Adobe Interview Questions

If you are looking for Adobe interview questions, you can stop your search here. MindMajix content experts have curated the top 20 Adobe interview questions and answers to help aspirants trying to make a career in Adobe. In this blog, you can get the Adobe interview questions and answers in addition to the Adobe recruitment process, tips to crack Adobe interviews, and a lot along the road. If you read through the blog thoroughly, nailing your Adobe interview will be a piece of cake.

Adobe is a software company that operates in over 25 countries with around 22 k workforce. It is a company that constantly innovates robust products connecting data and creativity. It has been the leader in developing software that offers solutions through creativity. The company develops products to facilitate paper-to-digital transformation so that users can digitize and manipulate documents in different formats and gain new business perspectives.

Regarding making a career in Adobe, it is one of the outstanding workplaces where we can work peacefully. No wonder Adobe is one of the ‘100 best companies to work for. It is a company that encourages continuous learning for its employees by offering attractive learning programs.

Getting a job at Adobe needs dedicated preparation and hard work. If you are familiar with Adobe interview questions, it will really help to land a job in Adobe. To help aspirants seeking jobs in Adobe, MindMajix offers the top 20 Adobe interview questions with answers, the recruitment process, tips to nail Adobe interviews, and much more in this blog. Learn them thoroughly to crack the Adobe interview effortlessly.

Adobe Interview Questions - Table of Contents

Top 10 Frequently Asked Adobe Interview Questions

  1. What are shorthand properties, and mention their use?
  2. Brief about the Void Keyword in C++.
  3. What do you mean by the Default function C++?
  4. What do you mean by the Conditional Operator in C?
  5. Define Shallow copy and Deep copy in Python.
  6. State the differences between #define and Typedef in C language.
  7. Write a code to swap two integers in C language.
  8. Compare Call by Reference and Call by Value.
  9. What do you mean by Stack overflow error, and how to avoid it?
  10. State the differences between Overloading and Overriding.

Adobe Recruitment Process

Before we dive into the Adobe interview questions and answers, we will walk through the Adobe recruitment process in detail.

  • For Freshers

Adobe is a company that recruits freshers in huge numbers through on-campus and off-campus drives.

Below is the procedure that Adobe follows to recruit freshers.

  1. CV scrutinization and filtering
  2. Conducting a written exam where candidates will be primarily asked pseudo-code-type questions.
  3. Conducting more than one technical interview round 
  4. Conducting the HR round as a last step.
  • For Experienced Candidates

Following is Adobe's procedure to recruit experienced candidates.

  1. CV scrutinization and filtering
  2. Interview over telephone
  3. Online coding test
  4. Multiple technical interview rounds
  5. HR round 
  • CV Shortlisting Procedure

In Adobe, CV shortlisting is done based on many criteria. The following are a few criteria.

  1. Adobe selects candidates who have achieved at least a 7.0 grade in academics. This is the scale that they set for Indian candidates. This scale differs from country to country.
  2. Adobe only selects CVs that have no backlog.
  3. For experienced candidates, Adobe scrutinizes the technical expertise of the candidates through their previous records and ‘projects worked’. Based on the results, they filter CVs. 
  • Online Coding Test

The candidates filtered through the tight CV filtration process can attend the online coding test. Candidates need to solve problems asked in modern programming languages such as C, Java, C++, Python, etc.

Adobe Interview Rounds

Adobe conducts five rounds of interviews to select candidates for their technical roles.

Let’s discuss the interview rounds one by one.

#Round 1: Phone Screening

You will get a phone call from Adobe in this round. They will brief you about the job role and technical requirements. They will ask questions to evaluate your technical expertise, experience, etc., at a glance.

#Round 2: Phone Interview at Manager Level

In this round, you will get a call from Adobe at the manager level. They will ask questions to test your problem-solving skills, leadership qualities, etc.

#Round 3: Technical Evaluation

  • Once you pass the above two rounds, you will be asked to attend an online test with over 65 questions. This test will include aptitude, technical questions, and a few coding problems.
  • Regarding aptitude questions, you need to solve 45 questions within 45 minutes. They ask these questions to test your logical as well as quantitative abilities.
  • Regarding technical and coding questions, you must solve around 20 questions within two hours. They will ask questions about data structures, algorithms, and other computer fundamentals. Also, they will coding problems from modern languages such as C, Java, and C++. However, Adobe allows candidates to choose the desired programming languages for coding.

#Round 4: Onsite Interview

In this round, you will be asked to write codes for a given problem on a whiteboard. You must explain why you have chosen a particular language for coding. Also, you will be asked questions about system design, object-oriented design, etc. You might go through multiple interview rounds based on your performance.

#Round 5: HR Discussion

In this round, you must answer questions regarding your attitude, goals, working style, leadership qualities, collaboration, milestones, fitness for the role, etc.

Adobe Technical Interview Questions

As mentioned earlier, MindMajix content experts have curated and included the top 20 Adobe interview questions and answers in this blog. They have split the questions into two sections – Freshers and Experienced. You can directly jump into the section based on your expertise level.

  • Adobe Technical Interview Questions for Freshers
  • Adobe Technical Interview Questions for Experienced

Adobe Technical Interview Questions for Freshers

1. What is the use of Breakpoints in Adobe?

Breakpoints in Adobe represent different browser widths in pixels in a responsive layout. They are used to improvise as well as visualize designs in different browser widths on any platform, whether it is tablet, mobile, or desktop. Also, we can use breakpoints to test changes in the objects of a page with respect to the changes in browser widths.

If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in Adobe, then enroll in "Adobe Analytics Training" - This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

2. What are shorthand properties, and mention their use?

Background, border, font, outline, padding, margin, and list are known as the shorthand properties. We use shorthand properties to write multiple properties in a single line. As a result, we can create an efficient block of codes and decrease lines of code significantly.

3. What do you mean by the Function Prototype?

The function prototype essentially declares in terms of the function’s name, return type, and parameters. The compiler calls the function prototype when it is required in a program.

The syntax of the function prototype is given as follows      

4. Brief about the Void Keyword in C++.

  • The void keyword denotes that a function doesn't return a value if we use the keyword as a function return type.
  • Similarly, the void keyword indicates that it takes no parameters if we use the keyword as a function's parameter list.
  • Also, the void keyword denotes that a pointer is universal if we use the keyword for declaring a pointer.
  • In short, the void keyword doesn’t return a value or parameter, and we use the keyword as a universal pointer.
Related Article - C++ Interview Questions and Answers

5. What do you mean by the Default function C++?

The function can be used as a parameter when a calling statement doesn’t pass arguments. Generally, the default functions are assigned in the parameter list. Here, the compiler sets the parameters. Note that the Default functions are also known as the default arguments.


Void funcName (type param value {
// code block

6. What is the need for memory protection in Operating Systems?

We can protect memory in operating systems with the help of the relocation register as well as the limit register. When it comes to the relocation register, the register has the smallest physical address, whereas the logical register has a range of logical addresses.

When an OS is protected correctly, it prevents processes from accessing unallocated memory spaces. So you can protect operating systems from harmful, malicious attacks.

We can protect the OS memory in many ways, such as memory protection using keys, masks, rings, dynamic tainting, simulated segmentation, and also capability-based addressing.

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7. What do you mean by the Conditional Operator in C?

The conditional operator is also called the ternary operator. Mainly, it is used to evaluate Boolean expressions. It is also the decision-making statement. Besides, the conditional operator is an alternative to the ‘If….else’ statement. Every conditional operator has three operands.

The conditional operator's syntax is as follows

8. What do you understand about the exit-controlled loop?

In this loop type, the condition is executed only after executing the codes in the loop body. The codes are executed at least once for exit controlled loop. Note that ‘Do…..while’ is one of the examples of exit-controlled loops.

9. Define Shallow copy and Deep copy in Python.

A shallow copy in Python creates a new object and then populates it with references to child objects. Note that shallow copying doesn't recurse, so it doesn't create copies of child objects.

A deep copy also creates a new object but adds copies of the child objects recursively. It creates an independent clone of the original object and its children.

10. Explain Canny’s algorithm.

We can detect edges in images using this algorithm. It consists of five steps as follows

  • Reducing Noise: Noises in images are removed by applying the image convolution technique along with a Gaussian Kernel.
  • Calculating Gradient: In this step, edge intensity, as well as the direction in images, are detected with the help of edge detection operators.
  • Suppressing Non-maximum: We perform this step to make the edges of the images thinner
  • Double Threshold: We achieve this step by identifying pixels of various types, such as weak, strong, and non-relevant.
  • Tracking Edge by Hysteresis: In this step, we transform weak pixels into strong pixels.

Adobe Technical Interview Questions for Experienced

11. Write a code to find all the palindromes in a given string using C.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
using namespace std;
// Expand in both directions of low and high to find all palindromes
void expand(string str, int low, int high, auto &set)
// run till `str[low.high]` is not a palindrome
while (low >= 0 && high < str.length() && str[low]
// push all palindromes into a set
set.insert(str.substr(low, high
// Expand in both directions
low--, high++;
low + 1));
// Function to find all unique palindromic substrings of a given string
void findPalindromic Substrings (string str)
// create an empty set to store all unique palindromic substrings
unordered_set<string> set;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
// find all odd length palindrome with `str[i]` as a midpoint
expand (str, i, i, set);
// find all even length palindrome with `str[i]` and `str[i+1]` as
// its midpoints
expand (str, i, i + 1, set);
// print all unique palindromic substrings
for (auto i: set) {
cout << i << " ";
int main()
string str = "microsoft";
findPalindromic Substrings (str);
return 0;


t foso im scro

12. State the differences between #define and Typedef in C language.

It is a directiveIt is a keyword
It is used to determine a constant value for existing valuesIt is used to create a new name for the existing data types
It doesn’t follow scope rulesIt follows the scope rule
Preprocessor performs define statementsThe compiler usually performs typedef interpretation
It shouldn’t be terminated with a semicolon.It should be terminated with a semicolon.

13. Write a code to swap two integers in C language.

int main() {
double first, second, temp;
printf("Enter first number: ");
scanf("%lf", &first);
printf("Enter second number: ");
scanf("%lf", &second);
// value of first is assigned to temp
temp = first;
// value of second is assigned to first
// value of temp (initial value of first) is assigned to second
second = temp;
// %.21f displays number up to 2 decimal points
printf("\nAfter swapping, first number = %.21f\n", first);
printf("After swapping, second number = %.21f", second);
return 0;

14. Differentiate New ( ) Vs. Malloc ( )

New ( )Malloc ( )
It calls constructorsIt doesn’t call constructors
It is an operatorIt is a function
It returns a data typeIt returns void*
It throws bad_alloc exception on failuresIt returns a NULL value on failures
Memory is allocated from free storeMemory is given from the heap
It doesn't change the size of the buffersIt changes the size of buffers

15. Write a code in C++ to count the complete set of bits in an integer.

using namespace std;
//Count total set bits in a number
unsigned int bits (unsigned int number){
unsigned int count = 0;
unsigned i;
//display the total 8-bit number
cout<<"8-bit digits of "<<number<<" is: ";
for (i = 1 << 7; i > 0; i = i / 2){
(number & i)? cout<<"1": cout<<"0";
//calculate the total set bits in a number
while (number){
count += number & 1;
number >>= 1;
cout<<"\nCount of total set bits in a number are: "<<count;
int main(){
int number = 10;
bits (number);
return 0;
8-bit digits of 10 is: 00001010
Count of total set bits in a number are: 2

16. Compare Call by Reference and Call by Value.

Call by ReferenceCall by Value
They are functions that occur when we pass addresses for variablesThey are functions that happen when we pass values for variables.
We can change the actual values of  variables using function callsWe cannot change the actual values of variables using function calls
We need pointers to pass variablesWe can simply pass variables
We can access the actual values of variables and change themChanges made in dummy variables do not affect the actual values of variables.

17. Write a C program to find the pair of numbers whose addition equals the given number.

#include <stdio.h>
#define ARRAY_SIZE 100000
void hasSumPair(int array[], int size, int sum) {
int i;
/* NOTE : here we are assuming that all numbers
in input array are less than 100000 */
int table [ARRAY_SIZE] = {0};
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if(table[sum-array[i]] == 1 && sum-array[i] >= 0) {
printf("Found Pair : %d %d\n", array[i], sum-array[i]);
int main(){
int i, array[1000], count, sum;
printf("Enter the number of elements in Array\n");
scanf("%d", &count);
printf("Enter %d numbers\n", count);
for(i = 0; i < count; i++){
scanf("%d", &array[i]);
printf("Enter the value of sum\n");
scanf("%d", &sum);
hasSumPair(array, count, sum);
return 0;


Enter the number of elements in Array
Enter 6 numbers
7 2 4 3 15
Enter the value of sum
Found Pair : 37

18. What do you mean by Stack overflow error, and how to avoid it?

Stack overflow error is nothing but a type of buffer overflow and logical runtime error. This error occurs when the allocated stack memory is insufficient to execute a program. Mainly, recursive functions cause a stack overflow. It also occurs because of the programming language, the host computer architecture, and available memory.

To avoid the stack overflow error, we need to define the call stack size at the start of a program.

19. Write a code to find the height of a binary tree.

#include <stdio.h>
#define ARRAY_SIZE 100000
void hasSumPair(int array[], int size, int sum) {
int i;
/* NOTE : here we are assuming that all numbers
in input array are less than 100000 */
int table [ARRAY_SIZE] = {0};
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if(table[sum-array[i]] == 1 && sum-array[i] >= 0) {
printf("Found Pair : %d %d\n", array[i], sum-array[i]);
int main(){
int i, array[1000], count, sum;
printf("Enter the number of elements in Array\n");
scanf("%d", &count);
printf("Enter %d numbers\n", count);
for(i = 0; i < count; i++){
scanf("%d", &array[i]);
printf("Enter the value of sum\n");
scanf("%d", &sum);
hasSumPair(array, count, sum);
return 0;

20. State the differences between Overloading and Overriding.

It follows compile-time polymorphismIt follows runtime polymorphism
It only occurs between the methods of the same classIt occurs between the superclass and subclass
We can view errors only at compile timeWe can view errors only at the run time
Methods must have different signaturesMethods must have the same signatures
Static binding is applied in overloadingDynamic binding is used in overriding

Adobe Leadership Principles

Leaders in Adobe are always keen on demonstrating high-value principles to create a positive and conducive work environment.

Let’s have a take on Adobe leadership principles as follows.

  • Genuine

Leaders in Adobe are always being true to their employees and customers. They play a pivotal role in tending their workforce to be creative and productive. They demonstrate it in multiple channels. Mainly they encourage diversity among their employees. They treat people equally and respectfully regardless of race, gender, country, religion, ethnicity, etc.

  • Exceptional Experiences

The leaders of Adobe are keen on creating unique experiences for their employees and customers. They want to delight people connected to Adobe in one way or another.

  • Highly Creative 

Adobe leaders are highly creative and interested in innovation. Not just being creative, they implement the potential ideas into the business. In simple words, they convert ideas into business outcomes.

  • Involved

Adobe leaders sincerely involve all the people connected to their business – who might be customers, partners, employees, or communities. In other words, they practice intense, open, and active engagement with Adobe-associated people.

  • Encourage Learning 

This is yet another leadership principle that Adobe leaders follow. Adobe encourages continuous learning for its employees by offering attractive learning programs. The learning programs will support the employees in their personal growth as well as career development in a significant way.

Tips to Crack Adobe Interview

Are you interested in knowing the tips to crack Adobe interviews? Follow the below pointers to nail your Adobe interview effortlessly.

#Tip 1 - Enhance Technical Expertise

You must prepare key computer science domains such as C, Python, C++, data structures and algorithms, databases, basics of data science, operating systems, system design, and more. By doing so, you can attend the online test and technical interviews confidently. You must be clearly brief about your previous projects if you are an experienced candidate. If you are a fresher, you must brief about what you have learned from your interns and certifications.

#Tip 2 - Practice Coding

Before attending your Adobe interview, be thorough in writing algorithms and coding. Mainly, you must be thorough in algorithms such as binary search, breadth-first search, depth-first search, merge sort, divide and conquer, quick sort, and others. Multiple coding platforms are available online, such as TopCoder, HackerRank, Codility, LeetCode, CodeChef, etc.

#Tip 3 - Present effectively

Presentation is highly-essential rather than your preparation to deliver the best. If you don’t present effectively to interviewers, your practice and hard work will be useless. Be clear with your approach. You must precisely convey what you want to say consistently. You can practice mock interviews with your family, friends, or colleagues to improve your presentation skills.

#Tip 4 - Answer tactfully

In an Adobe interview, interviewers could ask questions based on your experiences, challenges, and so on to test your attitude and behavior. Also, you must answer interviewers in such a way that you have solved challenges by applying your analytical skills, taking team support, and employing innovation. To answer these types of questions, you can follow the STAR format. STAR refers to Situation, Action, Task, as well as Result.

What’s more! You must have self-confidence and courage as the fundamental qualities to nail an Adobe interview.

Most Commonly Asked Adobe FAQs

1. Is an Adobe interview difficult?

It depends on your preparation level. You must gain a solid knowledge of computer fundamentals and programming languages. Your coding ability should be great. So, if you prepare well, it’s a sure shot. You will ace the interview. If not, you will find it difficult to ace the interview.

2. Is it necessary to prepare for Adobe online test?

Indeed. You must prepare thoroughly for the online test. This test covers questions from computer fundamentals, and quantitative and reasoning abilities.

3. How many rounds of interviews do I need to go through in Adobe?

Five Rounds. Yes! You must cross five rounds to clear the Adobe interview. The interview rounds include phone screening, phone interviews at the manager level, technical assessment, onsite interviews, and HR interviews.

4. Does Adobe pay well to its employees?

Yes. Adobe pays well to their employees remarkably. The top 10% of employees are paid around 42 LPA. The Adobe director is paid around 90 LPA.

5. How long does the Adobe interview process last?

The complete Adobe interview process lasts for 1.5 months.

6. What would be the salary hike percentage in Adobe?

The salary hike percentage will be around 8-10 percent if you are not promoted. If you are promoted, the hike would be above those mentioned above.

7. Does Adobe recruit candidates from India?

Yes. In recent years, Adobe has recruited candidates from major cities in India.


Now, you are ready! We hope that you might have read through the Adobe interview questions and answers in this blog post. Additionally, you have gone through the Adobe interview process, tips to crack the interviews, Adobe leadership principles, and FAQs. Remember that if you take a long time to sharpen your sword, you can win the battle in less time. Check out our Adobe Analytics Training program to learn more about Adobe.

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Adobe Analytics TrainingMar 29 to Apr 13View Details
Adobe Analytics TrainingApr 01 to Apr 16View Details
Adobe Analytics TrainingApr 05 to Apr 20View Details
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Last updated: 27 May 2023
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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