Cloud Security Interview Questions

Are you planning on becoming a cloud security professional? Have you covered all the required basic and advanced-level questions? If your answer is no, then this is the guide for you. This blog contains QA automation interview questions and answers which are prepared by industry experts so that you can crack the toughest of the interviews.

Cloud security is a set of practices and tools created to address both internal and external security threats to businesses. As they implement their strategy for digital transformation and integrate cloud-based tools and services into their infrastructure, organizations need cloud security. In recent years, the phrases "digital transformation" and "cloud migration" have become commonplace in business contexts. Both phrases are motivated by the need for change, even though their meanings can vary depending on the organization.

Before we start the interview questions, let us first learn the most common and widely adopted cloud computing services. They are:

  • IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) is a hybrid approach in which businesses can manage some of their data and applications on-premises while entrusting cloud service providers to take care of their server, hardware, networking, virtualization, and storage requirements.
  • PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service): Provides a unique application framework that automatically appears to be able to operate operating systems, software updates, storage, and infrastructure networks in the cloud. This enables organizations to streamline their software development and delivery.
  • Software-as-a-Service, or SaaS, refers to cloud-based applications that are hosted online and typically made available via subscription. The management of all potential technical issues by third parties, including data, middleware, servers, and storage, reduces the use of IT resources and streamlines upkeep and support tasks.

As it is quite obvious, the world of  Cloud security is abundant with opportunities. Therefore, the demand and competition for the same is a lot in the market. We suggest you to further read this blog to be able to get an idea of the questions that will be asked so that you can ace the interview.

For clarity, the questions are divided into 2 categories, they are:

  1. For freshers
  2. For experienced
  3. FAQ

Frequently Asked Cloud Security Interview Questions

Top Interview Questions for Cloud Security: Freshers

1. What databases are available on open-source cloud computing platforms?

The three primary open-source databases for cloud computing are Lucid DB, CouchDB, and  MongoDB (DB denotes databases). It is one of the most commonly asked interview questions about cloud security that you might encounter. Because the interviewer might have additional questions about those databases, you should identify the cloud computing console databases that you've worked on.

2. Why would you want to get CCSK?

The CCSK offers knowledge of security concerns and recommended procedures for a variety of cloud service domains. Additionally, it is relevant to a broad range of IT and information security positions in almost every organization.

3. What benefits does utility computing offer its users?

The main benefit of computing services is that a user only has to pay for the services they actually use. It functions like a plug-in that's also managed by the company, which chooses the kinds of cloud services to use. To succeed in your cloud security interview, you should be prepared for this question, which is one of the most frequent ones.

Do you want to get certified and build your career in Cloud Security? Then enroll in "Online Cloud Security Certification" this course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

4. Do you understand the security regulations in place to protect data in the cloud?

There are 5 major security laws in total that are typically followed. As follows:

  • Data input is controlled after input validation.
  • Security and backup: Data is protected and stored, preventing data breaches.
  • Production reconciliation: The data that needs to be compared between input and output is controlled.
  • Processing: An application controls the data that has been correctly and completely processed.

5. What are some advantages of cloud computing?

  • Validation of Input: First off, it offers data storage and data backup.
  • It also has strong server capabilities.
  • It has the ability to sandbox information technology.
  • Last but not least, it boosts productivity and saves time and money.

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6. What are some well-known cloud service providers and databases?

There are three sizable cloud service providers and databases:

  • SQL cloud-based
  • A Simple Database on Amazon
  • Bigtable Google

7. What security features are offered by the cloud?

  • The application services are first authorized by identity management.
  • Access control follows. In this, users are given the ability to regulate another user's access to the cloud environment.
  • And finally, authorization and authentication. In this, access to the data and applications is restricted to users with authorization and authentication.

8. What distinguishes the cloud from conventional data centers?

During one's search for Google cloud questions and answers, you will undoubtedly come across this as one of the standard Cloud security interview questions. You can respond to this query in the manner listed below. Due to the heating of the hardware or software, traditional data centers are expensive. And the majority of costs go toward maintaining data centers, whereas this is not the case with cloud computing. In the case of the cloud, data storage is simple and does not come with a high maintenance cost.

9. Describe the cloud architecture.

In the case of the network security question and answer session questions and answers, it is the key query. Together with the supporting components needed for cloud computing, these two components make up cloud architecture. There are platforms for the front end and the back end, which collectively consist of clients, mobile devices, servers, and storage. In addition to these, there is a network and cloud-based delivery.

Related Article: Cloud Security Architecture

10. What are the security regulations in place for protecting data in the Cloud?

The following security laws are used to protect cloud data:

  • First, is processing, which ensures that data in an application is handled correctly.
  • Next, file. This controls and manages any manipulated data in the files.
  • Output reconciliation will follow. It is used to regulate the data that must be compared between input and output.
  • Validating input comes in fourth. It manages the data input.
  • Finally, backup and security. This regulates the logs of security breaches.

11. Describe the various cloud architecture layers.

The cloud architecture is composed of the following five layers:

  • Cloud Manager (CLC)
  • Storage Manager (SC)
  • Cluster Controller Node Controller (NC) 
  • Walrus

12. What stages comprise cloud architecture?

There are four distinct possible aspects of cloud architecture, and they are as follows:

  • Monitoring Phase
  • Shutdown Phase
  • Cleanup Phase

13. Describe the various ways that automation is provided by cloud architecture. and accountability for performance?

Numerous tools that are used in cloud architecture are among the ways to provide automation and performance transparency. You can manage the cloud infrastructure and keep an eye on reports, though. Additionally, it enables application sharing through cloud architecture.

Additionally, automation is a crucial part of cloud architecture that helps to raise the level of quality.

14. What do cloud computing system integrators do?

The complex procedures used in creating a cloud platform are provided by the technology providers of cloud computing. Integrators are likely to contribute to the development of both the public and private cloud networks even more precisely because they are knowledgeable about the construction of data centers.

Related Article: What is Cloud Computing

15. How can you keep your data safe while it's being transferred to the cloud?

Data encryption must be used with the information that is being sent in order to ensure that there is no leakage of any kind while it is being transferred to the cloud.

16. How does cloud computing use EUCALYPTUS or Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Linking Your Programs?

The main component of Eucalyptus' cloud computing infrastructure is open-source software. When creating public, hybrid, and private clouds using the cloud computing platform, it is typically used to implement clusters. You are able to use its features for other businesses as well because it can also turn its own data center into a private cloud.

17. Why does implementing a cloud require a virtualization platform?

The following are the reasons why virtualization is necessary for cloud implementation:

  • The operating system for clouds
  • To administer the service policies
  • To maintain separation between the concepts at the user level and the backend level.

 Since virtualization is a key idea in cloud computing, it makes sense to practice it while preparing for other Cloud Security Interview Questions.

18. What different types of data centers are being used for cloud computing?

For cloud computing, there are primarily two types of data centers: low-density data centers and containerized data centers.

19. List the various cloud computing layers.

Following are the various cloud computing layers:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS) gives users direct access to cloud applications without requiring them to be installed on their computers.
  • Platform as a Service, or PaaS, gives developers access to an application platform.
  • IaaS, or infrastructure as a service, gives users access to hardware infrastructure, including a processor and memory speed, among other things
Related Article: Top 10 Cloud Computing Tools

20. What use cases exist for cloud computing?

Applications for cloud computing can be developed very quickly. You can use the software conveniently because you don't need to sell or buy anything to use it. This makes the process of creating applications five times faster, and the apps can be used anytime, anywhere. Additionally, it instantly transforms applications into mobile ones. This is a typical inquiry that appears on both the list of cloud computing and cloud security interview questions.

Top Interview Questions for Cloud Security: Experienced

1. What advantages does cloud computing offer?

The main advantages of cloud computing are its cost-effectiveness, 50% increase in productivity, and 40% decrease in IT support. Additionally, it saves about 30% of the time, uses less energy, and occupies less space.

2. What variations exist in SaaS?

In Saas, there are two modes: fine-grained multi-tenancy as well as simple multi-tenancy. In the first scenario, many people share the resources while maintaining the same functionality. However, in the latter scenario, each user has a unique resource, making them unique from other users. Simple multiple tenancies are regarded as the most effective mode because of this.

3. What role does PaaS play?

The answer is that PaaS, or platform as a service, is crucial to cloud computing. For the providers, it offers an application platform. By fully virtualizing the infrastructure layer and ultimately making it operate as a single server, it makes things easier for the user.

4. What resources are offered by IaaS?

The resources that are used to build a cloud are given to the user through infrastructure as a service, or IaaS. This layer of computing handles the difficulties associated with the deployment and upkeep of the services offered by the previous layer. The servers, hardware, and storage make up the infrastructure.

5. What is a cloud service?

This is the fundamental inquiry you will encounter in any interview pertaining to the cloud, whether it be a cloud computing interview or a cloud security interview. In essence, a cloud service creates cloud applications. Simply put, the applications can be used without having to install them on a computer. As a result, unlike other applications that must be installed on a computer in order to be used, the application does not require maintenance or support.

6. Describe the main aspects of cloud computing.

The following list includes the main characteristics of the cloud service:

  • Creation of software capable of managing multiple clients simultaneously.
  • Centralization of the software's update function will make it unnecessary to download updated versions.
  • Centralization of software management operations in a web environment.
  • Management of and access to commercial software.

7. How do cloud services use API?

Application Programming Interface, or API. It is a crucial part of cloud computing platforms. It is employed in the subsequent ways:

  • It gives instructions for how one or even more applications should communicate.
  • It makes it possible to link cloud services with other systems and to create applications quickly.
  • Additionally, it does away with the need to write complete programs.

8. Why is using cloud services advantageous?

The following are the motives for using cloud services:

Since scaling is now accomplished much more quickly, it aids in creating reliable and scalable applications. As a result, deployment and maintenance time are reduced. It makes it easier for corporations to use their investments. It is also economical.

9. Explain elasticity and scalability in the context of cloud computing.

Cloud computing features both scalability and elasticity. The proportion of resource capacity is increased to address the first issue. The latter, on the other hand, emphasizes the idea of commissioning and decommissioning of a significant level of resource capacity. It is obvious to prepare for this type of question while trying to prepare other Cloud Security Interview Questions because cloud features and characteristics are crucial in cloud computing.

10. What do community and hybrid clouds mean?

As the name suggests, hybrid clouds are made up of both public and private clouds. A hybrid has various service providers as a result. For instance, a business may decide to implement SaaS applications across the board; as a result, the firewall (private cloud) will provide the necessary security, and a VPN will provide additional security (public cloud) However, when several businesses are prepared to share the advantages of the cloud, they use a community cloud service. Since the cloud offers advantages for both privacy and security, businesses with similar requirements frequently agree to share the same.

11. How do Amazon Web Services use buffers?

The use of a buffer improves a system's resistance to traffic or load. It aids in the synchronization of various parts. The buffer assists in maintaining the harmony between those elements and also ensures that they operate at the same speed to complete the task more quickly.

Related Article: What is AWS? Amazon Web Services Introduction

12. Do you understand SQS on Amazon?

The answer is that different Amazon components use Amazon SQS messages to connect with different connectors. As a result, it is possible to say that Amazon SQS serves as a mediator.

13. What optimization techniques are used in the cloud?

The optimization method is a very intriguing one. In cloud computing, there are three data center concepts to help with resource optimization and maintenance costs. In the event of a system failure or disaster, this offers recovery and backup, preserving the data safe and secure.

14. Why, in your opinion, is it important for an organization to manage workloads?

Workloads are specifically defined as separate sets of programs or directions that can be run to complete a given task. It might make up the entire application or just a small portion of it. Consequently, an organization is likely to oversee these for the reasons listed below:

  • To determine if the applications are functioning correctly.
  • They are acting in order to understand the functions.
  • In order to be aware of any changes to the services offered by each individual department.

15. How well-versed are you in Windows Azure OS?

To run the application forms on the Windows Azure Platform, a special operating system called Windows Azure is required. All the preconditions for having to run the application forms and hosting them in the cloud are included in the OS. The operating system is renowned for enabling service development before Windows Azure cloud deployment.

16. What role does cloud computing play in IT?

With its advantages, cloud computing has recently swept the globe and the IT industry has been experiencing rapid growth. Cloud computing has now taken over as the mainstay of IT, offering everything from services like quicker application development to enormous storage areas and simpler service delivery.

17. According to some, cloud computing can reduce costs. What do you think?

To gauge the candidate's knowledge and focus, the interviewer may use this type of statement-based cloud security interview questions. The best and the main benefit of the cloud is that you don't have to buy it, so that should be the response. By virtue, it is already present. As a result, all you need to do is use the infrastructure that already exists to your advantage. As a result, you only pay for the time you actually use it before switching it off.

18. What stages comprise cloud architecture?

There are four phases in total that make up cloud architecture and they are as follows:

  • Monitoring Phase
  • Shutdown Phase
  • Cleanup Phase

19. What does "EUCALYPTUS" mean?

Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Linking Your Programs is what it's called.

20. Can you distinguish between cloud computing and computing for mobile devices?

Despite the fact that both of these employ the same idea, they diverge in some ways. Cloud computing is activated through the internet rather than a specific device in this case. The user can now more easily retrieve data as needed. On the other hand, the mobile device runs apps on the distant server, enabling the user to access the storage and manage it as necessary.

Most Common Cloud Security FAQs

1. Why use cloud computing, exactly?

The following are some of the primary benefits of using cloud computing:

  • It boosts efficiency.
  • It is time and money efficient, and it makes data storage simple and secure.
  • It has strong servers and is practical for data backup.
  • Additionally, it has sandboxing abilities.

2. Name the primary three clouds used in cloud computing.

Performance Cloud, Personal Cloud, and Professional Cloud are the three fundamental clouds in cloud computing.

3. What characteristics does cloud computing generally have?

The following are the fundamental attributes of cloud computing:

  • Scalability and elasticity
  • Universal interfaces
  • Self-service usage-based billing
  • Provisioning using self-service
  • Deprovisioning automatically

4. What parts of a cloud computing server computer are there?

Hard Drives, Motherboards, Network Connections, Memory, Video, Processors, and Power Supply are just a few of the fundamental parts of a server computer.

5. What are the advantages of cloud security?

  • First, for protection, cloud security centralizes the applications and data.
  • Second, there is no longer a need to spend money on specialized hardware when using cloud storage and security.
  • Cloud services also provide dependability. In other words, users can securely access data and applications in the cloud with the right cloud security measures.

6. What do you mean when you say "cloud security"?

Various layers of controls must be provided in the infrastructure as part of cloud security in order to protect websites and applications that rely on the cloud. Businesses must balance data protection, DDoS protection, and compliance in one‘s cloud security provider for both public and private clouds.

Related Article: What is Cloud Security

7. What various security risks exist in the cloud?

The dangers consist of:

  • Data breaches caused by nefarious insiders
  • Business applications interface (API) security issues
  • Advanced persistent threats (APT)
  • Shared technology problems

8. Could you please explain CCM?

In order to help cloud vendors and customers assess the overall security risk of cloud providers, Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) offers fundamental security principles.

9. What do you perceive to be novel in cloud computing security?

By offering features to the IT security industry, cloud security is the service with the fastest-growing market share. Additionally, cloud security now employs a fresh approach to providing security solutions and defending companies against theft, data loss, and deletion.

10. What is CCSK, or Cloud Security Knowledge?

The CCSK essentially functions as a web-based test of a person's proficiency in important cloud security topics. Furthermore, the CCSK is well-known in the industry as the gold standard for evaluating cloud security skill sets

Key Upshots

The valuation of cloud security is growing significantly along with the explosion of cloud computing. In this technological age, it opens up a lot of opportunities for cloud professionals. To help you ace the interview on your first try, we've put together this list of cloud security interview questions. But we cannot ignore the importance of certifications in today's competitive world.

Therefore, if you want to succeed in the interview, use a cloud security certification to prove to the interviewer that you are knowledgeable about cloud security. Similar to these interview questions for cloud security, that will prove to be a crucial tool

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Course Schedule
Cloud Security TrainingMar 25 to Apr 09View Details
Cloud Security TrainingMar 29 to Apr 13View Details
Cloud Security TrainingApr 01 to Apr 16View Details
Cloud Security TrainingApr 05 to Apr 20View Details
Last updated: 04 Apr 2023
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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