Neo4j Interview Questions And Answers

Neo4j has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its effectiveness in managing and analyzing complex data. Go through these top industry-selected Neo4j interview questions that will help you prepare for your Neo4j interview. This list of questions is mainly created to give you an idea of the questions you encounter. So, take advantage of the latest and high-paying Neo4j job opportunities by preparing for your interview with these interview questions.

Mindmajix as a team has got enough questions from the trainees who got their Neo4j Training and cracked interviews at various MNCs around the world and successfully placed.

From the collection of Neo4j Interview questions and Answers, the following are the most common questions we got are listed to make it easy for those who are willing to crack the interview with ease. All the answers to those were written by our professional experienced trainers and are tailored to meet the concepts expected by the interviewer.

If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in Neo4J, then enroll in "Neo4J Training" - This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

Frequently Asked Neo4j Interview Questions And Answers 

1: What is Neo4J?

It is an open-source graph database used to connect rich data to get connected using graph-powered systems in order to deliver accurate connectedness of available data. NoSQL is used to get data connected, with Java and scala implementation.

2: Where do we use Neo4J?

While working with huge distributed databases.

3: What is the IP we use to access the Neo4J environment?

4: Mention some important features of Neo4J.

Following are few important features:

  • Data Representation using a graph model
  • Reliable ACID transactions.
  • Quick and Durable.
  • High-Speed query execution for traversals.
  • Easily accessible by REST or Java APIs.

5: What does a Neo4J graph node store?

Key-Value Pairs

6: What is the Query Language used by Neo4J?

Cypher Query Language - CQL is used to execute queries for Neo4J.

7: What kind of language is CQL?

There are two types of query languages - Procedural and declarative.CQL is a Declarative Language.

8: How do you query language in Neo4J?

CQL is the language used in Neo4J and is inspired by SQL to explain graphs to understand easily. Commands like select, insert, update or delete helps one to mention graphs. We execute commands in “$” prompt environment.

Query Language in Neo4J

Image source:

9: Explain the structure of Neo4J query language with an example.

Matching patterns is easy while working with nodes using Neo4J.
Example: To get cast of actors starting with S

MATCH (actor:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie:Movie)
WHERE movie.title STARTS WITH "S"
RETURN movie.title AS title, collect( AS cast

10: Mention a few other famous graph databases available?

Other available graph databases in the market are:

  • Oracle NoSQL Database
  • Sqrrl Enterprise
  • Graph Story
  • Titan
  • Velocity Graph
  • InfoGrid
  • Bitsy
  • Teradata Aster
  • Oracle Spatial and Graph
  • Info Grid and many more.

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11: List out some of the Neo4J Commands you use?

There are many commands in Neo4J, of which the following are few basic commands:

  • CREATE - To create a node or relationship.
  • MATCH - To read or retrieve all the nodes in the database.
  • MERGE - Combination of CREATE and MATCH.
  • SET - To add or update properties to new or existing nodes/relationships.
  • CREATE UNIQUE - To mention unique constraints in order to avoid redundant values.

12: What is the REMOVE command used for?

To remove labels and properties of the nodes, we use REMOVE.

13: What is the difference between REMOVE and DELETE commands?

The main difference is that REMOVE is for labels and properties of nodes, whereas DELETE is to remove nodes and relationships. 

14: What is object Cache in Neo4J?

In order to improve the performance of the graph traversals, Object Cache is used to cache the nodes and their properties.

15: What are the types of Object Cache in Neo4J?

There are two types of Object Cache which can also be referred to as High-Level Cache:

  • Reference Cache
  • High-Performance Cache(HPC)

Q16: Command for updating properties or adding new properties to existing relationships?

SET is the command used to update or add properties to existing relationships.

17: What is the difference between Neo4j Vs MongoDB?

A primary database model is Graph DBMS.A primary database model is Document Store.
Implemented in Java and Scala.Implemented in C++ Language.
Neo4j has an optional schema.MongoDB is schema-free.
It uses Cypher query language, Java API, Neo4j-OGM, Spring Data Neo4j, TinkerPop 3Proprietary protocol using JSON
Uses triggersNo triggers are used

18: Brief Neo4j CQL LIMIT clause?

For filtering or limiting the number of rows that return by a query, we use the Neo4j CQL LIMIT clause.

19: What is the IN Operator syntax?

IN Operator Syntax: IN[ ]

20: CREATE UNIQUE is used for?

CREATE UNIQUE used for fixing the graph structures.

21: Which is the fastest to handle graphs, MYSQL or Neo4j?

To handle graphs Neo4j is the fastest one compared to MYSQL.

22: Which architecture allows for a remote server?

REST architecture, that allows neo4j for remote servers.

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Course Schedule
Neo4j TrainingApr 01 to Apr 16View Details
Neo4j TrainingApr 05 to Apr 20View Details
Neo4j TrainingApr 08 to Apr 23View Details
Neo4j TrainingApr 12 to Apr 27View Details
Last updated: 04 Jan 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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