TestComplete Interview Questions And Answers

TestComplete is a popular automation testing tool used for functional and regression testing. As more companies strive to deliver software faster and with higher quality, the demand for TestComplete professionals is increasing. By familiarizing yourself with common TestComplete interview questions, you can gain confidence and be better prepared to answer questions related to TestComplete during an interview. Make sure you read all the TestComplete interview questions in the blog to improve your chances of performing well.

TestComplete is a powerful automated testing platform for mobile, web, and desktop apps. Candidates who are preparing for TestComplete jobs should have some industry knowledge before facing the interviews. To help you out, MindMajix has collected top TestComplete interview questions and answers from alumni trainees who have already attended TestComplete interviews.

We’ve segregated them into the following sections for your better understanding and based on the applicant’s skill set.

Top 10 Frequently Asked TestComplete Interview Questions

  1. What is TestComplete?
  2. How to handle exceptions in TestComplete?
  3. What are the browsers supported by TestComplete?
  4. What is a test scenario?
  5. Mention what variant is in VBScript.
  6. What is the use of an Option Explicit Statement?
  7. What is defect density?
  8. What is Automation Testing?
  9. What are the attributes of a test case?
  10. How To Handle Exceptions In TestComplete?

TestComplete Interview Questions For Freshers

Below are the TestComplete interview questions for freshers, which help you face the interview without fear.

1. What is TestComplete?

TestComplete is a Smart Bear software automation product that allows us to automate the software testing process. Unit testing, smoke testing, regression testing, functional testing, distributed testing, and load testing are all supported by TestComplete.

2. What is the latest version of the TestComplete Software Application?

TestComplete 9.3 is the most recent version of TestComplete.

If you would like to learn TestComplete, then visit Mindmajix - A Global online training platform: " TestComplete Training ".This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

3. Which technology does TestComplete support?

Windows,.NET, WPF, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Java Web Applications, and Web Services are the applications and technologies supported by TestComplete.

4. What is the purpose of TestedApp in TestComplete?

We can list the number of applications in TestedApp. We can also add additional Tested Applications with attributes such as command-line arguments, number of instances, etc.

5. What is Data-Driven Testing in TestComplete?

Data-Driven testing refers to running tests with various input data to confirm that the app behaves as expected for multiple values. We can perform data-driven testing with CSV files, Text files, Excel spreadsheets, and database tables.

6. What are the different ways of capturing objects in TestComplete?

The three different ways of capturing objects in TestComplete are as follows:

  • Recording
  • Object Spy
  • Find, FindAll, FindChild, FindAllChildren

7. How to handle exceptions in TestComplete?

TestComplete doesn't add any new exception-handling routines or statements to your scripts. The scripting languages have statements that you can use.

In JavaScript procedures, the following code explains how to handle exceptions:

// Do something
} catch (e)
// Posts an exception message
Log.Error(e. message);

The following code shows how to handle errors in Python routines:

def test():
# Do something
except Exception as e:
# Do something else if there we
# You can handle other potential exceptions here:
except Exception as e:
# Finalize the run

In VBScript, you may utilize the Err object and the On Error command to manage exceptions.

Err.Clear ' Resets the exception indicator
On Error Resume Next ' If an exception occurs
'TestComplete will continue running
'the script rather than stop it
            'Do something
If Err.Number<> 0 Then
            ' An exception occurred !!!
            ' Posts the exception messages to the test Log
    Log. Error Err.Description
            ' No exceptions
End If

8. What are the two types of mechanisms in TestComplete?

  • Record 
  • Playback

9. What are the challenges you are facing in TestComplete?

  • Cross-browser testing: requires browser-level configuration; if we run our script on the client system, we must validate all browser settings.
  • Working with Window Popups: It may fail when trying to upload or download files from the application.
  • Working with Dynamic Object: This entails dealing with an object that changes frequently or unexpectedly.
  • Page Loading: Unable to anticipate how long it will take for a page to load.
  • Technical Support: TestComplete no longer provides support or assistance.

10. What is the usage of the TestComplete tool?

TestComplete allows testers to write automated tests for Microsoft Windows, Web, Android, and iOS applications. Tests can be recorded, written, or manually with keyword-driven activities and used for automated playback and error recording.

11. What is the difference between the Find and FindAll methods in TestComplete?

Find Child: The Find Child method is similar to the FIND method, except it only searches for Child objects.

FindAll Children: The Find All Children method works in the same way as the FINDALL method (described above), in that it searches for all children and stores them in an Array.

12. Explain Keyword Driven Testing?

Keyword Driven testing is an approach in which the test case design separates from the software execution. This test carries specific keywords entered by the user into the browser.

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13. How building a keyword-driven framework in TestComplete would be beneficial?

In TestComplete, creating a keyword-driven framework would allow: 

  • Users to differentiate between test stages, actions, objects, test data, and actions. 
  • Utilize any of the components on any other project that does not necessitate technological expertise.

14. What are the browsers supported by TestComplete?

Browsers that supported TestComplete are as follows:

  • Microsoft Edge (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 – 11 (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions)
  • Google Chrome 48 (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions)
  • Mozilla Firefox 38 – 44 (32-bit only)
  • Applications with the embedded Microsoft WebBrowser control
  • Applications with Chromium Embedded Framework control (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions)

15. What type of results displays the selenium testing?

The results that display Selenium testing are real-time status and information about Automated Web Test activities in a single interface.

16. How would you test your web application on different workstations or nodes?

We could test a web application on multiple workstations or nodes utilizing the Network Suite Concept. The test can perform if the node connects to the overall infrastructure.

17. Can we count the number of children present in an object? If yes, how?

Yes, we could count how many children are present in a given thing. The ChildCount property has the object syntax to calculate the number of children in an object.

18. What is NameMapping in TestComplete?

NameMapping is one of the most significant features in TestComplete that allows us to specify the object's Custom Name.

19. What is a testbed?

A testbed can test applications. The operating system, hardware settings, software configurations, tomcat, database, and other components of a testbed set up the hardware and software requirements of the application under test.

20. What is a test plan?

A test plan is a formal document outlining the testing scope, the methodology to be utilized, the resources needed, and the estimated time to complete the testing process. It depends on the specifications (Software Requirement Specifications).

Related Article: TestComplete Tutorial

21. What is a test scenario?

Test Scenario is a software testing method in which actual scenarios can test the software application rather than test cases. The goal of a test scenario is to test end-to-end scenarios for a specific complex software problem. Scenarios make it easier to test and evaluate complex end-to-end issues.

22. How to recognize similar objects in your application?

Using object IDs or Name Mapping Concepts you can recognize the unique identity of similar objects.

23. What does open application mean?

Open Application for TestComplete refers to an application that exposes its internal Object Properties and methods to TestComplete.

24. Explain what VBScript is.

Visual Basic Script (VB Script) is a stripped-down version of Microsoft Visual Basic. It is similar to JavaScript and is a client-side scripting language. Both Visual Basic and VBScript have a lot in common.

25. Mention the environments where VBScript could run?

The three different settings VBScript can use are as follows:

  • WSH (Windows Script Host) – The native hosting environment of the Windows OS 
  • IIS (Internet Information Server) – Microsoft's web server
  • Internet Explorer (IE) - The most basic hosting environment in which we can run VBS.

26. What is VBScript language used for, and in which language it’s modeled?

VBScript is a simple scripting language used in the QTP (Quick Test Professional) application to automate scripts. It focuses on the Visual Basic programming language.

27. Explain what loose binding is? Why is it not a good practice to use it?

Loose binding is a feature of VBScript that allows you to use variables without declaring them. It is not a good idea because VBScript will not notify you if you misspell the same variable when you use it again.

28. Mention what variant is in VBScript?

In VBScript, a data type represents a variant. A Variant can store a string or numeric data. When used in a string context, a Variant behaves as a string, and when used in a number context, it acts as a number.

29. Mention what VBScript Procedures are?

Procedures in VBScript can organize and reuse code. Sub procedures and Function procedures are the two most common types of VBScript procedures.

30. Mention when to use Function procedures and what are its characteristics?

When you wish to run a set of statements and get a result, you utilize Function procedures. A few of its characteristics are listed below:

  • Function and Conclude used to begin and end function procedures. Statements of function
  • A function process can accept or reject the input.
  • By assigning the matter to its name, function procedures return a value.

31. Mention the rules for using Option Explicit statements?

  • Before any other statements, the Option Explicit statement should appear in a script. If this isn't the case, a non-trappable error will occur.
  • An error occurs if you attempt to use an undeclared variable name.
  • Option Explicit uses all variables and must be declared using the Dim, Public, Private, or ReDim commands.

32. Which data types support VBScript language?

The VBScript language only supports one data type, referred to as a 'Variant.' When this data type uses a String context, it behaves like a String, and when used in a Numeric context, it acts like a Number. The Variant data type excels in this area.

33. How do I declare a global variable in VBScript?

  • Dim: It  is short for "local scope." if the variable name does not already exist globally 
  • Global: forces the variable to create in the Global scope.
  • Local: forces the variable to create in the Local/Function scope.

34. What is the use of an Option Explicit Statement?

https://cdn.mindmajix.com/blog/images/on-error-command-291121.png The Option Explicit statement establishes a system in which all variables must define using Dim, Public, or Private Statements before using the Script. It is good to put 'Option Explicit” at the top of the code so that you can quickly correct it without causing any confusion if you accidentally use the false variable name.

35. What are the two ways in which a variable gets declared in the VBScript language?

  • Implicit Declaration Variables: Implicit Declaration occurs when variables are used directly without being declared. It’s not a good practice because if the variable name is written wrong in the Script, the results will be erroneous when executed. It may be difficult for the user to recognize in some situations.
  • Explicit Declaration Variables: Explicit Declaration of Variables is the process of declaring variables before utilizing them.

Q36. How can constants be declared in the VBScript language?

Constants are named memory regions in a program that never alters their values while the script is running. In the VBScript language, the 'Const' keyword declares Constants.

Q37. How many types of Operators are available in the VBScript language?

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Concatenation Operators

TestComplete Interview questions and answers for experienced

Below are the Interview questions of TestComplete for experienced professionals, which will help you with your preparation.

38. How many types of Procedures are available in the VBScript language?

Sub Procedures and Function Procedures are the two types of procedures in the VBScript language.

  1. Sub is a procedure that contains a set of statements within a code block and does not return any value after execution.
  2. A function is a procedure that includes a series of words within a code block and may produce a deal after the performance. Depending on the circumstances, this can accept input.

39. What are the differences between Sub Procedures and Function Procedures?

It does not require inputRequires input if necessary
Sub Procedure starts and ends with Sub Function procedure starts and ends with function
Sub procedure never return valueFunction procedure may return a value

 40. Which In-Built function formats the number in the VBScript language?

The FormatNumber Conversion function converts a provided expression to a Number.

41. How do I run an application in TestComplete?

To run the application you recently tested, right-click it in the Project Explorer and pick Run from the context menu. In the TestedApps editor, right-click the program and select Run from the context menu.

42. What’s the use of Script extensions?

For constructing TestComplete plugins, script extensions are a simple and powerful tool. Developers utilize scripting languages like JScript or VBScript instead of programming languages like Visual C++ or Delphi to construct plugins (or extensions).

43. What is USEUNIT in TestComplete?

The USEUNIT statement in TestComplete uses to call procedures, variables, or constants declared in one unit to another unit.

44. What is defect density?

The density of faults in a system can measure the defect density. It calculates by dividing the total number of lines of code (or methods or classes) in the application or program by the number of flaws found.

45. What are the different ways of capturing objects in TestComplete?

To replicate user actions on an object in your tested application in automated tests, you must first identify the object, instructing TestComplete where to find the object in your tested application. Objects get captured  in the following ways:

  • By Search Criteria
  • Object Browser Naming Notation
  • Using Microsoft Active Accessibility
  • Using Microsoft UI Automation Technology

46. Is it possible to perform a record and play mechanism in TestComplete?

Yes, TestComplete has a Record and Playback system. In TestComplete Recording, there are two processes. 

  • Record - Starts a test recording or restarts a paused recording. SHIFT-F1 is the default.
  • Low–Level – Record – Begin recording a new low-level procedure based on coordinates on the screen. SHIFT-F4 is the default.

47. What is the ObjectExplain name mapping concept in TestComplete?

When mapping objects, TestComplete compares them to the things in the Name Mapping repository and maps only unmapped. The test fails if TestComplete cannot locate an object (for example, if the object properties have changed or several things with the same property values).

48. Define the Regular expression in TestComplete.

A regular expression is a specific text string that represents a pattern of searches. Within a text fragment, the design specifies one or more substrings to match. A collection of regular expression tokens used in TestComplete is available in the Regular Expressions Syntax article.

49. What results can you obtain from the Load Testing in TestComplete?

Load testing will allow you to see how your system performs under various scenarios and uncover performance bottlenecks. For example, it will assist you in improving your Internet retail application so that more excellent visits get sustained following a promotional campaign.

50. What is decision testing or branch testing?

Decision testing or Branch testing is a type of testing that ensures that each of the possible branches from each decision point gets tested at least once, guaranteeing that all reachable code gets tested.

51. What is integration testing?

After unit testing, integration testing goes through. We test a group of linked modules in integration testing. Its goal is to identify faults with module interaction.

52. What is Automation Testing?

Automation testing is a sort of software testing that entails using an automation tool to execute automated test cases. It reduces test execution time by allowing test scripts to be created once and run several times without the need for human intervention.

53. What do you mean by Software Testing?

The process of evaluating a system to see if it meets its business requirements is known as software testing. It analyzes the system's overall quality in terms of properties such as correctness, completeness, usability, and performance. It is used to ensure the quality of software to the application's stakeholders.

54. Why is testing required?

For the following reasons, we require software testing:

  • Testing ensures that the product functions as intended for the stakeholders.
  • Unable faults are leaked to the end-user/customer without effective testing, negatively affecting the development organization.
  • Defects recognized early in the SDLC result in lower repair costs and resource utilization.
  • Reduces development time by discovering difficulties earlier in the process.
  • By providing a different perspective on the product development process, the testing team offers another dimension to software development.

55. What is Quality Assurance, and what are the different activities involved in Quality assurance?

Any systematic process verifying whether a product or service fulfills defined requirements is known as quality assurance (QA). Process checklists, process standards, process documentation, and project audit are examples of quality assurance activities.

Advanced TestComplete Interview Questions with Answers

Below are the advanced  TestComplete interview questions with relevant answers. 

56. What is Quality Control, and what are the different types of testing involved in QC?

  • Quality control is a product-driven method that ensures the generated product meets all of the specifications.
  • It's regarded as a corrective measure because it inspects the finished product for flaws. It includes several sorts of testing, such as functional, performance, and usability, among others.

57. What is the difference between Verification and Validation?

Verification is the process of assessing artifacts and the software development process to ensure that the generated product meets the criteria.The process of validating that the generated software product meets the defined business criteria is known as validation.
It is a static process of document analysis rather than the outcome.It entails executing a software product and performing dynamic testing on it.
Verification is a method that focuses on the process.Validation is a method that focuses on the product.
Compared to errors discovered during the validation process, errors found during verification require less cost/resources to repair.Errors discovered during validation necessitate more money and resources. When an issue is detected later, the cost of repairing it increases.

58. Explain the STLC – Software Testing life cycle.

All operations conducted during the testing of a software product refer to the software testing life cycle. The phases are as follows:

  • Requirement analysis and validation: The scope of testing is determined, and the requirements papers are analyzed and validated during this step.
  • Test planning: In this phase, the test plan approach gets created, and the estimation of test workload, automation strategy, and tool selection.
  • Test Design and Analysis: This step involves the creation of test cases, the preparation of test data, and the implementation of automation scripts.
  • Test environment set up: A test environment that closely resembles the real-world environment gets created.
  • Test execution: Problems get resolved, reports about bugs and retested.
  • Test Closure and reporting: The final test results summary, learning, and test metrics get included in the test closure report.

59. What are some advantages of automation testing?

The following are some of the benefits of automation testing:

  • Test execution via automation is quick and saves a significant amount of time.
  • Carefully written test scripts eliminate the possibility of human error during testing.
  • CI tools like Jenkins, configured to provide daily test results to relevant stakeholders, can schedule test execution for a nightly run.
  • Automation testing requires very few resources. Once the tests are automated, QAs spend almost no time on test execution. QA bandwidth will save for other exploratory tasks.

60. What are some disadvantages of automation testing?

Some of the drawbacks of automation testing are as follows:

  • Writing test scripts necessitates the use of skilled automation testing experts.
  • Scriptwriting takes time and effort in the beginning.
  • Automation scripts only validate the coded tests. These tests may miss some errors that are obvious and easily identified by humans (manual QA).
  • Even minor changes to the application necessitate script updates and maintenance.

61. What are the attributes of a test case? 

The following are the various properties of a test case that make it more trustworthy, clear, and concise while avoiding or reducing repetition.

  • TestCaseId 
  • Test Summary 
  • Description
  • Prerequisite or pre-condition 
  • Test Steps 
  • Test Data
  • Expected result 
  • Actual result
  • Test Result 
  • Automation Status 
  • Date
  • Executed by

62. How would you measure test coverage with TestComplete?

The formula for measuring this metric is (number of claims covered by test cases/total number of shares)x100% = test coverage. To ensure that the tests cover all criteria, we should break them into individual items and then link them to the test cases surrounding them.

63. Define Distributed testing.

When websites and server programs function with several clients at the same time, distributed testing is gone. Distributed tests contain two or more portions carried out on separate workstations around the network. On network computers, Sequential or parallel execution of test sections (projects or project suites) is possible.

64. What is performance testing?

  • Performance testing is non-functional testing that evaluates a system's performance under expected or increased demand.
  • Response time, dependability, resource utilization, scalability, and other performance metrics get examined during performance testing. Load, Stress, Endurance, Spike, and Volume Testing are the different forms of performance testing.

65. How to add an application to TestedApps in TestComplete?

Choose Add Application from the context menu when you right-click in the Tested Apps editor. In the Project Explorer panel, right-click the TestedApps node and choose New Item from the context menu. The procedure for adding a tested application will appear.

66. Is Cross Browser Testing possible for TestComplete? If yes, then how is it?

Yes, in TestComplete, we can perform cross-browser testing. Cross-browser testing is a specialty of TestComplete 9. x.

67. Is it possible to perform Record And Play Mechanism in TestComplete?

Yes, TestComplete has a Record and Playback system. In TestComplete Recording, there are two processes.

  • Record - Starts or continues a test recording. SHIFT-F1 by default.
  • Low-Level-Record – Begin recording a new low-level procedure using screen coordinates. SHIFT-F4 (by default)

68. How To Handle Exceptions In TestComplete?

We can handle the exception in TestComplete using the On Error Resume Next command. On Error Resume Next Statement, the Exception window will perform the following action and get skipped.


The TestComplete interview questions provided above are beneficial for your following interview. Utilize these latest questions properly to land your dream job. 

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TestComplete TrainingMar 15 to Mar 30View Details
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Last updated: 30 May 2023
About Author

Viswanath is a passionate content writer of Mindmajix. He has expertise in Trending Domains like Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, etc. His articles help the learners to get insights about the Domain. You can reach him on Linkedin

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Software Testing Quiz

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