An NSNotificationCenter object (or simply, notification center) provides a mechanism for broadcasting information within a program. An NSNotificationCenter object is essentially a notification dispatch table.
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OBJECTS register with a notification center to receive notifications (NSNotification objects) using the addObserver:selector:name:object: or addObserverForName:object:queue:usingBlock: methods. Each invocation of this method specifies a set of notifications. Therefore, objects may register as observers of different notification sets by calling these methods several times.
Each running Cocoa program has a default notification center. You typically don’t create your own. An NSNotificationCenter object can deliver notifications only within a single program. If you want to post a notification to other processes or receive notifications from other processes, use an instance of NSDistributedNotificationCenter.
Initially create the file name (b8 notification view controller)
# import #import “second .h” @interface b8 notification view controller: UIviewController { } @end
-(void)viewDid load { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] add observe : selfSelector:@ selector :@ selector (addition) name :@ “ AlgebraNotification” Object : nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter ] addobserver : self Selector :@ selector (subtraction) name :@ “algebra notification” Object : nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter PostNotificationName: @ “AlgebraNotification” Object: nil]; [ Super viewDidLoad]; } -(void) addition { NSLog(@ “ the addition is called”) } -(void) Subtraction { Ns log(@ “the subtraction is called); }
Output:– the addition is called
The subtraction is called
program for the notification center to create an another class
# import # import “math .h” @ interface NSNotificationSecondViewController :UIViewController { } @end
# import “NSNotificationSecondviewController .h” @ implementation NSNotificationSecondviewController -(void) view Did load {
Add observer :self Selector : @ selector (addition); Name : @ “algebra notification” Object : nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] add observer : self Selector :@ selector(subtraction) Name : @ “algebra notification” Object : nil];
Math *mathobj =[[math alloc]init]; [[NSNotification center default center] Add observer : mathobj Selector : @ selector (multiplication); Name : @ “algebra notification); Object : nil ];
[Math obj postNotificationMathclass] [Super view did load]; } -(void) addition : (NSNotification *) aNotification { NSDictionary * aDict = [a Notification userInfo]; NSLog (@ “addition is called %@”, aDict ]; } -(void) subtraction :( NSNotification *) aNotification { Ns dictionary *a dict = [ a notification user info}; NSLog (@ “ subtraction is called % @”, aDict); } à//by orating the class for math Class àaddànew fileàcocaa touch class Objective-c class Next click File name :math .m Math. h [automatically create . h] fini
# import @interface Math : NSobject { } -(void) PostNotificationMathClass; @end
#import “Math .h” @implementation Math - (void) PostNotificationMathClass { NSDictionary * aDict = [NSDictionary dictionarywithObjectsAndkeys: @ “ vamshi”, @ “divya”, nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] PostNotificatioName:@ “AlgebraNotification” Object : nil User info : aDict]; } -(void) multiplication { NSLog (@ “multiplication is called”); } @end
Output:– addition is called {
Divya = vamshi;
Subtraction is called
Divya = vamshi;
Multiplication is called.
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Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.