SEO Interview Questions

If you're looking for SEO Interview Questions for Experienced & Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research SEO has a market share of about 38%.

So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in SEO. Mindmajix offers advanced SEO Interview Questions 2024 that help you in cracking your interview & acquire your dream career as SEO Developer.

Now let's skim through the following SEO Interview Questions- 2024 (updated) for:

Top 10 SEO Interview Questions

SEO Interview Questions For Freshers

1. Why SEO is important in the present scenario?

Internet users are increasing at a very fast speed. Any business has to involve in the promotion of products/services and brand awareness. There is no bigger platform than the internet at the present time. Involving in SEO can generate great revenues for any business and can simply help them in achieving favorite results in marketing and brand awareness campaigns. At the same time, it can improve their relations with others.

2. What is SEO according to you?

It stands for Search Engine Optimization and is a well-defined set of series in which efforts are made to improve the rank of a website, a blog, or an e-commerce website over the search results on a search engine. The primary target is to enhance the traffic on any website so that it can be made popular or for the purpose of converting them into customers. SEO has been recognized as one of the finest approaches that can help a business grow smoothly in the present time. 

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3. How SEO is done in a simple manner?

There are different methods by which popular Search Engine Optimization is done. All the efforts are towards increasing the overall rank of a website on a search engine result. Everything is closely monitored first about the website. Parameters such as design, development, loading time are enhanced. At the same time, favorable content that introduces the web users to the business or the website is posted on the official website/blog or on a third-party website. Search Engines closely monitor all such parameters and boost the rank if all of them are as per their proper format and guidelines.  

4. What is web traffic?

Every website on the internet has an average number of regular users. The same is considered as web traffic. For example, if 1000 people visit a website daily, the same can be considered as the traffic on the website. For a successful business or website, it is necessary to have more and more traffic on the website. 

Related Article - SEO Interview Questions And Answers

5. What are the major challenges associated with web optimization?

One of the leading factors that largely affect this task is competition. Almost every other website owner in a similar category will make equal efforts as one is making for the same purpose and i.e. web ranking improvements. The next thing is SEO doesn’t depend on one factor only; there are certain factors to pay attention to. The content, design, features, and information all should be SEO-friendly. There are other challenges that are different from different websites. However, the help of an SEO expert can be taken simply to keep up the pace. 

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6. What are Search engine algorithms?

Search engines such as Google have their own algorithms to decide the rank of a website on the internet. It is true that their exact function has not been unveiled yet but there are guidelines for the web owners on what they need to take care of while making efforts to improve the website rank. This generally includes posting unique content, having dedicated designs, not copying any other parameter from another online platform. If everything thing is as per recommendation, such parameters are used for improving the website rank in their own manner. 

7. Name the different ways in which SEO can be done

1. Opening up a PPC account
2. Content/blog posting
3. Using a  site map page on the website
4. Adding simple yet powerful features to the website
5. Social media presence
6. Multiple Keywords in the content
7. Linking with external sites

8. How traffic can be diverted from one website to another

There are certain methods available for this. There are advertisement campaigns such as PPC i.e. Pay per Click and banner advertisements on other websites that are popular. When the users of that website click on them, they can simply be made to land on the concerned website. Probably this increases the website. Next, backlinks can be created for this purpose as it’s also a popular approach. Collaboration between two websites can easily divert traffic from one website to another.

9. What is the best platform to post an advertisement for traffic diversion for any business?

Facebook is a good option to consider. This is because it has a huge volume of users that access their accounts every day. People with similar interest can be targeted as Facebook allow users to postpaid ads and help them to keep up the pace in this matter.

10. What can be the common errors in the Search Engine Optimization Approach?

1. Lack of information on the page users are made to land
2. Complex design and 
3. Extra loading design
4. Targeting undesirable
5. Not choosing the appropriate platform for advertisements

11. What is a search engine?

A search engine is a platform on the internet where we often make a search when it comes to finding a product, service, or any other information. The commonly used and popular search engines are Google and Bling. 

12. Content is King in SEO, what do you mean by this statement? Do you agree with it?

SEO is done in different ways depending on a number of factors. However, it is almost not possible to achieve the desired results by posting the content. In other words, frequent content posting about the services or products is mandatory as only content derives more than 70% of the traffic on any website or blog. It is because of this reason the myth i.e. “Content is King in SEO is very popular. The statement is true up to a good extent. 

13. What are the true benefits of Search Engine Optimization for business owners?

Search engine optimization is very beneficial for any web-based or other business owner. It is because it’s the best way to enhance the popularity of any online platform. Some of the leading advantages are stated below

1. The website/blog can be made more popular
2. Business transactions can simply be enhanced and thus there will be more profits
3. New clients can be added to business through SEO
4. SEO is known for its stable approach

14. Why there is a need to develop a mobile-friendly website

Most of the users in the present time access internet through smartphones. It is very necessary for a website to be mobile-friendly. This is because when open on a mobile, it switches itself as per the user’s device screen and other factors making it possible for them to access all the features imply. If it’s not mobile-friendly, it will appear in the same manner as it appears on a computer. Thus, it would simply be ignored and there will be no benefits of SEO approaches.

15. What do you mean by the term online visibility?

It simply defines how much web users are familiar with a website.

16. Is SEO a paid campaign or its free?

Any search engine offers unpaid results without any partiality. However, a web owner has to involve in the different campaigns to boot the website that is paid for. Thus there is a need to invest some money. However, the same is not going to the search engine but to the third-party business or expert that is involved in boosting your web rankings.

17. Why efforts are made to make the website appear in the top results of a search engine?

It’s simply because the website which is at the top attracts more web users or traffic. For example, most search engine users open the websites that appear on the top results page after completing their research. 

18. What are the different types of searches a user can make on a search engine?

It depends on what exactly a user is looking for. The different kinds of search can be

1. Academic Search
2. Video search
3. Image search
4. Content search

19. Is it always necessary that when efforts are made to improve the web ranking by a particular website/business owner, the same is in competition with all other similar websites?

It is not always necessary. Although there is sometimes a need to keep an eye on what others are doing, the competition in the true sense is only with those who make similar efforts and have similar objectives. For example, both websites want to target traffic from the same website. Otherwise, it’s not always necessary.

20. Is it possible to understand the behavior of Search Engines for web optimization?

It is possible to up to a good extent through a number of ways. However, they are supervised by computer-programmed algorithms which in a true sense are not public. Efforts are based on predictions of any mentioned guidelines.  

SEO Interview Questions For Experienced

21. Suppose you are optimizing a web, what would be your efforts to get favorable results?

The very first thing is to check the content quality and then making all the possible editing. I would prefer to check the barriers against the good web rankings and will eliminate them all one after one. Understanding search engine behavior would be the next thing. Focusing on the design and development errors would be the next thing and finally, I will promote the website to boost the backlinks.

22. What is an SEO tactic?

Search engine optimization is a complex term in the true sense. It generally involves a series of different modules and each module can be considered as an SEO tactic.

23. What do you mean by the term crawling?

After certain successful efforts for SEO, it has been seen that undesirable content often declares its presence in the search indexes. The process of avoiding the same is generally considered as crawling. In fact, it’s a part of several search engine approaches and methods.

24. Name the types of SEO

SEO is generally done in two different manners and they are:

1. On-page SEO
2. Off-Page SEO

[Related Article: Digital Marketing Interview Questions]

25. Name any three WEO tools that you will prefer while doing SEO

Keyword Planner, Google Webmaster, as well as Google analytic, are good options to consider.

26. What exactly do you know about cross-linking?

In SEO, linking different websites or two websites with each other is possible for the purpose of traffic diversion. The process of linking them with each other is generally considered as Cross-linking. However, it is not possible that the same person owns both websites. It is actually like a mutual understanding between two different web owners.

27. Do you know what Keyword Stemming is?

Well, keywords are an important part of content posting which is a powerful approach in SEO. In content, it is necessary to choose the relevant keywords based on public interest and other factors. The process of defining the new keywords with reference to the existing ones is generally considered as Keyword Stemming.

28. Can you name a few Black-hat SEO techniques?

Cloaking Link farming, Keyword stuffing beyond a limit, and Hidden text are generally regarded as Black-Hat SEO techniques.

29. What is Keyword Density?

While posting content, there is a strict upper limit by Google and other search engines on the number of times you can use a keyword in the main body of the content. If the same exceeds, the website might have to face a ban or a penalty. Therefore it should be closely monitored and 1% of the total words is the general limit for the Keyword density in most cases.

30. What exactly are Frames in HTML? How they are useful in SEO

It is basically an approach that divides the content on a webpage into different sections so that same can be displayed on the search engine when a relevant search is made. It is one of the very helpful approaches in SEO at the present time. A lot of web owners are using this approach.

31. What are the techniques used in SEO?

There are two types of SEO:

1. On-Page Optimization
2. Off-Page Optimization and will run the tests without all this baseURL nonsense redirecting you to the wrong server. Just use these commands at the start of the first script in your suite:

32. SEO tools used for?

The major SEO tools are Google analytics, keyword research tool, Alexa, Moz open site explorer, Google web console, sem rush, Copyscape., etc.

33. Define Backlink?

The referring or inbound links to your site or webpage.

34. Define Outbound Links?

External Links to other webpage or websites from your website.

35. What is Googlebot?

Googlebot is an algorithm that crawls/indexes webpages.

36. Define is Cross-linking?

  1. Referred the process of linking one website to another website and allows the accessing it.
  2. It serves the purpose to display the page on the search engines using search engine optimization techniques and methods.
  3. The site ranking is calculated on the basis of the relevance of the sites and then it is reflected on the search engine.
  4. It uses SEO tools that provide reciprocal links and inbound links that can be used as our SEO.

37. Explain the purpose of a keyword in SEO?

The keyword is a phase or a search term used by the search engines to bring the data from the internet. The search engine saves search terms by the use in its database, and when users search for that query, populate the relevant match and display the results.

38. Name some SEO blogs that you frequently read?

1. Search Engine Land Blog
2. Google Blog
3. MOZ
4. Search Engine Journal

39. Explain Meta Tags in SEO?

1. Meta Description -156 characters limits
2. Meta Keywords - 200 characters limits
3. Meta Robots - To control bots

40. What is the character limit in the Title tag?

It defines with pixels, base on that it will be 60- 70 chars in the title tag.

41. What are some Black Hat SEO techniques?

1. Link Farming
2. Cloaking
3. Doorway pages
4. Keyword Stuffing

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42. ‘no follow’ vs ‘do follow’ links?

In SEO No-follow links are not passed by search engines bot and therefore cannot be cached or indexed. A Dofollow link is a kind of hyperlink and it passes through all search engines and it puts an impact over page rank.

43. What is the Webmaster Search Console?

Google provides Webmaster tools to provide backlinks for your website, crawl errors, and website issues, penalty notifications, structured data, search queries, Indexing data, CTR, etc.

44. What is robots.txt?

A text file with commands to control search engine bots, such as indexing and caching of a webpage, file of a website or directory, domain.

45. What are the recent updates in SEO?

  1. Panda
  2. Penguin
  3. 3Mecabbes
  4. Pigeon

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Course Schedule
SEO TrainingMar 29 to Apr 13View Details
SEO TrainingApr 01 to Apr 16View Details
SEO TrainingApr 05 to Apr 20View Details
SEO TrainingApr 08 to Apr 23View Details
Last updated: 15 Mar 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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