One of the leading international businesses, Accenture provides consulting and IT services to customers all over the world. Because of this, organizations are significant to job searchers, and it is crucial to get ready for various types of interview questions to get into top-notch companies.
One of the top IT companies in India is Accenture, which is also the top provider of management consulting, technology services, and outsourcing worldwide. Accenture has expertise in a number of important business sectors, including outsourcing, corporate strategy, supply chain management, and technology.
When Accenture was founded in 1989, its previous name was Andersen Consulting. Following a severance of links with its parent business Arthur Andersen, Accenture changed its name in 2001. The global headquarters of Accenture is in Dublin, Ireland. It operates satellite offices in more than 200 cities across 50 nations.
Accenture has a significant presence in five industries: media & technology, communications, health & public services, financial services, and products & resources. Accenture offers a wide range of services and solutions within this particular set in the fields of strategy, digital, technology, consulting, and operations. Accenture assists clients in lowering costs while providing the finest services and solutions available. It also outsources technology-related tasks.
Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help its clients improve performance and create sustainable value for their various stakeholders. Accenture unites unmatched experience and exceptional skills across 40+ industries and numerous business functions, held by the world's largest delivery network.
Read below some of the most important questions that might be asked for the interview along with general information about Accenture so that you are better prepared with the basics.
Discover the many types of questions that may be asked during an Accenture interview. Depending on the level and job descriptions, these questions are divided as such:
Some of the previously interviewed individuals have described the Accenture interview process as being a touch difficult. As a result of the relatively high number of applications received by Accenture, the candidates are frequently intimidated by the challenging questions in all interview rounds. Therefore, if you have a well-thought-out preparation plan and consistently practice, you can succeed in this interview procedure.
First, the academic requirements for applying to an Accenture interview are as follows:
The Accenture interview process typically consists of the following three rounds:
The Accenture interview rounds will typically not change for experienced applicants. However, for some key positions, you might have to go through two or more rounds of technical interviews before an HR interview.
As an elimination round in the Accenture interview process, this initial round is slightly more challenging than the others. Accenture's online assessments aim to gauge candidates' cognitive capacity and competence. Questions in this round are centered on verbal ability, logical reasoning, and quantitative aptitude. You must complete the stipulated amount of questions in the allotted time during this round.
If you pass the online test, you will be contacted for a technical interview. The technical round primarily assesses the candidate's coding and problem-solving abilities. To ace the technical interview, candidates should have a solid understanding of data structures, algorithms, and other computer science-related topics, including OS, DBMS, CN, etc. You might anticipate being examined in various areas depending on the job function you're applying for. You might have to go through two or more rounds of technical interviews if you are an experienced candidate or vying for a vital position.
The HR interview is the last step in the hiring process at Accenture since it provides insight into a candidate's personality and other pertinent characteristics. Here, you may be asked a wide range of questions, such as those about your introduction, education, experience, hobbies, skills, shortcomings, and expected compensation. You may also ask questions about Accenture's business during this round. An HR interview aims to assess your personality, examine your background and determine whether you are a good fit for the organization. In contrast, the other interview rounds at Accenture evaluate your abilities and accomplishments.
Java has a non-access feature called static that is helpful for memory management.
All objects may share static properties, and when an object is formed, no separate copies of static members are made.
Static members can be accessed directly by using the class name rather than by creating an instance of the class.
For memory management, the static keyword can be used with the variable, block, function, and nested classes.
If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in Java then enroll in "Java Training". This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain. |
Run-time polymorphism, also known as dynamic binding or dynamic method dispatch, denotes the use of run-time rather than compile-time dynamic resolution for calls to overridden methods.
In Java, method overriding is used to implement run-time polymorphism. Method overriding is the process of a child class (subclass) overriding a parent class (superclass) method when both classes share the same method name, return type, and parameters.
Example: The example below contains three subclasses: Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles under the superclass Animal. The print() function of subclasses extends the superclass. Using the parent class reference variable from the Animal class, we will call the print() method. Since the subclass method overrides the superclass function and refers to the subclass object, the subclass method is called during runtime. Run-time polymorphism is used when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) selects how to invoke a method.
class Animal{
void print(){
System.out.println("Inside Animal");
class Birds extends Animal{
void print(){
System.out.println("Inside Birds");
class Mammals extends Animal{
void print(){
System.out.println("Inside Mammals");
class Reptiles extends Animal{
void print(){
System.out.println("Inside Reptiles");
class InterviewBit{
public static void main(String args[]){
Animal a = new Animal();
Animal b = new Birds(); //upcasting
Animal m = new Mammals(); //upcasting
Animal r = new Reptiles(); //upcasting
Inside Animal
Inside Birds
Inside Mammals
Inside Reptiles
Array | ArrayList |
An array is of fixed length | ArrayList is of variable length |
The length of the array cannot be changed once created | The length of the array can be changed after the creation |
It can store both primitive types and objects | It can store only objects, not primitives(it automatically converts primitive type to object) |
Using an assignment operator we can store elements in an array | With the help of add() method elements are stored in an ArrayList |
An array can be multi-dimensional | ArrayList is always one-dimensional |
The "Diamond dilemma" typically occurs when there are several inheritances. Java does not support multiple inheritances, therefore, when you try to implement numerous interfaces, you run into the diamond problem. When two interfaces with identical method signatures are implemented as a single class, the compiler is unsure of which function to run as a result, leading to a compile-time error. It is referred to as a "Diamond issue" because of how its structure resembles a diamond.
Here, if we attempt to use the print() function using the DerivedClass3 object, the compiler will become confused as to whether it should call the print() function from DerivedClass1 or DerivedClass2.
Virtual inheritance is used to resolve the "diamond problem." It ensures that the shared base class will only ever be used once in the child class.
Accenture Technical Interview Questions
Global variables can be accessed from anywhere. Due to the following reasons, Java does not enable globally accessible variables:
JDBC is a collection of Java APIs for running SQL commands. A set of classes and interfaces make up this API, which enables software to create pure Java Database applications.
When multiple inheritances are carried out in Java, the diamond problem, also referred to as the deadly diamond problem or the deadly diamond of death happens. JAVA does not support multiple inheritances, hence attempting to do so would result in a compilation error.
A function called a Lambda expression can be written independently of any class. It debuted with Java 8.
It serves as an interface implementation that has a user interface. It is acceptable just to write the implementation code rather than redefine the method in order to provide the implementation. As a result, a lot of coding is saved.
Since a lambda expression is seen as a function, the compiler won't produce a.class file for it.
They are typically used in functional programming using the Java Streams API or for the development of straightforward callbacks or event listeners.
The syntax for a lambda expression is (argument list) -> "body".
There are three parts to a Lamda phrase.
A Java example program to illustrate lambda expressions by implementing the user-defined functional interface is given below
// A functional interface with a single abstract method.
interface ExampleInterface
// An abstract method
void abstract print(int a);
class InterviewBit
public static void main(String args[])
/* A lambda expression to implement the above functional interface. */
ExampleInterface ob = (int a)->{System.out.println(a)};
// This calls above lambda expression and prints 20.
Encapsulation refers to combining code and data into a single unit. The best illustration of encapsulation is a capsule with medicine inside of it.
In Java, a class is said to be fully encapsulated if all its data members are designated private. Once this happens, we can access the class using getter and setter methods.
Java Bean class is one instance of a fully enclosed class.
Encapsulation is also known as data hiding since it keeps its data private from other classes.
Recursion is the process of repeatedly invoking a method by itself without reaching a conclusion. Recursive methods are defined as those that call themselves repeatedly.
Return-type method_name()
// Code to be executed
method_name(); // same name of calling method
The Java language's "super" keyword is used to refer to an object of the parent class. As a reserved keyword in Java, the "super" keyword cannot be used as an identifier.
this Keyword: In Java, the "this" keyword is used to refer to the class's object at hand. Since "this" is a reserved keyword in Java, it cannot be used as an identifier.
Java provides an interface as a means of achieving abstraction. The Interface is similar to a class, but not exactly, since it can also include methods and variables, just like a class, but only contains the method signature and not the body.
interface Interface_Name
We can implement multiple interfaces in one class, and parent interfaces can be declared using a comma(,) operator.
public class A implements C, D
Multiple inheritances is not allowed in Java because it leads to program ambiguity and the diamond problem. Interface in Java can be used to solve this issue.
Let's say that class A inherits from classes B and C, both of which contain a method with the same name. If we attempt to override this method, the compiler will become confused and issue a compilation error. Java does not enable multiple inheritances because of this.
Although both collections and collections are a part of the Java Collection Framework, the key distinctions between them are listed below:
Collections are a class of collection framework, and a Collection in Java is an interface.
While the Collections class has static methods that can be used for a variety of operations on a collection, the Collection interface offers methods that can be used for data structures.
Related Article - Java Collection Tutorial |
In Java, we can use public getters and setters from outside the class to access private members of the class.
There are two ways to pass values to functions in the C programming language:
There are two forms of Memory Allocation
Variable Declaration: When a variable or function is declared, its name and type are specified so that the program can use it. The compiler can use these variables and functions. Declaring membership provides a program representation.
extern int x;
extern char y;
// It tells the compiler that there are two variables x and y of types char and int
Definition of a Variable: When we define a variable, we are giving it a value or initializing it with a value. A variable's or a program member's definition provides all the details about it.
int x= 2;
char y = 'A', 'B';
// It defines the variable x and y by giving its value or body.
Multithreading results in a deadlock circumstance. In Java, this situation is referred to be a deadlock scenario because one thread is waiting for a lock object that another thread has already obtained, while the second thread is waiting for a lock object that the first thread has already taken.
The Java Collection Framework has an interface called List interface. The List interface expands the Collection interface.
public interface List<E> extends Collection<E>
The process of making an identical replica of an object is known as object cloning. We can utilize the clone() function of the Object class to duplicate an object. The class needs to support Java. lang. We want to build a copy of the clonable interface; otherwise, it will throw an error.
Syntax of clone() method
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
Related Article - Java Interview Questions |
Method overloading occurs when a method in a class has the same method name but with distinct arguments.
Method overriding occurs when a method in a class with the same name and arguments is used instead.
An algorithm known as a classifier determines the class of an input element using a set of features. To gain comprehension of the relationship between input variables and class, it typically uses training data (huge datasets used to train an algorithm or machine learning model). It is mostly utilized in supervised learning and machine learning.
Example: Based on its qualities, also known as its "features," a classifier can be used to forecast the soap category. Its scent, appearance, color, and other characteristics may be among these. A machine learning classifier might be used to determine whether a soap is Mysore Sandal soap if it has a round form, a brown color, and a potent sandalwood scent.’
Related Article - Python Tutorial |
Pandas is a Python-based open-source software package that is helpful for analyzing and manipulating data. It offers a wide range of data formats and functions, including the ability to edit time series and numerical tables. It is regarded as one of the key tools to master because it can handle many file kinds.
Some of the characteristics or techniques that Pandas offer are
In Python, lists and tuples are used for storing collections in items, but they have a few fundamental differences
Lists are created using square brackets [], and commas separate items. Tuples are created using parentheses (), and items are separated by commas as well.
Mutable vs Immutable
Pythonic code means the code is written in an idiomatic style in Python. That means following the Python community's best practices, coding styles, and conventions. The Pythonic code is easy to write, read and understand because it uses Python’s built-in functions, data structures, and syntax.
CI and CD stand for continuous integration and continuous deployment. It’s a set of tools and practices to automate software delivery processes. In Python, the concept of CI/CD involves automating the process of testing, developing and deploying the Python code.
Continuous Integration is the process of incorporating code modifications made by various developers into a single project. Early in development, it is intended to identify and resolve conflicts. Every time a change is made to a piece of code in Python, CI entails running automated tests. CI is frequently implemented in Python projects using tools like CircleCI, Travis CI, and Jenkins.
Continuous deployment involves automating the code modifications to production. The process of deployment will be expedited and improved. CD automates the deployment of Python code to production servers in Python programming. In Python projects, CD is frequently implemented using tools like Ansible, Chef, and Puppet.
In Python, NumPy and PySpark are two popular tools for data analysis, computing, and machine learning.
Numpy provides support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices. It's a core library for scientific computing and provides many tools for working these arrays. Besides, PySpark is distributed computing framework built on top of Apache Spark. It provides an interface to work with large data sets that are in parallel with a cluster of computers. This is well-suited for big-data apps.
In Programming, a copy of a data structure or object is made in different ways, including shallow copy and deep copy. The key difference is the way they handle the reference to other objects.
With a shallow copy, a new object is created, but references to the previous object are still present in the contents of the new object. Alternatively put, a shallow copy points to the same place in memory as the original object. The shallow duplicate will also reflect any modifications made to the original object.
In contrast to a shallow copy, a deep copy makes a new object and copies every object that the original object references in turn. In other words, a deep copy produces a new memory address for every object, including all nested objects. The deep duplicate will not show any modifications made to the original object.
Django is a high-level Python web framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.
The Model layer defines the database schema and handles data persistence. Models are Python classes that map to database tables and perform CRUD operations.
The View layer is responsible for handling user requests and generating responses.
The Template layer is responsible for rendering HTML pages and other types of responses that are returned by the View layer.
Python uses a technique known as Automatic Memory Management or garbage collection to manage memory. As a result, the programmer does not have to worry about manually controlling memory allocation and release during program execution since the Python interpreter handles these tasks automatically.
Python uses docstrings, or documentation strings, to provide details on a function, module, class, or method. The first sentence of a module, function, class, or method definition is a string literal. A docstring's aim is to explain a function's or class's functionality, the arguments it accepts, the results it produces, and any other relevant details that would be helpful to a programmer using or maintaining the code.
Matrices and arrays are used to store and manipulate data collections in computer programs, but there are some differences between them.
An array is a collection of related data types that are kept in close proximity to one another in memory. It could be one dimension, two dimensions, or more. Any data type, including integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and objects, can be contained in an array. When storing and processing huge amounts of data, finding and sorting data, and building data structures like stacks, queues, and linked lists, arrays are frequently utilized.
On the other hand, a matrix is a specific kind of two-dimensional array that is employed in mathematical operations. It consists of a rectangular array of variables or integers set up in rows and columns. Matrices are frequently employed in linear algebra, calculus, and other branches of mathematics to represent and solve systems of linear equations, carry out transformations, and more.
Python 2 has two functions for generating a series of numbers: range() and xrange(). There are a few differences between the two, though:
Whereas xrange() produces an iterator with a list of all the numbers in the sequence, range() delivers a list of all the numbers in the sequence that is generated as you loop over it. As the entire series doesn't have to be stored in memory at once, xrange() is more memory-efficient, especially when working with big sequences. You cannot use indexing to access specific sequence members when using xrange() because it produces an iterator, but the range() does. Range should be used if you want to access specific sequence elements ().
"Seaborn" is the name of the Python library that was built on top of Matplotlib and Pandas to simplify data plotting. Seaborn provides a high-level interface for creating engaging and helpful statistical visuals. Extracting the underlying data manipulation processes makes creating complicated visualizations like heatmaps, category plots, and time series plots easier. Moreover, Seaborn has several built-in datasets for testing and demonstration.
The PEP 8 document offers recommendations for creating Python code that is simple to read and maintain. Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, and Nick Coghlan are the authors of "PEP 8 — Style Guide for Python Code," which is the official name of the document. In addition to providing guidelines for indentation, line length, and commenting, the document also provides conventions for naming variables, functions, and classes.
Following the PEP 8 style guide can help other developers read and understand your code because it is widely used in the Python community. These recommendations can help you create Python code that is simpler to read, more reliable, and less prone to errors.
The Python interpreter uses the environment variable PYTHONPATH to define additional directories to search to find modules and packages not included in the core Python library. The Python interpreter first searches the current directory before looking in the directories listed in the PYTHONPATH variable when you import a module or package.
continue, break, and pass are control flow statements used in programming to alter the normal flow of execution within loops or conditional statements.
The practice of organizing data in a database to reduce data redundancy and enhance data integrity is known as normalization (also known as data normalization or database normalization). We can arrange the data into tables and columns through database normalization and specify a relationship between these tables or columns.
The most typical normalizing forms are shown below
JavaScript is generally considered to be an interpreted language. When you run JavaScript code, the browser or runtime reads and executes the code directly without first translating it into machine code as compiled languages do.
However, some tools, like the Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine or the Google Closure Compiler, can compile JavaScript code into a more effective structure. These tools can perform performance analysis, optimize the code, and produce bytecode or machine code that can be performed more quickly than the JavaScript source code.
JavaScript can therefore be compiled to increase performance even though it is primarily an interpreted language.
Variables are declared using let, const, and var in JavaScript, but there are a few differences between them:
The earliest way to declare a variable in JavaScript is with the var keyword. It is available throughout the entire function in which it is defined since it has function-level scope. Var can, however, be accessed outside of that block if it is declared inside of a block, such as an if statement or a for a loop. Variables can also be reallocated and declared again.
The let was first introduced in ES6 and has a block-level scope, which means that it can only be accessed within the block in which it is defined. Let variables can be changed, but they cannot be declared again.
Like, let, const was introduced in ES6 and has a block-level scope. But, once they have been defined, const variables cannot be changed or redeclared. It should be noted that when using const with objects or arrays, the values contained within the object or array are changeable, but the object or array itself cannot be assigned a new value.
Hoisting is a behavior in JavaScript where, before the code is run, during the compilation stage, variable and function declarations are shifted to the top of their appropriate scopes (either the global scope or the function scope).
As a result of the declarations being "hoisted" to the top of the scope, variables, and functions might be utilized in the code prior to being declared.
In JavaScript, you may set this value for a function using the bind() and call() methods. Whereas call() immediately runs the function with this value set, bind() returns a new function with this value set.
The function bind() generates has the same code as the original function but a fixed this value. Any number of parameters may be used to invoke the new function in the future.
The "==" and "===" operators are used to compare two values in the majority of computer languages, including JavaScript, but they behave differently.
After converting two values to a common type, the "==" operator, often known as the equality operator, checks for equality between the two values. This indicates that type coercion is carried out before the comparison.
While the "===" operator compares two values for equality without applying any type coercion, it is known as the strict equality operator. This means that for the expression to evaluate to true, both the type and the value of the two operands must match.
Null and undefined are two separate primitive values in JavaScript, each having a unique meaning.
The value null stands for the intentional absence of any object value. When a variable or object attribute needs an object value but none is available, it's frequently used as a stand-in value.
On the other hand, undefined denotes the absence of any value. It's frequently used to show that a variable or object property doesn't yet have a value.
A function declaration and a function expression are two ways to create a function in JavaScript, but they differ in how they are created and utilized.
A statement that declares a function and makes it accessible for use in the current scope is known as a function declaration. The function keyword appears first, followed by the function name, parameter list (in parenthesis), and function body (enclosed in curly braces).
On the other hand, a function expression is an expression that defines a function and applies it to a variable. The function keyword comes first, then the list of parameters and the body of the function. Finally, the assignment operator (=) is used to assign the entire expression to a variable.
A closure in programming is a function that continues to have access to variables from the lexical scope it is enclosed in even after that scope has been vacated. A closure is a function that remembers the environment in which it was generated, to put it another way.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is referred to as CORS. Web browsers have added a security measure that prevents web pages from sending requests to domains other than the one that hosted the original web page. A key security feature of web browsers is the same-origin policy, which prevents scripts running on one website from accessing or interacting with resources on another website.
CORS permits web servers to add extra HTTP headers to their answers, enabling cross-domain communication between web browsers and servers. These headers tell the browser whether or not a specific web page is permitted to access server resources.
Dependency injection is a software design pattern that allows you to separate the creation of objects from the code that uses them. This can make your code more modular, testable, and maintainable.
Here are some steps to follow when handling dependency Injections
JavaScript uses promises to manage asynchronous activities and their outcomes. Asynchronous operations begin right away, but their results are not immediately accessible. Instead, the process occurs in the background, and the outcome is delivered later.
Two mechanisms that define how events spread through the Document Object Model (DOM) in web browsers are event bubbling and event capturing.
The method by which an event spreads from the root of the DOM tree to the destination element is known as event capturing. This means that the event is sent to the outermost element in the DOM hierarchy first, then to its children, and so on until it reaches the target element. The event moves into the bubbling phase after the target element is attained.
The alternative method, known as event bubbling, propagates an event from the target element upward through its parent elements to the top of the DOM tree. Hence, the event is first delivered to the target element, then to its parent elements, and finally to the other components.
JavaScript's Object.freeze() and Object.seal() methods let programmers stop an object from changing.
An object can be frozen by using the Object.freeze() method, which prevents the addition, deletion, or modification of any of its properties. Once frozen, an object cannot be unfrozen, and any effort to change its characteristics will fail.
On the other hand, when an object is sealed using the Object.seal() function, its properties cannot be added or removed but can be changed. An object cannot be unsealed once it has been sealed, and all attempts to add or delete properties will fail.
Creating an exact copy of an object or data structure is referred to as cloning. There are two types of cloning used in programming: shallow cloning and deep cloning.
Related Article - JavaScript Interview Questions |
Arrow functions are a newer syntax introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) that provides a more concise way to write functions compared to the traditional function syntax.
The SAP Material Management (MM) system is a module of the SAP Erp software that supports inventory and procurement operations. Organizations utilize the MM module, one of the basic components of the SAP system, to manage their purchasing, planning, and material requirements operations.
Related Article - SAP MM Tutorial |
In SAP MM (Materials Management), PR and PO are two common procurement-related terms that stand for:
It is a document that a user or a department within an organization creates to request the purchase of goods or services. A PR includes facts on the account assignment, the quantity of the requested commodity or service, and the delivery date (cost center, project, etc.). The PR acts as the foundation for generating a Purchase Order (PO) in SAP MM once it has been accepted.
It is a document made by a buyer to obtain goods or services from a supplier or vendor. A PO includes facts on the vendor, the product or service being purchased, the quantity, the price, the delivery date, and the terms and circumstances of the procurement. A PO serves as a legally binding document between the buyer and the vendor and is formed based on a PR or can be created straight without a PR.
SAP MM (Materials Management) calculates prices using various methods depending on the valuation method used for the material.
The most commonly used valuation methods in SAP MM are:
The batch record provides comprehensive traceability of the whole production process, from the procurement of raw materials to the release of the finished product. It contains details about the types of materials used, their origin and supplier, the manufacturing process specifications, the findings of quality control inspections, and any deviations or corrective measures that were made during the production process.
In SAP MM (Materials Management), the batch deletion transaction code is MB05. You can show and delete material documents, including batches, using this transaction code.
In SAP Material Management (MM), the standard price of a material is defined in the material master record. To change the standard price of a material in the master material, you can follow these steps:
Planned delivery and GR processing time are two concepts related to a business's procurement and logistics processes.
Planned delivery is the term used to describe the date set aside for a supplier to fulfill an order. This date is established based on variables that affect the availability of the requested goods, including production lead times, shipping periods, and other considerations.
On the other hand, GR processing time describes the length of time it takes for a business to process and register the receipt of goods from a supplier. Verifying the quantity and quality of the supplied items against the purchase order and addressing any disputes are normally part of the procedure.
Consignment Stocks are made when a manufacturer or a supplier delivers items or products to a client, usually a retailer or distributor, but keeps ownership of the products until an end customer purchases them.
Using the subcontracting process in SAP MM (Materials Management), a business can hire a vendor or subcontractor to handle a certain aspect of its manufacturing process on its behalf. In addition to carrying out the manufacturing process on behalf of the business, the vendor provides the raw materials or components required to make the finished product.
A posting period in SAP is a time period during which accounting transactions may be posted. The consistency and correctness of financial data are critically dependent on the posting time.
A financial transaction can only be posted if it occurs inside the posting period. A posting attempt made by a user outside of a legitimate posting window will be rejected by SAP and result in an error notice. This helps to avoid mistakes and guarantees that financial data is recorded truthfully.
Data science is an interdisciplinary area that focuses on the use of scientific procedures, procedures, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from organized and unstructured data. It integrates elements of statistics, computer science, machine learning, and domain knowledge to tackle complicated issues and create data-driven choices.
Related Article - What is Data Science? |
Data Analytics and Data Science are two related but distinct fields that involve the use of statistical and computational methods to extract insights from data. Here are some of the key differences between the two:
Data analytics is centered on examining current data to provide specific business insights or address certain issues. On the other hand, data science entails not just analysis but also the development of fresh algorithms and models in order to find patterns in data, create prediction models, and automate decision-making.
Traditional statistical and visual methods are frequently used in data analytics. Deep learning, natural language processing, and predictive modeling are examples of more complex statistical and machine learning methods that are used in data science.
Data Analytics tends to work with smaller datasets that can be easily managed and analyzed. Data Science, however, deals with big data, which requires specialized tools and techniques to process and analyze.
A good logistic model can be assessed using various ways. Here are some common methods for assessing a logistic model
The steps involved in an analytics project can vary depending on the specific project but generally include the following:
Building a random forest model typically involves the following steps:
Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses are different types of statistical analysis used in data analysis. Here's how they differ:
In data analysis, treating missing values is a crucial step. The method used to deal with missing values relies on a number of variables, including the quantity of missing data, the cause of the missing data, and the kind of analysis being done.
The Box-Cox transformation is a statistical technique used to transform non-normal dependent variables into a normal distribution. It is commonly used in regression analysis, where the assumption of normality of errors is often made.
Time series analysis can indeed be done using machine learning. In fact, a wide range of applications, including banking, healthcare, transportation, and many others, are increasingly using machine learning algorithms to evaluate time series data.
Time series analysis can be done using a variety of machine learning algorithms. Among the most typical are:
Recommender systems are a type of information filtering system that aim to predict the preferences or interests of a user and suggest items or content that they are likely to enjoy or find useful.
There are generally two main types of recommender systems: collaborative filtering and content-based filtering.
When two or more independent variables in a regression model have a high degree of correlation with one another, this is referred to as multicollinearity. As a result, it may be challenging to evaluate the analysis's findings and estimate regression coefficients.
Machine learning (ML) is deployed in various real-world scenarios, including:
Collaborative filtering is a technique used in recommendation systems to provide personalized recommendations to users based on their past behavior and preferences, as well as the behavior and preferences of other users with similar preferences.
A table called a confusion matrix is frequently used to assess how well a machine-learning model is working. It displays the proportion of accurate and inaccurate predictions generated by the model in relation to the actual results. Usually, the table is divided into four quadrants:
Python is a widely used language in data science for cleaning data because it provides a variety of strong tools and modules that make it simpler to complete difficult data-cleaning jobs effectively.
SAP SD (Sales and Distribution) is a module in the SAP ERP system that manages an organization's entire sales and distribution process. The entire sales process is covered in this module, from taking a client inquiry to processing the order, sending the items, and creating the invoice.
Related Article - SAP SD Tutorial |
The main components of the SAP SD module are:
The Condition Master is a part of SAP SD (Sales and Distribution), which controls pricing and discounts for invoices and sales orders.
The Condition Master keeps track of all the variables that can affect pricing, including material costs, special offers, taxes, and freight costs, as well as the condition records that go along with them.
These condition records detail the pricing or discounts that are applicable for a specific set of materials, client, quantity, and time constraints.
Due to its ability to establish and manage complicated pricing strategies and discounts based on various criteria, the Condition Master is a crucial component of the pricing process in SAP SD.
The STO (Stock Transfer Order) process in SAP SD (Sales and Distribution) enables the transfer of items between two distinct plants with the same or different company codes. Here are the configuration steps for setting up the STO process in SAP SD:
As a consultant, if a field is not available in the field catalog while creating a condition table, I would follow these steps:
In SAP SD, the storage location in a delivery document is determined based on the following factors:
Item usage refers to the way in which a consumer uses a particular item or product. It refers to the specific application of the item in question, such as using a pen to write or a phone to make calls.
On the other hand, higher-level item usage describes the object's use in a wider context. It considers the overall objective or purpose that the thing is being utilized to accomplish. Using a pen to write a novel or a phone to make a business call are two examples.
MMBE is a transaction code in SAP that provides a detailed overview of the current stock situation of material in a specific storage location. The stock information displayed in MMBE includes the stock type, quantity, data valuation, plant data, and batch information.
"Alternate Calculation type" and "Alternative Base type" are two different concepts and do not have a direct relationship.
When making decisions, responsible leaders put themselves in the position of every stakeholder. They guarantee that each person's voice is heard. This dedication to inclusivity encourages diverse viewpoints and holds leaders more accountable, which improves decision-making. Assessing how the organization's activities will affect everyone aids leaders.
The inclusion of stakeholders is crucial, in our opinion. It indicates that the organization's leadership is able to gain and maintain everyone's trust, which is a unique and priceless resource.
1. Feelings and intuition
Being genuinely human and displaying compassion, humility, and openness is how responsible leadership can inspire commitment and creativity.
Authentic leaders are modest. It's outdated to think that arrogant leaders leave a path of arrogance in their wake. Responsible leaders of today are aware of their own knowledge and skill limitations. Additionally, they don't hesitate to show weakness when the occasion arises.
For example, your team may encounter a new market disruption where the best course of action is to employ your creativity and creative instincts. You've experienced many scenarios where emotion and intuition have proven vital.
2. Mission & Goals
A vision of sustainable prosperity that can be shared by all parties involved in an organization, not just the members of that organization, is shaped and inspired by responsible leaders.
They utilize holistic, systemic thinking to ensure their organization produces beneficial results for itself and others in complicated circumstances. They use sensemaking to detect societal trends early on.Integrity is assumed to exist.
Along with honesty and openness, it is essential to meet the changing ethical problems brought on by new technology. Ethics must be allowed to fall behind in quickly addressing these new concerns.
3. Information & Innovation
We are all aware that technology cannot solve every issue our society faces, but it can contribute to the resolution of many of them. According to our research, responsible leaders actively manage the promise of technology by innovating responsibly with emerging technologies. They use technology to create new value for their businesses and society.
They develop and advance a vision that outlines the advantages of using cutting-edge technology to address issues. They also use a responsible approach to innovation, scaling up solutions and reducing its unintended repercussions.
We can see that inventiveness is also crucial in this situation. Responsible leaders encourage a creative approach to technology and innovation, increasing their problem-solving capacity.
4. Knowledge & Intellect
A path to achievement that is constantly improving can be found through sharing of knowledge and ongoing learning.
Responsible leaders encourage learning at all levels of their organization and have an insatiable desire for knowledge. They have a strong capacity for critical thought and are willing to confront preconceived notions in order to grow continuously.
Additionally, they promote novel, unbiased analysis that enhances data-to-knowledge loops inside and outside their business.
5. Leaders of all levels
These Five Elements emphasize that courageous leadership is not for the weak-willed. Additionally, it's not just one person's fault, as the several case studies in the paper demonstrate. No matter your position within a company, our concept applies at every level. It focuses on people's real roles within the company and beyond. Therefore, even if the Five Elements may be ambitious, they are actually crucial because we are all becoming responsible leaders.
Accenture is an international business with Irish roots that provides expert consulting and information technology services. With reported revenues of $50.53 billion as of 2021, it is one of the Fortune Global 500 corporations. More than 90 Fortune Global 100 businesses are among Accenture's clients. These statistics demonstrate the significance of Accenture interview questions for candidates looking for IT and consulting jobs.
I think I have the knowledge and expertise needed for this position. In my prior positions, I have demonstrated the ability to handle difficulties and come up with answers. Professionally, I am goal-oriented and a good team player.
Here are some of the most typical Accenture HR interview questions and how to respond to them:
It’s extremely important at an HR interview to dress professionally, ensure positive body language, use appropriate language, and provide apt answers.
A skills interview, a crucial element in Accenture's hiring process, is the next phase in the interview process for many roles. During this interview, you can talk about your knowledge and competence. It allows the interviewer to find out if you have the necessary experience for the position.
It's not at all difficult. But with a few restrictions. Your background experience, the job you've applied for, and how well you prepare for your interview are the only factors that matter. It's a very huge thing to land a job at a Fortune 500 firm.
Exemplary Response: "Accenture is a well-known brand in the market, which is a key factor in considering a job at this company. There is also a healthy work-life balance. Accenture offers a comfortable workplace and requires its employees to collaborate in a learning atmosphere.
Uploading your resume or CV will start the online application process. Add a few more details, then hit "Submit." Our hiring team will assess your application after you've submitted it online. They'll also check to determine whether your profile fits any other roles.
Your ability to think critically, program, and solve problems will essentially be tested throughout the interview. Although the technical interview portion may initially seem difficult, with the right preparation, you may easily ace it. The following are some suggestions to help you succeed in your Accenture interview:
Tips #1: Learn every concept
You must become an expert in ideas like coding, algorithms, data structures, etc. if you want to ace the technical interview at Accenture. Be sure to concentrate on algorithm-based and system design tasks while interviewing preparation and practice.
Tips #2: Enhance your problem-solving abilities
You can solve any kind of problem with enough practice. Only by continuously answering questions each day will you be able to hone this particular talent, which will change the way you think about and handle any given challenge.
Tips #3: Clear up any confusion
Join some pertinent online forums or use any other helpful sources to get your questions answered before the interview procedure. You should be ready to answer any question asked of you during the interview.
Tips #4: Practice interviewing
Try to practice by participating in simulated interviews, which will enable you to receive feedback on the areas you need to strengthen. Additionally, practicing for mock interviews will give you more confidence for the real thing.
You must remain composed and composed during the interview. Spend some time understanding the questions that have been provided to you. If necessary, attempt to jot down a plan of attack before beginning to tackle any code problems.
Tips #5: Pose inquiries
You must be ready to ask the interviewer questions at the conclusion of the interview. This will undoubtedly demonstrate your interest in and understanding of the organization and the position you seek.
This post helped you learn more about the Accenture interview process and prepared you to ace it. In this post, we have concentrated on covering a variety of topics, including the corporate profile of Accenture, interview questions for freshmen and experienced candidates, HR interview questions, and technical interview questions. Now that you are ready for every question Sign up for the Accenture certification course to improve your knowledge of the Accenture hiring process. you can enroll in Java Training and get a certification.
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Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .