Java Web Dynpro Interview Questions

If you're looking for Java Web Dynpro Interview Questions & Answers for Experienced or Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research on Java Web Dynpro, salary ranges from $26,000 to $183,000. So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Java Web Dynpro Development. Mindmajix offers Advanced Java Web Dynpro Interview Questions 2024 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire your dream career as a Java Web Dynpro Developer.

Top Java Web Dynpro Interview Questions and Answers 

1. What is View Assembly?

  1. A window defines the superset of all possible views that a Web Dynpro application could require whilst run a particular component. The number of views visible at any one time, however, will typically be only a subset of the number of views embedded within the window.
  2. The subset of views rendered at any one time is known as the View Assembly. User interaction followed by subsequent navigation processing will frequently cause this subset of views to change with every server round-trip. The view assembly represents those views seen by the user on their client device after the completion of a particular server round trip.

2. What is the Face Less component?

It is a component with zero views and zero windows. Such a component is known as a “faceless” component and is useful when a complex unit of functionality requiring no direct user interaction needs to be encapsulated. A good example of a faceless component is the creation of something called a model component. This is not actually a specific Web Dynpro component type; rather it is a standard Web Dynpro component that has been written specifically for the task of interacting with a model object.

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3. What are the types of Controllers?

  1. In broad terms, SAP has defined two categories of Web Dynpro controllers. The difference between them is simply this: A controller either
    Has a visual interface, or Does not have a visual interface.
  2. SAP has introduced this difference in order to maintain a strict separation between those parts of the business application that display data (typically data consumers), and those parts of the business application that process data (typically data generators).

4. What are Recursion Nodes?

The recursion node is a special type of node used when a node hierarchy with a recursive structure needs to be created. This is needed when, for instance, the depth of the node hierarchy is not known until runtime. Using a recursion node, you can declare that a particular node structure is replicated as a child of itself. A good example here is if your context needs to hold information in the same structure as a file system, containing directories and subdirectories.

5. What is an Empty View?

There is a special type of view known as the empty view. This view requires no manual implementation, neither is it possible to interact with it in any way other than invoking its default inbound plug – show Empty View. If you require one particular area of a view set to be empty, then you should embed the empty view into the view area.

You can then treat this view just like any other view you have written, except that calling its inbound plug will cause the corresponding view area to be blanked out. If a view set has had no views manually embedded into one of its view areas, then the empty view will be substituted automatically.

6. How does the Web Dynpro framework decide which particular views make up the current view assembly?

  1. When an application is executed for the first time, only those views which have their default flag set to true will belong to the first view assembly.
  2. Thereafter, user navigation will occur and the view assembly will be composed of those views that have been newly instantiated (on account of their inbound plugs being fired), and those views that persist from the previous view assembly (because no outbound navigation took place from them).
  3. Define WebDynpro Controller.
  4. Controllers are the active parts of a Web Dynpro component. In the design of Web Dynpro controllers, SAP has made a significant modification to the original MVC concept of a controller.

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7. If the view set concept is not implemented in Web Dynpro for ABAP, what options are there for reusing views?

In both Web Dynpro for ABAP and Java, there is a specific UI Element called the View Container. This UI element, when added to a view layout, acts as a container for any other view. View Containers can be arranged in a large variety of ways in order to achieve the desired layout on the screen.
The views that can be embedded into a View Container UI element are the following:

  1. Any view from the current component
  2. Any visual interface from a child Web Dynpro component
  3. An empty view (supplied automatically by the Web Dynpro runtime)

8. What is a View Set?

A view set is a visual framework that subdivides the window into predefined areas. Each subdivision of a view set is known as a view area, and multiple views can be embedded into a single View Area.
The following preconfigured view sets are available:

  1. T layout 90o T layout 180o T layout 270o Grid layout Tab strip
  2. Each subdivision within the view set layout is known as a view area.

9. How is model-driven architecture implemented in the Web Dynpro framework?

  1. Web Dynpro framework uses declarative programming techniques to create a meta-model of the application which is free from back-end and front-end programming languages. Rather the metadata is programming language-neutral and has information stored in XML format. It’s only during run-time that the rendering engine generates the code in HTML and javascript from this meta-model of the application. So the design part – which defines the UI and data flow between UI elements – is completely abstracted minimizing the coding (which is required only for implementing business logic).
  2. The model-driven approach helps developers to focus less on the coding and technology part and more on the design part of the application – “minimizing coding and maximizing design”. Naturally, the primary focus of business application developers should be business logic and the technological implementation should not distract them.

10. How can you determine the Lifespan of custom controllers?

  1. The lifespan of a custom controller is determined by a parameter setting made during the design time declaration. It can be either “Framework Controlled” or “On demand”. If you choose “Framework Controlled”, then the Web Dynpro framework will instantiate the custom controller when the component is instantiated. If however, you choose “On-demand”, then the Web Dynpro developer must write the coding necessary to instantiate the custom controller.
  2. Each child component usage is instantiated with a unique name that must be defined at design time. During the lifespan of the parent component, a child component may only ever be instantiated once under a given name; however, should it be necessary, you may declare multiple usages of the same child component as long as you specify different user names.

11. Explain the Concept of Lazy Data Access.

The Web Dynpro framework has been built to follow the principle of Lazy Data Access. This means that the processing required to generate data will not be invoked until the data is actually needed. When this principle is applied to the architecture of the context, it means that unless there is an attempt to access the data in a singleton child node, then even though the lead selection in the parent node has changed, the child node’s supply function will not be called.

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12. Before a mapping relationship can be established, what criteria must be met?

There must be a suitable node available to act as a mapping origin

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