Are you willing to start a career as an SCCM Engineer or SCCM Administrator? You are at the right place. We have done enough research and presented the best SCCM interview questions that are frequently asked. Before going further, let’s see the demand for SCCM professionals.
System Center Configuration Manager(SCCM) is developed by Microsoft and is used to manage the system servers of an organization that consists of a huge number of computers that work on various Operating Systems. However, the demand for SCCM professionals is even high.
We have categorized SCCM Interview Questions - 2024 (Updated) into 4 levels they are:
In this article, we have presented the best SCCM interview questions. We hope these questions will help you to revise your SCCM knowledge to tackle your interview much more confidently.
System Centre Configuration Manager (SCCM) is a software management group that is developed and designed by Microsoft. It allows the user to manage the computer systems that run on Windows/Linux/Mac OS. SCCM is also known as ConfigMgr.
The essential features of SCCM are as follows:
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The various types of sites available in SCCM are as follows:
The Central Administration Site (CAS) is a top-level site in the order. It supports only primary sites as a child site. It is used to manage all clients in the hierarchy and to perform all site management tasks from the console to connect with the Central Administration Site (CAS).
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Primary Site | Secondary Site |
The primary site can access with Microsoft SQL Database. | The secondary cannot access to the Microsoft SQL Database. |
It can administer through the Configuration Manager console. | It can only administer through the Primary Site. |
The primary site can be used as a child of another primary site, or it can have its own child sites. | In this secondary site, it cannot be used as a child site of its own. |
Clients can assign the sites directly. | Clients cannot assign the site directly. |
The child site is a site that provides a structure and gets all the data from a Higher level site.
Background Intelligence Transfer Service (BITS) is used to transfer the data between the SCCM Server and the client. It is even used to download the client to the machine when we start the client push.
Software Update (SUP) is the site system role that is used to create on the server where WSUS has been installed. The SUP and WSUS combine with one another to build the software update backgrounds and demand for Software Updates metadata.
Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) is used to deploy the existing updates in the product to systems that execute the Windows OS.
The SMS provider can be installed on the site database server, site server, or another server during the Configuration Manager setup. After the setup has been completed, then the current installed location is shown on the site properties general tab.
The various client deployments methods are:
The ports used in SCCM are as follows:
The types of the sender in SCCM are as follows:
The different application detection methods d are as follows:
The fallback status provides the Configuration Manager clients with other fallback servers when the client site assignment or installation fails.
The deployment share in SCCM is the repository for the application, OS image, device drivers, and language packs. It can be deployed to the target machines.
Server Locator Points are used in the Configuration Manager to complete the client site assignment on an intranet and help clients to find management points when they cannot find the information through Active Directory Domain Services.
The important site system roles in SCCM are as follows:
The following are the services required for the client machine to communicate with the server:
SCCM console is a tool used to perform several tasks such as device management, network, and application deployment.
Open the SCCM console, Click All systems collections where the client has been populated. Right-click on the client computer, select Start and then Click Remote tools.
The following are the tools required for Software Update Point:
[ Check out the Top SCCM Tools ]
To back up, the scheduled tasks, do expand the Site Maintenance and Site Setting nodes and then click on specific Tasks which you want to backup.
To distribute the package, do the following steps:
In the release of SCCM, there are lots of amazing new features are as follows:
To connect with the SCCM site server, do the following by using Power Shell:
ITMU is the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates for SMS 2003.
The latest version of SCCM is the Endpoint Configuration Manager 2002, released in April 2020.
The features of the latest version of SCCM are as follows:
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The All Unknown Computers collection includes the two objects that define the records in the Configuration manager. So, we can deploy the operating system that is not managed by the Configuration Manager.
These computers consist of the following:
The Azure AD device identity is a cloud-based identity that is used to secure the data with a management point and cloud management gateway.
Internet-based client management enables us to control the Configuration Manager of Clients when they are not connected to the network of a system but has a standard network connection.
The Software Metering in SCCM is used to monitor and collect the client’s software data usage of configuration managers.
Native mode | Mixed mode |
Native mode is used for encryption and authentication with the use of standard security protocols. | Mixed mode is used to place the default client’s management point. |
It can integrate with Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). | It cannot integrate with Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). |
The different types of Discovery methods that are available in SCCM are as follows:
Boundaries are the network location that includes devices that are required to manage the system.
The different types of boundaries in SCCM are as follows:
Package Update | Package Refresh |
The Package update is used when the user made some changes in the source file. | The Package refresh is used to refresh a file. |
It can update the package version in the SQL | It can revise the old files |
A new PCK file is used for any other new DP’s | No new PCK files were sent |
It is a compressed package but is corrupt | It creates a compressed file when we try to update the file. |
The deployment type consists of identified and application installation documents. It defines how the layout executive helps to deploy the application. Its framework and regulations depend on the software installation in the system.
The Active Directory Forest Discovery creates boundaries for every site and subnet from the forests. Automatically, it creates the Active Directory or IP subnet boundaries that are within the discovered Active Directory Forest.
The Schema extension in SCCM is used to distribute the Configuration Manager 2012 information to the Active Directory.
The Management point represents a primary point of contact between the clients and the server. It can provide installation rudiments, announcements, and source file location for the software distribution package.
The complete collection has to be restricted with some other collection in the system center 2012 Configuration Manager. The user has to maintain the limited collection while creating the collection.
The WSUS enables the administrator to deploy the new Microsoft Product update to the systems that are running the Windows Operating System.
To make an Application Deployment Optional, Configure the deployment reason as Available in an Application Deployment type. The available applications displayed in an Application Catalog where the users can install them.
The site server defines the system on which the user is installing the configuration manager; it provides the services required for the configuration manager.
The site system is a system that is using the supported version of Windows, and it can be a shared file that hosts several site systems. The role of a site system is the function required to use the features of Configuration Manager.
Yes, it is possible to deploy applications with the use of task sequences.
To install the Configuration Manager by using the Client Push Installation Wizard, the administrative user must contain at least the Modify resource permission.
The term ‘device’ in SCCM 2012 applies to the system or mobile devices such as a Windows Mobile phone.
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The Software center is used to replace the notifications with a dialog window, and it even configures the user device affinity and default views.
The cloud management dashboard provides a centralized view of cloud management gateway usage. It consists of a CMG analyzer that connects to the troubleshooting cases in real-time.
The inventory provides system information such as operating system, processor type, and applications. There are two types of inventory in SCCM. They are as follows:
The client policy is defined as How the configuration manager clients download the client policy, such as:
The database replication uses the MySQL server to transfer the data for configurations and settings to other sites that are present in the hierarchy of Configuration Manager.
Asset tracking is defined as the system that requires tracking the updates or packages. It is usually done when the system is created with the necessary Operating system.
Asset intelligence enables the administrator to use the management software and inventory with the help of the Configuration Manager hierarchy.
The State migration point is used to backup and migrates the user states. It uses the sequence of tasks to capture and restore the user state data in Operating system deployment.
The Network Access Protection (NAP) is a new feature of the Windows Server release. It is a mechanism that enables the administrators to configure the policy that controls network accuses until the client system meets the requirements of security.
The BITS throttling is the property of the client agent that is found in the following path:
Site ManagementSiteSite SettingsClient Agents.
Data Protection Manager (DPM) is used when SCCM finds faults in the machine. It helps to recover the data from the backup that holds the server file system, exchange databases, Sharepoint data, SQL databases, etc.
The reporting service point is a method of integrating SQL server reporting service that is used for managing and creating the Configuration management service point.
The SCCM provides the integration with the report-generating tool It generates reports as per the administrators’ requirements. These reports include:
Internet client is the component of the SCCM tool. It allows the users to access the remote systems remotely or mobile devices without using the VPN network.
Wake-On-LAN (WAN) enables a magic packet to be sent to a computer to wake up, ready to receive software updates.
The Global condition option application deployment to have granular control over deployment. It even used to avoid the issues that are faced in deployment.
No, it is not possible to change the secondary site to the primary site. Changing, moving, or Upgrading the site is not possible without reinstalling and deleting the process. If you change the site, it may lose the complete site data.
No, a few class of collections that use the query rules regarding the configuration is not supported by incremental updates.
Yes, In the 2012 Configuration manager has a new set of rules that allows to exclude or include the collection rules. These rules provide for exclusion or inclusion of the collections that have a membership anywhere.
Yes, the SCCM console works in 32-bit operating, and it can even support the 64-bit operating system of the Windows version.
File-based replication uses the SMB Protocol to transfer file-based data such as packages and applications. They are two options to control; the network bandwidth when transferring the data to the site using pulse mode and is limited to maximum transfer rates by an hour.
The Configure manager client maintains the client's cache on the windows system to store the temporary files that are used in the application installation process. The standard size of the client cache is 5120MB.
Ccm.log file on the SMS site server, located in the SMS/logs folder. On the client computer, review the CCMsetup.log and Client and Client.msi.log file, located in the %Windir%System32ccmsetup folder.
The Enhanced HTTP site system develops the way the clients communicate with the site systems. This pre-release feature not able the new users to use certificates of the configuration manager to access HTTP site systems.
Yes, the user can browse the list of the software available in the Application catalog. Users can request the application that, if approved, the user can install on the system.
In SCCM, the application includes the Application Catalog information and administrative details required to deploy the software package or update to the system or the mobile device.
A secondary site is the alternative site used for distribution and controls the content for the client network that is located in a remote location. The network links are limited with bandwidth.
Discovery Data Records(DDR) specify the type of resource, resource properties, the discovery process, site that discovered the resources. The Configuration Manager provides the library functions that help to create our own DDR.
To create the Data Discovery Record, do the following steps:
Heartbeat Discovery is used by the Active Configuration Manager clients to update the Discovery Records in the database. Because, an active client initiates the Heartbeat discovery, and it does not discover the new resources.
To update the Deploy Software, do the following:
The software center supports installing the different applications, and it is user-friendly during installation.
To improve the console accessibility, .NET 4.7 is used in the Configuration Manager.
The following are the features that can migrate from CM 2007 to SCCM 2012:
Yes, the user can reuse a similar name for the task sequence, and it is not mandatory to have a unique name for the task sequence.
To check the server version of SCCM, open the SCCM console, Select Active Configuration Manager from the top-left hand side icon.
The estimated size of the individual DDR is 1KB.
The following are the installation methods that are present in SCCM 2012:
Intune is used to handle mobile devices and to maintain Windows and several mobile devices. Intune is also called a cloud-based service and is used for the following services.
By using the Distribution point, the customer can download the new operating system, then it can connect with the Distribution point on the location. The customer can generate boundaries by placing Distribution points.
The dashboard provides a centralized view of the cloud management usage of a gateway. It includes the connection analyzed to help real-time troubleshooting verification.
The required cmdlets for the read-only mode are as follows:
The content library is a single stock example of the content for arrangements. To reduce and manage the size of a content structure for the allot. The content library stocks all the files for installation of the software like updating the applications, installation of OS, and software.
To speed up the Software Advertisement, Open the control panel, click on Configuration Manager. A Configuration Manager Window opens to initiate the Machine policy retrieval and Evaluation cycle and click on Initiate Action.
A user can configure the number of management points in the site, but only one of them can be the default management to configure. To have more default management points, the user configures the number of management points to the Network Load Balancing (NLB) cluster.
The following are the boundaries types used to define boundaries:
The boundary group is used to find the primary site for clients in case of an automatic site assignment. It even tells the client regarding their management point and location as well.
smsts.log is used to record the task sequence activities.
The following are the packages that can be distributed through WSUS or ITMU:
Wake on LAN is a feature on which the SCCM sends the wake-up transmission packets to clients for a specific task sequence or a deployment to execute.
The SMS executive is a service that hosts a process for the thread components. It can monitor the service component Logfile smsexec. log.
No, the secondary site cannot have the secondary site or a primary site because the secondary sites are always the child site to a primary site.
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Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.