Real Time Applications of Internet of Things

How The Internet of Things is Applying in your Daily Life?

In 1990, around 30,000 lacs desktop computers are connected to the  Internet.

In 2000, around 3 million desktops are connected to the Internet.

In 2010, around 2 billion mobile phones are connected to the  Internet.

In 2016, around 2 out 10 uses the smart home with the smart appliances like automatic washing machines, water purifiers, A/C that adjusts the temperature according to natural temperature, the smart bed, other home appliances, the smartwatch, etc.

In 2017, We are now habituated to Iphone’s “Siri” and started talking. Traffic sensors and connected cars already came into existence.

By 2020, we can expect to use the smartwatch that alarms you about your routine and the smart glasses that guides you to look for what you are searching.

Related Article: Technology And Protocols Of IoT

What does this mean? By 2030,

>> Your gate automatically opens when you enter into your house compound wall. Your main door unlocks and opens for you immediately when you stand in front of your house.
>> Before we turn to home, our A/c or room heater can automatically turn on and off by sensing your body temperature.
>> Our kettles, pressure cooker and other kitchen appliances will inform you to take the food prepared in them.
>> Our fridge, washing machine, TV, computer etc inform you to take actions of turning on/off or take care of their maintenance.

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>> The parking area will guide your car about empty parking slot availability.
>> The car guides us to slow down before the traffic signal changes.
>> Your daily medicine pill bottle alarms you to take a pill.
>> Your Smart shoes inform about no of steps you have taken and yet to take to maintain your weight.
>> Your Smart spoon informs you to stop eating further or stop eating heavy calorie food.
>> Your Smart Water bottle alert you to drink water on an hourly basis.
>> Your BP, Sugar machines alert you to go for a checkup once in a month.

Wow! That’s amazing. Right. Life is so easy and comfortable then.

This is  “ the Internet of Things” Applications and this is the FUTURE.

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Applications of the Internet of Things Presently in Use are:

  1. The Smart Home: It is like making your home smart. You can control and automate the lights, room heater, ventilation, air condition, and security system by yourself. Home appliances such as washer/dryers, ovens and refrigerators can be remotely monitored and automatically get operated.

  2. Wearables: Watches along with time started giving people more data about their workouts, schedules, appointments and meetings, important days to remember Etc.

  3. The Smart Cities: The city officials interact directly with the city infrastructure management and govt department for solving real problems facing by the city citizen on each day . They can monitor what is happening in the city, how the city is evolving, and how to enable a better quality of life to their citizens. The IoT devices can solve traffic issues and reduce noise, crime, and air pollution. Having assets like local Govt departments, Security & information systems, schools, libraries, transportation systems, hospitals, power plants, water supply networks, waste management, law enforcement, and other community services.

  4. Connected Car: The vehicles are connected with the Internet can share that access with others that travelling on the same route, or another route to stay informed and safe.

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Advantages of IoT Applications:

1. Security:

You can monitor your home through your mobile phones, with the ability to control it. They can provide personal safety.

2. Stay connected

You and your family members can always be in the network. You can virtually stay connected.

3. Efficient usage of electricity and energy

If your home appliances are communicating with you about the work done, their maintenance and repair and can operate by themselves, electricity is utilized in an efficient way. You need not worry about cooking so that you can concentrate on other things

4. Your Pocket Personal Assistance

IoT Applications can provide personal assistance who can alarm on your everyday plans.

5. Road Safety

GM OnStar is an embedded system in cars that can detect a car crash or accidents on roads. If a crash or accident has occurred and it automatically calls 9-1-1.  

6. Better Health Care and Management

The patient monitoring can be done on a real-time basis without a doctor's visit and enables them to make decisions as well as offer treatment that is evidence-based.

7. Cost-Efficient Business Operations

Many business operations like asset tracking and inventory control, shipping and location, security, individual order tracking, customer management, personalized marketing & sales operations etc. can be done efficiently with a proper tracking system in a business.


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Disadvantages of IoT Applications:

1. Privacy issues:  

There is always the possibility of hackers breaking into the system and stealing the data. And one might want some personal space in life. So staying connected with family and friends always giving them every detail of our life activity is not good. There is every possibility of misusing your information.

2. Supper-reliance on technology and electronic gadgets:

The younger generation has grown up with readily available things. The internet and technology making them so non-brainy. A simple maths calculation of adding and subtracting is done through a calculator ready available in our phones. The more we entrust and dependent on the Internet, there are more chances to a potentially grievous event if we lose it.

3. Becoming Indolent:

People are more habituated to have a click based work making them lazy to any sort of physical activity, applied science in their daily routine.

4. Unemployment:

People who at lower level like unskilled labour may have high risks of losing their jobs.  Security Guards, House Servants, Iron & Dry wash services etc may not have proper employment opportunities as the IoT devices replaces their work and people can work on their own.


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IoT TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
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Last updated: 08 Oct 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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