ADO .NET Interview Questions And Answers

ADO.NET, as a Microsoft’s framework, has the potential to create a dominant market position. You can broaden your horizons by gaining hands-on experience with the ADO.NET framework. Here,we have covered most of the regularly asked ADO.NET Interview Questions on various companies.

'ADO.NET is a component of the.NET framework that employs communication across relational and non-relational systems. It has a detached architecture, which enables programmers to access data and data services from a database without relying on the data source. A thorough understanding of this technology will be incredibly advantageous in terms of development.

This ADO.NET Interview Questions with Answers blog contains questions that have been thoroughly researched and curated by ADO.NET industry experts.

Frequency Asked interview questions

ADO.NET Interview Questions - For Freshers

1. What is ADO.NET?

Active Data Object is abbreviated as ADO, and ADO.NET is a set of .NET libraries for ADO. ADO.NET is a managed library used by .NET programmes to communicate with data sources via a driver or provider. 

Microsoft introduced ADO.NET, a new version of Active X Data Objects (ADO) in the .NET framework. Using the ADO.NET library's comprehensive set of classes, any .NET application, whether Windows or web-based, can communicate with the database. Using either a connected or disconnected design, data can be accessed from any database.

If you want to become a certified .Net professional, then visit Mindmajix - A Global online training platform: “.NET Online Training” Course. This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

2. What are the ADO.NET components?

ADO.NET components are divided into three categories:

  • Unconnected
  • common or shared
  • .NET data providers.

The disconnected components form the foundation of the ADO.NET framework. These components (or classes) can be used with or without data providers. A DataTable object, for example, can be used with or without providers, and shared or common components are the basic classes for data providers.

The foundation classes for data providers that are shared by all data providers are known as shared or common components.The data provider components are purpose-built to operate with many types of data sources. Odbc data providers, for example, work with ODBC data sources, while OleDb data providers work with OLE-DB data sources.

The ADO.NET components model is depicted in the graphic below, which demonstrates how the components work.

3. What is the difference between ADO and ADO.NET?

The table below demonstrates the difference between ADO and ADO.NET: 

It is based on Component Object Modelling (COM).It is based on the Common Language Runtime (CLR).
To access the data store, it functions in connected mode.It does not work in disconnected mode and requires an active connection to access the data store.
It accesses and stores data from the data sources using the RecordSet object.It accesses and stores data from the data sources using a DataSet object.
It includes a locking feature.It does not have a locking feature.
Binary data is used to store information.The data is saved in XML format.
XML integration is not supported.It allows for XML integration.
It is impossible to send numerous transactions using a single connection instance.You can transmit many transactions from a single connection instance.
Only client-side cursors are available for creation.Cursors can be built on both the client and server sides.
In a RecordSet, it provides sequential row access.DataSet makes use of a collection-based hierarchy to provide non-sequential data access.
It will combine data from several tables using SQL JOINS and UNIONS. Fetching records from many tables at the same time is not possible.It will employ DataRelational objects instead of JOINS and UNIONS to integrate data from various tables. As a result, various tables' records are kept separately.

4. How can you define the DataSet structure?

A DataSet object belongs to the succession of disconnected components. Tables, rows, columns, and relationships are all part of the DataSet. A DataSet is made up of DataTables, and each DataTable is made up of DataRows, DataRelations, and DataColumns. A DataTable corresponds to a database table. Because you filled the preceding DataSet using a SELECT query on the Order table, it includes a DataTable that corresponds to the Orders table.

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5. What is Connection Pooling in ADO.NET?

The ability to reuse your database connection is known as connection pooling. This means that enabling Connection pooling in the connection object allows the connection to be shared among multiple users.

Connection pooling is a mechanism used by ADO.NET to reduce the cost of initiating and closing connections many times. When a request to the database is performed, connection pooling reuses active connections with the same connection string rather than generating new ones. It entails the usage of a connection manager, which is in charge of keeping track of a pool of accessible connections for a given connection string. If multiple connection strings request connection pooling, several pools exist.

6. What are the prerequisites for connection pooling?

The following are the prerequisites for connection pooling:

  • To share the same connection, multiple processes must have the same parameters and security settings.
  • The connection sequence should be the same on both sides.

7. What is the DataAdapter Object in ADO.NET?

A Data Adapter is a collection of data instructions and a database connection that may be used to populate a dataset and update a SQL Server database. To complete the dataset and update a SQL Server database, a Data Adapter has a set of data instructions and a database connection. Data Adapters connect a data source to a dataset. Data Adapters are created based on the data source. The Data Adapter classes and their data sources are shown in the table below.

Provider-Specific Data Adapter classesData Source
SqlDataAdapterSQL Server
OledbDataAdapterOLE DB provider
OdbcDataAdapterODBC driver

The two major ways that a Data Adapter supports are

  • Fill (): The Fill method gets data from the database and populates a dataset or a data table object. The SELECT statement supplied by an associated select command attribute is used to obtain rows from the data source. The Fill method restores the state of the connection to what it was before the data was populated.
  • Update ():  commits the changes to the database. It also examines the RowState of each entry in the DataSet to determine whether INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands are appropriate.

8. What is the use of a DataSet object in ADO.NET?

  • It's a component of disjointed architecture.
  • Lowers the performance. A DataSet object can be read and written to.
  • Multiple tables from distinct databases can be supported by a DataSet object.
  • Multiple controls are connected to a DataSet object.
  • Data is accessed more slowly by a DataSet object.
  • Visual Studio tools support the DataSet object.
  • In a dataset, we can build relationships.
  • XML integration is possible with a Dataset.

9. Why is it important of closing an ADO.NET application?

Closing an application in the framework is important because they impair the applications' scalability and dependability.
Because open connections are always vulnerable to attacks, 'open connections as late as feasible and close them as early as possible is a good rule of thumb. We can use the 'final' block or the USING statement to 'close' the connections.

10. What is the Connection object in ADO.NET?

A DataAdapter and a DataSource are connected by a Connection object (via Command). When creating a connection, you must provide a data provider and a data source. Depending on the type of data source, these two also allow you to select the user ID and password. A connection, a data source, and a data adapter's relationship are shown below image.

11. Describe the DataView in ADO.NET

A DataView allows you to generate many data visualizations in a DataTable, which is useful in data-binding applications. You can present data in the table with completely different type patterns using a DataView, and you may process the data using a filter expression or by row state. A DataView is a dynamic data display whose content, ordering, and membership change in response to changes in the underlying DataTable.

This differs from the DataTable's Select method, which provides a DataRow array from a table based on a filter and/or sort order, with content that reflects changes to the underlying table but membership and ordering that remains constant. The DataView's dynamic capabilities make it useful.

12. What is the difference between DataSet and DataReader?

DataSet gives us read/write access to data, allowing us to make changes to it.We can't update the data because DataReader simply allows us to read it.
It has a disconnected design, which implies that the database data can be accessible even after the database connection has been closed.It has a linked architecture, which implies that the connection must be opened in order to access the data retrieved from the database.
It supports a wide range of database tables from various databases.Only a single table from a single database is supported.
Because of the overhead, data access is slower.It allows for faster data access.
Data scanning can be done both forward and backward.Data can only be scanned in one direction.

ADO.NET Interview Questions - For Experienced

13. What are the different execute() methods available in ADO.NET?

SqlCommandObject in ADO.NET supports the following execute() methods:

  • ExecuteScalar(): Following the execution of the query, this method returns only one value from the first row and first column of the ResultSet. Even if the ResultSet has multiple rows or columns, all of them will be disregarded. NULL will be returned if the ResultSet is empty.
  • ExecuteNonQuery(): The number of rows impacted by a query's execution is returned by this method. Returning the ResultSet with this approach isn't practical.
  • ExecuteReader(): This function returns a DataReader object that is a read-only, forward-only ResultSet. An active connection to the Data Source is required. The DataReader object cannot be instantiated directly. The
  • ExecuteReader(): This method can be used to produce a valid DataReader object.
  • ExecuteXmlReader(): This method creates an object of the XmlReader class and returns an XML document as part of the ResultSet. In SQL Server 2000 or later, this approach is accessible.

Check out: Top XML Interview Questions And Answers

14. What is a transaction in ADO.NET?

Transactions are used in ADO.NET when you want to link multiple tasks together and conduct them as a single entity. By ensuring that either all database operations succeed or all database activities fail, the transaction provides data consistency. Consider an application that performs two tasks. It starts by updating the item order database with order information. Second, it deducts a number of requested products from an item inventory table that keeps track of inventory. If one of the jobs fails, both updates must be undone.

15. What is data binding in ADO.NET?

In ADO.NET, data binding refers to the process of configuring user interface (UI) controls in a client application to update or retrieve data from data sources such as a database or an XML document. The user is allowed to attach values to a specific control via data binding.

Based on the type of binding supplied, there are two types of data binding:

  • Simple data-binding: It's the process of tying a control to a single value in a dataset. The control properties will be used to bind controls like labels and text boxes to the control.
  • Complex data-binding: Complex data binding is a mechanism for connecting a component to a database. A dropdown list, a GridView, or a combo box can be used as controls. Using complicated data binding, one or more values from the dataset can be presented.

16.Explain the difference between OLEDB (Object Linking and Embedding Database) and ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity).

An API (Application Programming Interface) enables standard data access from many sources.It's a database management system interface (DataBase Management System).
Both relational and non-relational databases can be used with it.It only works with databases that are relational.
It follows a set of steps.It's built on the concept of components.
It's a lot more straightforward to use.It's a challenge to put into action.
It improves the loading and extraction of data performance.In terms of data loading and extraction, it performs worse than OLE DB.
To connect to an OLE DB data source, use OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(connectionString).To connect to an ODBC data source, use the resource ODBC connect(string data source, string username, string password, [int cursor type]). If this method succeeds, it will return a connection resource handle that may be used to access the database with the following instructions.

17. Explain the types of transactions available in ADO.NET

ADO.NET supports the following two types of transactions

Local transaction:

  • A local transaction is a one-phase transaction that the database handles directly. For bringing out local transactions, every.NET Framework data provider has its own Transaction object.
  • Importing a System, for example, allows us to make a transaction with a SQL Server database. System.Data.SqlClient Import the System if you want to run an Oracle transaction. System.Data.OracleClient For writing code that is not dependent on the provider and requires transactions, a DbTransaction class will be utilized.

Distributed transaction:

  • A transaction monitor will coordinate a distributed transaction, which will use fail-safe procedures like a two-phase commit to resolve the transaction. Multiple resources will be impacted by this transaction.
  • If a user may utilize a distributed transaction to perform a transaction across many data servers (Oracle, SQL Server, etc. ),
  • If a distributed transaction is to commit, all parties must agree that any data changes made are permanent. Even if the system crashes or other unforeseeable circumstances occur, the changes must be preserved. Even if a single participant fails to fulfil this assurance, the transaction as a whole will fail, and all alterations to data within the transaction scope will be rolled back.

18. Name some of the properties and methods provided by the DataReader in ADO.NET?

The following are some of the properties supplied by the DataReader:

  • Depth: It indicates the depth of a row's nesting.
  • FieldCount: This function returns the total number of columns in a row.
  • Item: It gets the column value in its native format.
  • RecordsAffected: This parameter specifies the number of transaction rows that are affected.
  • IsClosed: This property indicates whether or not a data reader is closed.
  • VisibleFieldCount: The number of unhidden fields of the SqlDataReader is obtained using VisibleFieldCount.

You can utilize a variety of methods with the DataReader:

  • Read() is a SQL Server function that retrieves a record from a SQL Server database.
  • Close() is used to end a SqlDataReader instance.
  • NextResult() is called during batch transactions to advance the data reader to the next result.
  • Getxxx(): The DataReader has several Getxxx() methods, including GetBoolean(Int32), GetChar(Int32), GetFloat(Int32), GetDouble(Int32), and so on. These methods read a value from a data type-specific column. For
  • instance, GetFloat() returns a Float, while GetChar() returns a character from a column value.

19. What are the data providers in ADO.NET?

Data providers are responsible for transmitting data from the client application to the data store. It contains database-specific information. Data providers are useful for connecting to databases, retrieving data, putting it in a dataset, reading it, and updating the database.

The ADO.NET Framework has the following data providers:

  • OLE DB: The OLEDB provider can be found in the System folder. Namespace Data.OleDb. Microsoft Access, DB2/400, Sybase, SQL Server 6.5 and earlier can all be accessed with this service.
  • ODBC: Under System, you'll find the ODBC supplier. Namespace Data.Odbc. When no other provider is available, this one is used.
  • SQL Server: Under System, you'll see the Microsoft SQL Server provider. The namespace Data.SqlClient This supplier's classes will do the same tasks as the general OLEDB provider.

20. Why is the Stored Procedure used in ADO.NET?

The following are some of the reasons why you should use Stored Procedures in ADO.NET:

  • To achieve better results
  • Because of safety concerns
  • It's a whole lot easier to use and keep up with.
  • Network traffic is reduced.
  • The time it takes to carry out the task is shorter.

21. What is a DataAdapter in ADO.NET?

  • A DataAdapter is a bridge between a DataSet and a data source that allows you to obtain data from it. A database connection and a SQL command set are included in the DataAdapter class. It's useful for populating the
  • DataSet and resolve data source changes.
  • For connecting to a data source, the DataAdapter will use the Connection object from the.NET Framework data provider. It will also use Command objects to obtain data from the data source and to resolve data source changes.
  • The Select, Update, Insert, and Delete commands are DataAdapter attributes that allow the user to control the database.
  • DataAdapter uses code example:
using System;  
using System.Data.SqlClient;  
using System.Data;  
namespace DataAdapterExample  
    public partial class DataAdapterDemo : System.Web.UI.Page  
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("data source=.; database=items; integrated security=SSPI"))  
                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * from items", conn);  
                DataSet s = new DataSet();  
                GridView1.DataSource = s;  

22. Explain the difference between ADO.NET and ASP.NET.

ADO.NET is a.NET foundation library.ASP.NET is a framework for developing web applications.
It's a database-accessing technology.It's a tool for creating dynamic web pages.
Data can be converted to XML format here.Here, we can write code in VB.Net, C#, ASP.Net, and other languages.
It's used to create high-performance client-server database applications that are both dependable and scalable.Dynamic web pages, online applications, websites, and web services are all made with it.

23. Explain about DataSet types in ADO.NET.

A DataSet is a set of database tables that carry data in a row and column format. In ADO.NET, DataSets come in two types. It's as follows:

  • Typed DataSet: A typed DataSet is inherited from the DataSet base class and may be constructed using Visual Studio's DataSet option. It will be saved as an XML schema (.xsd file) containing DataSet structure information such as rows, columns, and tables. The XML format is used to move data from the database into a dataset and then from the dataset to another component.
  • Untyped DataSet: There is no XML schema associated with Untyped DataSet. Users are expected to populate it with columns, tables, and other features. Properties can be established during the design phase or added during the run phase.

An example of how to use DataSet is as follows:

using System;  
using System.Data.SqlClient;  
using System.Data;  
namespace DataSetDemo  
    public partial class DataSetExample : System.Web.UI.Page  
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)  
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("data source=.; database=employee; integrated security=SSPI"))  
                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * from employee", conn);  
                DataSet d = new DataSet();  
                GridView1.DataSource = d;  

DataAdapter, which receives data from the employee table, will fill DataSet in this case. The information from the personnel database will be displayed using this DataSet.

24. Explain the difference between DataTable and DataSet.

A DataTable is a single database table stored in memory. A DataSet is a memory-based grouping of many database tables.
It has a column and row collection.There is a database table collection in it.
It only allows for the retrieval of a single TableRow at a time.It allows you to fetch several TableRows at once.
Because it is a single database table, it will have no relationships with other tables.It represents a collection of DataTable objects, and there may be a relationship between them in order to get a certain result.
DataSource objects aren't serialized in this case.DataSource objects are serialized in this way.
The data integrity objects UniqueConstraint and ForeignKeyConstraint are not available. Data integrity can be enforced using the UniqueConstraint and ForeignKeyConstraint objects.

Frequently Asked Questions

25. What is object pooling?

Object pooling is a memory repository for objects that can be reused without having to be created again. This object pooling alleviates the burden of having to create objects as needed. Whenever an object is required, the object pool manager will process the request and serve it appropriately. It is intended to make the best use of limited resources in order to meet the needs of client requests.

26. What are the different namespaces available in ADO.NET?

  • System.Data: Rows, columns, relations, views, tables, constraints, and databases are all defined in this document.
  • System.Data.SqlClient: SqlConnection, SqlCommand, SqlDataAdapter, and other classes allow you to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database.
  • System.Data.Odbc: It's made up of classes that are required to connect to most Odbc Drivers. OdbcConnection, OdbcCommand, and other classes are among these.
  • System.Data.OracleClient: OracleConnection and OracleCommand are two classes needed for connecting to an Oracle database.

27. Explain ADO.NET Architecture.

ADO.NET is built on an Object Model, which allows data from a database to be accessed through a data provider. It's a data access technique provided by the Microsoft.Net Framework that allows relational and non-relational systems to communicate using a standard set of components.
The following are the elements of the ADO.NET architecture:

  • Data Provider: This component supplies data to any apps that update the database. The DataSet or DataReader object can be used to access data in the application. A data provider is a collection of objects that includes Command, Connection, DataReader, and DataAdapter. Regardless of the operation, such as Insert, Delete, Select, or Update, Command and Connection objects are required.
  • Connection: The connection object is required to connect to a database such as SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and others. To construct a connection object, you'll need to know the database's location (for example, IP address or machine name) as well as the security credentials (Ex: username and password-based authentication or windows authentication).
  • Command: The component where the SQL queries will be written is the action object. Using the command object, run the queries over the link. Using the action object and SQL queries, you will be able to fetch data or send data to the database.
  • DataReader:  DataReader is a forward-only connected read-only RecordSet that can be used to read records.
  • DataAdapter: Between the dataset and the command object, DataAdapter serves as a link. It takes the command object's data and stores it in the data set.
  • DataSet: A DataSet is a standalone RecordSet that can be explored in both directions. We can also use the dataset to update the data. DataAdapter is used to populate DataSet.
  • DataView class: A DataView class allows you to generate numerous data views from a DataTable that may be utilized in data-binding applications. You can use this to display the table in a different sorting order, or to filter the data using a filter expression or by row state, for example.
  • XML: An XML representation of a dataset can be generated. Data is expressed in XML format in the dataset's XML representation, while the database schema is represented in the XML Schema Definition(XSD) language.

28. Can you briefly explain the connected and disconnected architecture of ADO.NET?

Connected Architecture:

  • The connection must be kept open in linked architecture in order to access the data retrieved from the database. Connection, DataReader, Command, and Transaction are the classes that make up the Connected architecture.
  • You go to the database on a regular basis to perform any CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations. This causes a lot of traffic to the database, but it's usually faster because you're only conducting tiny operations.
  • DataReader is a Connected Architecture because it keeps the connection open until all of the rows have been fetched one by one.

Disconnected Architecture:

  • Even if the database connection is closed in a disconnected architecture, data retrieved from the database can be accessed. Connection, CommandBuilder, DataAdapter, DataSet, and DataView are the classes that make up the disconnected architecture.
  • We obtain and save a record set from the database so that you may execute numerous CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) actions on the data without having to reconnect to the database.
  • Because all records are brought at once and the database connection is not kept alive, DataSet is a Disconnected Architecture.

29. What is the difference between connected and disconnected architecture in ADO.NET?

Connected architectureDisconnected architecture
It's all about making connections.It isn't focused on making connections.
A connected architecture is DataReader.The DataSet architecture is a disjointed one.
Connected approaches provide high speed and performance.Disconnected approaches are slow and inefficient.
DataReader does not provide data persistence.DataSet allows you to keep track of your data.
It stores the data from a single table.It stores information from many tables.
The data is read-only, therefore we can't change it.We can update the info here.

30. Explain about ExecuteScalar() in ADO.NET.

  • On query execution, the ExecuteScalar() method will return a single value from the first row and first column of the ResultSet.
  • Except for the first row and first column, if the ResultSet has numerous rows or columns, all of them will be disregarded. This function will return NULL if the resultSet is empty.
  • When employing functions like COUNT(), SUM(), and others, the ExecuteScalar() method is the ideal choice because it consumes fewer resources than the ExecuteReader() method.


public void ExecuteScalarExample()  
    SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();  
    con.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conString"].ConnectionString;  
        SqlCommand cd = new SqlCommand();  
        cd.Connection = con;  
        cd.CommandText = "SELECT SUM(SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE";  
        cd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;  
        Int32 SalaryTotal = Convert.ToInt32(cd.ExecuteScalar());  
        MessageBox.Show("Total Salary of the employee is : " + SalaryTotal.ToString());  
    catch (Exception ex)  

We're going to make a SqlConnection and SqlCommand object. The object of the SqlCommand class is passed SQL Statement, which returns a single value. When the ExecuteScalar() function is called, it returns a single value: the total salary of all employees. A message box will display this value.

31. Explain about ADO.NET objects.

  • DataSet: It can be found in both System and DataSet. The system data.ADO. and  SystemData.SQL. DataSet is a database cache with onboard memory that can be used for disconnected operations. It contains all of the tables, constraints, and relationships.
  • SQLDataSetCommand: This class specifies a stored procedure or database query that may be used to populate a DataSet object. It correlates to the functionality given by the ADO's Command object.
  • SQL command: A stored procedure or a T-SQL statement that will be performed by SQL Server is represented by SQLCommand. It relates to the Command object of the ADO, which provides a different set of features.
  • SQLParameter: SQLParameter is a parameter that can be passed to a SQL command or SQLDataSetCommand object. SQLParameter represents a parameter that can be used by a T-SQL statement or stored procedure when you send a parameter to SQLCommand using SQLParameter. SQLParameter is used to represent a column from a result set whenever a parameter for SQLDataSetCommand is given using SQLParameter.
  • SQLConnection: This object represents a connection to a data source such as SQL Server. This object resembles the ADO Connection object.
  • SQLDataReader: This class reads data from a SQL Server database in a forward-only stream. It connects to a database via an open connection.
  • SQL error: It collects information about runtime warnings and error circumstances that an ADO.NET application may face. It's the same as ADO's Error object.

32. What is LINQ?

  • LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a structured query syntax that allows programmers and testers to extract data from a variety of data sources, including Collections, XML Docs, ADO.NET DataSets, online services, MS SQL Server, and so on.
  • It works with C# or VB.NET and avoids mismatches between programming languages and databases. It has a single querying interface for a variety of data sources.
  • The result of a LINQ query is an object. It will allow you to work with the result set in an object-oriented manner, and you will no longer have to worry about converting multiple result formats into objects.

Check Out:VB.NET Interview Questions

33. How can you identify whether any changes are made to the DataSet object since the time it was last loaded?

To track down changes, the DataSet object includes two methods:

  • GetChanges() retrieves the DataSet object that has changed after it was loaded or the AcceptChanges() function was called.
  • HasChanges() determines whether any changes have occurred since the DataSet object was loaded or after a method call to AcceptChanges().

If you wish to undo all modifications made since the DataSet object was loaded, use the RejectChanges() function.

34. What is the difference between Dataset.Clone() and DataSet.Copy() methods?

Clone() merely copies the DataSet structure. The replicated structure will contain all of the DataSet's constraints, relations, and DataTable schemas. The data in the DataSet is not copied.
The DataSet structure, as well as the data in the DataSet, is copied using the Copy() method. The original data is unaffected.

35. Describe the ADO.NET object model in detail.

An Object Model is the foundation of ADO.NET. Data Provider is used to get data from Datasource. Connection, DataAdapter, DataReader, and Command are examples of data providers. It feeds data to the app and updates the database with the app's modifications.
A data set or a DataReader object can be used by an application to access data.
ADO.NET also allows you to export a dataset as an XML file. The data is written in XML format in an XML representation of a dataset.


ADO.NET technology will certainly help you advance your profession because it has a broad array of applications. We hope the above questions may assist you in landing your dream job.

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Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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