SAP Business One Interview Questions

With every business turning to SAP Business One, there is a demand for professionals with expertise in SAP Business One across various industries. Now is the best time to pursue a career in this field. This article lists the top SAP Business One interview questions and how to answer them. Go through these questions and shine in your interview.

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If you're looking for SAP Business One Interview Questions & Answers for Experienced & Freshers, you are in right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research SAP Business One has a market share of about 3.4%. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in SAP Business One. Mindmajix offers advanced SAP Business One Interview Questions 2024 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as SAP Business One Developer.

We have divided SAP Business One interview Questions into 3 categories:

Top 10 Frequently Asked SAP Business One Interview Questions

  1. What will happen if we remove EventFilters?
  2. How to fill data in recordset?
  3. What is DI Server in SAP Business One?
  4. What is the use of the company object in SAP Business One?
  5. What are the different objects in DI API?
  6. What is BubbleEvent?
  7. What is used in SDK for developing a form?
  8. How is SAP Business One implemented?
  9. What are the different types of data sources?
  10. Which table saves the details of the country?

SAP Business One Interview Questions For Freshers

1. Which are the DLLs used in SAP Business One SDK?

Interop.SAPbouiCOM.dll and Interop.SAPbobsCOM.dll are the two dll’s used in SAP Business One SDK. Interop.SAPbouiCOM.dll is used for accessing the user controls that are displayed over the form. Different controls such as label, Combobox, matrix, etc. can be accessed using Interop.SAPbouiCOM.dll. Interop.SAPbobsCOM.dll is used for accessing objects that are used in SAP. For eg, an item object can be accessed as, Dim objItem As SAPbobsCOM.Items

2. What will happen if we remove EventFilters?

If we remove EventFilters, then all the events will fire. While programming in SDK, the unnecessary events should be neglected since they will decline the performance of the application.When EventFilter is applied to the SAPbouiCOM.Application object, then the events will fire as per the requirement of the user and thus enhancing the performance of the application.

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3. What is used in SDK for developing a form?

Screen painter is used for developing form in SAP Business One SDK. Screen painter is provided as an add-on by SAP and it can be used to designing and developing forms. The files created by the screen painter have srf extension and these files should be renamed to XML for deploying then in SAP Business One.

4. Which tool is provided by SAP for keeping the track of events?

SAP Business One Event Logger is a tool provided by SAP for keeping the track of events. Both SAP Business One and event logger should be executed simultaneously. The event logger will give you a detailed list of events that fired while operating SAP. Event logger is a very useful tool while developing add-ons in SDK. Coding can be done as per the events that are shown in the event logger. For developing robust applications in SAP Business One SDK, an event logger is a useful tool since the entire programming in SAP Business One SDK is event-driven.

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5. Is it possible to alter the standard behavior of SAP Business One using SDK?

The standard behavior or the conventional flow of SAP Business One can not be altered using SDK. Some or other errors will occur. So it is advisable not to disturb the conventional flow of SAP Business One using SDK.

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6. What is the et_FORM_DATA_ADD event in SAP Business One SDK?

et_FORM_DATA_ADD event fires when the add button is clicked.This event adds new record in SAP.This event can be used for validating the input received by the user.This event fires in two sessions.In the first session,an event fires before the successfull execution of event i.e.ActionSuccess.The code is as, BusinessObjectInfo.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_DATA_ADD ANDBusinessObjectInfo.ActionSuccess = False The second session occurs when the action is executed successfully i.e. SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_DATA_ADD ANDBusinessObjectInfo.ActionSuccess = True

7. How to fill data in recordset?

In the recordset, data can be filled in the recordset using the sub-routine DoQuery.The sample illustrates this in detail, Dim objRS As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset

objRS = objCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)

8. How is SAP Business One implemented?

SAP Business One is implemented as a two-layer architecture. The system is based on a Microsoft SQL Server database where data is stored centrally. The business logic is mostly processed on the client software (fat client).

9. What are the different components of SAP Business One client software?

Graphical user interface and the business object classes connecting to the database are the different components of SAP Business One client software.

10. What is DI Server in SAP Business One?

In SAP Business One, DI Server is a DCOM service that runs on the SAP Business One server and accepts XML data packed in SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

11. What is the function of UI API i.e. User Interface API?

UI API stands for User Interface Application Program.Dll is provided by SAP i.e. Interop.SAPbouiCOM.dll.The reference of this dll is added in the project to access it in a project. UI API is used for accessing the controls that are displayed on the form. Following are the functions of UI API –
           1. Provides objects and methods to access screen objects of the User Interface.
           2. Provides access to internal system events of the user interface.
           3. Provides the ability to modify or add menus, windows, or fields.
           4. Provides one integrated user interface.
           5. Use COM capable development tools (Microsoft Visual …)

SAP Business One Interview Questions For Experienced

12. What is the company object in SAP Business One?

Company object represents SAP Business One database. Is used to establish a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database.

13. What is the use of the company object in SAP Business One?

The following are the uses of company object in SAP Business One –
         1. Access Data in an SAP Business One database.
         2. Connect to and disconnect to the customer database.
         3. Start and end global transactions.
         4. Work with XML data.

14. What are the different types of DataSources?

The following are the different types of DataSources –
         1. DataTables
         2. DBDataSources
         3. UserDataSources

15. Can we load the data table directly using SQL query?

Yes, data tables can be loaded directly using SQL query as follows –

Dim objDT as SAPbouiCOM.DataTable Dim strQuery as String strQuery=”SELECT * FROM OITM” objDT.ExecuteQuery(strQuery)

16. What are the functions of Data Interface API (DI API)?

Following are the functions of Data Interface API (DI API) –

1. DI API provides objects and methods i.e. add, update, Remove, for performing various data level operations. This can be done without installing the SAP Business One client.
2. DI API provides access to business objects i.e. master data and transactional data.
3. DI API can be used in COM capable development tools (e.g. Microsoft Visual Studio).Dll SAPbobsCOM.dll is provided by SAP just by adding the reference of this dll, you can perform data level operations.

17. What are the different objects in DI API?

Following are the different objects in DI API –
          1.Business Objects
          2.Infrastructure Objects
          3.Special Objects

18. What are the different types of transactions supported by DI API?

Following are the different types of transactions supported by DI API –
         1.Single Transaction
         2.Global Transaction

19. What is BubbleEvent?

BubbleEvent specifies whether the event will be processed by SAP Business One or not. If BubbleEvent=True, then SAP Business One will process the event else the execution will terminate.For eg,
If pVal.EventType = BoEventTypes.et_CLICK And pVal.Action_Success = True And pVal.FormUID = “F_32” And pVal.ItemUID = “btnSave” Then
End If
In the above code, the click event of the save button is handled. When the user clicks on the save button, then first the above code will execute and then it will be handled by SAP Business One. Here I have set BubbleEvent=False.So the click event will terminate and SAP Business One will not handle the event.

20. What is DBDataSource?

DBDataSource is used for storing data from the database.DBDataSource is linked to a database table and it represents tabular data.DBDataSource is used by all system forms. You can get DBDataSource as follows – Here I have assumed that I have opened the form of Sales Order and I want to get the database details of the sales order. The table name is ORDR. Dim objDS As SAPbouiCOM.DBDataSource

objDS = SBO_Application.Forms.ActiveForm.DataSources.DBDataSources.Item(“ORDR”)

21. How to bind a textbox with a data source?

Textbox can be binded to datasource as follow –
Dim objForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form
Dim txtDocEntry As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
objForm = SBO_Application.Forms.ActiveForm
objForm.DataSources.UserDataSources.Add(“DocEntry”, SAPbouiCOM.BoDataType.dt_LONG_NUMBER)
txtDocEntry = objForm.Items.Item(“txtDocEntry”).Specific
txtDocEntry.DataBind.SetBound(True, “”, “DocEntry”)
In the above code,I have considered the textbox txtDocEntry.I want this textbox to accept numeric input only.
So I have binded it with dt_LONG_NUMBER as shown above.

SAP Business One FAQs

22. What are the limitations of the DI server?

Following are the limitations of the DI server –
1. Metadata operations not supported.
2. ?Different support for transaction handling than plain DI API

23. What is the function of OBServerDLL.DLL?

In OBServerDLL.DLL, the business objects of the SAP Business One client are copied.

24. What are the different parts of DI API?

Following are the different parts of DI API –
1. COM Interface – The COM Interface provides the interface to the add-on application.
2. DI Core – The DI Core, which is the main component of the DI API, performs all the data logic operations.
3. Data Manager – The Data Manager stores temporary object data, converts object data to internal data formats, retrieves data from the database, and controls the database transactions.
4. Schema Generator – The Schema Generator creates XML schemas based on object interface descriptions. The schema generator also creates object validation lists.

25. Where does the DI server execute i.e. client or server?

DI server executes on the server.

26. For performing heavy-duty operations what is a suitable DI API or DI server?

For performing heavy-duty operation DI server is suitable. The DI Server implements a connection pooling mechanism to enhance the performance and scalability of the server. As DI Server is a SOAP-based interface it does not limit the client to a COM interface but allows a wide range of possible client technologies.

27. What is the value returned when any method of a DI API object executes successfully?

0 is returned when any method of a DI API object executes successfully.

28. Which table saves the details of the country?

OCRY table saves the details of the country.

29. Which property of the matrix gives the total number of rows in the matrix?

The property VisualRowCount gives the total number of rows in the matrix.

30. In SAP Business One SDK, which object is used for executing SQL queries and stored procedures?

In SAP Business One SDK, the recordset object is used for executing SQL queries and stored procedures.

31. What is the value returned by a method when it executes successfully?

0 is the value returned by a method when it executes successfully.

32. What is A/R Invoice?

The acronym of A/R Invoice is Account Receivable Invoice. For selling a product, the following invoices are added in SAP Business One –
1. Sales Quotation
2. Sales Order
3. Delivery
4. A/R Invoice
So A/R Invoice is the last process for the sales department. When A/R Invoice is added, the respective accounting entries are added. The report from the A/R Invoice is sent as a bill along with the product.

33. What is A/P Invoice?

Ans: The acronym of A/P Invoice is Account Payable Invoice. For purchasing the goods, the following invoices are added in SAP Business One –
1.Purchase Quotation
2. Purchase Order
3. Goods Receipt PO
4. A/P Invoice
So A/P Invoice is the last process for the purchasing department. When A/P Invoice is added, the accounting effect can be seen.

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SAP Business One TrainingMar 25 to Apr 09View Details
SAP Business One TrainingMar 29 to Apr 13View Details
SAP Business One TrainingApr 01 to Apr 16View Details
SAP Business One TrainingApr 05 to Apr 20View Details
Last updated: 13 Jul 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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SAP Business One Quiz

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