Is developing apps and user interfaces your thing? Are you an aspiring React Native Developer? Is your interview date approaching? Do you want to ensure that you have practised enough React Native Interview Questions? Then you don't need to worry. We have consolidated some of the most asked React Native Interview Questions for you in this article. Have a thorough look at them!
Meta Platforms Inc. developed this open-source UI software framework known as React Native. It was initially launched on March 26, 2015.
React Native enables the development of app UIs for iOS, Android, macOS, tvOS, Android TV, Windows, Web, and UWP. Developers use the React framework as well as native platform capabilities to develop the apps. Even hybrid mobile applications running on Android as well as iOS can be made from a single code base. React Native can be used in the existing iOS and Android projects and creating new apps from scratch as well. It uses JavaScript as the main language for the developing process.
Have a glance at these React Native facts before moving further:
React Native stood at 6th place with 14.51% of the total respondents' votes in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021. Among only professionals, it stood at 5th place with 16.48% votes.
For any repository on GitHub, React Native had the 2nd highest number of contributors in 2018.
The average salary of a React Native Developer is $122,159 per annum or $62.65 per hour in the USA. The entry-level salary starts at $100,000 per annum and goes up to $160,000 per annum.
We have categorized React Native Interview Questions into:
We can control a single sequential flow within a program using a thread in React Native
React Native provides the following threads:
Shadow Thread: it's a background thread. We can calculate a layout created using React library inside React Native by this thread.
MAIN/UI Thread: It's the main thread on which our app runs.
JavaScript Thread: it executes the main Javascript code.
SQLite is the most suited database for React Native.
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Yes! However, it comes at a cost as different code needs to be written for each of the platforms. But even then, it is relatively much cheaper than building 2 native apps. React Native has been developed in such a way that the iOS and Android logic is different. So the platforms can still share their functionality even when they look or behave differently.
Redux is a state container for JavaScript applications. We can develop applications able to run in various environments with the help of Redux. This means that we can handle the whole data flow of the application within a single container. And the previous state also persists alongside.
Redux has the following components:
Props drilling or threading is the process of passing down the data from the parent component to its exact child component. In between, it passes through other components which own the props.
The given steps can be used to avoid props drilling:
Timers are essential in any application. React Native provides the provision of the following timers:
The following tools can be used to debug React Native apps:
Yes, default props are available in React Native. The default props value is used by the component in case the props value doesn't pass.
Flexbox is a layout model. The function of Flexbox is aligning and distributing the space within a container. It is a great tool that is used for responsive design systems. Its most used properties are flexDirection, justifyContent, and alignItems.
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The state is another way of modifying a react component apart from the props function. Unlike props, the state value of React component changes in the component's life cycle. The react component's state value should not be changed directly. We should use the setState method of the React framework to change the state of a component.
Some of the best UI components in React Native are given below:
The function of StyleSheet.create() in React Native is to ensure the immutability and opaqueness of the values. They are used for sending the style through the bridge only once. Hence, they help to avoid the passing of a new style object.
Refs in React Native are the features used for accessing a component's instance or DOM elements directly within React. In situations where you wish to change a child's component without the component's re-rendering or the use of props, Refs come to your rescue.
Some of the similarities between React Native and React are given below:
We can manipulate the images by using animations to make them appear as moving objects. For greater user experience in the application, extra effects can be added in React Native animations. It can be used with React Native API, Animated.decay, Animated.parallel, and Animated.stagger.
React Native provides the given two types of animations:
The full form of JSX is JavaScript XML. It enables writing HTML elements in React and placing them in DOM without any /orappendChild() and craeteElement() methods. JSX also helps in converting HTML tags into react elements. And hence writing it becomes easier.
There are two ways to write a react component:
The following steps need to be followed to create and start an app:
$ npm install –g create-react-native-app
$ create-react-native-app MyProject
$ cd MyProject
$ npm start
Gesture Responder System is React Native's internal system, which manages the lifecycle of the system of gestures. Sliding, tapping, zooming, and swiping are some of the various kinds of gestures that React Native provides. These touch interactions are negotiated by the responder system. We use the Animated API generally. And we can't reverse the gestures once made.
Axios is a famous library if you want to make HTTP requests from the browser. We can make the POST, GET, DELETE, AND PUT requests from the browser. That's why React Native uses the Axios for making requests to an API, returning data from API, and performing actions with the data in React Native application. By using the given command, we can use Axios via the addition of the Axios plugin to the project.
# Yarn
$ yarn add Axios
$npm install axios--save
There are several features of Axios which are given below:
Several ways of handling screen sizes are listed below:
ScrollView component is a general scrolling container. It is capable of holding multiple views and components. We can scroll both horizontally and vertically. We can also use it for implementing zoom and pinch functions in iOS. And we can swipe horizontally between views on Android by the use of the ViewPagerAndroid component. Its best use is presenting a limited number of things. ScrollView renders all the views and elements even if they are not visible on the screen.
Virtual DOM is real DOM's representation. And it is a lightweight JavaScript object. This step comes in between calling the render function and displaying the elements on the screen. It is like a node tree that makes the list of elements, attributes, and content into objects and properties. A node tree of React components is created by the render function, and then it's updated as per the changes in the data model.
The full form of HOC is Higher-Order Component. We can reuse the component logic by using this technique. This function takes in a component and returns a new one.
Const NewComponent = higherOrderCompnent(WrappedComponent);
Microsoft, Walmart, Instagram, Skype, Airbnb, Uber Eats, Pinterest, Facebook, Bloomberg, and Flipkart are some of the major companies using React Native.
The following are the top alternatives to React Native, in my opinion:
JavaScript is the language upon which React Native is based. However, its community-driven and open-source framework allow us to avail of online help as well.
The following are the tools for development in React Native:
Some pros of React Native are given below:
We can transfer the apps to React Native as long as our program does not depend on the smartphone for performing heavy computational operations. React Native enables building more complicated and larger apps with its ever-expanding capabilities. Also, It becomes cheaper to develop an app on React Native.
Jest, Jasmine, Enzyme, Detox, Cypress, Karma, and Mocha are some tools available for the testing codebase.
Yes, we can write the code for iOS and Android in the same codebase.
Creative and interactive User Interfaces, as well as apps, are the keys to the success of the company. That is because the users are the ultimate targets for any company's growth. Hence, for web developers having knowledge of React and JavaScript, React Native is an amazing platform to grow. This technology is supported by some of the biggest players in the market as well. This proves the presence of ample growth in this field. And we hope that we can help you in getting one step closer to your success through these React Native Interview Questions.
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