SAP security can be a potentially lucrative career path for individuals with the right skills. As organizations increasingly rely on SAP systems for their critical data operations, the need for robust security measures becomes paramount. This blog gives you insights about the types of SAP Security interview questions that you may encounter for SAP security related-positions. Preparing them will help you to crack the SAP security interview easily.
If you're looking for SAP Security Interview Questions and Answers 2024 for Experienced & Freshers, you are at the right place. Here Mindmajix presenting a list of 60+ interview questions on SAP Security. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world.
According to research SAP Security has a market share of about 0.8%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in SAP Security. Mindmajix offers Advanced SAP Security Interview Questions 2024 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as SAP Security Developer.
This gives personal information about which particular authorization checks need execution inside the transaction and which authorization check doesn’t need to be. | This table gives information regarding the proposal data of the authorization that includes the data related to an authorization which is useful for transactions |
This table also looks at the checks which are present in the profile generator. | It looks at the default set values that need to be present in the profile generator. |
The main role of SAP security is to provide the right access for users with business according to their responsibility and the authority that they hold. And permission is supposed to be given as per their roles in any of the organizations or departments.
Roles are nothing but the transactional codes these are generally found in groups. These codes are given to take out a specific business assignment. So all these t-codes or roles require some specific privileges to implement any function as far as SAP security is concerned. And these special privileges are known as authorization.
It is possible to lock every user at the same time at SAP security. One has to implement a transactional code EWZ5 for doing this particular task.
There are certain steps that need to be taken prior to handing over or giving SAP_all to any of the users. These steps are necessary even when it has the approval of someone in the position of authority. These pre-requisite includes the following.
It is very essential to understand the meaning of the authorization object and that of the authorization object class. The authorization object is nothing but the groups of the field of authorization which looks after the function of a specific activity. Authorization is related to a specific action only whereas the field of authorization looks after the security administrators.
It helps in the configuration of the particular values in any action which is required. As far as authorization object class is concerned it is an umbrella term under which authorization object is taken into consideration. These are put into groups by some departments which include accounting, HR, finance, and some more.
There are certain steps that make it possible to delete numerous roles from the above-mentioned systems. These steps are as follows:
There are a few things that need to be done before one wants to execute the Run system trace. If one is going to trace the CPIC or the user id then prior to executing the Run system then one has to make sure that they said ID is given to someone that is either SAP_new or SAP_all.
This has to be done because this ensures that one is able to execute the work without any kind of checking failure by authorization.
Three hundred and twelve is the highest amount of profile that a role can have. And a role can have one hundred and seventy highest amount of object.
The transactional code which is used to lock the transaction from the execution is SM01.
The main difference is that of dealing with the transactional codes. When one deals with a single role then the transactional codes can be added or deleted easily. But if one is dealing with a derived role then a person is not able to add or delete any transactional code. This is the most important difference that one needs to know about a single role and derived role.
Whenever a user logs into the SAP R/3 system, a user buffer is built where it has all the authorizations associated with the user. So basically, each user will have their user buffer.
For example:
The user buffer looks at the entries and it has to control the entries because they shouldn’t exceed. The parameter which is used is the following, auth/auth_number_in_userbuffer.
A role can have a transactional code of as many as fourteen thousand.
In order to stock or accumulate the illegal password a table called USR40 is usually used. This particular table stores various patterns and arrangements of words that cannot be implemented while making any password.
The PFCG time dependency is nothing but a report which is normally used for comparison of the user master. The PFCG Time dependency also makes sure to wipe away any profiles from the main record which seem to have expired and are of no use. There is also a transactional code that can be employed in order to execute this particular action. The transactional code which is used to do this is PFUD.
The role of user comparison in the sap security is that it helps in the comparison of the master records of the user. This helps in entering the authorized profile which is produced into the main records.
There are a lot of important and essential tabs that are present in the PFCG. The following tabs are included in the PFCG.
SM-18 T-code is the transactional code that is used to delete all the old security audit logs.
If one has to regenerate the profile of sap all then one has to use the following report or program:
If a person wants to display the text of the transactional code then the TSTCT table will be used.
If a user buffer needs to be displayed when the following transactional code will be used; the code is SU56.
If one has to know the single roles the table which is used is AGR_AGRS.
The parameter which is used for deciding on the number of filters is as follows; rsau/no_of_filters.
The derived role is an already present role. This role receives functions and menu structure which is present in the role referenced. This function of inheriting by the roles is only possible when no type of transactional code is assigned prior. The roles at the highest level will pass on the authorizations as a default to derived roles and this can be changed later on.
Certain levels are not passed to the derived roles and they need to be created newly this includes the organizational definitions as well as assignments of the user. Derived roles are well-designed and have a fixed functionality which means it has the same menus and transactions. But the characteristics are different as far as the level of organization is concerned.
The transactional codes which are most commonly used in SAP security are SU53 for authorization of analysis, ST01 for trace, SUIM for the reports, SU01D for the display user, SU10 for bulk changes, PFCG to maintain roles, and SU01 for the creation or changing the user.
The role templates are nothing but the activity clusters which are predetermined. These clusters or groups consist of reports, web addresses, and transactions.
The following are the steps that are involved in terms of creating a user group in the SAP system.
By using the SE10 t-code we can find the transport requests created by other users.
By using t-code RSPFPAR we can ding user-defined and system default security parameters.
The logical system can be assigned to a client by using a specific T-code, i.e. SCC4. This needs to be done with utmost care because it might alter other configurations like CUA ( if it is configured).
If you want to copy data from USBOT, USBOX to tables USOBT_C and USOBX_C, then we can use t-code SU25.
ST01 t-code is used to trace the user authorizations.
T-code SU56 is used to display the current user buffer which authorization is assigned in the user master record.
We can lock multiple users using the SU01 t-code. Go to SU01 t-code and enter user names to be locked.
We can create authorization groups in SAP using SE54 T-code.
In SAP, the maximum number of roles that can be assigned is 312.
SAP supports multiple layers of security, they are:
We can get the user list by using SM04/AL08 transaction code.
Using the SM37 transaction code we can check the background jobs.
Transaction code SM12 is used to manage lock entries.
To be honest, there is no much difference between a role and a profile, they go hand in hand. A Role is nothing but a combination of authorizations and combinations. This information is stored in the form of Profiles. At any given point in time, it can be more than one profile associated with a role. By creating a role, a profile is automatically generated.
If any parameter is modified within a profile, it automatically creates an updated version of the same profile. The process is repeated whenever there is modification is made within a profile. All of these profiles are saved into the database with a naming convention. The stored files of the same profile are considered as Profile versions.
A role is nothing but a container that has or collects the information related to transactions and generates the necessary profile. On the other hand, a composite role is also a container that has information about different roles.
The following are a list of frequently used SAP security T-codes:
SAP T-code | Description |
PFGC | This T-code is used for maintaining roles. |
SU10 | This T-code is used for handling users. |
SU01 | This T-code is used for creating the user or changing the user. |
ST01 | This T-code is used for tracing the system. |
SU53 | This T-code is used for analyzing authorization |
The process is very straightforward. If password rules need to be enforced then the user has to a profile parameter for the same. If this parameter is used then the password rules will be applied automatically.
To check whether the table logs are available, firstly one has to check whether the logging function is activatable or not for a particular table. This can be done by using Tcode SE13. If the table is enabled for logging then the table legs can be seen using T-code SCU3.
The Transaction-code that is used for locking the transaction execution is SM01.
we can assign at least 14000 transactions to a particular role.
Using T-code SE10 will provide an option to enter the user name. After providing the user name information, we will have the ability to check the transport requests that were created by other sets of users.
The main use of the SU25 T-code is: the data is copied from one set of tables to another set of tables. The data is copied from USOBT and USOBX to USOBT_C and USOBX_C.
Generally, the authorization object is to provide access to all the tables on the row level.
A T-code is nothing but a transaction code. This is used for the running program in an SAP application.
User types for background jobs are:
Transaction code that is used to troubleshoot the problem for a background user in ST01
Below are the different types of users that are within the SAP system.
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Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.