Is working as a C# professional the objective of your career? If yes, this is the right blog for you. In the following content, we have curated top interview questions with the help of professionals to enable you to crack the interview easily.
Modern, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language C# is pronounced "C sharp." The European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) and the International Standards Organization both gave their approval for its development by Microsoft under the direction of Anders Hejlsberg and his team within the.Net initiative (ISO). Version 7.2 of C#, one of the language families for Common Language Infrastructure, is currently available. For users who are familiar with C, C++, or Java, C# is simple because its syntax is very similar to that of Java.
Before we dive into the interview questions, let us understand certain prominent features of C sharp.
For increased grasping and understanding, we have divided the questions into 3 categories:
To inherit something is to take on some of the characteristics of a master class. Multiple inheritances are not supported by C# either. Instead, by using interfaces and the class label in the signature, you can inherit the properties.
An object is a representation of a class that allows us to access its methods. In order to create an object, use the "New" keyword. The details of the variables, the behavior of a class, and methods that generate an object in memory are contained in that class.
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A member function with the same name as the class it belongs to is called a function Object(). Every time an object class is created, the function Object() is automatically called. As the class is initialized, the values of the data members are constructed.
The term "jagged array" refers to an array with elements of the type array. The components can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. An array of arrays is another name for the jagged array.
In contrast to out, which does not require initialization prior to actually passing to a method, ref arguments must be initialized before being passed.
The "using" block is used to acquire a resource, use it, and then automatically discard it after the block's execution is complete.
An object must be transformed into a stream of bytes before it can be transported over a network. Serialization is the process of transforming an object into a stream of bytes. An object must implement the ISerialize Interface in order to be serializable. De-serialization is the process of making an object from a stream of bytes in the opposite direction.
Because static methods can only utilize static variables and methods, we are unable to use "This" in a static method.
At compile time, constant variables are declared and initialized. After that, the value cannot be altered. Only when we need to allocate the value at runtime do we use read-only.
Controls created as executable (Dlls), or custom controls, are simpler to use and can be added to a toolbox. Web forms can have controls added by dragging and dropping. Attributes can be used during design. Custom controls can be easily added to various applications (If Shared Dlls). Therefore, whether they are private, we can copy the dll to the web application's bin directory, add a reference, and then use them.
User Controls are simple to create and resemble ASP including files in many ways. User controls cannot be dragged and dropped from the toolbox. They have their own code and design. Ascx is the user controls file extension.
System. strings cannot be changed. When we change a string variable's value, new memories are allocated for the modified value, and the old memory allocation is freed up. System. The concept of a mutable string, where a number of operations can be carried out without allocating a separate memory address for the modified string, was incorporated into the design of StringBuilder.
We create a new array object with all the elements from the original Array by using the Clone() method and the CopyTo() method. Copying the entire contents of one existing array into another. Both procedures execute a shallow copy.
try {
catch (Exception ex) {
In order to reduce code duplication, improve type safety, and boost performance, generics are used to create reusable code classes. We can make collection classes with generics. The system will create a generic collection. Collections. Classes like ArrayList in the System should not be used; instead, use a generic namespace. namespace for collections. The use of parameterized types is encouraged by generics.
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ArgumentNullException, ArgumentException, ArgumentOutOfRangeException, DivideByZeroException, ArithmeticException, IndexOutOfRangeException, OverflowException, InvalidCastException, IOEndOfStreamException, NullReferenceException, InvalidOperationException, StackOverflowException, OutOfMemoryException, etc.
A class that uses the singleton pattern can only contain one instance and offers a universal access point.
Public sealed class Singleton
Private static readonly Singleton _instance = new Singleton();
Value types can accept a null value in addition to their usual values. Nullable types are those kinds of types.
Int? someID = null;
The "is" operator is used to determine whether an object is compatible with a particular type, and it goes back to a Boolean answer.
Casting an item to a type or class uses the "as" operator.
The entity that necessitates the run-time type to match the based-on factor analysis in DirectCast is converted using DirectCast.
When there is a defined conversion between an expression and a type, Ctype is used.
The finalize block is invoked after the try-and-catch blocks are finished because it handles exceptions. Regardless of whether the exception was caught, this block of code is executed. This block of code is cleaner overall.
The finalized method is called just before garbage collection. Cleaning up unmanaged code, which would be scheduled to happen when an example is not re-called, is one of the finalized method's top priorities.
A partial class divides the definition of a class into different classes that can be found in the same or different source code files. When a class is created, all of the methods from all of the source files can be made accessible using the same object. A class meaning can be written in multiple files, but it is gathered as a single class at runtime. This is what the word "partial" means.
Code that has been compiled creates custom controls. These can be added to the toolbox and are simple to use. These controls can be dropped by developers onto one‘s web forms. User Controls and ASP include files are very similar. Furthermore, making them is simple. However, user controls cannot be added to the toolbox. Additionally, they cannot be dropped and dragged from it.
Sealed classes are formed when a restriction must be positioned on the class that must be inherited. A sealed multiplicative effect is used to avoid any etymology from a class. When an encased class is obtrusively stipulated as a base class, a compile-time error happens.
In C++, delegates are very similar to function pointers. Delegates are form safe whilst also function pointers are not, which is the only and primary distinction between the two. Because they enable the development of generic type-safe functions, delegates are crucial.
When a method is overridden, the appropriate method definition in the derived class is changed, altering the behavior of the method. Method overloading refers to the creation of a method with the same name and class but a different signature.
Developers have the option to describe unambiguous tags on a small number of entities in C#. For instance, attributes include class and method. Reflection can be used to retrieve the information pertaining to the attribute during runtime.
You are able to keep a unique set of names by using namespaces. The fact that class names proclaimed in one namespace and another do not conflict is a significant benefit of namespaces.
XSD, or XML Schema Definition, stands for. If there is no XSD file attached to the XML file, it can include any attributes and elements.
Multiple classes in the C# System.IO namespace are used to perform various file operations, including creation, deletion, closure, and opening.
A pattern that can be used to complement a set of inputs is known as a regular expression. It is possible to use constructs, character literals, and operators.
In C#, code compilation consists of four steps:
There are several ways to pass parameters in a method, including:
The benefits of C# are as follows:
The IDEs listed below are beneficial for C# development:
Some of the key characteristics of C# include
You would be familiar with C as the procedural language and C# as being more object-oriented. The main distinction is that C# and C does not support Common Language Runtime's (CLR) automatic garbage collection. .NET is primarily required for C# to run, whereas C is a platform-independent language.
CLR manages C# program execution among other languages. garbage collection, security handling, and Memory management are all handled by the CLR architecture, which resembles
The process of cleaning up memory that has been occupied by unwanted objects is known as garbage collection. A certain amount of memory is automatically assigned to a class object when it is created in the heap memory. Now that you've finished working on the object, the storage device it once occupied is wasted. Memory needs to be freed up. In three situations, garbage collection takes place:
A class is a thing that unifies all the characteristics of its objects and instances under one umbrella. These classes come in four varieties in C#:
With managed code, you can use the.NET framework's managed CLR runtime environment. Rather than the operating system itself, it managed code runners on the controlled runtime environment.
Benefits: Offers a range of services, including exception handling and garbage collection.
Unmanaged code is code that operates independently of the.NET framework and does not run on the CLR.
Benefits: They operate without high-level languages because they don't offer their services.
Let's examine how an abstract data type and an interface differ from one another
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Extension techniques enable the addition of new techniques to already-existing ones. Static methods have been added. When you want to add methodologies to an existing class but don't have the authority to do so, you can occasionally create a new static class that contains those new methods. Bind this class to the existing one once the extended methods have been declared to see how the methodologies will be added to the current class.
The fundamental principle of type-safety in C# is compromised because defining any type of object is considered okay in collections. Generics were therefore added to the code to type-safe it by allowing reuse of the data processing algorithms. Generics in C# denotes a lack of connection to any particular data type. The burden of using boxed, unboxed, and typecast objects is lessened by generics. Generic definitions are always enclosed in angular brackets (>). With the following syntax, a generic class can be created:
GenericList<float> list1 = new GenericList<float>();
GenericList<Features> list2 = new GenericList<Features>();
GenericList<Struct> list3 = new GenericList<Struct>();
GenericListfloat> is a cliched class in this instance. Each occurrence of T in the class is replaced at program execution with the type argument for each of these cases of GenericListT>. We have produced 3 distinct type-safe with the same class by substituting the T.
An array is a grouping of related variables given a single common name. While an array list is a group of individually indexable objects. You can access a variety of features with ArrayList, including adding, searching, and sorting items in the ArrayList as well as dynamic memory allocation.
The functional programming language for all higher-level programming languages is C#. C# developers are all in high demand and have access to rewarding career opportunities in industries like data science, front-end, back-end, and app development. And because Microsoft supports it, C#’s popularity keeps rising.Your career can advance significantly if you learn C#.
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Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .