Uber Interview Questions

If you are interested in working for Uber, there are some frequently asked Uber Interview Questions you must practice beforehand. MindMajix's team has researched enough and compiled the necessary information for you in this blog. It covers everything from the Uber interview process to the Uber most asked questions and bonus tips to crack your Uber interview. So, check them out, and be prepared for your following interview!

Uber, one of the top global companies, offers a variety of services to clients all over the world. Uber constantly adopts new technologies and trends, giving engineers over there a chance to apply their knowledge to the best of their abilities to develop innovative solutions. Therefore, whether a fresher or an experienced, joining this amazing company would always be beneficial.

The company seeks the best candidates to adhere to its core values and requirements. It sets a fairly challenging interview process to skim the top candidates from the many applicants. Even though the acceptance rate is low, only with a well-crafted preparation strategy and continuous practice can one crack the Uber interview questions.

For ease of learning and understanding, we have divided these questions into categories they are:

Top 10 Frequently Asked Uber Interview Questions

  1. What do you know about Uber?
  2. How will you stay motivated when working for us?
  3. What is normalization in SQL?
  4. What is a Hash Map?
  5. Write a program to reverse the digits of an integer.
  6. What is a stationary signal?
  7. What do you mean by Microservice?
  8. What exactly is a Bootstrap Program in terms of operating systems?
  9. What is VPN (Virtual Private Network)?
  10. What is Servlet Collaboration?

Uber Recruitment Process

Uber's recruitment process consists of the following rounds: 

  1. Online Test (On platforms like HackerEarth, Hackkerank, etc.)
  2. On-site or Online Technical Interview Rounds
  3. One System Design Round
  4. HR Round.

1. Online Test (Coding Round) 

Uber's online test is of medium to hard difficulty level and assesses a person’s ability for problem-solving in great detail. Typically, there is a coding round on websites like Hackkerank, HackerEarth, etc., where the applicants must answer two to three questions about data structures and algorithms. In these questions, candidates must solve the problem using their problem-solving skills and knowledge of various Data Structures and Algorithms.

2. On-site or Online Technical Interviews

This contains a series of four to six face-to-face interviews. Each interview will last five to ten minutes and include questions on previous work experience and situational and behavioral questions. Your interviewers will ask you to use a whiteboard or HackerRank to solve the problems.

3. System Design Round 

Interviewers assess the candidates' abilities to develop distributed systems following the technical round. For freshers, interviewers generally ask them to use object-oriented programming to develop a high-level design for a product by organizing the most important components of the system first. After that, the applicants must scale the system they have created using various techniques, such as load balancing, caching, etc.

4. The Human Resources (HR) Round 

Uber's HR round of the hiring process aims to determine whether the candidate fits the company. Candidates should be familiar with Uber and its products to succeed in these interviews.

Candidates may be given puzzle-based questions throughout these rounds to assess their general intelligence and skill for handling challenging situations. Uber will hire candidates if they meet all the criteria listed and have proven their technological prowess.

Uber Commonly Asked Questions

1. Can you handle numerous queries at once? Please tell us how you usually handle that.

The interviewer is curious to know your top priorities for the position. Are you able to stay organized and work well under pressure? Whether you work on a project with an agile team or drive for Uber, it makes no difference. Tell the interviewer about your approach to managing several tasks in general. Demonstrate your capacity to prioritize.

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2. Have you ever had to work twice as hard to impress a customer?

When working for companies like Uber, you interact with various people. You should therefore be ready for every response that might occur. The interviewer should be persuaded by your background that you can go above and beyond to win over a client.

3. As a company, we are committed to privacy and confidentiality. If you get this job, will you sign a non-disclosure agreement?

Most software and technology companies require employees to sign non-disclosure agreements since they may have access to trade secrets and other information that shouldn't be made public. So, you should be ready to accept one when it is offered.

4. We are constantly adopting new trends and technologies. How will you survive among them?

The interviewer likes to see if you have the drive necessary to succeed in this industry if you acquire the job. Your response should therefore explain how you generally keep up with changes in the industry. Any source that provides you with new information should be cited.

5. What do you know about Uber?

You encounter this frequently throughout the interview process. It would be advantageous if you studied all you could about the job you might land. You must be familiar with some of the basics of Uber, as it is one of the biggest online transportation companies in the world. Take advantage of this chance to show your passion to the interviewer.

6. Explain a situation when you didn't perform well in this role. And what did you learn?

It is inevitable to fail. Always focus more on the lesson you took from the experience than the actual circumstance. Provide a scenario where something went wrong, and you were disappointed. The lesson you learned is what needs to be emphasized most. With this in mind, your response will vary depending on the position you are applying for.

7. What do you understand about our mission statement?

Have you researched Uber, precisely its mission and vision statements? The interviewer will evaluate your level of familiarity with the company. Uber's mission statement states that we ignite chances by setting the world in motion. Let the interviewer know what it means to do so.

8. How will you stay motivated when working for us?

Being a big company, you could occasionally feel overburdened. Because of this, the interviewer needs to know how you will maintain motivation in trying circumstances. Avoid citing financial or material factors in your response.

9. If you had the chance to meet our CEO, what changes would you suggest that they make?

Think about this question from the perspective of a customer. Identify a few areas where you think Uber can improve. It could affect how they run, provide services, or use applications. Just provide evidence that you have been a reliable user.

10. What do you intend to accomplish working for us?

Just like other of the questions we've discussed, how you respond will be based on the position you're interviewing for. Your response should show that you think of your customers' best interests. Remember to have realistic expectations.

Uber Technical Interview Questions For Freshers

1. What is normalization in SQL?

The normalization process improves the integrity of the data in the table by eliminating redundant and duplicate data. Moreover, normalization aids in the organization of database data. It takes multiple steps to transform the data into tabular form and destroy duplicate data from relational tables.

2. What is the difference between backup and redundancy?

A backup is a replica of your organization's data created expressly for usage if a data loss occurs. Yet redundancy includes a lot more than just data archiving. Redundancy ensures that your company can continue to provide services under any circumstances.

3. What is a Hash Map?

A hash table or a hashmap in computing is a data structure used to create an associative array or dictionary. It is abstract data in which values are linked to keys. A hash table uses an array of buckets or slots to create an index, commonly called a hash code, from which the desired data can be obtained. While doing a lookup, the key is hashed, and the resulting hash identifies the location of the pertinent value.

4. What does "Excellent Customer Service" mean to you?

Like any company, Uber strives to attract clients by providing quality services. To succeed in the interview, you must persuade the interviewer that you can efficiently serve and please customers. Whatever your line of work—driving, food delivery, or developing mobile apps—this is applicable. Demonstrate your dedication to leaving the consumer happy.

5. Find the square root of the number up to the given precision using a binary search

function squareRoot(number, precision)
        let start = 0, end = number;
        let mid;
        // variable to store the answer
        let ans = 0.0;
        // for computing an integral part
        // of the square root of a number
        while (start <= end)
            mid = (start + end) / 2;  
            if (mid * mid == number)
                ans = mid;
            // incrementing start if integral
            // part lies on the right side of the mid
            if (mid * mid < number) {
                start = mid + 1;
                ans = mid;
            // decrementing end if an integral part
            // lies on the left side of the mid
            else {
                end = mid - 1;
        // For computing the fractional part
        // of square root upto given precision
        let increment = 0.1;
        for (let i = 0; i < precision; i++) {
            while (ans * ans <= number) {
                ans += increment;
            // loop terminates when ans * ans > number
            ans = ans - increment;
            increment = increment / 10;
        return ans;
// Driver code
        // Function calling
        document.write(squareRoot(50, 3) + "<br/>");
        // Function calling
        document.write(squareRoot(10, 4) + "<br/>");

6. Write a program to reverse the digits of an integer.

n = 4561
rev = 0
while(n > 0):
    a = n % 10
    rev = rev * 10 + a
    n = n // 10

7. What is Dynamic Pricing?

Dynamic pricing is a strategy that sets different rates for the same good or service for customers based on market trends and demand. Businesses can respond to changes in supply and demand by dynamically changing their prices in real-time.

8. What are nested queries in SQL?

A SQL query is an operation that includes a SELECT statement that retrieves information from a database table. A nested query is a whole query that is embedded within another action. A nested query can be created by nesting each valid query inside another operation containing all the elements in a standard query. For instance, nested queries may be present in the INSERT and DELETE methods. A nested query should be embedded by enclosing the statement within the proper number of parentheses to follow a specific order of operations.

9. What is a stationary signal?

A stationary signal is a wave created by keeping the time and spectral content value in a fixed connection. Software or a function generator can generate a sine wave from a stationary source.

Stationarity describes the relationship between a signal wave's frequency and temporal components.

10. What is your course of action if you face JavaScript performance issues?

  • Minify Your JavaScript Code.
  • Reduce your use of the DOM.
  • Switch to HTTP/2.
  • Only load JavaScript if it is essential.
  • Use performance improvement tactics that work with other languages.
Related Articles: JavaScript Interview Questions

Uber Technical Questions For Experienced

11. What are the 5 assumptions of Linear Regression?

A linear regression analysis examines the dependent (criterion) variable to see if one or more predictor variables can adequately account for it. The five assumptions of linear regression:

  • Multicollinearity
  • Homoscedasticity
  • Linear relationship
  • Multivariate normality
  • No auto-correlation

12. What do you mean by Microservice?

Microservices architecture, often known as the SDLC approach known as microservices, is the development of large applications as a collection of distinct functional modules. It is one of the architectural concepts that are most frequently utilized in software development. Its architecture expedites simple maintenance in addition to accelerating growth. DevOps and Agile, two of the most contemporary software development methods, greatly benefit from microservices.

13. State your understanding of Distributed Database Management Systems with Transparency.

A distributed database is simply a database that isn't limited to just one system and may be found in multiple locations, such as several computers or a computer network. It has a database-like appearance. A distributed database system has several sites that don't share physical components. This can be necessary when several people worldwide access the same database. It needs to be handled in an approachable way.

Transparency in a DDBMS refers to the transparent transmission of information from the system to the user. It helps to mask the information that the user needs to use.

There are four types of transparencies in Distributed Database Management System:

  • Transaction transparency
  • Performance transparency
  • DBMS transparency
  • Distribution transparency

14. What exactly is a Bootstrap Program in terms of operating systems?

A bootstrap program is the first line of code to execute when a computer system boots up. Since it loads the operating system, the bootstrap software is crucial for the operating system to function properly.

The bootstrap program is demonstrated in the following figure:

Bootstrap Program

In the image above, the ROM, or non-volatile Memory, contains the bootstrap program. The bootstrap program loads the operating system into RAM when the computer turns on. The operating system then starts the device drivers.

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15. What do you know about demand paging in the OS?

Demand paging is a technique that moves data from secondary Memory to RAM when needed. Demand paging is utilized instead of RAM since it has limited space, and not all data is saved. Swapping is, therefore, necessary if the CPU requests a process and the requested page is not present in Memory. This will transfer the old page from RAM to secondary Memory, return it, and put the new page in RAM.

16. What is VPN (Virtual Private Network)?

A "Virtual Private Network," or VPN, is the ability to create a secure network connection while using public networks. VPNs mask your online identity while encrypting your internet traffic. As a result, it is more difficult for outside parties to monitor your online activities and steal your data. Real-time encryption is utilized.

17. In the context of operating systems, define microkernels.

The primary part of an operating system, or kernel, is in charge of controlling system resources. It also acts as a bridge between the hardware and software of the computer. This is one of the earliest programs to launch (after the Bootloader).

The microkernel is one of the kernel's divisions. Being the kernel, it has control over every resource in the system. Yet, a microkernel implements user and kernel services in various address areas. The Kernel and operating system sizes are decreased by keeping user services in the user address space and kernel services in the kernel address space.

It provides the most basic Memory and process management capabilities. The usage of message forwarding slows down microkernel operations to promote communication between client programs/applications and services running in user address space. The Operating System is unaffected if user service fails because user and kernel services are isolated. Hence, it enhances one advantage of a microkernel. Since it is easily extendable, any new services added can be modified in the user address space rather than the kernel area. It is also reliable, secure, and transportable. The L4, QNX, and MINIX operating systems are examples of microkernel-based operating systems.

 operating systems

18. What is the difference between Swapping and Paging in OS?

Paging, a memory management technique, allows systems to store and retrieve data from secondary storage for primary memory usage. Contrarily, swapping briefly switches a process from primary to secondary Memory.

19. What is Servlet Collaboration?

The method through which the servlets of a particular Java web application interact with one another is known as servlet collaboration. As a result, information can be transferred or sent across servlets via method calls.

The servlet api provides two interfaces, namely:

  • javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher
  • javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse

These two interfaces include the techniques responsible for achieving the objective of information exchange across servlets.

20. What is Spooling in Operating Systems?

The operating system's CPU needed our input to process the instructions and generate the desired outcomes. With the conventional approach, the CPU would be quiescent, while one process used an input device to give the input. Yet, there was a downside to this tactic. Many operations must be managed in a typical situation, and we know that an I/O transaction takes much longer to complete than an instruction on the CPU.

The command is then executed by the CPU, which is now inactive once more, and the output is transmitted to an output device once more. After seeing the output, the next procedure starts to run. The upshot is that the CPU is frequently idle, which is the worst scenario for operating systems. Spooling is a concept that applies in this circumstance.

During spooling, data is momentarily stored to be used and executed by a system, program, or device. Data is supplied to and kept in Memory or another sort of volatile storage before being requested for execution by a program or machine.

The term "SPOOL" stands for "simultaneous peripheral operations online." The spool is often kept in buffers, physical memory, or interrupts for I/O devices. The spool is processed using the FIFO (first-in, first-out) method, which works in ascending order.

Uber FAQs

1. Is the Uber interview tough?

Whether the Uber Software Engineering interview is hard or simple makes no difference. The more prepared you are, the more likely you will succeed in the interview. You must become familiar with all the rounds, stages, and questions that Uber's interviews may include. Rather than worrying about how challenging or simple the interviews are, one should focus on honing their technical and cultural skills.

2. Why do you want to work for Uber?

Uber attracts and keeps the best talent by offering open and quickly expanding opportunities through a digital learning environment. Uber is a fantastic place for new employees to begin their careers due to the great working environment and the significant exposure. Today's aspiring programmers are interested in working for Uber since it offers a friendly, inclusive environment that encourages individual and business growth.

3. What are the rounds in Uber interviews?

Four rounds make up Uber's interview process for software engineers:

  • A phone screening
  • A technical screening
  • An on-site interview
  • An optional assessment round

4. How hard is the Uber coding interview?

 Uber's coding round ranges from medium to hard difficulty level. It consists of a few coding problems to evaluate a person's problem-solving ability.

5. Why should we hire you?

This is your chance to sell yourself to the interviewer and outline how your services might help Uber. It is better to emphasize your strengths because you are one of many applicants looking for a chance. Also, you should research the company to find its advantages and the kinds of employees it prefers.

6. Why do you want this job best?

In this part of your response, you emphasize the benefits they will receive while also demonstrating your passion for what you can accomplish for them. It will help if you market yourself as a sole proprietor who can outperform the competition in a given service.

7. What are your salary expectations?

This one is challenging. You must let them know the percentage increase you are considering, whether you provide an exact number or not. By doing this, you can demonstrate your commitment to the position instead of requesting a certain pay.

8. What are the employee benefits at Uber?

Uber offers eligible employees a flexible work schedule, a hybrid work environment, insurance, paid time off, unlimited PTO, stock options, Roth 401K choices, and more.

9. How to prepare for an Uber interview?

Take a close look at your resume and research every technology you list. You should thoroughly prepare for at least two technologies or languages if you're going to an Uber technical interview.

Tips to Crack Uber Interview Questions

The following tips will help you to crack an Uber interview:

Tip #1: Be data-centric

Uber is a business that makes extensive use of data. They prefer to hire tech leads and engineer managers who can identify issues and use data to discover solutions. Hence, actively seek out data to back up your analysis and theories.

Tip #2: Demonstrate adaptability

Uber prefers individuals who are capable of taking responsibility. As a result, a range of questions will assess your ability to improvise and forecast the future.

Tip #3: Stick to your responses if they are right

Even if your interviewer disagrees with your viewpoint, insist on it. If you are confident, let the interviewers know about it politely.

Tip #4: Provide answers that work in multiple areas

Uber offers various services. For instance, Uber Eats provides delivery services to clients, restaurants, and courier partners. Thus, when answering questions, consider how potential solutions affect several relevant market users.

Tip #5: Consider doing a Mock interview

You can use the MindMajix platform to create mock interviews. To your advantage, you will be partnered with one of your peers and be allowed to interview. You'll get a sense of the interview's format from this.


Cracking an Uber interview isn't easy. But with the right preparation strategy and an awareness of the most frequently asked interview questions, you can land your dream job easily. Grab the in-demand skills in programming, data structures & algorithms, and more on "Business Analyst Training" to build a strong foundation and outperform the competition. Wait no more. Sign up today and become an expert.

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Last updated: 06 Jun 2023
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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