If you're looking for Oracle Apex Interview Questions & Answers for Experienced or Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research, Oracle Apex has a market share of about 0.9%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Oracle Apex Administration. Mindmajix offers Advanced Oracle Apex Interview Questions 2024 that help you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as an Oracle Apex Administrator.
Oracle Application Express (also called APEX and formerly called HTML DB) is a FREE RAD web development tool. APEX is written using PL/SQL and runs completely inside of a web browser. Apex is an IDE and a runtime environment. You use APEX to write web applications. Users, using their database user ID, log into APEX and run their application from a menu. With the APEX IDE, you can create forms, reports and charts. All of the normal web widgets are available: radio groups, buttons, drop down lists, date pickers, etc. You can even integrate your own JavaScript code should you need it. The output from APEX applications can be to the screen or to PDF, Excel spreadsheet, Flash, or even integrated into a web service.
You can use a supplied theme for a consistent look and feel or create your own theme for a personalized feel to your application. The most important thing to remember about Oracle Application Express is that it is designed from the ground up to be tightly integrated with the Oracle Database, to be a fully capable web development environment, and to be easy enough for savvy business users to create or extend applications for themselves.
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If dba view access then select comp_name, version, status from dba_registry or schema user
Need to check schema name OR select version_no from apex_release;
We need to call SQL scripts to reset the password @apxchpwd.sql (this is the same as altering the user username identifies by password)
If you are running on an oracle database and you want to build rich web applications with reports, forms, charts, drill downs and dashboards with limited Java experienced developers in a short time frame, Oracle APEX is the most likely candidate for consideration.
APEX is installed on Oracle database (above 9.2 version), starting from Oracle 11g it comes pre-installed with the database. It is comprised of metadata in tables, pl/SQL code, and extensive JavaScript APIs.
The URL request from the browser is translated into appropriate APEX PL/SQL call by either Oracle HTTP Server (Apache) with mod_plsql plugin or Embedded PL/SQL Gateway. This varies by the type of APEX installation on the oracle database. After the data is processed, results are relayed back to the browser as HTML. This cycle happens each time a user requests or submits a page. The application session state is maintained in database tables.
APEX installation can be done in two ways. DBAs are more concerned about it than developers. But this determines how the URL is translated.
SQL, PL/SQL is essential. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are good to have skills to understand and customize look and feel (themes, templates, …. ).
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Users are divided into three primary roles developer
apex_workspaces,apex_workspace_activitiy_log etc
Utlrp.sql or
SQL> exec validate_apex; (If your APEX version is 2.0 or above)
SQL> exec validate_htmldb; (If your APEX version is prior to 2.0
Login to APEX_030200
Oracle apex by default while installation of oracle DB. But you need to configure the access mechanism to launch the APEX application.
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Oracle Application Express is truly a database application. The IDE, the menus, and all of the screens you see in APEX are written in PL/SQL. The metadata for all of those screens, reports, and menus are stored in relational tables within the database. When you point your browser at the APEX URL, the Oracle HTTP listener (Apache +mod_plsql or the PL/SQL gateway, depending on database version) receives that call and uses PL/SQL and the metadata stored in database tables to paint the welcome screen. When you log into APEX you are using an actual database user ID.
This user ID is associated with a role (or roles) within the database and these roles determine what access you will have. If you are an administrator, you have access to create users and workspaces. As a developer, you have access to create new applications. If you are configured as an end-user, you will be able to run one or more applications. Oracle Application Express is integrated with the Oracle Database as no environment is. If you need to extend the basic functionality of APEX, there is no need to learn additional languages or links in additional libraries. On rare occasions, you need to extend functionality, you’ll either use SQL for data access or PL/SQL when procedural code is required.
Because APEX is so tightly integrated into the database, you can prototype screens while sitting with the user. The Object Browser allows you to create database objects such as tables in addition to viewing those same objects. This allows you to create objects on the fly and then build tables around those objects. The IDE, including the above Table builder, and all applications are run within a browser.
Turn-around time is immediate. Because APEX is declarative, you can easily make changes in real-time via the built-in wizards. Because APEX controls session information for you, and because you use the security framework built into the Oracle Database, you can concentration on delivering applications, not on connection configuration and other typical web development time wasters.
APEX comes pre-installed and completely integrated with Oracle Database Express Edition(XE). For all other editions of Oracle Database, Oracle Application Express comes as a free add-on that can be downloaded and installed. If you chose to “try before you buy”, or since it’s free, “try before you install”, you can also use the hosted APEX Online facility. This facility allows you to create and run complete applications just as you would on your own equipment.
Beta version APEX 4.2 is released a couple of weeks back. This new version offers many enhancements. Among the most useful are:
The current version of APEX allows you to download pre-packaged applications for you to learn from and/or modify for your own uses. You can currently download (form Oracle’s Technology site):
You are by no means limited to this list of projects. An Internet search for “oracle APEX projects” Gets almost 500,000 hits and more are being posted all the time.
As mentioned above, you can sign up for a free account at APEX.ORACLE.COM (Oracle’s hosted Application Express site). When you sign up for an account, you identify the work area name that you want to use and identify an administrator. From there you can create applications and users just as you would on your own hardware and systems.apex.oracle.com is not intended for production systems, it is intended for exploration and testing. For additional hosting companies, check out Oracle. These sites offer varying levels of hosting including free developer access and full application deployment.
Application Express has a robust community to help you develop, deliver, and use APEX applications. The first stop for support would be the APEX Forum sat Oracle Technology Network. This active forum provides tips and answers from many experts both inside and outside of Oracle.
Other sites include:
In addition to the OTN forums and community sites, Application Express has a huge following in the blogosphere. Many expert-level resources maintain blogs about APEX. Some particularly well-known blogs are:
Oracle has made a large commitment to Application Express. In a fairly short time, APEX has made it to version 3.0. Every release makes it easier to use and deploy applications. While recent releases have improved APEX integration with SOA, APEX does not try to compete with jDeveloper or the Oracle Java stack. APEX is the glue that can combine various parts of an enterprise solution into a whole.
APEX is the tool of choice to create web-based, database-centric applications. If your business logic is in the database tier, APEX is the way to go. If your logic is in the middle tier or is implemented at the java level, J2EE may be the better choice. APEX take-up has doubled in the past year and thousands of developers are using APEX. Numbers like these ensure a healthy future for APEX. A recent INFOWORLD ARTICLE contains the following:
Backing up and restoring Oracle Database XE is based on protecting the physical files that make up the database
There are 6 files in C:
To ensure the application can easily be moved from one Application Express environment to another you should avoid hard-coded references to values that may change between environments.
For example, the application ID is often referenced in URLs throughout an application. The Application Express engine uses the application ID to uniquely identify the application fetched and run from the application repository. Rather than using the actual application ID as is done in the URL below:
It is recommended to use an indirect reference instead:
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Oracle Apex works on the following operating systems:
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Name | Dates | |
Oracle Apex Training | Mar 29 to Apr 13 | View Details |
Oracle Apex Training | Apr 01 to Apr 16 | View Details |
Oracle Apex Training | Apr 05 to Apr 20 | View Details |
Oracle Apex Training | Apr 08 to Apr 23 | View Details |
Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at Mindmajix.com. His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.