries to close down at the end of the pay period in which the employee leaves.
  • Final Close: if you want the entries to stay open beyond the employee’s leaving date so that you can continue to pay the employee.
  • The Last Standard Process date defaults to the last day of the pay period in which the employee is terminated, but you can set it to a later period when you terminate an employee.

76. What is costing?

Ans: Costing: Recording the costs of an assignment for accounting or reporting purposes. Using Oracle Payroll, you can calculate and transfer costing information to your general ledger and into systems for project management or labour distribution.

77. What are costing types?

Ans: Costing types are:

  1. Fixed costed
  2. Costed
  3. Distributed

78. Can we name certain DFFs (description flexfiled) and their location?

Ans: Yes we can name certain DFF’s and their location

79. What is the core flexfield?

Ans: Core flexfields are:

  • Job
  • Position
  • Grade
  • Competency

80. What are the Two modes of date Track?

Ans: Date Track modes are:

  1. Update
  2. Correction

81. P35 report is run after the “End Of Year (EOY)” process?

Ans: Do you know which tables does EOY process populate?
P35 and P60 reports use these tables which get populated by EOY


82. What is the difference between per_people_f and per_all_people_f?

Ans: PER_PEOPLE_F is a secured view on top of PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F. The secure view uses an API hr_security.show_person.
This API internally checks for entry in table PER_PERSON_LIST for the logged-in person’s security profile. A concurrent
program named “Security List Maintenance program” will insert records in PER_PERSON_LIST

83. What is element entry? what is the purpose of element entry?

Ans: Element entry is to define element yet here enter that is Earning element or deduction element then calculate net pay

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Last updated: 11 Jul 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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