Design Thinking Interview Questions

Design thinking is a process of innovating new products to solve real-world problems considering ease of use to the customers as a priority. Applying design thinking principles to MindMajix services, we have got the top most frequently asked interview questions of design thinking to ease the chances of getting a job as a Design thinking professional.

Designers aren't the only ones that use design thinking. Every great innovator in art, literature, music, engineering, business, and other fields has used it. Design thinking may help us extract, implement, learn, and teach these human-centred strategies in a systematic way to solve problems in an original and creative way. That is why the interviewer used Design thinking questions to assess the candidate's abilities.

In this article, we've compiled a collection of design thinking interview questions that can help you breeze through your interview. Let's have a look at them.

Top Design Thinking Interview Questions and Answers

  1. What is Design Thinking?
  2. Why Design Thinking?
  3. What are Design Thinking's stages?
  4. What are the advantages of using Design Thinking in the workplace?
  5. What are the design thinking principles?
  6. How can Design Thinking be implemented in a company?
  7. What distinguishes design thinking from project-based learning?

1. What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is an iterative process that involves gaining a better understanding of your users, challenging assumptions, redefining challenges, and developing novel solutions that can be prototyped and tested. The general idea is to find alternate techniques and answers that aren't immediately obvious based on your current level of understanding.

As a result, design thinking offers a solution-based approach to problem-solving that enables you to do it in a creative and collaborative manner. Design thinking is more than a method; it's an entirely new way of thinking that comes with a set of practical tools to help you put it into practice.

2. What is the distinction between problem-based and solution-based thinking ?

Solution-based thinking, as the name implies, concentrate on figuring out answers to problems; creating something useful to effectively handle a problem. Problem-based thinking, on the other hand, is prone to fixating on roadblocks and restrictions.

3. Why design thinking?

Using a Design Thinking method has numerous advantages, whether in educational, business, social context or personal.

Design Thinking, first and foremost, promotes innovation and creativity. As humans, we rely on our accumulated experiences and knowledge to guide our decisions. When it comes to problem-solving, we develop habits and patterns that, while valuable in some instances, might limit our perspective.

Design Thinking enables us to eliminate our blinkers and investigate different solutions instead of using the same tried-and-true methods. The entire procedure encourages the testing of assumptions and the exploration of new paths and ideas.

In Problem solving "healthy middle ground"  is often referred to as Design Thinking.—it is not exclusively based on intuition and  emotion, nor does it rely solely on science, analytics and logic; it combines the two.

Another big advantage of Design Thinking is that it prioritises people. By emphasising empathy so significantly, it encourages enterprises and organisations to think about the real people who use their services and products, making them much more likely to create user experiences that are meaningful. For the end-user, this translates to better, more usable goods that enrich our lives. Customers will be happy, and businesses will have a healthier bottom line as a result.

4. What is the connection between user experience design and design thinking?

You've probably seen a lot of parallels between Design Thinking and user experience design at this point, and you're probably wondering how they relate to one another. UX designers will apply many of the phases laid out in the Design Thinking process, such as user research, prototyping, and testing, because both are strongly user-centric and driven by empathy.

Despite their similarities, there are some differences to be noted between the two. For one thing, Design Thinking has a strategic impact; it investigates a problem space in the context of understanding users, technology feasibility, and commercial objectives in order to find feasible solutions. Design Thinking is accepted and used by many different teams across the firm, including C-level executives, as we can see from the Rotterdam Eye Hospital and MLP case studies.

UX design is focused with actually designing these solutions and ensuring that they are useable, accessible, and enjoyable for the user, whereas Design Thinking is concerned with identifying solutions.

Design Thinking may be thought of as a toolkit that UX designers utilise, and if you work in the field of UX design, it's one of many critical approaches you'll employ to create exceptional user experiences.

5. What are Design Thinking's stages?

Design thinking is divided into five stages. Instead of being sequential processes, these steps contribute to the entire design project in diverse ways. Our goal is to have a full understanding of people and what their ideal solution/product would be.

Stage 1: Empathize—Research the Needs of Your Users

Typically through user research, you should get a sympathetic grasp of the problem you're trying to solve. Empathy is critical in a human-centered design approach like design thinking because it allows you to set aside your own viewpoint and get valuable insight into customers and their requirements.

Stage 2: Define—State the Needs and Issues of Your Users

It's now time to put the information gathered during the Empathize stage together. Then you examine and synthesise your data to determine the most pressing issues that you and your team have identified. These definitions are referred to as problem statements. You can utilise personas to keep your efforts human-centered before moving on to ideation.

Stage 3: Brainstorm—Challenge Assumptions and Come Up with New Ideas

You're now ready to start brainstorming. You may begin to "think outside the box," Because you have a strong foundation of data from the previous two phases, you may look for new perspectives on the problem and come up with creative solutions to the problem statement you've created. Brainstorming is especially effective in this situation.

Stage 4: Prototype—Begin Developing Solutions

This is the start of a trial period. The goal is to discover the most effective answer to each problem that arises. Your team should make many low-cost, scaled-down clones of the product to test the concepts you've developed (or specific functionality present within the product). This might be as simple as prototyping on paper.

Stage 5: Test—Put Your Ideas to the Test

Evaluators put the prototypes through their paces. Despite the fact that this is the end of the process, design thinking is iterative: teams routinely reframe one or more challenges using the outputs. As a result, you'll be able to go back to earlier phases to make more iterations, tweaks, and improvements – or to rule out other options.

Overall, keep in mind that these stages are not consecutive actions, but rather a variety of modes that contribute to the overall design project. Your goal is to gain a full understanding of the users and their ideal solution/product throughout the process.

Looking forward to a career in a Design Thinking Platform? Check out the "Design Thinking Training" and get certified today

6. What are the advantages of using Design Thinking in the workplace?

As a designer, you have a tremendous impact on the experiences and products that your firm offers. Integrating Design Thinking into your process can provide significant commercial benefits, assuring that the goods you create are not only appealing to clients but also feasible in terms of money and resources.

Let's have a look at some of the most important advantages of employing Design Thinking at work:

Reduces time-to-market by a significant amount:

    Design Thinking, with its viable solutions and emphasis on problem-solving, can drastically minimise the amount of time spent on development and design, especially when used in conjunction with agile and lean methodologies.

Cost savings and a high return on investment:

     Getting successful goods to market faster saves the company money in the long run. Design Thinking has been shown to provide a large return on investment; for example, teams using IBM's Design Thinking principles have computed a ROI of up to 300 percent.

    Improves consumer loyalty and retention: Design Thinking provides a user-centric approach, which increases user engagement and retention over time.

Fosters innovation:

    Design Thinking is all about urging all stakeholders to think beyond the box; challenging assumptions and established beliefs. This generates an innovative culture that reaches well beyond the design team.

Can be applied through out the enterprise:

    Design Thinking isn't just for designers; it can be used across the board. It facilitates cross-team collaboration by leveraging collective thinking. Furthermore, it may be used by almost any team in any business.

Whether you're aiming to build a company-wide Design Thinking culture or simply trying to enhance your user-centric design approach, Design Thinking will assist you in innovating, focusing on the user, and ultimately designing solutions to real-world problems.

7. What are the tools used in the design thinking process?

When making a list of design thinking tools, keep in mind that this is a four-phase process:

  • Immersion: determining the circumstance through investigation.
  • Analyze and synthesise the data acquired and reinterpret the underlying circumstance in light of the data's transformation into information.
  • Ideation: brainstorming sessions with instruments for producing creative solutions in collaboration.
  • Prototyping: verifying the efficacy of solutions that provide value to the end user.

8. What distinguishes Design thinking from other forms of thought?

Professionals can use Design Thinking to identify a solution and help the company get a competitive advantage over its competitors. The following are some of the benefits of Design Thinking

  • Finding simplicity in the midst of a complex situation.
  • Having a product that looks beautiful and is pleasing to the eye.
  • The customer/end-user experience is being improved.
  • Creating practical, imaginative, and long-term solutions to real-world problems.
  • Taking care of the end-users actual needs.

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9. What are the design thinking principles?

Design thinking is based on a set of fundamental ideas. These values are represented in the design thinking technique, which we'll go over in more depth later. Below are five of the most essential design thinking principles.

1. Empathy and user-centricity

    Finding solutions that respond to human needs and user feedback is at the heart of design thinking. People, not technology, drive innovation, thus putting yourself in the shoes of your target audience and developing genuine empathy for them is an important part of the process.

2. Collaboration

    The goal of design thinking is to bring together a wide range of viewpoints and ideas, which leads to innovation! Design thinking promotes collaboration across diverse, multidisciplinary teams that might not normally collaborate.

3. Ideation

    Because design thinking is a problem-solving framework, the goal is to generate as many ideas and potential solutions as possible. Ideation is a fundamental design thinking notion as well as a stage in the design thinking process. The ideation phase is a designated judgment-free zone in which participants are encouraged to focus on quantity rather than quality of ideas.

4. Iteration and experimentation

    It's not just about coming up with ideas; it's also about prototyping them, testing them, and making modifications depending on user input. Because design thinking is an iterative process, expect to repeat some processes as you find defects and weaknesses in early versions of your suggested  solution.

5. A tendency to take action

    Design thinking is a problem-solving methodology that emphasises action over talk. Design thinking encourages you to get out there and engage with your users face-to-face rather than speculating about what they want. You'll develop prospective answers into concrete prototypes and test them in real-world scenarios rather than talking about them.

10. Make a list of reasons why design thinking doesn't work.

Wrong Mindset: No matter how wonderful a strategy or idea is, it will never function if it contradicts the organization's culture.

Unrealistic Expectation: There is no built-in solution to "Design Thinking." It gives you the skills and mindset to create truly unique solutions to important unmet needs. You should be familiar with the methods and mindset, and you should keep your expectations in check as you learn.

Lack of Patience:Frequently, the organisation lacks the perseverance to hold on to a good concept long enough to see it through. They're used to tackling small problems and finding quick fixes, which isn't what design thinking is all about. You must work through the solution one Iteration at a time, as design thinking deals with deep, human-centered requirements.

Lack of Vision: You must first comprehend the context; what is happening at your company? What are the strategic goals for innovation? The goal is, to begin with, a clear picture of the areas where innovation is required, rather than at the end. You're relying on luck if you don't have that clear vision.

11. Do you believe that design thinking is the only way to solve issues and create new ideas?

No! There are a variety of approaches to problem-solving, including sitting in an office and thinking extremely hard. We employ design thinking because it works so well.

12. Who is capable of doing it (design thinking)?

Design thinking is a process that anyone can learn and apply to solve problems. However, not everyone is capable of doing it successfully at first. Practice and coaching, like anything else, are the most effective ways to improve design thinking. The greatest method to learn it is to be mentored by an expert.

13. How can Design Thinking be implemented in a company?

Without professional assistance, design thinking cannot be adopted overnight. This isn't to say you can't try it out on a short project or strive to improve your employees' mindsets. Here are a few fundamental steps to follow in order to complete this task:

  • Concentrate on the problem.
  • Develop your team's design thinking abilities.
  • Make Inquiries
  • Adopt a feedback loop.

14.How can we put design thinking to the test in a single day?

We can participate in the Global Design Day. It's a one-day event where you'll be able to communicate with folks from all around the world who will be doing the same in their schools.

15. Is it possible to apply components of design thinking and succeed?

We can, of course, use specific tools to achieve partial success. However, if we are tackling a problem from the start, we can achieve a better solution by following each stage of design thinking.

Check Out: Design Thinking Model

16. What kinds of problems can design thinking solve?

Design thinking can be used to solve any problem. This applies to both commercial and personal matters. For instance, to assist your clients, to assist your child, to prepare a party, and so on.

The technique is the same for all of these things, but the substance may differ.

17. Is it possible to perform Design Thinking without first conducting user research?

No, it is not possible to perform Design Thinking without first conducting user research.

18.Is design thinking applicable to people of all ages?

From Nursery to Ph.D., design thinking can benefit people of all ages. Of course, different approaches will be taken. In terms of development, we want to be consistent. Children, on the other hand, are naturally creative, and the design thinking framework gives a context in which their creativity can blossom.

19. What is the best way to get started with design thinking?

We can begin employing Design thinking by enrolling in a course or hiring someone to assist us. We can read a book for an introduction, but many abilities, such as how to interview people quickly or how to extract information from interviews, cannot be learnt without examining the appropriate approaches and receiving proper coaching. If no workshops are available in your area, seek for an online course that will provide you with at least a few instances of how it works. Or, better yet, engage someone who can assist you in learning the process for the first time and educate you how to do it.

20. What distinguishes design thinking from project-based learning?

Project-based learning does not always have to do with the creation of a specific product. Design thinking is frequently centred on a project, a passion, or a circumstance. Despite the fact that the models frequently overlap and it is simple to incorporate design thinking into project-based learning, frameworks have distinct purposes and frameworks


We have got the most frequently asked design thinking interview questions by top MNCs. Our SMEs came up with the answers, making it easy for you to understand the core concept behind the question. It helps you answer such similar questions with complete knowledge during interviews. We made enough efforts to bring the best knowledge of Design thinking. Let us know in the comment section if there are any questions you think are essential so that we shall get them answered and add them to the page.

Course Schedule
Design Thinking TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Design Thinking TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Design Thinking TrainingNov 02 to Nov 17View Details
Design Thinking TrainingNov 05 to Nov 20View Details
Last updated: 04 Jan 2024
About Author

Kalla Saikumar is a technology expert and is currently working as a Marketing Analyst at MindMajix. Write articles on multiple platforms such as Tableau, PowerBi, Business Analysis, SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and other courses. And you can join him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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Design Thinking Articles