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Stored Procedures Coach Interview Questions

Would you like to navigate your career in designing database systems? This article provides insights into the Stored Procedures Coach Interview Question and Answers. Because of the growing dependence on data and information, SQL developers are the most in-demand experts. This blog helps you get to know the Top Stored Procedures Coach Interview Questions that are possibly asked in interview. 

Create a better and more fulfilling life with the right choices! We are here to provide you with informative insights that will help you to have an edge in Stored Procedures.

What is the potential of Stored Procedures?

1. A stored procedure adds an important security layer between the user interface and the database. Because end users can add and alter data but not write procedures, it promotes security through data access constraints.

2. Stored procedures offer many benefits to help you create strong database applications, including improved performance, increased productivity, ease of use, and increased scalability.

3. Stored procedures allow you to make use of the server's computing resources.
We've provided a series of Stored Procedures Interview Questions to help you revive your professional spirit and answers from Experts for your convenience. These questions are intended to help candidates prepare for SQL Developer Jobs.

We have categorized Stored Procedures Interview Questions - 2024 (Updated) into 3 levels they are:

Top 10 Frequently Asked Asked Stored Procedures Interview Questions

1. What is query language?

2. What is Stored Procedures?

3. What is the default syntax of the stored functions?

4. Write the positive points of stored procedures?

5. What do you mean by NOCOPY?

6. What is purpose of recursive stored procedure?

7. How to inform DBPAK of archived procedures?

8. How the access time is increasing by using stored procedures? 

9. Explain CLR stored procedures?

Stored Procedures Interview Questions for Freshers

1. What do you know about Databases?

Ans: While we are developing any software, so much information will be collected and stored in this software. You can collect, store and retrieve data from a system called a database. You can create a database by writing SQL Query. The database has design and modeling approaches.

2. What is the full form of DBMS?

Ans: The full form of DBMS is Database Management System. It helps to create databases and to manage data.

3. What is query language?

Ans: SQL is a query language. A query language interacts with the database. SQL is one of the best-structured query languages which is used widely in the industry. If the company has a record of all employees in the database, SQL help to extract all old information from the database.

If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in SQL Server DBA, then enroll in "SQL Server DBA Online Training" - This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

4. Write the different schema objects in PL/SQL?

Ans: Different schema objects creation are-

  • Clusters.
  • Database links.
  • Database triggers.
  • Dimensions.
  • External procedure libraries.
  • Indexes and index types.
  • Java classes, Java resources, and Java sources.
  • Materialized views and materialized view logs.

5. What are subprograms are there in PL/SQL?

Ans: There are two subprograms in PL/SQL:

A. Stored Procedures
B. Stored Functions

6. If you use a subprogram, in that case, will you get any advantages?

Ans: Yes, you can use stored procedures or stored functions as a subprogram from the SQL command line. These will store the data incomplete compiled form. If you call the data, it will be executed soon. It is a great advantage of shared memory.

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7. What is Stored Procedures?

Ans: A Stored Procedure is a sequence statement in PL/SQL. It can do some data processing. You can use a stored procedure as a schema object in the Oracle database. You can invoke them by triggers, nested, invoked, or parameterized.

8. What is the default syntax of the stored procedures?


<parameterl IN/OUT <datatype>
[ IS | AS ]<declaration_part>
<execution part>
<exception handling part>

9. What do you know about stored functions?

Ans: You can call it also User Function or User Defined Function. Simply it is a set of PL/SQL statements that you can call by name. They are stored and compiled in a database. This function will return a value to the environment in which it is called.

[Also Read: SQL Server DBA Interview Questions]

10. What is the default syntax of the stored functions?


<parameterl IN/OUT <datatype>
RETURN <datatype>
[ IS | AS ]<declaration_part>
<execution part> 
<exception handling part>

11. How many modes are available to pass parameters?

Ans: There are three types of modes are available:

A. In
B. Out

12. What is the task of IN mode?

Ans: If you want to pass the value to the subprogram, then, like a constant, you can assign a value by using IN mode.

13. What is the use of OUT mode?

Ans: Once we expect return values to the called subprograms, you can use the OUT method to initialize the assigned variable.

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14. Tell me the use of INOUT mode?

Ans: It will help pass the values to the subprogram called and return the caller value.

15. Note the difference between the archive procedure and the archive function?

Stored FunctionsStored Procedures
It helps to return a single value.It helps to process complex business.
Functions use the return keyword to get the return value.It doesn't have a return keyword. 
In the case of a variable, you can use a function.A function cannot be called.

16. What is the common feature between Function and Procedure? 

Ans: A database can be a procedure within a function. 

17. Tell me how you can recompile stored procedures at runtime?

Ans: At the time of creating stored procedures with the recompile option, it will be executed newly every time. This is very good for high performances. Every time perfect variables are passed.

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18. Write the positive points of stored procedures?

Ans: The most important point of advantage is that Stored Procedures can be reused. It helps to improve the performance of the database. With the help of an inline T-SQL query, we can increase the database security level to keep the data safe. The centralized code will be easily modified and maintained by sharing application logic. In the server cache, stored procedures will be there. You can cross-check the execution process to run the application.

19. How to make a procedure private?

Ans: You can make the procedure private to a package by not mentioning package specifications. You can mention items in the package body only. These items can be declared within the package.

20. What do you mean by NOCOPY?

ans: In a compiler, you can use NOCOPY in pass-by-reference. It does not create a temporary buffer. So there will be a time lag. 

Stored Procedures Interview Questions for Experienced

1. In case we change the reference table definition, what will happen in stored procedures?

Ans: Mainly the stored procedures vary with object references in it is the body. For say, you will try to alter the definition of a particular table reference; the stored procedures will go into INVALID mode. Then you need to validate to continue the workflow.

2. How many stored procedures are there?

Ans: There are two types of stored procedures:

  • System Stored Procedures
  • User Defined Stored Procedures

3. What is purpose of recursive stored procedure?

Ans: It can be called by itself in SQL server by the User. This particular store procedure helps to solve repetitive problems. You can go next up to 32 levels.

4. What do you understand by User-defined stored procedures?

Ans: On a user-defined database, the user can create this particular procedure. It can be created in all system databases also. But in the resources database, it is not possible.

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5. What do you know about System Stored Procedures?

Ans: It is a very useful one of the stored procedures. It helps to extract the definition and all dependencies of the stored procedures. There are three types of System stored procedures.

  • sp_help to show all details
  • sp_helptext  to show the definition
  • sp_depends to show all dependencies 

6. Let's see how with two variables as input, we can do the sum of them?

Ans: Firstly you need to create a procedure named "text_pro" in a schema named "dcd." This procedure takes two parameters while adding the input values.

res := num1+num2;

7. Indicates the different ways to call a particular stored procedure?

Ans: You can call them in three different ways:

A. By using EXECUTE in SQL prompt
B. Using CALL statement in SQL prompt 
C. By using within another subprogram

8. Under what conditions can stored procedures or stored functions be used?

Ans: If you want to get the values, then you can use stored functions, but in the case of business logic, you can use stored procedures.

9. What is the difference between visualization and stored procedures?

Ans: If you use it to view, then you can retrieve, insert, update and delete the data from tables. But if you use stored procedures, then you can share the group of SQL statements with the users connected over the network.

10. Can I call a function inside a stored procedure?

Ans: Yes, a function can be called in stored procedures to return a value that needs to store in a variable.

11. Can I use SQL-Transaction in Nested Stored Procedures?

Ans: Yes, you can do that.

12. Can we dynamically call the stored procedure?

Ans: Yes, you can call the stored procedures dynamically.

[Read related Article: SQL Server Interview Questions]

13. What is the main difference between Stored Procedures and Dynamic SQL?

Ans: Stored procedures are honoured and executed on the SQL server. But dynamic SQL is not compiled as well as can not run on a server.

14. When we are creating "IS" and "AS" in stored procedures, what will be the difference?

Ans: There is no such difference. You can use "AS" when you define stored procedures in a package, but if you define outside of the package, then you need to use "IS."

15. Do you think the CASE statement is present in stored procedures? If yes, please explain.

Ans: Yes, it is present in stored procedures. If a particular statement has become true, the search condition makes the execution. If the statement is false, then ELSE will be executed.

16. How to inform DBPAK of archived procedures?

Ans: You can follow the given below steps easily:

A. Double click the query widget in the web browser
B. Go to the resource editor
C. Click on finding insertProc
D. Choose the insertProc resource

17. As you know, we implement the stored procedure in business logic, but how?

Ans: You can implement stored procedures to insert the business logic into the database. It has an embedded API to reduce implementation time. It decreases the chances of data corruption.

18. How the access time is increasing by using stored procedures?

Ans: You will store the data in the database obviously in complied mode. Precompiled data will be easily stored in stored procedures. Catches will stop repetitive data, reducing the time gap between the query and compiling.

19. What is the stored procedures status variable?

Ans: When you want to execute stored procedures, you will get in return an integer status variable. It indicates the status; usually, zero indicates success, and non-zero indicates failure.

20. Explain CLR stored procedures?

Ans: It is a combination of Common Language Runtime and Stored Procedures. Mainly it is useful for .NET objects which will run in the database. You can manage it like an extended stored procedure by using unmanaged objects in .NET libraries.

Frequently Asked Stored Procedures Interview Questions

1. Do you think that Stored Procedures improve performance?

Ans: Yes, you can improve the database execution process by using Stored procedures. It allows reusing the database query. To increase the re-usability in dynamic SQL, we can use parameterized queries.

2. How the Stored Procedures are better than the query?

Ans: In the case of every query, it will first be submitted, then complied with, and then executed. But in the case of the stored procedures, queries will be stored in the procedure cache after first-time compilation. If we use the subsequent, there won't be any compilation; only execution will be done to get faster performance.

3. If I want to improve my query performance, what should I do?

Ans: Please follow given below steps to optimize query performance:

  • You can optimize the slow query.
  • Need to server connection and check whether the functionality chain is broken or not.
  • If your query doesn't use indexes, then you need to optimize it.
  • You can try reducing table size.
  • Simplify the query joins.

4. Do you think that the Stored Procedures are a script?

Ans: In the database server, we usually store the SQL statement. You can reuse the script also. The script is typically small code and a standalone program. We do not need any UI to represent this. This stored procedure includes a script.

5. Suppose we want to get multiple results; how can we get them?

Ans: Maximum stored procedures can give us multiple results. We need to include one or more select statements to handle all the results set.

6. What I have done for improving my SQL skills?

Ans: These are the following steps you may follow:

A. Write daily SQL queries.
B. Whatever you are learning daily, please make a document.
C. Keep all errors reported.
D. Give knowledge transfer sessions to juniors on SQL.
E. Start learning SQL from the initial level of your career.

7. Is the Stored Procedures and PL SQL the same?

Ans: No, they are not the same. Because stored procedures are actually a self-contained subprogram. Whereas PL/SQL is based on blocks.

8. Will learning Stored Procedures is for a new job would be beneficial?

Ans: Of course, you can get a very good job if you will learn Stored Procedures with MySql. It's booming like data science nowadays. You need an average of 3 to 4 months to become an expert database developer.

9. How will you practice Stored Procedures skills?

Ans: If you are learning Stored Procedures, then you can set up SQL Server. You need to create login id credentials on that server. It has an interactive method for beginners as well as for experienced resources.

10. Is stored procedures worth learning in 2024?

Ans: Yes, you can learn the stored procedures in 2024 as a database developer or database administrator. It is a part of a popular programming language called SQL. Many of the RDBMS frameworks use a stored procedure. You will get a very good exposure.


Stored procedures have long been considered the de facto standard for applications that use codified ways, or procedures, to access and change database information. As a result, it's important to take the right approach for well-desired results. We are confident that this content will help you qualify for the Stored Procedure Interview and help you bag your dream job.

Course Schedule
SQL Server DBA TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
SQL Server DBA TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
SQL Server DBA TrainingNov 02 to Nov 17View Details
SQL Server DBA TrainingNov 05 to Nov 20View Details
Last updated: 07 Oct 2024
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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