Peoplesoft HRMS Interview Questions

PeopleSoft HRMS (Human Resource Management System) is a popular tool used by organizations to manage their human resources processes. As a result, PeopleSoft HRMS specialists are in high demand, and there are ample opportunities across industries. If a career with PeopleSoft HRMS interests you, look no further. In order to assist you to succeed in your next interview, we've put up a list of the top PeopleSoft HRMS interview questions and answers here. Make sure you review all the questions and answers provided in this article to land a job easily.

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If you're looking for Peoplesoft HRMS Interview Questions & Answers for Experienced or Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research, Peoplesoft HRMS has a market share of about 10.1%.

So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Peoplesoft HRMS Analytics. Mindmajix offers Advanced Peoplesoft HRMS Interview Questions 2024 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as a Peoplesoft HRMS Analyst.

Top 10 Peoplesoft HRMS Interview Questions and Answers

1. How an application approach is different from a general HRMS approach?
2. What can be the benefits of Effective data in the HRMS system?
3. What exactly do you know about Human Resource management systems?
4. Can you tell me something about the terminal rules of an element?
5. What exactly is a regulatory region in a Human Resource Management System?
6. Can you tell me something about the ERP and how it is important?
7. What are the important tasks that can be managed through a Human Resource Management system?
8. What are the tasks that can be performed with the help of Human Resource Information Systems?
9. What would be your strategy for an effective Human Resource management environment in your organization?
10. What are the reasons to trust a Software Application that can be trusted for Human Resource Management in an organization?

1. How an application approach is different from a general HRMS approach?


Application-based ApproachGeneral Approach
A complete Portfolio of employees is definedNo complete information on employee Portfolio
Modification in the information is easyInformation modification is difficult
System Integration is possibleSystem Integration is not possible

2. What can be the benefits of Effective data in the HRMS system?

Ans: It is basically used in the handling and managing of core tables that can be the same or different from one another. Simply put separate the different transactions made by an employee on different dates. Several Setup tables can also be managed with this data easily. The effective data simply make sure no error remains present and the record always remains up to date. 

3. Define Performance management in your own words along with its significance?

Ans: It is basically a system that is considered when it comes to the management of the skills, potential, efficiency, as well as extra circular activities of an employee working in an organization. It also enables organizations to represent the drawbacks associated with the employees and how they can be eliminated.

Therefore, this approach is of significant importance and is best when it comes to keeping up the pace with error-free efficiency in an organization.

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4. What exactly do you know about Human Resource management systems?

Ans: HRMS is basically a function with the help of which employees are recruited, monitored, managed, and utilized through line managers. These days, HRMS systems are good enough to be considered when it comes to dealing with the issues such as hiring, compensation, appraisal, development, safety, motivation, communication, benefits, as well as their effective training.

Being comprehensive systems, they are good in motivating the employees to be a productive and prime contributor to the growth of an organization. All that matters for an organization while dealing with the employees for the accomplishment of their goals can easily be accomplished. 

5. How can you put separate the Recruitment and selection?

Ans: In recruitment, a complete array of processes is responsible for the selection of an employee to work in an organization. Depending on the position and the responsibilities, as well as on the overall experience of the employee, these processes could vary largely. It often takes place after selection which in fact, is nothing but short-listing a candidate for a particular just through the interview. 

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6. What do you know about Human Resource Information systems?

Ans: These are the systems that are utilized for the purpose of storing, acquiring, distributing, controlling, as well as analyzing the information that is shared among the stakeholders.

All the traditional processes can be improved significantly and the decision-making and other approaches can therefore be boosted to a good extent with this. Present days stems have a wide scope when it comes to maintaining functionality. They are capable to handle multiple tasks in a very reliable manner. 

7. Can you tell what the roles of a Human Resource Generalist are?

Ans: The prime role is to conduct Induction Training and other training for the welfare of the employees such as skills training or training for a particular domain. Designing the training program and the performance monitoring is also the responsibility of the HR Generalist.

8. What is the People Group in the People Soft Human Resource Management Systems?

Ans: It is basically an area where the users can define the assignment data in a clear manner. It is possible to utilize this data for the purpose of grouping the sets that matter a lot to the user. Whenever it comes to defining the eligibility of the elements, it is possible for the users to simply use them.

9. What exactly do you mean by Element Entry in the HRMS?

Ans: It is basically an element that is used for the salary calculation of an employee. All the information regarding the bonus paid, increment, deductions, medical claims, and other factors are considered in it. 

10. Can you tell me something about the terminal rules of an element?

Ans: There are three important rules for which it is responsible and they are:

  1. Actual Termination: It is basically an approach that is used for the purpose of a nonrecurring element. Entries can be closed simply when the Pay Period ends
  2. Final Close: This approach is considered whenever there is a need to open the entries beyond the leave period of an employee. 
  3. Standard Process: It basically defaults to the day when the employee either left the job or is relieved from his/her responsibilities. It is possible to set this day at a later date. 

11. When there is actually a need to process the Human Resource Processes according to you?

Ans: It largely depends on the organization. Depending on the size of an organization and the overall number of tasks performed, there can be a very large number of processes that an organization has to deal with. With a few organizations, processes are often combined on a daily basis whereas, with a few, they are combined after a specific time gap. 

12. What is an effective sequence in the PeopleSoft HRMS and how it is useful for the organizations?

Ans: It is basically an approach that is considered best because it makes sure that the large sections of data dealing with the transactions of the employees can be handled in a reliable manner.

The fact is that almost all the transactions are actions driven and it is very common that employees made similar transactions multiple times during a specific period. When such a situation arrives at all the other transactions then the first needs prompt attention. This is done through the Job table which is prepared by effectively sequencing the information.

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13. What exactly is a regulatory region in a Human Resource Management System?

Ans: It is basically a region that clearly defines the rules and regulations that are of prime importance in a specific function performed. There are several general requirements and in order to accomplish them, a lot of transaction is to be made under some defined rules.

All such rules are present in the regulatory region. There are some specific codes that define each transaction it is not always necessary that all the codes remain the same in all the regions. 

14. In the PeopleSoft Human Resource Management system, what according to you is the most important record present?

Ans: It’s nothing but the Job Record

15. Can you tell me something about the ERP and how it is important?

Ans: It is an approach that is referred to as a specific class of application dealing with business modules. In order words, it is a blend of various software applications and can thus perform all the important tasks alone which were generally dependent on a number of software. It is an integrated approach and the users are free to save a lot of time through this approach

16. How a Prompt Table is different from a Translate Table in an HRMS system?

Ans: Both these tables are different from one another in a few ways. The strict upper limit on the translate table for the characters is a maximum of 4. On the other side, there is no such limit on the prompt table. The overall number of entries that can be accommodated in a translate table is 30 but the prompt table can have any number of entries available in it at any time. 

17. What are the modules on which the PeopleSoft HRMS can provide relevant information?

Ans: There are several modules actually that are useful and a few of them are Payroll, Job Information, Work, Employment information, Job Labor, Pattern for earning distribution, Overall compensation to the employees, Various programs for the benefits of the employee, Salary structure, and any other sort of information on the employment.

18. Name a few factors based on which the compensation to the worker can be distributed as per the PeopleSoft HRMS system?

Ans: This can be the Unit of business, the code of earning, department, Pay the type of the ledger, Shift of the employee, the job code, overall time, and so on.

19. What are the important tasks that can be managed through a Human Resource Management system?

Ans: It is basically a Human Resource application that is useful for combining the processes and systems in order to make sure that effective human resource management is going on in an organization. Several important and in fact, compiles HR functions are there which need to be combined to get the desired outcomes. This task is generally performed with the help of an HRM system. 

20. What are the various methods for the performance appraisal that an HRMS system can consider?

Ans: There are three important methods depending on the source of the feedback. The First is the 90 Degree Appraisals in which the source of the feedback of the employees is the Supervisor or the manager.

The second is the 180 Degree Appraisal in which the source of the feedback is nothing but the peers and the last one is the 306 Degree where the source of feedback is multiple such as managers, peers, supervisors, and so on.

Related  Article:  Advanced PeopleSoft Admin Interview Questions  

21. What are the tasks that can be performed with the help of Human Resource Information Systems?

Ans: They are as follows:

  1. Improving and tracking the efficiency of the process
  2. Managing the hierarchy of origination
  3. All the financial transactions can be made simple and useful
  4. Complexity can be avoided in various departments

22. Compare the Hire Date and last hire date?

Ans: The hire date is the date when a person is hired in an organization. It is also called the date of joining an organization for an employee. The last hire date on the other side is the date when an organization leaves the job or is terminated from his/her services. 

24. Is it possible to retrieve the data using traversing in HRMS?

Ans: Yes, it is possible

24. What would be your strategy for an effective Human Resource management environment in your organization?

Ans: This can be done in many ways and there are actually a lot of factors that need to be considered for this. A few strategies are as follows:

  1. Rewarding the employees for their good work
  2. Made them feel they care
  3. Considering an effective application such as PeopleSoft HRMS
  4. Managing things in a rightful manner
  5. Assuring effective communication in the organization

25. How a particular job is identified in the PeopleSoft HRMS?

Ans: This is done through a feature known as Job Family

26. Managing the resources can always generate leads? Do you agree with this statement?

Ans: Yes, this is actually true and there are a lot of things that can be done in a rightful manner only if the right methods are followed when it comes to managing the resources. Resource management simply makes sure everything can be accomplished on time and in a manner that is totally free from all bugs. You can simply make sure of things that are in your favor all the time. 

27. What are the challenges that are associated with proper Human Resource Management?

Ans: There are certain things that can go wrong. A few of them are as follows:

  1. Employees often have conflicts among them that need to be addressed through an effective mechanism. Else, they can affect their efficiency
  2. Nonavailability of skills can be another challenge
  3. Lack of knowledge of the employees assigned a specific duty is another fact

28. Can you tell only one benefit of the Employees table present in the PeopleSoft HRMS?

Ans: It simply stores everything that is related to the employees.

29. What are the reasons to trust a Software Application that can be trusted for Human Resource Management in an organization?

Ans: Software Application always makes sure of the following

  1. Reliability
  2. Efficiency
  3. Accuracy
  4. Precision
  5. Error-free results
  6. Sensitivity
  7. Regularity

30. What type of data would you store in the Setup tables?

Ans: The data that wouldn’t accept many changes are generally stored in it.

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Last updated: 11 Jul 2024
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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