Siemens Interview Questions

Whether you are a fresher or an experienced person, having a job at Siemens is a dream for everyone who wishes to create a career in the technical domain. If you are one of them, this post by MindMajix is for you. Here, you will find the latest Siemens interview questions for freshers and experienced, along with Siemens principles and some tips to crack Siemens interviews.

Siemens Limited is one of the well-recognized and celebrated technology companies that specialize in technology, electrical power transmission and generation, infrastructure, transportation, and digital transformation. The company’s corporate structure is well-suited to cater to industry demands for better efficiency, speed, quality, and flexibility.

This product-based company has etched itself in the market. It is helping India accomplish long-term goals, courtesy of its expanded portfolio, robust local competency, market-oriented organizational structure, and global technology leadership.

Considering its widened operations, Siemens continues to hire people for diversified roles. So, if you are somebody hoping to get a job in this company, this article is for you. Scroll down below and find out the latest Siemens interview questions, along with other essential information that will help you crack the interview and get a job with ease. 

Siemens Interview Questions - Table of Content

Top 10 Frequently Asked Siemens Interview Questions

  1. Define a web application.
  2. For the MySQL server, what is the default port?
  3. What is the Unix kernel?
  4. What do you know about marshaling?
  5. How many types of kernel objects are there?
  6. Define the use of pointers.
  7. What do you know about parent/child selectors?
  8. How can you reverse a singly linked list?
  9. What are the steps to delete a node in a Doubly-Linked List (DLL)?
  10. Differentiate between automation and manual testing.

Siemens Recruitment Process

Generally, an interview process at this company comprises five different rounds. Each one of them is an elimination round. The entire recruitment process goes with the objective of evaluating your verbal and technical skills. So, here are the interview rounds you will have to go through if you apply to this firm: 

  • Resume Screening

This is the first step of the recruitment process. Here, your resume will be screened, and individuals who match the job profile will be shortlisted. 

  • Online Technical Assessment

This is the second step of the process which comprises coding and programming principles. You will have to answer almost 30 questions based on varying programming concepts. 

  • Online Aptitude Assessment

This section comprises questions related to logical, verbal, and quantitative reasoning, the last two being the paragraph-based questioning sections. The questions will be simple, but you will have to give thorough answers. You must ensure that you complete this section within the given time frame.  

  • Technical Interview Round

In this section, the basic questions will begin with C or C++ principles. You can discuss your previous projects here, along with the technologies you used. Additionally, DSA and algorithm-related questions will be asked in this round too. Apart from this, you might be asked questions related to computer fundamentals, such as operating systems, computer networks, OOPs, and more. You may also have to write code for case studies. 

  • HR Interview Round

This is the last and final round. You will have to pass all the above-mentioned rounds to reach here. This round is about you, where HR can discuss your academic history, extracurricular activities, internships, family history, and more. 

Siemens Technical Interview Questions

Now that you are aware of the interview process in this firm, below-mentioned are Siemens technical interview questions to study before appearing for the tests and interviews. 

  • Siemens Technical Interview Questions For Freshers
  • Siemens Technical Interview Questions For Experienced

Siemens Interview Questions For Freshers

If you are a fresher, these Siemens technical interview questions with answers are for you

1. Define a web application.

Contrary to computer-based software apps that run locally on an Operating System (OS) of a device, a web application (also known as a web app) is an application software that works on a web server. You use a web browser with an active internet connection to access varying web apps. They are developed on a client-server architecture wherein the client (user) gets services from an off-site server, which a third party hosts. Some examples of commonly used web apps are online banking, online shopping site, webmail, and more. 

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2. What do you know about stack and queue?

A stack is a linear data structure wherein elements can be added or removed from the list’s top side. The Last In First Out (LIFO) principle says that the element that is put last is the first to come out of the stack. To push an element into a stack is known as a push operation. Removing an element from the stack is known as a pop operation. With the help of a top, which is a pointer, we can keep track of the last entry in a list. 

Coming to queue is a linear data structure wherein elements can be inserted from one side of a list, known as the back, and deleted from the other side, known as the front. The First In First Out (FIFO) principle regulates the data structure of the queue, meaning that the element put first in the list is the first one taken from the list. To add items to the queue, enqueue operations are used. To remove items from the queue, dequeue is used. 

3. For the MySQL server, what is the default port?

The MySQL Connectors, the MySQL client, and utilities, such as mysqlpump and mysqldump all use port 3306 as the default port for the MySQL protocol. 

[Related Article: MySQL Interview Questions]

4. Do you know anything about virtual memory?

A virtual memory is a part of memory that is created momentarily on the storage device. It occurs when the RAM of a computer is depleted as a result of several processes executing simultaneously. 

The operating system accesses a part of the storage disc to use as RAM. The virtual memory is considerably slower than the primary memory as the processor power is consumed by moving data around. The OS guide showcases how it handles memory. Whenever the computer has to use virtual memory, latency boosts increase.

5. What is the Unix kernel?

The central core of the operating system is known as the UNIX kernel. It majorly gets connected to the hardware devices and the processor, I/O management, and memory. The kernel manages the users’ requests. Every time somebody performs a system call, like open(), exec(), fork(), read(), and more, a context switch takes place. 

6. Differentiate between array and hash table.

An array is a set number of memory regions. At every site, it stores a preset type. It can either have repeated values or may not have them. 

Hash, on the other hand, is integrated as a set. It is developed around an array. In an array, a hash function comprehends the position of a specific item. In a hash, there is no chance of duplication. In case there is a duplication, there will be a collision. 

7. What do you know about marshaling?

Marshaling is a process where the memory representation of an object gets converted into a format that can be transmitted to or stored in other software apps. Marshaling converts the object into a serialized form; thus, allowing communication between different remote objects.  

Often, marshaling and serialization are two such terms that are used interchangeably. The aim of marshaling is to make the same object present in one operating programme present in some other running programme. 

8. What do you mean by system calls?

A system call is a methodology wherein a computer programme asks for a service from the kernel of an OS on which it is currently running. It is a method of communication with the OS through programmes. Whenever software requests a kernel of the OS, it is known as a system call. The services of an OS are given to user programmes through the Application Program Interface (API). It acts in the form of a link between an operating system and a process, letting user-level programmes request varying operating system services. 

9. What daemon is liable to track events on a system?

The ‘syslogd’ daemon is liable to track the system data and store the same in a specific log file.

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10. How many types of kernel objects are there?

There are different types of kernel objects, such as:

  • Access token objects
  • Waitable timer objects
  • Event objects
  • Thread objects
  • File objects
  • Semaphore objects
  • File-mapping objects
  • Process objects
  • I/O completion port objects
  • Pipe objects
  • Job objects
  • Mutex objects
  • Mailslot objects

Siemens Interview Questions For Experienced

If you are an experienced person, these below-mentioned Siemens technical interview questions are for you. 

11. State the benefits and drawbacks of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a client-server architecture. Below mentioned are some of its benefits and drawbacks. 

Benefits of DHCP:

  • It is easy to set up and assign IP addresses to request clients. This results in a decreased time to configure IP addresses manually.
  • It offers advantages to mobile users to a great extent as accurate configuration parameters are received instantly from the new network.
  • There are no extra expenses linked to the deployment.
  • It supports several scopes, like super scopes and multicast.
  • Erroneous or duplicate IP address assignment gets avoided; thus, there are no disputes regarding IP addresses.

Drawbacks of DHCP:

  • In such networks that have just one configured DHCP server, the DHCP server may turn into a failure.
  • Whenever a new IP address gets assigned, there is no change in the machine name.
  • Since DHCP packets are unable to cross routers, a relay agent will be needed to make sure the DHCP server regulates all leases on network segments.
  • There is no secure method for client authentication in DHCP server; thus, it can receive unauthorized access to IP addresses. 

12. Define the use of pointers.

Pointers are generally used to maintain and store the addresses of memory blocks allocated dynamically. Arrays of objects or data objects get stored in such blocks. The free store or heap is a memory space in an object-oriented and structured language from which objects get allocated dynamically. 

Here is an example of pointers in C:

#include <stdio.h>
void printpointer()
 int var = 10;
 int *pt;
 pt = &var;    
 printf("The address is: %p \n",pt);
 printf("The value is: %d \n", *pt);   
int main()

13. Explain the bug life cycle.

Also called the defect life cycle, the bug life cycle is a process that progresses the defect through several phases throughout its lifetime. This lifetime starts when a bug is reported and ends when the problem is determined and resolved. 

In this workflow, these defect states can take place:

  • New: When a new defect is documented, it is called “new” and gets the status of New.
  • Assigned: Once a bug is filed, the lead of the tester accepts it and assigns the same to the programming team.
  • Open: The developer starts evaluating and working on the defect.
  • Fixed: A developer marks an issue as Fixed once they have made the required code changes and verified it.
  • Pending Retest: Once the defect gets fixed, the developer gives a certain code to the tester to retest the code. 
  • Retest: Coming to this level, the tester retests the code to find out whether the defect is fixed or not.
  • Reopen: The status gets updated to “reopened” in case the bug continues once the developer has solved it. And then, the bug goes through the entire life cycle once again. 
  • Verified: The tester tests the bug again once the developer has solved it. If there are no bugs in the software, it is fixed, and the status gets changed to “verified.”
  • Closed: When the bug is no longer there, it gets updated as “Closed.”

14. What do you know about parent/child selectors?

The (“parent > child”) selection is used to choose all such elements that are an undeviating child of a certain element. 

The parameters for it are:

  • Parent: This states the parent element that has to be chosen.
  • Child: This states the direct child element to be chosen. 

It selects and returns all the direct children of parent elements. 

Here is an instance of how the parent > child selector is used in jQuery:

<h2>Sample Demo</h2>
<p>First line.</p>
<span>Middle line. (span outside of p element.) </span>
<p>Last line. </p>
<p>First line.</p>
<p>Middle line. <span>span inside p element.</span></p>
<p>Last line. </p>

15. What are the phases of the System Development Life Cycle?

The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is one project management model. It ascertains the varying stages that should be completed to take a project from conception to deployment and maintenance. 

There are seven different stages of SDLC, such as:

  • Planning Stage: Also called the feasibility stage, this one is where developers begin thinking about their next project. It helps in comprehending the problem’s definition and the scope of existing systems along with the determining goals of the new system.
  • Requirements of Analysis Stage: At this stage, they gather all the details needed for a new system. Here, developers define the first prototype concepts. 
  • Prototyping and Design Stage: This stage is needed before getting to the main developer stage. Developers start by outlining the overall characteristics of an application along with individual aspects, like user interfaces, databases, system interfaces, and network requirements.
  • Software Development Stage: In this stage, the programmers write code and develop applications on the basis of design papers as well as specifications that were earlier created.
  • Software Testing Stage: Developers go through the software during this stage and try to look for defects or flaws to record, correct, and retest.
  • Implementation and Integration: Once tested, the general design for the app comes together in this stage. Developers put in the effort to integrate diverse designs or modules into a source code. 
  • Operations and Maintenance Stage: This stage comprises the process of resolving new issues that come up as a result of user reports.

16. How can you reverse a singly linked list?

The singly linked list can be reversed by editing the linkages between nodes. 

// Before changing next of current, 
// store next node 
next = curr->next
// Now change next of current 
// This is where actual reversing happens 
curr->next = prev 
// Move prev and curr one step forward 
prev = curr 
curr = next

[Related Article: Linked List Interview Questions]

17. Tell us about different Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) layers types.

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) was created by the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) in 1984. It has an architecture comprising seven layers, with each one of them performing a different function. The layers work simultaneously to send data from a person to somebody else across the world. The seven layers are

  • Physical Layer: This one is the lowest layer in the model, and it is responsible for establishing a physical connection between different devices. In the physical layer, bits of information get stored. It sends individual bits from one node to the other node. When the physical layer receives data, it simply converts the received signal into 0s and 1s. And then, it sends the converted data to the next layer, which is the Data Link layer. 
  • Data Link Layer: This layer is responsible for transporting messages from node to node. The significant objective of this layer is to make sure that the data is transferred from one node to the other without any errors. There are two different sublayers in this layer: Media Access Control (MAC) and Logical Link Control (LLC). 
  • Network Layer: The network layer holds the responsibility for data transmission between different hosts connected to varying networks. It also regulates packet routing, which is selecting the shortest route to send a packet from a huge number of options. This layer puts the sender’s and receiver’s IP addresses in the header.
  • Transport Layer: This layer gets services from the transport layer. Segments here are the data units in the transport layer. It is responsible for the delivery of a full message from the start to the end. In case an error is discovered, the transport layer grants the successful transmission of data and re-transmits it. 
  • Session Layer: The session layer is to establish connections, maintain sessions, authenticate users, and ensure security.
  • Presentation Layer: The application layer’s data is retrieved and processed in this layer so that it can get transmitted across the entire network in a correct format.
  • Application Layer: Integrated by the network applications, this layer is at the top of the model. The layer works as a window for app services so as to connect to a network and display received information to the user. 

18. What are the steps to delete a node in a Doubly-Linked List (DLL)?

Following are some steps used to delete a node in DLL:

  • Create one function to take arguments and a node that has to be deleted, and the function should delete the node.
  • Next, if you wish to delete a head node, move the head pointer to the following node in the current node and set the previous pointer of the following node to the previous pointer of the current node.
  • If you want to delete the center node in the current node, set the previous pointer of the following node to the previous pointer. And then, move the next pointer of the previous node to the next pointer of the current node. Here, remove the most recent node. If the previous or next nodes are NULL, you don’t have to remove them.
  • On the provided linked list, call the function and specify the node you wish to remove. 

In a doubly-linked list, here is the code to remove a node: 

import gc
# Node of the doubly linked list
class Node:
    def __init__(self, data): = data = None
        self.prev = None
class DoublyLinkedList:
    def __init__(self):
        self.head = None
   # A function to delete a node in a Doubly Linked List.
    def deleteNode(self, todelete):       
        if self.head is None or todelete is None:
        # If node to be deleted is the head node
        if self.head == todelete:
            self.head =
        # Change next only if node to be deleted is NOT
        # the last node
        if is not None:
   = todelete.prev
        # Change prev only if node to be deleted is NOT
        # the first node
        if todelete.prev is not None:
    # Given a reference to the head of a list and an
    # integer, inserts a new node on the front of list
    def push(self, new_data):
        # Allocates node and inserts the data in it
        new_node = Node(new_data)  
        # Make next of new node as head and previous as None = self.head
        # Change prev of head node to new_node
        if self.head is not None:
            self.head.prev = new_node
        # Move the head to point to the new node
        self.head = new_node
    def printList(self, node):
        while(node is not None):
            print(,end=' '
            node =
# Start with an empty list
dll = DoublyLinkedList()
print ("\n The original linked list",end=' ')
# delete nodes from doubly linked list
# Updated linked list will be NULL<-8->NULL
print("\n The updated linked list",end=' ')

19. Differentiate between automation and manual testing.

There are a few substantial differences between manual and automated testing. While test automation frameworks are used to automate the test execution in an automated testing environment, manual testing comprises a human performing tests with test scripts. 

Automation TestingManual Testing
It is executed with software tools; hence, it is faster.It needs human resources, so it takes time.
It turns out to be a good alternative when test cases are executed often over a long time period.It is feasible when test cases are executed only a few times with no need for repetition.
It doesn’t involve human observation and cannot offer user-friendliness.It needs human observation, which could be advantageous if the objective is better customer satisfaction and user-friendliness.

[Related Article: Automation Testing Vs. Manual Testing]

20. Define pragma directives. 

This directive is used to disable or enable specific functionalities. It is compiler-specific, which means it differs from one compiler to the following. Here are some of the essential pragma directives:

  • #pragma startup and #pragma exit: They are helpful in describing the routines that should run before the start of a program and just before the programme exits. 
  • #pragma warn directive: This one is used to conceal warning messages that pop up during the process of compilation. When you have a big programme and would want to solve every error, this directive is used to hide warnings and concentrate on faults. By adjusting the syntax a bit, you can make warnings appear once again. 
  • #pragma GCC poison: This one is supported by the GCC compiler, which is used to completely eradicate an identifier from the programme. This directive is generally used to avert the use of an identifier.
  •  #pragma GCC dependence: If you wish to compare the relative dates of two different files, this directive is used. In case the other file is the latest than the current file, you will see a warning. This directive also comes useful in case the current file is derived from any other file and has to be regenerated.
  • #pragma GCC system_header: This pragma directive is used not to accept arguments. In the current file, the remaining code is processed as if it came from a system header as its result.
  • #pragma once: This one is a straightforward directive. During the compilation, even if a programmer includes this directive several times, the header file that has #pragma once will get included just once. 

Siemens FAQs

1. What is the difficulty level of the Siemens interview?

The difficulty level of Siemens interview is hard. 

2. What is the HR round in Siemens?

In the HR round, somebody from their HR team discusses your academic background, extracurricular activities, family background, and internship. You can even ask questions if you have any doubts. 

3. Why did you want to join Siemens?

If asked this question in the interview, you can answer it as “I am a doer, dreamer, and thinker. I see myself getting adjusted to the environment of Siemens with ease. I have something more than a passion and courage to bring disruptive ideas to life.”

4. What are the skills required for Siemens company?

To get a high-paying job at this company, you should be good at solving complicated problems. Apart from that, essential skills required at Siemens are critical thinking, service orientation, creativity, judgment and decision-making, people management, emotional intelligence, and coordination. 

5. Is Siemens good for freshers?

Yes, Siemens is a good company for freshers. It has a good working environment. While the place is a workaholic, it keeps challenging people to learn and grow. 

6. What is the package of Siemens?

The salary package at Siemens ranges from approximately Rs. 450,955 to Rs. 2,648,037 annually. 

7. How do I prepare for the Siemens interview?

Ideally, you should prepare for a Siemens interview by sharpening your technical knowledge, programming skills, and coding capabilities. 

Siemens Leadership Principles

Here are some of the Siemens leadership principles you should be wary of before becoming a part of their team:

  • Behaving correctly
  • Respecting each other
  • Interacting with each other reliably and respectfully
  • Managers set a tone and lead by example
  • Looking after each other
  • Not tolerant of bribery

Tips to Crack Siemens Interview

  • Have strong technical record: Siemens is one such company that constantly looks out for candidates who have a strong technical record along with an academic record. This way, you can instantly have an advantage over other people appearing for the interview. The best way is to sharpen your technical knowledge, coding, and programming skills.
  • Fluency in C or C++: Fluency in C/C++ languages will be another skill that can do the trick. In the coding round, you must write codes in these languages. So, ensure you are well-versed in these languages and highlight the same in your resume.
  • Highlight recent projects: You might get questioned about your recent and latest projects. It is essential to be concentrated on the fundamentals of core areas that are relevant to your specialty. 
  • Know about Siemens’ focus areas: Have a close look at the focus areas of Siemens. And then apply only for the position you are interested in and are competent for. 


Preparing for a Siemens interview is not an easy task, especially when it involves so many technicalities and coding. However, with the right guidance and appropriate resources, you cannot just prepare well but crack the interview like a pro as well. So, without further ado, go through the list of Siemens interview questions with answers as listed above and prepare for the job thoroughly. 

Considering that Siemens seeks proficiency in C and C++ languages, it is always recommended to sharpen your coding skills. You can enroll in any of the programming and framework certification courses by MindMajix to learn more and acquire better knowledge. you can also enroll in "Core Java Training" and get a certification.

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Last updated: 12 Jun 2023
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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