Amdocs Interview Questions

When prepared beforehand, cracking even a tough interview becomes a breeze. Having said that, this post brings you the latest Amdocs technical interview questions for beginners and experienced people. Navigate through the post and get yourself familiar with Amdocs, its principles, interview questions with answers, and tips to crack the interview.

Being one of the well-established multinational companies across the world, Amdocs is a place most people dream of working. It was founded back in 1982, and today, it holds specialization in offering software and services for digital enterprises, communications, financial service providers, and media. 

Through technology and creativity, the company aims to enrich lives and improve overall society. When looked at from different perspectives, Amdocs proves to be an incredible company from each one of them, be it corporate, learning, professional life, money, fun, and more. 

Apart from all the perks, when working at this company, you get exposed to legacy technologies, amazing work-life balance, onsite opportunities, lenient teams, competitive salary, good facilities, appropriate employee care, a friendly atmosphere, and much more. 

So, if you are thinking of grabbing a job at this company, MindMajix brings the latest Amdocs interview questions with answers in this post. Let’s go through them without further ado. 

Top 10 Frequently Asked Amdocs Interview Questions

  1. What do you know about data abstraction? State how it works in C++.
  2. Why is(JVM) platform-dependent and Java platform-independent?
  3. Explain garbage collector in C++ and Java.
  4. Define the hierarchy of exception classes.
  5. In Java, what is a wrapper class?
  6. What are the different UNIX file types?
  7. What do you know about type casting in C++?
  8. How will you calculate the size of a structure in C?
  9. What is the meaning of widening and narrowing in Java?
  10. What do you know about binary search tree?

Amdocs Recruitment Process

The recruitment process at this organization is not a smooth road but is competitive and arduous. As part of the entire procedure, you must undergo three rounds that evaluate your analytical and technical skills. 

  • Online Test

This online test generally comprises five sections: quantitative aptitude, coding, logical, technical, and verbal. When it comes to the technical section, you will have to answer questions related to SQL, Unix, Java, and more. 

Name of the Section

Number of Questions


10 - 30

Logical / Reasoning

10 - 15


15 - 20


20 - 30


2 - 3

Keep in mind that there is a possibility of variation in the number of questions asked and their duration depending upon the job requirement. Since there is no negative marking, you must attempt all the given questions. 

  • Technical Interview Round

If you are shortlisted in the online test, you will be moved to the second round, the technical interview round. The objective of this round is to evaluate your technical abilities and your potential to handle challenging situations and resolve conflicts. Hence, make sure you are ready for all eventualities. 

In this round, you may have to answer technical questions pertaining to programming languages, such as Python, Java, C++, C, and more. Apart from this, you will be asked questions regarding computer fundamentals, like Database Management Systems (DMS), Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), Object-Oriented Programming Systems (OOPs), Computer Networks (CN), Operating Systems (OS), more. Additionally, you will have to answer questions related to the latest technologies like cloud computing, Machine Learning (ML), and more.

Amidst all this, you will have to answer questions related to your past projects and experiences, how you used specific technologies, how you conquered challenges, and how successfully you completed your projects. 

  • HR Interview Round

The HR round is the last and final round of the company’s recruitment process. Herein, hiring managers will be evaluating your personality, communication skills, strengths and weaknesses, reasoning ability, and competency to handle the role. This is done with the aim of comprehending whether you are a good match for the vacancy or not. 

Amdocs Technical Interview Questions

Now that you are familiar with the interview process of Amdocs, let’s move on to the technical interview questions posed by the company. 

Amdocs Technical Interview Questions for Freshers

If you are a fresher and would like to get a job in this thriving organization, prepare the below-mentioned Amdocs technical interview questions for freshers. 

1. What do you know about data abstraction? State how it works in C++.

Data abstraction comprises exposing the most important information associated with the data to the outside world while concealing the integration or background details. For instance, let’s consider a mobile phone. Being smartphone users, everybody knows how to make phone calls, access the internet, store data, and perform similar activities. However, we don’t know how these functions are integrated into the inner mechanism of a smartphone. We have an interface in front of us that obscures the inherent details. That is what data abstraction is about.

In C++, there are two ways to achieve data abstraction, such as:

  • Abstraction in Headers: Data abstraction is accomplished through diverse functions from different header files. One of the examples is the ue of the pow() function of the header file ‘math.h.’
  • Abstraction Using Class: Herein, data abstraction is accomplished by using access specifiers in classes. It lets the programmers discern which functions or information should be accessible to users and which should stay hidden. There are three access specifier types: protected, private, and public.
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2. Why is Java Virtual Machine (JVM) platform-dependent and Java platform-independent?

JVM, being a virtual machine, offers a run-time environment to execute Java byte code (also known as a program). On your machine, the installation of the JVM depends on the platform and version you have. Considering that the configurations of every Operating System (OS) are different, JVM is platform-dependent as diverse JVMs are needed for diverse operating systems. 

On the contrary, the reason behind Java being platform-independent is the fact that the Java byte code (compiled code) is the same across every JVM. Thus, the code can easily run on any OS. 

3. Differentiate between Object-Oriented Programming and Procedure Oriented Programming.

Both of them are high-level programming languages that are used to develop applications. However, the below-mentioned table shows the difference between Object-Oriented Programming and Procedural Programming.

Object-Oriented Programming

Procedural Programming

Herein, a program gets divided into small units or programs known as objects. 

Herein, a program is divided into small units or programs known as functions. 

The access specifier specifies an object either as public, private or protected. 

It doesn’t use access specifiers. 

It follows the bottom-up approach. 

It follows the top-down approach. 

It offers data hiding to enhance security. 

It is less secure as it doesn’t have an adequate way to conceal data. 

Herein, you can use overloading and inheritance. 

It doesn’t support overloading and inheritance. 

Objects can move around and communicate through member functions. 

Data can move freely from one function to the other. 

Code can be reused through inheritance. 

Code cannot be reused. 

Examples are .NET, Python, C#, VB.NET, C++, Java, and more. 

Examples are C, Basic, FORTRAN, Pascal, and more. 

4. What makes a Database Management System (DBMS) a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)?

The DBMS helps create and maintain databases, providing regulated access to data. RDBMS, on the other hand, is an advanced version of DBMS. While the latter is used to store data in a file, the former is used to store data in a table format. 

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5. What are the commonly occurring types of errors during programming?

Here are some of the common error types occurring during programming:

  • Syntax Errors: Computer languages have certain grammar rules. When they are not followed, an app doesn’t run. 
  • Arithmetic Errors: These involve mathematical errors in the programming code. 
  • Logic Errors: This error takes place when a programmer doesn’t program the machine to perform the correct thing. It can be a frustrating deal as there are no issues in the code. 
  • Runtime Errors: These errors occur when a user is executing a program. In such a scenario, the code of the program doesn’t work with any other computer. 
  • Compilation Errors: Compilation is referred to converting high-level coding language into lower-level language for the computer to understand. When this conversion doesn’t happen smoothly, a compilation error comes up. 

Check Out: RDBMS Interview Questions

6. Explain realloc(), free(), malloc(), and calloc().

Dynamic memory allocation, in C language, lets programmers allocate memory at runtime. C offers four library functions for the allocation of dynamic memory that are defined in <stdlib.h> header file. Below-mentioned are the library functions:

  • realloc(): It dynamically edits the memory allocation of memory that was allocated previously. If the previously allocated memory is using calloc() or malloc() inadequately, realloc() performs a dynamic reallocation.
  • free(): It dynamically de-allocates the memory that was created either by malloc() or calloc() as it does not get freed automatically.
  • calloc(): It dynamically allocates a certain number of memory blocks of a certain size. 
  • malloc(): It allocates a large memory block dynamically of a certain size. Herein, memory is allocated dynamically, and the allocated memory’s default value is garbage. 

7. What do you know about checked and unchecked exceptions?

An exception is referred to a situation that occurs unexpectedly when executing a program (at runtime). Generally, it disrupts the entire flow of the program. In Java, there are two exception types, such as:

  • Checked Exceptions

These exceptions get checked at the time of compilation. The Java compiler is used to discern whether the method that threw the exception has the code to regulate it adequately with the try-catch block. In case the compiler does not find any such case, it gives an error. Some examples include:

    • SQLException
    • ClassNotFoundException
    • IOException
    • FileNotfound Exception
    • InvocationTargetException
  • Unchecked Exceptions

These are also called runtime exceptions and come up when a program is being executed. Mostly, they are caused by programming errors, like calling a method with invalid arguments or trying to access elements with an invalid index. Some of the unchecked exception examples are:

    • ArithmeticException
    • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    • NullPointerException
    • Undeclared Throwable Exception
    • IllegalStateException
    • NumberFormatException
    • Missing Resource Exception

8. Explain garbage collector in C++ and Java.

Garbage collection is a process where such pooled storage is recovered that the program no longer requires. Such objects are accumulated and destroyed in a process that is not being used in runtime. 

  • Garbage Collection in C++

There is no automatic garbage collection in C++. The programmer is liable for creating and destroying objects in this programming language. Sometimes, a programmer may end up overlooking the destruction of objects that are unused. This results in insufficient memory for new objects. Thus, the entire program gets terminated abnormally, getting to OutOfMemoryErrors. 

  • Garbage Collection in Java

In Java, a garbage collector takes care of unused objects, leaving the programmer out of worry. This automatic memory management process in Java removes unused memory by deleting unwanted objects. 

9. Define the hierarchy of exception classes.

The Throwable class is the base class (root class) of the hierarchy and is available in Java. lang package. This class comprises two different subclasses: Error and Exception. 

  • Error Class

This one is a subclass of Throwable and a superclass of all the runtime error classes. Generally, errors showcase a situation or a problem that is difficult to solve. It occurs when the system is not working properly or a resource is not allocated adequately. VirtualMachineError, InternalError, LinkageError, AssertionError, OutOfMemoryError, etc., are some of its examples.

  • Exception Class

 This is a subclass of Throwable and a superclass of all exception classes. It is basically used for exceptional conditions that programs have to catch and look after. Some examples include ClassNotFoundException, NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException, and more. 

10. Differentiate between internal and external fragmentation in memory management. What are the ways of decreasing external fragmentation?

Fragmentation is an unwanted occurrence in an operating system and occurs when processes are unloaded or loaded from memory, and free memory space gets fragmented (divided into small pieces). Considering that memory blocks are small, processes cannot get assigned to them, and they remain unused. In an OS, there are two types of fragmentation:

  • Internal Fragmentation

A free space gets created within a memory block every time it is assigned to a process and if the allocated memory is more than the requested memory. This leads to the free space being unused, resulting in internal fragmentation. 

  • External Fragmentation

It is a situation where there is an accurate amount of space in the memory to fulfill a process’s memory requirements. However, the offered memory is not adjoining; thus, the request does not get fulfilled. 

11. In Java, what is a wrapper class?

Java wrapper classes are the ones whose objects wrap or comprise primitive data types. Primitive types, like char, float, int, and more, are converted into objects through wrapper classes. 

The table mentioned below shows the primitive type and its corresponding or equivalent wrapper class:

Primitive Data Type

Wrapper Class

















12. What are the different UNIX file types?

In the Unix operating system, data is organized into different files. Every file is further organized into directories. Moreover, these directories are organized in a file system. There are different types of files in Unix, such as:

  • Ordinary Files: These include program instructions, data, and text. 
  • Symbolic Links: It is used to reference another file in the entire file system. 
  • Directories: Directories store both ordinary and special files. 
  • Sockets: Sockets allow advanced inter-process communication. 
  • Special Files: Special files are used for Input or Output (I/O) on Unix and Linux systems. 
  • Pipes: By using pipes, you can link commands together. They exist to hold data from one command until it is read by another command. 

13. What command will you use to find today’s date in Java?

The command helps return the instance of LocaldateTime class. If you print the LocaldataTime class instance, it prints the current time and date. 

14. What is the method for changing file access permission?

To change the directory or file permissions, we will use the chmod (change mode) command. There are two different ways to use this command: the absolute mode and the symbolic mode. 

15. What Unix command will you use to make a new directory?

In Unix or Linux, the mkdir command lets users make or create new directories. 

Amdocs Technical Interview Questions for Experienced

The below-mentioned set of Amdocs technical interview questions for experienced is an appropriate choice for those who have worked in this domain for 7+ years and are looking forward to getting a job in Amdocs. 

16. What do you know about type casting in C++?

Typecasting is the process wherein a variable from one data type is converted to another. For instance, if there is a set of operations, the integer type variable will be regarded as a character type. In C++, there are two different types of typecasting, such as:

  • Implicit Type Conversion

This one is also known as automatic type conversion and is executed by the compiler automatically without the intervention of a user. 

// C++ program for implicit conversion
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
short a = 50;     
int y;  
//a is implicitly converted to short type
y = a; 
int x = 50;        
char ch = 'c';              
//ch is implicitly converted to int type
//ASCII value of 'c' is 99
int num = x + ch;
//x is implicitly converted to float type
float z = x + 5.0;
cout << "Typecasting short a to int data type y= " << y << endl;
cout << "Typecasting char ch to int data type num= " << num << endl;
cout << "Typecasting int x to float data type z= "<< z << endl;
return 0;
The output of the above-mentioned program will be: 
Typecasting short a to int data type y= 50
Typecasting char ch to int data type num= 149
Typecasting int x to float data type z= 55
  • Explicit Type Conversion

Explicit conversion comprises the manual conversion of data by a user from one type to another. 

An example would be: 

// C++ program for explicit conversion
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
double x=25.5; 
int y;  
// Explicit conversion from double type to int
y = (int)x +5;
cout<< "y= " << y << endl;    
return 0;
The output of the above-mentioned code will be:
y= 30

17. How will you calculate the size of a structure in C?

In C, the size of a structure can be calculated through the sizeof() operator. 

Here is an example of the same: 

#include <stdio.h>
// Declaring a structure named "student"
struct scaler { 
int emp;
char name[20];
char position;
int main() 
struct scaler ib;  // Declaring a structure type data named "ib"
int size = sizeof(ib);
printf("Size of Structure : %d", size);
return 0;
The output of the above-mentioned code will be: 
Size of Structure : 28

18. What do you know about polymorphism? How can you implement polymorphism in Java?

Polymorphism, in Java, is referred to a concept through which individual action is performed in different ways. Basically, the word polymorphism means ‘many forms.’ There are two types of polymorphism, such as Compile Time and Run Time. 

Here is an example of the same: 

class Scaler {
public void products() 
System.out.println("Scaler Products");
class ScalerEdge extends Scaler {
public void products() 
System.out.println("Scaler Edge: College-companion program for university students");
class ScalerAcademy extends Scaler {
public void products() 
System.out.println("Scaler Academy: Tech leadership program for mid-tenure professionals");
class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Create a Scaler object
Scaler myScaler = new Scaler(); 
//Create a ScalerEdge object
Scaler myScalerEdge = new ScalerEdge();
//Create a ScalerAcademy object
Scaler myScalerPlus = new ScalerAcademy();

Here is an output of the above-mentioned code:

Scaler Products

Scaler Edge: College-companion program for university students

Scaler Academy: Tech leadership program for mid-tenure professionals

19. Can you swap two numbers without using a third variable?

Yes, we can swap two numbers without using a third variable. 

//Java program to swap two numbers 
//without using third variable
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter two numbers: ");
//consider two numbers as 20 and 10
int num1 = sc.nextInt(); 
int num2 = sc.nextInt();
num1 = num1 + num2;  //num1 = 20 + 10 = 30
num2 = num1 - num2;  //num2 = 30 - 10 = 20
num1 = num1 - num2;  //num1 = 30 - 20 = 10
System.out.println("Numbers after swapping");
System.out.println("Num1= " + num1 + " " + "Num2= " + num2);
The input is:
Enter two numbers: 
The output is:
Numbers after swapping
Num1= 10 Num2= 20

20. Differentiate between overloading and overriding. 

Overriding and overloading are the two fundamental concepts that permit polymorphism. 



In this method, a class comprises multiple methods with the same name and different parameters.

In this method, child class and superclass methods comprise the same names and arguments/parameters.

It requires varying parameters. 

Herein, the parameters should be the same. 

It is performed in a class. 

It occurs when two classes share an inheritance relation. It needs both the child and the base class. 

Static binding is used for method overloading. 

Dynamic binding is used for method overriding. 

It is a compile-time polymorphism example. 

This is a run-time polymorphism example. 

Example of Overriding

class MindMajix
void show()
{ System.out.println("MindMajix");
class Scaler extends MindMajix 
void show()
System.out.println("Scaler by MindMajix");
class Main
public static void main(String args[]) 
MindMajix ob = new Scaler();;
The output will be:
Scaler by MindMajix

 Examples of Overloading

class Main 
static int add(int x, int y)
return x + y;
static int add(int x, int y, int z)
return x + y + z;
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("x + y = " + add(4, 5));
System.out.println("x + y + z = " + add(4, 5, 6));
The output will be: 
x + y = 9
x + y + z = 15

21. Can you write a program to count the number of non-leaf nodes in a tree?

When there are no child nodes in a node, whether right or left, it is known as a leaf node. On the contrary, when a node comprises either right or left child nodes (or both), it is known as a non-leaf node. 

Here is an example of the same:

// Java program to count the number of non-leaf nodes in BST
class Main
static class Node 
int data;
Node left;
Node right;
static Node newNode(int data)
Node node = new Node(); = data;
node.left = null;
node.right = null;
return (node);
//Computes number of non-leaf nodes in a tree
static int countNonleaf(Node root)
if (root == null || (root.left == null &&
root.right == null))
return 0;
// If root is not NULL and a child of root is also NULL
return 1 + countNonleaf(root.left) + countNonleaf(root.right);
public static void main(String[] args)
Node root = newNode(70);
root.left = newNode(32);
root.right = newNode(85);
root.left.left = newNode(15);
root.left.right = newNode(44);
root.right.left = newNode(74);
root.right.right = newNode(98);
The output is:

22. What is the meaning of widening and narrowing in Java? 

In Java, typecasting is a process that converts primitive datatypes into other types. 

  • Widening Casting

It automatically converts smaller data types into bigger data types. Since it is done automatically, it is known as implicit casting. 

Here is an example of widening casting:

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int x= 10;
double y = x; // converting int to double
The output is:
  •  Narrowing Casting

It converts larger datatypes into small datatypes manually. It is also known as downcasting. 

Here is an example of narrowing casting:

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double x = 4.56;
int y = (int) x;      // converting double to int
The output is:

23. What do you know about binary search tree? 

A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a special binary tree where the parent node (the root node or the top node) and child nodes are linked. BST lets only two child nodes for every parent node. In this tree, every node to the left of the root node comprises lower values as compared to the root node. Contrary to this, the right side comprises bigger values. 

Once you have inserted a node in the binary search tree, if its value is less than the root node, it will get inserted into the left subtree or else into the right subtree. 

//Insertion code for BST
struct node *insert(struct node *root, int val)
// It handles two cases,
//1. Return new node, if the tree is empty
// 2. Return new node, if tree traversal reaches NULL     
if(root == NULL)
return getNewNode(val);
//If given val is greater than root->key,
//Insert the new node at the correct place in the right subtree    
if(root->key < val)
root->right = insert(root->right,val);
//If given val is smaller than root->key,
//Insert the new node at the correct place in the left subtree
else if(root->key > val)
root->left = insert(root->left,val);
return root;

24. In SQL, how will you find a duplicate record in a table?

The first task is to specify the duplicate row criterion. Figure out whether you are looking forward to duplicating in a single column or a combination of two columns. The fundamental strategy for discovering duplicate values in SQL comprises two primary steps:

  •  Grouping every row by the column(s) that you want to check for duplicate values through the GROUP BY clause
  • Checking which groups have duplicate values through the COUNT function in the HAVING clause

Here is an SQL query to find duplication in a single column:

GROUP BY column
HAVING COUNT(column) > 1;
Here is an SQL query to find duplication in multiple columns:
column2, ...
(COUNT(column1) > 1) AND 
(COUNT(column2) > 1) AND 

25. What is #line used for in C language?

#line, in C language, is used as a preprocessor to reset the code’s line number. Here is an example of it:

#include <stdio.h> /*line 1*/
/*line 2*/
int main(){ /*line 3*/
/*line 4*/
printf("Hello world\n"); /*line 5*/
//print current line /*line 6*/
printf("Line: %d\n",__LINE__); /*line 7*/
//reset the line number by 36 /*line 8*/
#line 36 /*reseting*/
//print current line /*line 36*/
printf("Line: %d\n",__LINE__); /*line 37*/
printf("Bye bye!!!\n"); /*line 39*/
/*line 40*/
return 0; /*line 41*/
} /*line 42*/

26. Can you write a Java program to print the Fibonacci series through recursion?

Following is the Java program to print the Fibonacci series through recursion:

class FibonacciExample2{
static int n1=0,n2=1,n3=0;
static void printFibonacci(int count){   
n3 = n1 + n2;    
n1 = n2;
n2 = n3;
System.out.print(" "+n3);
public static void main(String args[]){    
int count=10; 
System.out.print(n1+" "+n2);//printing 0 and 1    
printFibonacci(count-2);//n-2 because 2 numbers are already printed

27. What is the primary key in SQL?

The PRIMARY KEY identifies every row in a table. It should comprise UNIQUE values. Furthermore, it has an implicit NOT NULL constraint as well. In SQL, a table is limited to one primary key, which comprises a single or several fields (columns).

CREATE TABLE Students (   /* Create table with a single field as primary key */
Name VARCHAR(255)
CREATE TABLE Students (   /* Create table with multiple fields as primary key */
LastName VARCHAR(255)
FirstName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE Students   /* Set a column as primary key */
ALTER TABLE Students   /* Set multiple columns as primary key */
ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Student   /*Naming a Primary Key*/
PRIMARY KEY (ID, FirstName);

28. How can you define recursion in C?

In C, when a function calls a copy of itself, it is called recursion. To put simply, when a function calls itself, the technique is referred to as recursion. This function is also known as a recursive function. 

The syntax of recursive function is:

void do_recursion()
... .. ... 
... .. ...]
int main() 
... .. ...
... .. ...

29. Can you write a Java program to validate if two strings are anagrams?

The Java program to check whether two strings are anagrams or not is as follows:

import java.util.Arrays;  

public class AnagramString {
static void isAnagram(String str1, String str2) {  
String s1 = str1.replaceAll("\\s", "");  
String s2 = str2.replaceAll("\\s", "");  
boolean status = true;
if (s1.length() != s2.length()) {
status = false;
} else {  
char[] ArrayS1 = s1.toLowerCase().toCharArray();
char[] ArrayS2 = s2.toLowerCase().toCharArray();  
status = Arrays.equals(ArrayS1, ArrayS2);  
if (status) {  
System.out.println(s1 + " and " + s2 + " are anagrams");  
} else {  
System.out.println(s1 + " and " + s2 + " are not anagrams");  
public static void main(String[] args) {  
isAnagram("Keep", "Peek");  
 isAnagram("Mother In Law", "Hitler Woman");  

The output of the above-mentioned code is:

Keep and Peek are anagrams

MotherInLaw and HitlerWoman are anagrams

30. What is the process of taking a backup in PostgreSQL?

This can be accomplished by using the pg_dump tool. It helps dump object contents in the database into an individual file. The following are the steps for the same:

Step 1: Go to the bin folder of the PostgreSQL installation path.

C:\>cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10.0\bin

Step 2: Execute pg_dump program to take the data dump to a .tar folder

pg_dump -U postgres -W -F t sample_data >

The dump of the database will get stored in the sample_data.tar file on the specified location. 

Amdocs Leadership Principles

Following are the leadership principles that the Amdocs team adheres to:

  • You are in charge of your actions and decisions.
  • Managers should lead with integrity and responsibility.
  • Always make good choices.
  • Have respect for colleagues and celebrate diversity.
  • Recognize and report harassment. 
  • Safety and health are everybody’s responsibility.

Tips to Crack Amdocs Interview

Considering the competitiveness prevalent in the IT industry, being familiar with a few additional strategies and practices never seem like a loss. Here are some tips to crack the Amdocs interview: 

  • Practice as much as you can: Go through past interview experiences to get an idea about how Amdocs interviews are conducted. This way, you will know what to expect and how you should prepare for it. Then, practice regularly to gain quick speed. Before applying, make sure you look at the job description, as you will find the important topics there. 
  • Sharpen your basics: You must have an understanding of algorithms and data structures, networks, DBMS, programming languages, and object-oriented programming concepts. Make sure you have good knowledge of SQL as well. 
  • Be honest on your CV: The interviewer might ask you to elaborate on your past work experiences or you might have to perform tasks mentioned on your resume. So, lying about anything will ruin your chances of getting hired by the company. Make sure you highlight relevant experiences and skills and be truthful about everything.
  • Show off your skills: Make sure when you write the code, you speak whatever is there on your mind. Seek opportunities to showcase your expertise and knowledge.  

FAQs for Amdocs

1. What is the selection process for Amdocs company?

To get selected at Amdocs company, you will have to appear for an online aptitude test. After that, you will have to take a technical interview round and an HR interview round. 

2. What is the in-hand salary of Amdocs?

The in-hand salary of Amdocs varies as per your skills and position. Generally, it ranges anywhere between Rs. 52,736 to Rs. 54,047 per month. 

3. Is Amdocs better than TCS?

As per the employees, Amdocs overpowers TCS when it comes to management, compensation & benefits, CEO approval, career opportunities, and positive business outlook. 

4. How long is Amdoc’s hiring process?

The Amdocs hiring process involves 3-4 rounds. At a minimum, it takes one-two week for the process to get completed. In most scenarios, once you have cleared all the rounds, you can expect to get the offer letter in 5-7 working days.  

5. Is Amdocs a product-based company?

Amdocs is both a service-based and product-based company. 


Appearing for an interview at a company like Amdocs is surely a thrilling experience. However, it can soon turn into a dreadful one if you are not prepared well. So, before you begin with the first step, make sure you thoroughly go through these Amdocs interview questions with answers that will help you pass the technical round.  If you would like to sharpen your technical knowledge to leave a mark on the interviewer, enroll on one of the courses presented by MindMajix, be it Core Java Training 

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Course Schedule
Core Java TrainingMar 29 to Apr 13View Details
Core Java TrainingApr 01 to Apr 16View Details
Core Java TrainingApr 05 to Apr 20View Details
Core Java TrainingApr 08 to Apr 23View Details
Last updated: 27 May 2023
About Author

Although from a small-town, Himanshika dreams big to accomplish varying goals. Working in the content writing industry for more than 5 years now, she has acquired enough experience while catering to several niches and domains. Currently working on her technical writing skills with Mindmajix, Himanshika is looking forward to explore the diversity of the IT industry. You can reach out to her on LinkedIn


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