TCS NQT Interview Questions

Is your TCS NQT interview coming up? Are you searching for TCS NQT interview questions? Don't worry! MindMajix content specialists created the top 30 TCS NQT interview questions and answers to assist TCS NQT aspirants. This blog reveals the TCS NQT interview procedure, TCS NQT interview questions and answers, leadership principles, tips to crack the interview, and FAQs. Yes! Reading this blog will improve your confidence and help to nail your TCS NQT interview smoothly.

TCS is an Indian multinational corporation with operations in over 46 countries worldwide. The company provides a wide range of IT services, business, and consulting solutions to many firms across the globe. It's no wonder that TCS has a vast workforce of over 6 lakh individuals from various regions and cultural backgrounds.

TCS NQT is the National Qualifier Test used to attract qualified applicants for positions in TCS and other corporations. A high TCS NQT score demonstrates that you have strong aptitude skills and domain knowledge. This scorecard will make it easier for you to get an excellent job at TCS or other corporations. After this written test, you need to go through the TCS NQT and HR interviews.

Cracking the TCS NQT interview is a challenging task. You must put in a lot of hard work. Specifically, you must be thorough with TCS NQT interview questions.

In this blog, MindMajix offers the top 30 TCS NQT interview questions and answers to help you pass this test and get hired at TCS. In addition, we have included the TCS NQT interview procedure, ways to crack TCS NQT, and many other topics.

Okay! Let’s learn more about the TCS NQT Interview

TCS NQT Interview Questions - Table of Contents

Top 10 Frequently Asked TCS NQT Interview Questions

  1. What are the three different sorts of variables in Java?
  2. Explain the TCP/IP protocol.
  3. What is the use of Constructors in Java?
  4. Explain Tuple in Python.
  5. Describe the key Characteristics of JavaScript.
  6. What do you mean by DBMS Normalization?
  7. Contrast C++ and Java.
  8. Why can't we override a private method in Java?
  9. What is the use of break statements in Python?
  10. Why do SQL problems occur, and how are they fixed?

TCS NQT Recruitment Procedure

  • Online Exam

This is the TCS NQT examination. There are two sections in this exam. One section will test your verbal, numerical, and reasoning skills. Another section will evaluate your technical knowledge and coding abilities. This test will last for three hours.

  • Technical Interview

It's a vital round. The TCS NQT interview panel will thoroughly analyze your technical knowledge in this round.

The technical interview is usually held for TCS Ninja and digital profiles.

The interview for TCS Ninja profiles might last up to 30 minutes. Interviewers will assess your technical knowledge of data structures and algorithms, database management systems, operating systems, and other fundamental computer topics.

The interview for TCS Digital profiles might last up to 90 minutes. Interviewers will assess your technical knowledge of core computer principles, data science, etc.

  • Managerial Interview

You need to answer many behavioral and situational questions in this round. The interview team will evaluate your managerial and behavioral qualities in this round. So the team will determine your suitability for working with teams and clients.

  • Human Resources Interview

This round is common for Ninja and digital profiles. The HR team will ask about your educational history, achievements, challenges, etc. At the end of the interview, the team will determine your attitude and level of soft skills.

TCS NQT Technical Interview Questions

If you want to ace the TCS NQT interview easily, you must have sound knowledge of basic computer principles.

In this section, you can find the top 30 TCS NQT interview questions and answers. If you want to pass the interview quickly, you must thoroughly study the TCS NQT interview questions and answers.

MindMajix content specialists have separated the questions and answers into two categories: freshers and experienced. You can navigate to the appropriate section based on your level of knowledge. 

  • TCS NQT Technical Interview Questions for Freshers
  • TCS NQT Technical Interview Questions for Experienced

TCS NQT Technical Interview Questions for Freshers

1. Name the four pillars of OOP.

The four pillars of object-oriented programming (OOP) are listed below

  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction

2. What are the three different sorts of variables in Java?

The three types of variables used in Java are listed and briefed below.

  • Local Variables

These variables can be defined within methods. Local variables connected with a method are removed once the method is executed.

  • Class Variables

We use the static keyword to declare class variables. These variables are created when the program starts.

  • Instance Variables

These variables can be accessed from any constructor, method, or block. When objects are destroyed, the associated instance variables are also destroyed.

If you want to enrich your career and become a Professional in Java, enroll in "Core Java Training". This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

3. List the types of operators commonly used by developers.

There are three sorts of operators that developers typically use in their software. You can find them in the below graphic.

4. Explain the TCP/IP Protocol.

TCP/IP is an abbreviation for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. We use this protocol to ink devices on the internet. This protocol can connect devices in a private network, such as an extranet or intranet.

HTTP, FTP, and HTTPS are examples of TCP/IP Protocols. HTTP manages communication between web browsers and servers. HTTPS ensures that browsers and servers communicate securely. Another is FTP, which handles file transfers between computers.

5. What is the use of Constructors in Java?

We use constructors to create and initialize new objects in a class. Know that every Java class has a constructor. This constructor can be set to be the default one. Also, it could be built specifically for that class. It is important to note that a class can have several constructors.

6. What exactly is a Conversion Constructor in C++?

It is a constructor with a single parameter. This constructor can be declared without the function specifier.

Compilers use this constructor to convert objects. In other words, they conduct implicit class-type conversions. This is because implicit conversions do not affect the constructor’s normal behavior.

7. In Java, What is a Class?

In Java, a class is simply a logical template that we use to create objects. The important thing is that these objects will have the same methods and properties. In other words, all objects in a Java class will have identical methods and properties.

8. Explain Tuple in Python.

Tuple is one of Python's built-in data types. It enables the storage of many data items in a single variable. Tuple entries are usually indexed and separated by commas. As a tuple is immutable, we cannot modify the order of its data items.

A tuple is comparable to a list in many ways. But the difference is that we can modify the data items in a list but not a tuple. Tuple values can be accessed using two methods: positive index and negative index.

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9. What exactly is a Java user-defined exception?

Know that a custom exception is another name for a user-defined exception. The throw keyword causes a user-defined exception to be thrown. This exception stores specific messages such as error and status codes. We may also use this exception to create business logic.

10. Describe the key Characteristics of JavaScript.

JavaScript has many useful features. Here are a few of them.

  • It is a scripting language that is case-sensitive and lightweight.
  • It is platform-independent.
  • It is a language that can be interpreted.
  • It manages the handling of events as well as the generation of bespoke events.
  • It thoroughly checks user inputs and detects errors.
  • It performs the Justin Time compilation.
Related Article - JavaScript Interview Questions

11. Mention the advantages of using super keywords in Java.

Following are the advantages of super keywords in Java.

  • When superclasses and subclasses use methods with the same name, it leads to confusion. Using the super keyword can avoid this confusion.
  • We may access the superclass constructor using this keyword.
  • We use the super keyword to call superclass methods.

12. Briefly explain Deep Learning.

It is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) method that typically analyses data as the human brain does. And it detects patterns in the data. As a result, AI draws helpful conclusions, uncovers insights, and forecasts future trends. Note that the data can be text, audio, image, video, etc.         

Deep learning is widely used in self-driving automobiles, medical image analysis, defense, and safety systems.

Related Article - Deep Learning Interview Questions

13. In C++, define a Virtual Function.

We use virtual functions to achieve runtime polymorphism,. We employ virtual functions to ensure that we call the correct function for an object. A virtual keyword in a base class declares it as a member function. A derived class can override a virtual function.

It is essential to note that virtual functions must meet the following rules

  • Virtual functions must belong to a specific class.
  • They can only be accessed using object pointers.
  • They must be contained within a base class.

14. What exactly do you mean by memory alignment in pointers?

If a pointer points to an aligned memory, it is said to be 'aligned.'

If a pointer points to an unaligned memory, it is said to be 'unaligned.'

15. What do you mean by DBMS normalization?

We use normalization to reduce data redundancy in databases. Normalization breaks down large tables into smaller ones and connects them with relationships. We could also use normalization to structure data in databases effectively.

There are many forms of normalizations as follows

TCS NQT Technical Interview Questions for Experienced

16. Write a program to swap two numbers in Python.


# Python program to swap two variables
x = 5
y = 10
# To take inputs from the user
#x = input('Enter value of x: ')
#y =
input('Enter value of y: ')
# create a temporary variable and swap the values
temp = x
x = y
y = temp
print('The value of x after swapping: {}'.format(x))
print('The value of y after swapping: {}'.format(y))


x = 10; y= 5

17. Contrast C++ and Java.

We can only compile C++ code, not interpret it.We can interpret and compile Java code.
It allows both OOP and procedural programming.It allows only Object Oriented Programming.
It will permit multiple inheritances.It won't permit multiple inheritances.
It allows for method and operator overloading.It simply allows for method overloading.
It accepts pointers.It supports pointers with limitations.
It supports union operators.It does not support union operators.

18. Create a C code to determine whether the given number is a palindrome.


#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int n, reversed = 0, remainder, original;
printf("Enter an integer: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
original = n;
// reversed integer is stored in reversed variable
while (n = 0) {
remainder = n % 10;
reversed = reversed * 10 + remainder;
n = 10;
// palindrome if orignal and reversed are equal
if (original == reversed)
printf("%d is a palindrome.", original);
printf("%d is not a palindrome.", original);
return 0;

19. Compare and contrast the Waterfall and Agile methodologies In SDLC.

Different phases of SDLC are the basic building blocks of the waterfall approachSprints are the basic building blocks of the agile approach
Waterfall implementation frameworks include Waterfall and Agilefall.Scrum and Kanban are two Agile implementation frameworks.
It develops software linearly.It adapts dynamic software development to changing requirements.
The testing phase follows the software development phase.We can conduct testing concurrently with software development.
It demands teamwork, but unlike the agile approachIt demands a high level of team coordination and collaboration.
This strategy is rigid because it discourages modifying specifications during software development.This strategy is adaptable since specifications can be changed anytime during software development.

20. Create a C++ program for binary search on an array.


// Binary Search in C++
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int binarySearch (int array[], int x, int low, int high) {
if (high >= low) {
int mid low + (high low) / 2;
// If found at mid, then return it
if (array[mid]
return mid;
// Search the left half
if (array[mid] > x)
return binarySearch(array, x, low, mid - 1);
// Search the right half
return binarySearch (array, x, mid + 1, high);
return -1;
int main(void) {
int array[] = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11};
int x = 6;
int n = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
int result = binarySearch (array, x, 0, n - 1);
if (result == -1)
printf("Not found");
printf("Element is found at index %d", result);


Element is found at index 2

21. How are Vectors different from ArrayList in Java?

It is a member of the legacy class.It is a standard collection class.
Vectors can be synchronized.We cannot synchronize ArrayList.
It only allows one thread.It supports many threads.
It permits inheritance.It does not permit inheritance.
It is slower than ArrayList.It is faster than vectors.

22. Write a Java software that uses StringTokeniser to split a string.


import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class StringTokenizerExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
StringTokenizer st =
new StringTokenizer ("How do you do?");
// get how many tokens are inside st object
System.out.println("Tokens count: " + st.countTokens());
// iterate st object to get more tokens from it
while (st.hasMoreElements()) {
String token = st.nextElement().toString();
System.out.println("Token = " + token);

23. In Java, can you override a Constructor?

No. A constructor cannot be overridden in Java. This is because superclass constructors have the same name as other classes.

24. Create a code that will print a right triangular star design.


// Java code to demonstrate right star triangle
public class MM {
// Function to demonstrate printing pattern
public static void StarRightTriangle(int n)
int a, b;
// outer loop to handle number of rows
// k in this case
for (a = 0; a < n; a++) {
// inner loop to handle number of columns
// values changing acc. to outer loop
for (b = 0; b <= a; b++) {
// printing stars
System.out.print("* ");
// end-line
// Driver Function
public static void main(String args[])
int k = 3;


java -cp /tmp/mMYAfDqMxg MM
* *
* **

25. Why can't we override a private method in Java?

We can't override a private method in Java because private methods aren't normally visible to other classes. The private methods are bound during compile time. Furthermore, they will not be inherited into subclasses.

26. Distinguish between Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL).

AI is similar to human intellect and functions similarly to the human brain. It thoroughly studies data to identify helpful insights and make informed decisions. As a result, we can quickly handle complex problems using AI models. Amazon Alexa and Amazon Echo are two examples of artificial intelligence machines.

Machine Learning is nothing but a subset of artificial intelligence. It analyses data using complex algorithms. ML models analyze only structured data. We may utilize ML models to estimate future trends in finance, stock exchanges, banking, and other industries. ML can be classified into three types: supervised learning, reinforcement learning, and unsupervised learning.

Deep learning is nothing but a subset of Machine Learning. It examines both organized and unstructured data. It employs deep neural networks or multi-layered advanced algorithms to explore complex data. DL models are widely used in medicine, image analysis, and object detection.

27. What is the use of break statements in Python?

A loop control statement is another name for a break statement. This statement is used to control the sequence of a loop. In other words, the break statement ends the loop where it is inserted and permits the following sentence to be executed immediately.

The innermost loop will be terminated if the break statement is inserted within a nested loop.

28. What is the difference between the operator new and the New operator in C++?

Operator newNew Operator
It is a memory allocation function.It is an operation that we use to request memory allocation.
It doesn’t perform memory initialization.It calls constructors to initialize memory.

29. Why do SQL problems occur, and how are they fixed?

The following are the causes of SQL errors.

  • Misspelled commands and clauses might result in errors.
  • The usage of a double quote mark will result in errors.
  • Errors can occur when commands are arranged incorrectly.

The procedures for resolving the errors are as follows

  • Validating the query logic's accuracy
  • Scrutinizing the SQL syntax.

30. What are the distinctions between Set and list interfaces in Java?

It is not possible to add duplicate elements.It is possible to add duplicate elements.
It only allows for the addition of one NULL value.It enables the addition of multiple NULL values.
The set implementation classes are HashSet, TreeSet, and LinkedHashSet.The list implementation classes are ArrayList and LinkedList. 
It is not an indexed sequence.It is an indexed sequence.
We cannot access element positions.The position of items can be accessed.

TCS Leadership Principles

The TCS interview team will assess your interest in working for TCS by asking questions about TCS leadership. If you know about TCS leadership, it will help to nail your TCS interview.

This section discusses a few TCS leadership principles that you must know before sitting for the interview.

  • Employee Empowerment

TCS leaders are concerned about employee empowerment. They motivate their teams to improve their skills and become future leaders.

  • Non-linear Growth

The pace of growth is quite essential. When the conditions are favorable, rapid growth is a must. TCS leadership motivates teams to grow quickly using the most recent technologies and applying effective strategies.

  • Client Satisfaction

We all know that client satisfaction is the lifeblood of any organization. TCS leaders motivate their teams to serve better to their clients. They strive hard to lift both their consumers and teams to greater heights.

  • Innovation

TCS's leadership strongly believes that innovation drives business further and creates new opportunities to serve its clients. They constantly urge their teams to innovate in all of their products and services.

Tips to crack the TCS NQT Interview

Aside from studying all the TCS NQT interview questions and answers, you must also leverage specific strategies to pass the interview easily. 

Here are a few pointers to remember and apply to ace your interview smartly.

Let's get right into the points.

#Tip 1 - Sharpen aptitude skills

As you know, the TCS NQT written test includes aptitude and technical questions. So, you must practice a lot of aptitude questions. You should also improve your verbal and essay writing skills. All these practices will help you do well on the written exam. The most important thing is to answer the aptitude questions fast. 

#Tip 2 - Speak more about your hands-on training

You must project yourself as someone more interested in the practical than the theoretical. During the interview, you should not avoid discussing your academic projects, internships, and other practical works. It will make a good impression on the interviewers about you and boost your chances of getting hired.

#Tip 3 - Understand key computer concepts

You must learn the computer science fundamentals from the basics to advance thoroughly. Learn fundamental computer topics such as data structures and algorithms, DBMS, and operating systems. Mainly, you must be well-versed in OOPs concepts. Then only you will be able to answer any question instantly.

#Tip 4 - Be friendly and use the appropriate tone

Ensure you're relaxed and calm, and tailor your answers correctly during the interview. When answering questions, avoid being rigid and nervous. Answer tough and unexpected questions strategically. Remember that your tone of voice and words must be polite and humble.

#Tip 5 - Keep up with the current trends

It is critical to be up-to-date on the latest technology and trends. You may be required to respond to queries regarding the latest technology trends. So read the technical blogs and periodicals constantly. Have a regular technical dialogue with your peers and software professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions for TCS NQT

1. How should I prepare for your TCS NQT interview?

First, you must improve your verbal aptitude and essay-writing abilities. Following that, you must have a solid understanding of essential computer fundamentals. You must also have honed your coding abilities. You should also prepare to answer behavioral and situational questions to pass the HR round.

2. How many interview rounds are there in the TCS NQT interview?

The TCS NQT interview consists of four rounds of interviews. TCS NQT written test is the first round. The second round is the technical phase, followed by the managerial round. The last round is the HR round.

3. What should I study in preparation for the TCS NQT interview?

You should study all fundamental computer concepts, such as OOP, OS, DBMS, data structures and algorithms, data science, etc. Mainly, you must be well-versed in these subjects.

4. Will I have any other interviews following the TCS NQT written test?

Yes. Following the written test, you must go through three rounds of interviews.

5. What are the TCS NQT interview pass marks?

It is determined by the number of candidates who take the exam. However, it is recommended that you must score at least 60% on the test.

6. Is the TCS NQT interview tough?

Your preparation efforts determine it. If you have worked hard, you will easily pass the interview. Otherwise, no doubt it will be challenging.

7. What minimum score is required to attend the TCS NQT exam?

You must have received at least 60% or a CGPA of 6 in all your academic credentials from matriculation to graduation.

8. How long does the TCS NQT score valid?

The score is valid for two years.

9. What will be my salary if I pass the TCS NQT interview?

Those who passed the TCS Ninja interviews will receive about 4 LPA.

Those who pass the TCS digital profiles interview will be paid around 7.5 LPA.


We are confident you have learned how to ace the TCS NQT interview from this blog. You have read through the necessary blog topics, such as the TCS NQT interview process, TCS NQT interview questions and answers, interview tips, etc. Above all, the key thing is that you must work hard to improve your technical knowledge to ace the TCS NQT with ease.

MindMajix provides training on a wide range of fundamental computer principles that you can utilize to hone your technical skills. This certification will put you ahead in the competition and enable you to pass the TCS NQT interview easily.

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About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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