API Testing plays a significant aspect of almost every quality analyst in the software industry. There are various tools available for API automation in the market, and SoapUI is one of the top tools which has made API testing easy. It's a cross-platform API or Web Services testing tool that can do both functional and non-functional testing. This SoapUI tutorial gives you detailed knowledge of what SoapUI is and its features, architecture, installation, creating a SoapUI project, and much more.
SoapUI Tutorial - Table of Content |
SOAP is the acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol. SoapUI is the world's most widely-used automation testing tool for soap and REST APIs. It's a lightweight protocol used for information exchange in a decentralized and distributed environment. You can do functional, load, security, and compliance tests on your API using SoapUI.
It was developed by Eviware in 2005 and later acquired by Smartbear in 2011. It's a cross-platform desktop-based application that can run on any operating system.
If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in SoapUI, then visit Mindmajix - A leading online training platform: "SoapUI Training" This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain. |
SOAPUI allows testers to execute automated functional, compliance, regression, load tests, and more on different Web APP. Let's discuss the essential features of SoapUI:
A powerful tool that allows testers to write functional API tests.
Security testing plays an essential role in the authentication and authorization of web services and APIs.
In SoapUI, you can create advanced load tests easily on the base of existing functional API tests.
Compliance testing includes source and data authentication license certificates and various service agreements for web service validation.
In SoapUI, regression testing is used to analyze bugs and malfunctions of web services. In the current release tools, it reverifies the new changes of the web services.
SoapUI supports the following protocols:
SoapUI integrated very well with popular tools:
Next up, in this SoapUI Tutorial, we will focus on SoapUI Architecture.
The following image shows the architecture of SoapUI:
Let's discuss the architecture of SoapUI in detail:
Now in SoapUI Tutorial, we’ll learn about SoapUI Versions.
The following tables show the SoapUI versions and release dates.
Version Name | Release Date | Release Notes |
SoapUI 1.0 | 16/10/2005 | Initial Release |
SoapUI 1.5 | 06/04/2006 | Load Testing Release |
SoapUI 1.6 | 1/11/2006 | Tools Release |
SoapUI 1.7 | 10/04/2007 | Mock/Pro Release |
SoapUI 2.0 | 12/12/2007 | Coverage Release |
SoapUI 2.5 | 18/11/2008 | REST Release |
SoapUI 3.0 | 09/07/2009 | Reporting Release |
SoapUI 3.5 | 01/03/2010 | Protocol Release |
SoapUI 3.6 | 14/09/2010 | LoadUI Release |
SoapUI 4.0 | 14/06/2011 | Security Release |
SoapUI 4.5 | 28/03/2012 | Big Ears Release |
SoapUI 5.2 | 02/07/2015 | Major New Features Release |
SoapUI 5.3 | 05/12/2016 | Bundled Plugin Release |
SoapUI 5.4 | 27/11/2017 | Open Source |
SoapUI 5.5 | 12/02/2019 | Open Source |
SoapUI 5.6 | 14/07/2020 | Open Source |
SoapUI is an open-source, free version tool that offers basic features of testing. At the same time, SoapUI Pro is a commercialized version with advanced reporting features, data-driven functionality, and more.
Let's understand the difference between these two versions:
Features | SoapUI | SoapUI Pro |
Supported Technologies | ||
Soap/WSDL | Yes | Yes |
REST | Yes | Yes |
AMF | Yes | Yes |
JMS | Yes | Yes |
JDBC | Yes | Yes |
HTTP | Yes | Yes |
Reporting | ||
JUnit Reports | No | Yes |
Test Suite Coverage | No | Yes |
Assertion Coverage | No | Yes |
Test Case Coverage | No | Yes |
Message Recording Coverage | No | Yes |
WSDL HTML Report | Yes | Yes |
Report Data Export | No | Yes |
General Features | ||
Standalone Application | Yes | Yes |
Multi Environment Support | No | Yes |
Manual test steps | Yes | Yes |
Unit Reporting | No | Yes |
Scripting Libraries | No | Yes |
Data Source Driven Test | No | Yes |
Test Refactoring | No | Yes |
Message Assertion | Yes | Yes |
Request/Response Coverage | No | Yes |
WSDL Coverage | No | Yes |
Floating Licence | No | Yes |
Automation | ||
Load Tests | No | Yes |
Functional Tests | No | Yes |
Mock Services | Yes | Yes |
Command Line | Yes | Yes |
Code Generation | Yes | Yes |
CI and Build Integration | Yes | Yes |
Maven | Yes | Yes |
Next in SoapUI Tutorial, it’s time we understand the SoapUI Download and Installation.
SoapUI is a cross-platform application and can be used either on Windows, Mac, or Linux/Unix, according to the requirement and preferences. Let's discuss what the steps required to download, install and configure SoapUI on Windows are.
Part A - Download
Step 1) Go to https://www.soapui.org/downloads/latest-release/ and choose the Download corresponding to your operating system.
Step 2) Next, it redirects to https://www.soapui.org/downloads/thank-you-for-downloading-soapui/ page and starts downloading.
Part B - Installation
Step 1) After downloading the .exe file, execute it as shown below:
Step 2) In the setup wizard, click Next to continue.
Step 3) Choose the installation directory, and click on the Next button.
Step 4) Choose the components that you want to install.
Step 5) Accept the license agreement and click on Next.
Step 6) Choose the folder location for SoapUI Tutorials or else leave it as the default and then click on the Next button.
Step 7) Choose the start menu folder or leave it as the default folder and click on Next.
Step 8) Enable the checkbox, create a desktop icon and click Next.
Step 9) The Installation starts as shown below and then click on Finish.
Step 10) It launches the SoapUI.
It is simple to create a Soap project in the SoapUI tool. First, we need to import the Soap/REST protocol.
Step 1) Navigate to the File menu and select the New SOAP Project option, as shown below:
Step 2) Next, it opens the New SOAP Project window, as shown below:
Step 3) Enter the WSDL Web URL in the Initial WSDL text box, and it automatically retrieves the project name.
Step 4) After clicking on the OK button, it processes the WSDL URL for successful execution and displays the project calculator's various services and properties, as shown below.
Step 5) Expand the service of the project calculator by clicking on + symbol.
If you want to create more than one Request, right-click on Add service and click on new request option as shown below:
Step 6) Enter the 'intA' and 'intB' and click on the submit button. Response XML displays on the right-side pane.
The SoapUI test structure contains three major parts: Test Suite, TestCase, and TestSteps. The following diagram shows the flow diagram of the test structure used in the SoapUI testing tool.
Test Suite is a collection of test cases used to group functional tests into logical units. Inside the test suite, you can create any number of tests to support large-scale test scenarios. Using the Test Suite in SoapUI, you can perform the regression, performance tests, etc.
A test case is a collection of test steps grouped to perform specific tests according to the required service.
In SoapUI, Test Steps are the building blocks of functional tests. All test steps created inside the TestCase are used to control the execution flow and validate web service functionality.
Follow the below steps to create a TestSuite in the SoapUI tool:
Step 1: A TestSuite can be made in two ways:
To create a new project in the SoapUI, add a TestSuite as shown below-
Choose the <create> option from the TestSuite dropdown menu and then click on the OK.
The created TestSuite is shown below:
Step 2: We can also create TestSuite for specific services in the project calculator as follows:
Follow the below steps to add a TestCase:
Follow the below steps to create a TestStep:
Frequently asked SoapUI Interview Questions |
Assertions are the validation rules used to claim verification results and check whether the targeted web services work as expected. Assertions validate the messages received by TestStep during execution. SoapUI supports a wide range of assertions in response.
Following are the list of assertions supported by SoapUI:
Assertion | Description |
1. Property Content | |
Contains | Searches for the existence of specified strings. Also, it defines regular expressions. |
Not Contains | Searches for the non-existence of specified strings. Also, it supports regular expressions. |
XPath Match | Selects the specific content from the target property and matches the XPath expression's result with the expected value |
XQuery Match | Like XPath Match, select the target source content and compare or match the XQuery expression’s result to the expected value. |
Scripting | Allows the user to run a custom script for performing user-defined verification. |
2. Compliance, Status, Standards | |
HTTP Download All Resource | Downloads all resources related to HTTP and validates them. |
Invalid HTTP Status Codes | Checks the target TestStep receives an HTTP result with a status code, not in the list of defined codes. |
Not Soap Fault | Checks the last received message has no-fault. |
Soap Response | Check the last received message is a valid Soap response. |
Soap Fault | Checks the last received message has a soap fault. |
WS-Security | Checks the last received message has a valid WS-Security header. |
Schema Compliance | Validates the last received XML message is in line with the WSDL or WADL compliance definition. |
WS-Addressing Request | Validates the last submitted request has a correct WS addressing header or not. |
WS-Addressing Response | Checks the last received response XML message has the correct WS address header. |
3. Script | |
Script Assertion | Allows users to create custom scripts that perform user-defined validation rules |
4. Security | |
Sensitive Information Exposure | Authenticates the received XML response messages without disclosing the sensitive information. |
5. SLA | |
Response SLA | Validates whether the last received message’s response was within the defined time limit. |
6. JMS | |
JMS Status | Validates whether the JMS request of the targeted test phase is successfully executed. |
JMS Timeout | Verifies that the JMS specified test steps' description did not take longer than the specified duration. |
7. JDBC | |
JDBC Status | Checks the defined TestSteps request executed successfully in a SoapUI testing tool. |
JDBC Timeout | Validates that the specified test steps' JDBC statement did not take longer than the specified duration. |
The term properties represent the characteristics of a specific object. They are a central aspect of more advanced testing with SoapUI.
SoapUI properties provide the ability to hold authentication details, making it easy to manage them in a central place of external files.
Defining Properties
We can define SoapUI properties at multiple levels in a project:
1. First, click on the Preferences tab presented in the toolbar
2. The below image appears after clicking on the preferences tab.
3. Next, select the Global Properties and click on the (+) icon to add global properties.
SoapUI has become the defacto standard for testing APIs in today's service-oriented world because of its powerful and easy-to-use features. By incorporating SoapUI into testing, companies can improve the quality of software. Now, it's the right time for you to start your career in SoapUI, if you're interested.
Do you have any questions regarding this 'SoapUI Tutorial'? If so, then please put it in the comments section below. Our experts will help you solve your queries at the earliest.
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Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .