Alteryx Interview Questions

This Alteryx Interview Questions blog contains all of the frequently asked interview questions, as well as best solutions, to help you prepare for your Alteryx interview. These interview questions have been compiled by experts to help you brush up on your Alteryx knowledge.

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In today's world, where data plays a major role, Alteryx makes it simple for businesses to analyze data and create workflows. It’s a popular self-service analytics tool that lets users build data pipelines without having to know how to code. As more businesses migrate to Alteryx, companies are recruiting talented minds in this field to simplify everyday business activities and enhance productivity. 

In order to help candidates who aspire to be an Alteryx professional, MindMajix has compiled the top 50 Alteryx Interview Questions from experts with detailed answers. This blog will be a perfect guide to gaining more insight about Alteryx for both freshers and experienced.

We have categorized Alteryx Interview Questions - 2024 (Updated) into 2 levels they are:

Top 10 Frequently Asked Alteryx Interview Questions 

  1. What is the Alteryx Server?
  2. What type of reports can an application create?
  3. What Kind of Spatial and Tabular Data Output is generated by an application?
  4. How can we Share an Application?
  5. Define Private Data?
  6. How a Data Artisan Grants Membership?
  7. How can we see more details about the application?
  8. How can we run an application?
  9. How can we share the application within a Public Gallery?
  10. What is the procedure to change a field type?
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Alteryx Interview Questions For Freshers

1. What is Alteryx?

Alteryx is a drive-in data analysis tool that assists in analyzing any volume of data by developing workflows. Alteryx tool helps us to carry out the data analysis in a simple and automated way.

2. Why do we use the Alteryx Tool?

Alteryx provides easily learnable solutions. Through those solutions, organizations can quickly merge, analyze, and prepare the data in the provided time irrespective of the business intelligence capabilities the employees perceive. The enterprises that want quick results in data analysis without the help of code will use Alteryx. 

3. What is the Alteryx Server?

Alteryx Server improves the utilization of Alteryx Designer as it enables us to send the results to teams, departments, and users. The workflow processing takes place in the Alteryx Server, not in the workstation.

4. Explain Some Important Features of Alteryx?

The important tool of Alteryx is the Alteryx Designer. Alteryx Designer helps us to develop reusable workflows through an interface. Some important tools of Alteryx Designer are as follows:

  • Join: This tool integrates different data sources with the help of various tools irrespective of the format and data structure.
  • Spatial: It provides a big volume of data to understand things and make decisions.
  • Input or Output: We can access the data from locations like in the relational database, cloud, local desktop, and send that data to a wide range of sources and formats.
  • Predictive: Gives access to thirty plus pre-packaged procedure tools like grouping, predictive analysis to assist the analyst in analytics and predictive process.
  • Investigation: Before performing the in-depth data analysis analysts should comprehend the data details.

5. Define Viewer?

The user who uses the Alteryx for free is the Viewer. The viewer runs the applications that are issued in the Public Alteryx Gallery.

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6. Define the Alteryx Analytics Gallery?

Alteryx Analytics Gallery is an openly organized web service where we can publish, share and run applications over the cloud. The Analytics Gallery enables the Organization to process the big datasets in one environment.

7. Define Data Artisan?

The user who generates the analytic applications through the alteryx designer desktop is known as Data Artisan. After generating the analytic applications, the data artisan shares them privately or publicly in the Alteryx Analytics Gallery.

8. Define an Analytic Application?

An Analytic Application is an Analytic Integration and Pre-Packaged data that we publish in the Alteryx Analytic Gallery through Data Artisans for answering particular tactical analytics questions.

9. Define Member?

A user who runs the applications that are distributed secretly through the collections is known as Member. Data Artisan gives Membership to users.

10. What type of reports can an application create?

According to the approach of developing an application, it can create Word, Excel, PDF, and HTML files. These reports contain different charts, tables, and maps.

Related Article: Tableau vs Alteryx

11. What are the requirements for publishing the applications in the Analytics Gallery?

From the Alteryx Designer Desktop, we publish the applications in the private studio.

Through Alteryx Designer Desktop, we publish the applications in the private studio. 

The studio is available automatically to the licensed users of Designer Desktop. 

The Designer Desktop trial users can get a studio through the 30 Day Free Trial of Studio.

12. What is the Requirement for Developing an Application? 

Generally, we require the Alteryx Designer Desktop to develop the Applications. We can download the free trial of Designer Desktop.

13. What Kind of Spatial and Tabular Data Output is generated by an application?

The Data Output type relies on the application building process, and it can generate files like CSV, DBF, MID, FlatFile, YXDB, TAB, and KML SHP.

14. Define Studio?

Studio Contains the applications that are issued by the Data Artisans in the Organization.

15. Who can use the applications that are issued in the Studio?

 Every Data Artisan of an organization can use the applications, and they can execute and see every application in their Studio.

16. Which browsers support Alteryx Analytics Gallery?

Following Browsers Support the Alteryx Analytics Gallery:

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Safari
  • Google Chrome.
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17. How can we Share an Application?

When we publish an application in the studio, the users of that studio will use it. We can share the studio application to a Public Gallery, and in the public gallery, everyone can use it.

We can also share the studio application in the collection. Every user present in that collection accesses it. 

18. Does Alteryx Analytics Gallery Support Chained Applications?

 No, Alteryx Analytics Gallery does not support Chained Applications.

19. Is there any restriction to the size of the application files or data that we publish in the Alteryx Analytics Gallery?

 Yes, there is a restriction to the size of the application files or data. The size of the application files should not exceed 100MB.

20. Define Private Data?

Private Data relates to the Alteryx Designer Desktop License, and it contains various data sets like demographic data, business lists, consumer lists, and psychographic data.

21. How can we publish(issue) an application whose data size exceeds 100MB?

By using the tools of the cloud connector in Designer Desktop, we can host that application on the cloud.

22. Can we publish the applications through Private Data?

Yes, we can publish the applications through the private data in the private Studio, and we can share it in the collection.

23. How to Rename our Studio?

To rename our Studio, we have to press our “User Name” and after that open settings. In the settings, “Choose the Studio Tab”. After that, we have to type New Name in the name field of the Studio. After that, press the save button to save the new name.

24. How to Share the Application using Social Media or Email?

For sharing an application through Email or Social Media, first, we have to click the application to see its details. After that press the “Share” button for sharing the application on different platforms like Email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

25. What Kind of users can execute private applications in the collection?

In Collection, viewers see private applications, yet they cannot execute them. Members and Data Artisans can execute applications.

26. How to discover the Users to insert in the Collection?

 For adding the users to a collection, we have to choose a collection, and after that, we use the “Search Users” field to search the users. We can also add unregistered users by sending an invitation to them through a proper email address.  

27. Does Data Artisan Requires Membership?

No, Data Artisan does not require any membership as they are already members of a collection.

28. How a Data Artisan Grants Membership?

For Granting a Membership, first, we press the user name to open the settings. After that, select the Studio Tab. In Studio Tab, type a username or email address in the member's section to provide Membership to the user who has that username or email address. 

29. Which applications can we add to a collection?

To a collection, we can add every application that is present in the Data Artisan Studio.

30. How a Data Artisan can share an application privately?

First, we need to publish the application to our private Studio through the Designer Desktop. After that, we need to insert the application into the collection, and then, we have to add the user to the collection.

31. How a Data Artisan tells the number of memberships available to distribute?

To do this, first, we need to press the username to open the settings. After that, select “Open Studio”. After that, open the member's section and search “Memberships Available to Distribute”.

32. Can we add an application to multiple collections?

Yes, we can add an application to multiple collections. 

33. How can we see more details about the application?

To see more details, we have to click the application name.

34. Is there any restriction to the applications that a user wants to add to a collection?

No, users do not have any restrictions for adding applications to a collection.

35. Can we update a published application that is shared in the collection?

For updating the application in the collection, first, we have to choose the native version of the application, and after that, we have to delete it. After deleting, we have to re-issue the application, and then we can share it in the collection.

36. How other users within the collection can share it with others?

By checking the checkbox “Other users may share this collection”, other users will share the collection with others.

37 Can a viewer who is present in the collection run an application?

A Viewer can run(implement) those applications that are published(issued) to a Public Gallery by the Data Artisans.

38. Who regulates the membership distribution in an organization that has multiple Data Artisans?

 All the Data Artisans of an enterprise can regulate membership distribution.

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39. How can we run an application?

For running an application, first, we need to press the application name to see the application details and press the “Run” button or press the icon.

We have to set up the application to accommodate our requirements. According to the application, we have to type the address for geocoding, provide a consumer file for demographic analysis, or choose the data from a variety of selections that are applicable to our business.

Alteryx Interview Questions For Experienced

40. What are the tool configurations and question types that we cannot use in Analytics Gallery?

  The Input or Output files that we refer to through tools should be in the directory where we have the application.

  • We cannot use the Question Type “Folder Browse” in the applications that we publish on the web. 

  • We cannot check the “Save As Dialog” Configuration, in the “File Browse” Question Type.

  • Application results cannot comprise Browse tools.

41. What are the Capabilities of the Designer Desktop that we cannot use in Analytics Gallery?

We cannot use the below Designer Desktop capabilities:

  • Email Tool

  • Download Tool

  • Send Email Event

  • Run Command Event

  • Run Command Tool

  • R Tool.

42. How can we remove the application from(through) a Public Gallery?

To remove the application, first, we press the application name for seeing the details page of that application. Press the “Sharing button” and, after that Choose “ Remove From Public Gallery”.

43. How can we share the application within a Public Gallery?

To share the application, first press the application name to see the application details page. Press the “sharing button”, after that “Place in Public Gallery”.

44. Is it possible to notify the collection users, on adding a new application?

Yes, we can notify the collection users through emails when we add a new application to the collection.

45. How do we switch the annotations on and off?

  1. Per Tool: We can turn off/on every tool, to indicate that we want to maintain some annotations and neglect others. For this purpose, press the individual tool. Open the Annotations through the properties window and choose the proper choice in the Display Mode.
  2. Per Module: On the window of Module Properties, we will have a toggle switch through which we can on or off the annotations for that specific module. Further, we can have great authority on this feature and managing the annotations of every tool.

46. How can we remove a character or a word or change it?

Go to the File Menu and open “Sample/Basic Samples/Data Problem and Solution Flexibility”.

47. How can we save an Expression?

We save the expressions for using them again and again. After creating an expression, press the ‘saved expression” tab. After that press the save button and provide a particular name to your expression.

48. Differentiate Crosstab tool and Transpose Tool?

The CrossTab Tools and Transpose Tools are similar in transforming the orientation of our data, but they behave oppositely.

Transpose Tool turns the horizontal data to a vertical axis. The CrossTab carries out revoke and turns out the horizontal data to a vertical axis by summing up the data over a grouping field.

49. What is the meaning of the following error:

“No Values found before GetMean()”.

The above error indicates that first, we have to control our configuration upstream. If we have an application append tool, ensure that we have a polygon object in the drop-down selection. 

50. Why does an organization select “Alteryx” contrary to other semi-open or full open-source applications?

Following are the reasons for selecting alteryx in place of other full open or semi-open-source applications:

  • Best quadrant for analysis complexity.
  • Best quadrant for user experience.
  • Evaluated highest to product quality.
  • Best quadrant for top support.

51. Why is Alteryx determined to incorporate R programming language for predictive analysis instead of other programming languages? 

By integrating R, Alteryx can use third-party solutions that are useful to users, and further, it improves the analytical capabilities by adding spatial analytics and predictive modeling.

In Alteryx, Predictive analysis is a component of the workflow that leads to a fast turnaround in obtaining the results.

52. What is the procedure to change a field type?

We use a formula tool for changing a field type. In Formula tools, we have more control for custom conversion. Apart from formula tools, we can also use the select tool for changing the field type, and many tools have an embedded select tool. So, we can also use it to change the field type.

53. What are the Merits(Advantages) and Demerits(Disadvantages) of Alteryx Designer?


  • Alteryx has the best blending capabilities.

  • Alteryx can communicate with the most famous files and databases that exist today.

  • We can use Alteryx to develop reports through prompt files.

  • Alteryx incorporates R continuously, and we can use it for predictive modeling.

  • We can use Alteryx for performing plenty of analytics on the data.


  • Alteryx provides tableau data extract continuously, but it cannot study extract.

  • Alteryx does not endorse special characters.

  • Alteryx repeatedly crashes when more than one user uses the same workflow in the Server.

54. What are the requirements to execute an application in Private Collection?

For running the application, we must be a member of that private collection. Data Artisans grant the Membership.

56. What is Macro Alteryx and how does it work?

A macro is a workflow or set of tools that may be placed into another process. Make a macro to store an analytic procedure that you do frequently. You can use the macro in a workflow to avoid having to rebuild the analytic process every time.

Save a macro as a.yxmc file to use in Designer or publish to the Alteryx Analytics Gallery or a private Gallery for sharing.

57. Is it possible to integrate Alteryx with Splunk?

Alteryx currently does not support SPLUNK.

58. What is Alteryx Designer, and why should you use it?

Alteryx Designer is a Windows tool that allows users to construct repeatable workflow processes using an intuitive drag-and-drop user interface. Users can develop Alteryx workflows, apps, and macros by dragging tools from a toolbox into a canvas, connecting them, and editing their settings.

59. How can you figure out what Alteryx design version I have?

In Alteryx Designer, go to Options >> User Settings >> Edit User Settings >> Advanced >> Display XML in Properties Window to see the workflow's version.

60. What do you know about the Alteryx Intelligence Suite?

One of the top features included with your Designer license, Alteryx Intelligence Suite offers machine learning and text mining capabilities, including Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Machine Learning, Text Mining, and Computer Vision featuresare included in the Alteryx Intelligence Suite.

61. Tell something about Alteryx Connect.

Alteryx Connect revolutionizes how companies find, administer, and collaborate with their data and analytics assets. Everyone can swiftly find, manage, analyze, and collaborate across departments and the business with the use of a robust data catalog and advanced analytics.

62. How do you connect Alteryx in Excel?

Open File and then click on launch the Excel software. Locate the file's location in the folder, then double-click to open it. Drag and drop an Input Data Tool into the canvas to access data in Alteryx, then identify the database and select.

63. Is it possible for Alteryx to read files from SharePoint?

The SharePoint Files Input tool can be dragged and dropped onto your canvas. You can also look for 'Sharepoint' in the Search area. For authentication, the OAuth mechanism is utilized. Use the default Alteryx application to sign in via Internet Browser.

64. Explain what Alteryx Promote is all about.

Alteryx Promote is a full-fledged data science platform to build, deploy, and manage predictive models and real-time decision APIs. It enables data scientists and analytics teams to enhance productivity more quickly and with more reliability, without having to write bespoke deployment code.

65. What backend database does Alteryx Promote use?

The database for Promote is PostgreSQL.

66. Explain Alteryx APA.

The Alteryx Analytic Process Automation (APA) Platform automates analytics, machine learning, and data science processes from start to finish, giving you the agility you need to accelerate your digital transformation. You can automate analytics and data science, implement intelligent decisioning, and empower your people to generate quicker, better business results with the Alteryx APA Platform.

67. How do you set up Alteryx Connect?

  • Open the Alteryx Connect installation package after downloading it.
  • Run the installer on the Connect Server you've specified.
  • Provide the application's destination folder at the request.
  • Select Next after entering the port, which is usually 80 for HTTP.

68. What data sources does Alteryx support?

  • Amazon Redshift.
  • Oracle.
  • MySQL.
  • PostgreSQL.
  • Snowflake.
  • Microsoft SQL Server.

69. Is it possible to integrate Alteryx to Salesforce?

To read your tables from into Designer, use the Salesforce Input tool. Designer does not have this tool by default. To utilise this tool, go to the Alteryx Analytics Gallery and download it. To utilise this tool, your Salesforce account must be API enabled.

70. What exactly is the Alteryx Gallery?

A gallery is a workflow publishing, sharing, and execution tool that can be hosted in the cloud or locally. Users can publish Designer workflows, macros, and apps to a private Gallery hosted on your company's server architecture in a Server deployment.

71. In Alteryx, what do you mean by workflow constants?

Constants are global variables defined in the Workflow tab of the Workflow Configuration window for a workflow. Constants enable you to modify a value in one place and have it affect the entire workflow.

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This article has all the apteryx interview questions that are essential for both freshers and experienced professionals. If you want to start your career as an Alteryx Engineer, then these interview questions are helpful to you. I hope this article provides you with the required information about Alteryx interview questions.

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Last updated: 26 Feb 2024
About Author

Viswanath is a passionate content writer of Mindmajix. He has expertise in Trending Domains like Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, etc. His articles help the learners to get insights about the Domain. You can reach him on Linkedin

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