OKTA Interview Questions

Are you looking for OKTA Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers? This article offers a thorough list of the best OKTA interview questions and answers, ranging from the most fundamental to the most sophisticated, that can act as a strong foundation as they climb up the professional ladder.

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The identity and access management software system OKTA is traded publicly. By integrating identity controls into applications, websites, web services, and gadgets, developers may manage and secure user authentications into contemporary applications. The OKTA system's primary goal is to offer secure and authorised evaluation of any software-based devices. In order to assist people who wish to pursue their interests in this subject, we have created a list of frequently requested OKTA interview questions and their respective solutions. You can more easily succeed in any kind of challenging interview with the aid of this.

Let's get started with the OKTA Interview Questions and Answers so you can get more useful information.

We have categorized OKTA Interview Questions into 3 levels they are:

Top Frequently Asked OKTA Interview Questions 

  1. What is OKTA?
  2. Why OKTA is in demand?
  3. Give names of different OKTA products?
  4. What is Single Sign-on? Explain its benefits?
  5. Define Multi-factor authentication?
  6. Mention a few benefits of the OKTA Universal directory?
  7. Can the admin of OKTA see the passwords of any user?
  8. What is SAML?
  9. Why use SAML?

OKTA Interview Questions for Freshers

1. What is OKTA?

To add authentication and authorization services to your apps, Okta is a flexible, safe, and drop-in solution. Get scalable authentication integrated directly into your application and save the costs associated with development, security issues, and maintenance associated with doing it yourself.

Any application, written in any language, running on any stack, can be connected to Okta, and you can specify how you want your users to log in. When a user attempts to log in, Okta will confirm their identity and transmit the necessary data back to your app.

To connect your apps, add users, set rules, and personalise your sign-in page, use our SDKs or API. You can then utilise the built-in reports to monitor your services.

2. Why OKTA is in demand?

The advantages of OKTA are best exemplified by the following major points:

Solution for identity management

  • 5000+ cloud application integrations
  • Works for on-premises, cloud, and mobile
  • increased compliance and security

Global clients

  • 3100+ clients in more than 185 countries and various industries
  • Companies like Century Fox, Adobe, Experian, and NASDAQ are among the clients.

Industry acceptance

  • Recognition from a top leader, according to Gartner, and an opportunity for future industry visionaries
  • They named OKTA as the most inventive product of the year in 1993.
If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in OKTA, then enroll in "OKTA Certification Training" - This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

3. Give names of different OKTA products?

There are numerous OKTA products on the market, including:

  • OKTA API interface products.
  • Single sign-on
  • Lifecycle management
  • Universal directory
  • Multifactor authentication

4. What is Single Sign-on? Explain its benefits?

Users can access all of their applications with single sign-on (SSO) by logging in just once. Users only need to remember one password thanks to SSO.

Advantages of SSO

  • increases productivity, accessibility, and usability
  • lowers the danger of using bad password habits
  • removes the requirement for multiple passwords
  • lowers the expense of the help desk.

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5. Define Multi-factor authentication?

Utilizing two or more types of distinct authentications is known as multi-factor authentication. A multi-factor solution can use any concoction of authentication techniques.

6. Mention few benefits of the OKTA Universal directory?

The Benefits of adopting Universal Directory are as follows:

  • An administrator can manage all the groups, accounts, and devices from various sources from a single location called a universal directory.
  • These global password standards provide group-based password usage guidelines.
  • All usernames and passwords are safely kept in this global directory.
  • Additionally, this provides numerous possibilities for the complex password policy.
  • Additionally, the global directory offers comprehensive SAML components, situations, and attributes.

7. Can the admin of OKTA see the passwords of any user?

No, OKTA is unable to view any user's password, however they can view any user's username.

8. What is SAML?

The open standard that many identity providers employ, Security assertion markup language (SAML), is supported by AWS for identity federation. Single-sign-on (SSO) is made possible by the functionality. To create IAM users for every employee in the company, users can log into any management system interface or use the APIs.

9. Why to use SAML?

SAML has many benefits for individual users, identity providers, and service providers.

  • It saves time from administrative tasks like password resets etc.
  • It increases security 
  • It also increases usage by reducing barriers to entry.

10. How long is SMS (OTP) support for multi-factor authentication available for? Is editing possible?

Only five minutes of the SMS (OTP) are available for multi-factor authentication. More significantly, the user is unable to change or alter it. The timeout option is not programmable, as it is in OKTA MFA right now.

11. Name a few examples for 2-factor authentication?

2FA is used when your billing zip code is requested when you use your credit card. Your zip code is an example of a knowledge factor that can either be a password or a personal identification number (PIN). A physical key, a fob, and individual cell phones are just a few examples of possession elements like your credit card. Similar to other types of authentication, two-factor authentication for web apps needs your user's knowledge (password) and their possession (their personal mobile phone).

12. What are the various attributes of Event Hooks?

The various attributes of an event hook include the following:

  • Name
  • Subscribe to events
  • Authentication field
  • URL
  • Custom header fields
  • Authentication Secret

13. What is OKTA authentication?

Users can authenticate their business activities with the help of OKTA authentications, which also make it possible to complete jobs like account verification, multicore authentications, and password recovery as well as account unblocking.

  • There are two distinct sorts of authentications;
  • Recovery
  • Multicore authentication

14. What are the main activities of OKTA Super Admin?

The following are some of OKTA super admin's key responsibilities:

  • Any other admins can be created by Super Adin.
  • Setting up and configuring any agent
  • distributing tasks to all OKTA groups
  • granting access to the OKTA Support staff
  • Amount of users added to any admin group
  • Work with a CSV file to carry out auditing duties.

15. How does SAML work?

In order for SAML to function, the identity provider and service provider must exchange user data with each other, including logins, authentication status, IDs, and other pertinent features. Because the user only needs to log in once with a single set of authentication credentials, it simplifies and secures the authentication process. Because of this, whenever a user tries to access a website, the identity provider transmits the SAML authentication to the service provider, who then approves the user's access. Let's explain this concept with an analogy from the real world.

Before providing you access, organisations frequently need identity verification. The airline business provides a strong argument. To protect the safety of other passengers, the airline must verify that you are who you say you are before allowing you to board the plane. They use a type of government-issued picture identification to confirm your identity. You can board the flight when they make sure the name on your identify matches the name on your airline ticket.

The government serves as the identification supplier in the scenario below, while the airline offers the service. The SAML assertion is your official identification. Typically, you must fill out a form, have your photo taken, and in some cases, provide your fingerprints in order to apply for a government ID. After storing these identifying characteristics in their database, the government (the identity provider) offers you a physical ID that is linked to your identity. In the airline example, the airline (service provider) verifies your ID (SAML) assertion when you arrive at the gate. Your identity card or passport is accepted by the airline because it contains your information and is verified as a legitimate document. The airline will then permit you to board the plane following a successful authentication.

16. What are the benefits of OKTA?

The following advantages of utilising OKTA are:

  • It offers improved operational efficiencies and a lower TCO.
  • A stronger state of security
  • A cohesive and seamless user experience
  • A quickening of modernity
  • Access resources securely from any device
  • Takes passwords out of the login process.
  •  Manage the user and device lifecycle securely.

17. Name the difference between the SCIM connector and server?

Traditionally, SCIM server is a SaaS application. This gives the SaaS application's Slack or Box access to the identification of the data. A cross-domain identity management standard is SCIM connector. You may control and keep an eye on all kinds of endpoint objects with the help of the SCIM connector.

OKTA Interview Questions for Experienced

18. Mention the benefits of OKTA SAML?

Reduced Costs for Service Providers - You can avoid maintaining account information across various services by using SAML. This task falls on the identity provider.

Improved User Experience - Users can access numerous service providers by simply signing in once. As a result, the authentication procedure can go more quickly, and the user is not need to remember numerous login credentials for every application. The user in the aforementioned case could have just clicked on any other dashboard icon to instantly log in without ever needing to submit any additional information!

Loose Coupling of Directories - User information does not need to be kept up to date and synchronised between directories in SAML.

Increased Security - A secure identity provider serves as the single point of authentication offered by SAML. The identity data is then given to the service providers through SAML. By using this method of authentication, it is made sure that only the IdP receives credentials.

19. How can you set up to send an email notification to new users?

Start with the OKTA admin console, choose Directory, click on Directory Integration, pick AD, select Settings, and then uncheck the option labelled "don't send new user activation email for this domain."

20. Name a few examples for 3-Factor authentication?

This category covers the whole range of biometrics, including hand geometry, earlobe geometry, iris scans, fingerprint scans, finger vein scans, facial and voice recognition, and retina scans.

21. What is the state token?

In OKTA, a "state token" is just an ephemeral token that is primarily used to authenticate a transaction's current state. Once user authentication is complete, this state token, which is generated throughout the AuthN process, converts the session token.

  • You should successfully complete every request with a state token, with the exception of the recovery token verification.
  • This state token needs to be used with both the OKTA API and the web applications that handle end-user authentication. The end-user should never receive this state token through email.
  • With each request, the lifespan state token generally uses a sliding scale expiration approach.
Related Article: Alternatives in Okta

22. What do you mean by the OKTA Universal directory?

You may store employee, partner, and customer profiles in OKTA using the universal directory, creating a user-based, single source of truth. You can further configure user and app-specific profiles using the profile editor, as well as convert and map features between profiles. These functions all offer strong provisioning support.

23. How does one create an OKTA API token?

The procedures for generating an OKTA API token are as follows:

  • Go to the Service Account Dashboard by clicking it.
  • From the Service Account Dashboard, choose Security.
  • Select API from the Security menu.
  • Select "Create Token" from the API page's menu.
  • This gives us the ability to create an OKTA API token.

24. How you will add OKTA factors using Java?

In Java, there is code to add a factor, so,

Instantiate the OKTAclient (Securityquestionfactor.class).

25. What do you mean by identity providers?

User account administration is the responsibility of the identity suppliers. Users will be able to register for the custom applications by validating a social account or smart cart by adding Identity Providers within the OKTA.

26. What is the purpose of the tasks page?

Information regarding the tasks listed in the status area of the dashboard page can be found on the task page.

27. List a few ist domains.

Listed below are a few of the ist domains:

  • *.mtls.oktapreview.com
  • *.okta.com
  • *.okta-emea.com
  • *.oktapreview.com
  • *.oktacdn.com

28. How exactly does OKTA integration work?

Single sign-on is used by the organization's Okta apps integration to give end users a seamless login process. All end users are able to open any of the allocated app integrations after logging into Okta in order to access external applications and services without having to reenter their credentials.

Related Article: Learn More to Get Okta Certification

29. Is it possible to use multiple mobile numbers in OKTA multi-factor authentications?

No, it is not possible to use multiple mobile numbers in OKTA multi factor authentications.

30. Name any two factors that define the last logon of OKTA users?

When any OKTA user logs into an OKTA group, there are two AD attributes that can handle this procedure.They are:

  • Last logon timestamp
  • Last Log on

31. Can the OKTA admin view the passwords of users?

No. Invisible passwords are used. The only thing the OKTA admin can see about the users is their user names.

32. Can MFA be enabled when an OKTA user changes their password?

MFA now only applies to user logins. In the prompt MFA during the password-changing process, there is no such option.

33. Which one will be taken into account if multiple factors are set up for Okta MFA for any of the users?

In the event that Okta MFS supports several factor factors, users will have the choice of which factor to utilise. Simple elements can be restricted by administrators by creating policies.

34. What are the workflow features?

The following three elements make up the workflow:

  • Event Hooks can be used to launch apps' processes.
  • In response to modifications made to the end-user lifecycle, automation will adjust.
  • We can incorporate the customised code into the OKTA workflows with the help of inline hooks.

Advanced Level OKTA Interview Questions

35. How to give priority to password policies?

Group password policies are available in the OKTA university directory in cases when a greater priority is given precedence over others.

36. What purpose does the OKTA health insight serve?

For a company, HealthInsight carried out a security settings check. It also assigns us tasks to enhance the security poster. These recommended securities are only for company administrators who are in charge of managing the workforce.

37. What are the benefits of Social authentication?

  • Social Authentication provides easy self-registration for its users.
  • A second password is not required.
  • When users update their social media profiles, their OKTA profiles are updated instantly.
  • A user database, user management, or password management are not required.

38. How do system logs identify risks?

The system logs can be combined with any of the reasons stated below to identify risks:

  • Unusual Location
  • Unusual device
  • Potential threat

39. Is there any way users can be notified that their passwords will be expiring soon?

For the convenience of its users, OKTA offers the following option, which can be navigated as follows:

You will notice "prompt user 'X' days before the password expires" after choosing securities, clicking authentication, and choosing default policy.

40. What function do the Device Trust solutions from the OKTA serve?

Users can only access the application using devices that have been verified by the OKTA Device Trust solution. The integrated apps of OKTA help businesses protect their corporate resources because only partners and end users can use them.

41. How can we delete a notification?

Simply select the delete(x) icon next to the message you want to delete to erase a notification.

42. How do you make a notification?

It is quite easy to make a notification. Following are the steps to be followed to make a notification:

  • The "send message" option should be chosen first.
  • A new notification dialogue box will be displayed after choosing the "send message" option. Simply enter your message there.
  • You must choose the "send to everyone" option if you want to send that message to every employee in your company.
  • Keep in mind that the message can only be 150 characters long.

43. Is there any way to remove the remembered device or account? So that you can re-prompt it for MFA?

They do serve as a means of forgetting the remembered account or gadget. The "reset multifactor" button is located in the MFA database called People, and pressing it clears all MFA configurations on all devices and accounts.

44. Explain about the notification page

The notification page enables us to personalise new notifications and view all previously received and deleted notifications.

45. Explain the types of end user notifications.

There are two different categories for end user alerts.

  • The administrator alone is responsible for creating and managing any custom notifications sent out.
  • Assignments for fresh applications: These notifications are delivered right away when a user is assigned a new application. These notifications are discrete communications. If the users close these messages, the notifications are removed.

46. Can the text of the MFA Prompt be modified?

No, Okta does not currently support changing the MFA prompt text.

47. Do Okta and Google Workspace integrate well?

As a source, Okta can integrate Google Workspace with our HRM system, Active Directory or LDAP servers enabling quick and secure single sign-on and user provisioning throughout our entire company. Synchronising user profiles, orphaned accounts and password resets won't be a problem anymore.

48. How can you obtain a list of all the users who are assigned to the application? Do you find any way to download all user and group information from OKTA?

Eighty percent of all user and group data in OKTA can be found in system log files and reports, which are not all kept in one location.

The following is the navigation:

  • The user permissions are located in the Administration directory's security section.
  • Enter the OKTA console, go to reports, and then select reports.
  • Click on "current assignments" in the application access audit section.
  • Simply type the application's name into the Application Console and select Run Report to filter the application.
Related Article: Okta vs Auth0 Which One is Better?

49. What purpose does delegate authentication serve?

Using delegated authentication, users can log into the OKTA by providing their Active Directory login information.

50. What are the various domains that are used to troubleshoot the certificate revocation under port80?

The domains utilised to investigate the certificate revocation are listed below:

  • Crl4.digicert.com
  • Crl3.digicert.com
  • Ocsp.digicert.com

51. How can you add users in bulk in OKTA?

  • Using the following route, an OKTA admin can add users in bulk;
  • Choose the directory you want, then click More Actions and select "Import Users from CSV File."
  • The Real-Time Synchronization feature of OKTA MFA allows users to update any groups, user profiles, and members right once upon sign-in, eliminating the need to wait for any imports to complete.


This concludes our blog post about Okta interview questions and answers. You can respond to the interview questions more successfully if you properly practise these questions. We sincerely hope that you have found this blog to be useful. 

Course Schedule
OKTA TrainingOct 05 to Oct 20View Details
OKTA TrainingOct 08 to Oct 23View Details
OKTA TrainingOct 12 to Oct 27View Details
OKTA TrainingOct 15 to Oct 30View Details
Last updated: 03 Jan 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at Mindmajix.com. His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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