Are you curious to explore Java Spring? Good! You have landed at the right place. In this Java Spring tutorial, you will learn Java Spring concepts from basics to advanced. This Java Spring tutorial covers Java Spring architecture, Spring Bean, the pros and cons of Java Spring, and more. Also, you will learn how to set up the environment for Java Spring, Spring – Hello World example, and much more.
According to Statista, Java Spring is one of the top three Java tech stacks widely used by software development companies to build web applications. This is why the demand for Java Spring developers is soaring everywhere constantly.
Gaining expertise in Java Spring will help you get hired by big companies. Keeping this in mind, MindMajix experts have developed this Java Spring tutorial for learners to elevate their knowledge of Java Spring. This Java Spring tutorial dives deep into core Java Spring concepts and offers a few hands-on practices.
Table of contents:
Java Spring is a robust framework that offers a comprehensive infrastructure for developers to build Java applications. Java Spring framework employs Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) to develop high-quality Java applications.
Know that Java Spring is a flexible and secure framework that allows developers to utilize resources efficiently. The significant thing is that Java Spring reduces configuration tasks drastically. So developers can devote their time to building powerful web applications.
Well! You have got some glimpses of Java Spring. Let’s explore the Java Spring architecture in the following section.
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The Java Spring architecture has 20 modules. Out of the 20 modules, many modules are organized into different groups. The groups are data access or integration, spring core containers, and spring web. The other modules, such as AOP, instrumentation, Aspects, and test, work individually inside the architecture.
Let’s learn more about the groups one by one in the following.
Data Access or Integration:
This group contains JDBC, OXM, ORM, JMS, and transactions modules. The JDBC module offers a JDBC abstraction layer. This layer avoids making complex JDBC coding. The ORM module provides an integration layer for object-relational mapping.
The OXM module offers an abstraction layer. This layer helps to make object or XML mapping. The Java Messaging Service (JMS) module supports generating and managing messages.
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Java Spring's AOP module supports alliance-complaint AOP implementation. This module helps developers to define method-interceptors. So, developers can include behavioral information in their code using the source-level metadata functionality.
Spring Web
The web group contains several modules such as web, web struts, web servlet, and web portlet. The web module offers many web-oriented integration features like web-oriented application context, multipart file-upload functionality, etc.
The web servlet module offers the MVC design pattern for developing web applications. The web struts module includes the support classes. The classes help to integrate web tiers in spring applications. The web portlet module supports the MVC design implementation for the port environment.
Aspects, Instrumentation, and Test
The aspects module supports integration with AspectJ. The instrumentation module offers class instrumentation support for developers. It also provides a classloader object that developers can use in application servers.
The test module supports testing spring components such as TestNG and JUnit. It also supports consistent loading and caching of Spring ApplicationContexts.
Nice! You have got the big picture of the Java Spring architecture. Next, we will jump into the features of Java Spring.
Java Spring offers many incredible and impressive features to developers. Let’s take a closer look at the features in this section.
Spring IoC Containers
Spring IoC is a process that defines dependencies for objects. IoC is essentially an inverse process in which a bean controls its instantiation and injects its dependencies. The service locator pattern plays a vital role in this process.
The role of the IoC container is to inject the dependencies into Java beans once they are instantiated. IoC containers instantiate, configure, and assemble beans. They create objects, taking necessary information from the configuration metadata.
AOP in Spring
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a complementary programming language to Object-Oriented Programming. AOP provides a different type of program structure when compared with OOP. Class is the basic unit of modularity in OOP, whereas aspect is the basic unit of the AOP.
Java developers adapt AOP for multiple reasons. AOP provides declarative enterprise services – an alternative to the EJB declarative services. Additionally, AOP allows developers to implement custom aspects.
Spring Web Service
The Spring Web service supports creating and managing web service endpoints in Java applications. This service provides a layered approach that you can manage using the XML language. Moreover, the layered approach provides mapping for web requests for specific objects.
Data Access Framework
Hassle-free database communication is one of the biggest challenges for Java developers. Java Spring communicates seamlessly with Java data access frameworks like Hibernate and JPA. As a result, developers can speed up their application development.
The Java data access frameworks offer features like efficient resource management, resource wrapping, exception handling, etc. The features make the development process more simple and quick.
Great! You have gone through the key Java Spring features. Next, get ready to learn Spring Bean in the coming section.
Spring Bean is essentially an object that acts as the backbone for creating Java applications. IoC containers instantiate, assemble, and manage beans. Generally, beans are created using configuration metadata. The IoC containers have configuration metadata in the form of XML definitions.
The configuration metadata typically has the following elements:
Okay! Coming up is the section that digs deep into the Spring Bean Lifecycle.
A Spring bean's lifecycle starts from the instantiation of a bean. The lifecycle continues with the actions the bean performs throughout its life. The lifecycle ends with the destruction of the bean.
As you know, IoC containers manage the lifecycles of Java beans. First, the Spring container starts, then instantiates beans based on requests. After that, dependencies are injected into the beans. When the container is closed, the beans are also destroyed simultaneously.
You can implement bean lifecycle in three methods as follows:
While defining a Java bean, you must register the init () and destroy () methods in the spring configuration file. It allows you to apply the methods on the bean. It can be done in three steps, as shown below:
You need to annotate the init () method along with the @PostConstruct annotation in the annotation method. Similarly, you must annotate the destroy () method with the @PreDestroy annotation.
The created bean will invoke the custom init () method while starting a container. Similarly, the bean will invoke the destroy () method while closing the container. It can be done in three steps, as shown below:
Good! It’s time to dive into some hands-on practices that will help you get started with the Java Spring framework.
In this Java Spring tutorial, you will learn to set up an environment to build Java applications using the Java framework. Let’s go through the step-by-step procedure to set up the environment.
Step 1: Setting up the Java Development Kit (JDK)
Step 2: Installing Apache Common Logging API.
Step 3: Setting up Eclipse IDE
Step 4: Setting up Spring Framework Library
It’s perfect to set up the spring framework now. The following steps will help to install the framework smoothly.
Celebrate! You have completed the environment setup for Java Spring through this Java Spring tutorial. Right now, you are ready to work on Java Spring projects.
This Java Spring tutorial will walk you through the simple step-by-step procedure to create a maven-based Spring project. Maven is an automation tool. Besides, it is the dependency manager for Java applications.
Before starting this project, you need to install the Apache Tomcat server on your machine in addition to JDK and Eclipse IDE platforms.
Step 1: Creating a Maven Project
Step 2: Configuring the Project
Step 3: Maven Project Structure
Well done! You have successfully created your Maven project structure.
What next? Ready to go with another Java Spring hands-on practice?
This Java Spring tutorial will take you through the step-by-step procedure to create a Java Spring application that will print – Hello World. Before starting the project, you must configure the spring beans configuration file.
Step 1: Creating a Java Project
Step 2: Adding the required Libraries
Step 3: Creating Source Files
Step 4: Creating Bean Configuration File
You can use the beans.xml file to assign unique IDs to various beans. You can also control the creation of objects that come with different values. So, this approach doesn't affect the Spring source files.
Step 5: Running the Program
Congrats! You have created your first Java Spring application successfully. Next, we will read through the advantages and disadvantages of the Spring framework in the next section.
The Spring framework has many advantages. Some of the advantages are outlined below.
Every coin has two sides. So, it’s not a surprise that spring has some cons as well. Let’s list the drawbacks in the below.
Though Java Spring has some drawbacks, it is one of the go-to tools for developers to build Java applications.
Is learning Java Spring easy?
Learning Java Spring is easy if you purely devote your time to learning. MindMajix conducts Java Spring training with industry-designed course curricula and experienced trainers. No doubt your learning experience in MindMajix will be exciting and fruitful.
Is it worth learning Java Spring?
On average, entry-level Java Spring developers can earn up to 8 LPA in India. In the USA, they can earn around 92k USD annually on average. These figures showcase that a career in Java Spring is promising and lucrative.
Is Java Spring a lightweight framework?
Yes, Java Spring is a lightweight framework. This is because Java Spring supports POJO implementation. Developers don’t need to implement any interface or inherit any class while using the Java Spring framework.
Why is Java Spring loosely coupled?
Java Spring framework has the Inversion of Control and dependency injection features. The features make the platform loosely coupled, which makes testing and managing Java applications easy.
What is the key difference between Java Spring and Spring Boot?
Java Spring is a Java EE environment that supports developing web applications. On the other hand, Spring Boot is a framework that supports developing REST APIs. You must configure manually in Java Spring, whereas Spring Boot has default configurations.
Long story short, Java Spring is a powerful framework that provides the infrastructure to develop Java applications. Java Spring offers excellent features for developers, such as Spring IoC, Spring AOP, dependency injection, etc. It allows them to build powerful web applications seamlessly.
Well! This Java Spring tutorial must have given you a wonderful experience in learning Java Spring from ground to advanced concepts. The hands-on practices must have improved your practical skills to the next level. If you wish to elevate your skills further, you can check out a Java Spring course in MindMajix. You will get certification at the end of the training and gain a competitive edge in the job market.
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