Arcesium Interview Questions

Are you getting ready for your Arcesium interview? If you want to crack the interview, you must be familiar with Arcesium interview questions. This blog contains the top 40 Arcesium interview questions and answers. Additionally, you will find the Arcesium interview process, tips to clear the interview, Arcesium leadership principles, and many more. We are sure that if you go through the entire blog, you can face your Arcesium interview confidently.

Established in 2015, Arcesium is one of the modern data analytics companies. It is a company that constantly delivers excellent tools to the financial services industry. The company helps its clients to boost their productivity by offering powerful data analytics tools. The company has offices in USA, UK, and INDIA.

Arcesium serves clients across the world with its vast workforce. The main thing is that those working with Arcesium get good exposure to developing highly beneficial products for the finance industry.

When it comes to getting a job in Arcesium, you need to make a lot of effort and intense preparation. You should zero in all your efforts to get thorough in core computer topics and proficiency in software coding.

Moreover, you will easily clear the interview if you are familiar with Arcesium interview questions. In this regard, MindMajix subject experts have compiled the top 40 Arcesium interview questions to assist Arcesium aspirants.

In this blog post, you can find everything you want to know to crack the Arcesium interview. Along with the Arcesium interview questions, you will find the Arcesium interview process, tips to clear the Arcesium interview, their leadership principles, and much more.

Arcesium Interview Questions - Table of contents:

Top 10 Frequently Arcesium Interview Questions

1. What exactly is function overloading in C++?

2. Briefly describe cache coherence.

3. Mention the limitations of OOP.

4. What do you understand by the MERN stack?

5. Mention the different iteration statements of C++.

6. What do you mean by destructors in C++?

7. Distinguish between finalize and finally in Java.

8. Compare HTTP and HTTPS.

9. Differentiate Deep copy and Shallow copy.

10. List the merits of Dijkstra’s algorithm.

Arcesium Recruitment Process

Know that if you want to nail Arcesium interview, you must break through three rounds of the interview process. If only you clear the first round, you can attend the following and other rounds. So it is essential to clearly know the details of these rounds before attending the Arcesium interview.

Let’s look at the Arcesium interview rounds one by one.

  • Online Assessment (Aptitude and Coding Round)

This round has three stages. The first stage is the coding test. You will be asked to solve two or more problems from data structures and algorithms. This test will last for around one hour. You must attend this test through online platforms like HackerEarth, HackerRank, etc.

The second stage is the aptitude test. The company conducts this test to validate your quantitative skills and logical reasoning.

The last stage is the MCQ test. You must choose the correct answers for the questions of core computer science concepts and popular programming languages such as C, C++, Python, Java, etc.

  • Technical interview

In this round, the Arcesium interview team will test your technical expertise in-depth. You may need to go through 3-4 rounds of discussions in this phase. This round may happen on-site or sometimes online.

To breeze through this round, you must thoroughly learn all the fundamental computer science topics such as operating systems, DBMS, SQL, data structures and algorithms. Also, you should be familiar with cloud computing and data science concepts. Above all, you must be proficient in programming languages such as C, Java, C++, and Python.

The interview team will ask you to code for a few problems. The toughness of these questions will be medium-to-hard. The team will deeply evaluate the code quality, logic, etc., to determine your coding expertise.

The team will inquire about your previous projects and contributions, recent technical updates, professional achievements, etc.

Apart from all those mentioned above, the interview team will ask questions from the details of your resume. Lastly, you will be allowed to ask a few questions to the interview team. So you must do some good homework to prepare the right questions to ask the interview team. The questions should sound your interest in Arcesium.

  •  HR Round

This is another crucial round in which you will face several behavioral questions. The Arcesium HR team will evaluate your intelligence, attitude, and behavior.

The team will test your interest in Arcesium by asking questions about the company, such as the technological domains of Arcesium, its clients, culture, vision and mission, and so on. They will ask about your willingness to work in shifts, relocate, and other related things. You will be asked about your strengths and weaknesses.

Once you break through all these three rounds successfully, the next thing is getting the offer letter from Arcesium.

Arcesium Technical Interview Questions

If you want to crack the Arcesium interview easily, you must put a lot of effort into preparing Arcesium technical interview questions. Having this in mind, MindMajix subject experts have compiled the top 40 Arcesium interview questions to aid the aspirants of the Arcesium interview.

The experts have divided the questions into two classes – freshers and experienced. You can directly dive into the correct section based on your knowledge level.

  • Arcesium technical interview questions for freshers
  • Arcesium technical interview questions for experienced

Arcesium Technical Interview Questions for Freshers

1. What exactly is function overloading in C++?

Function overloading in C++ allows more than two functions to have a common name but different logic. In other words, many functions may have a common name, but they will have different parameters.

Function overloading improves code reusability and readability. It allows writing code faster and using only less memory space. Besides, it cannot have different return types but can have other parameters.

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2. What are the different types of unary operators in the relational algebra of DBMS?

Following unary operators used in the relational algebra of DBMS.

3. What do you mean by Shared Memory?

It is the memory shared between many processes or applications. The processes or applications can use the shared memory until they have permission to access it. Shared memory avoids having multiple copies of data in storage devices so that we can reduce data redundancy significantly.

4. Briefly describe cache coherence.

Cache coherence occurs when there is a data inconsistency between the caches. It is an issue that usually happens in multiprocessor systems. In these systems, each processor has its own cache memory.

For example, consider a specific data is copied into the multiple caches of a multiprocessor system. If anyone changes the data in any cache, the change must be reflected in all other caches. Otherwise, it will lead to a cache coherence issue.

We can resolve the cache coherence issue using two methods: ‘ write back’ and ‘write through’.

5. Define a ‘Single Point of Failure’ in a distributed system.

When SPOF or a single point of failure occurs in an IT environment, it entirely stops the system's operation. In other words, SPOF is a single fault that can potentially stop the entire operation of an IT environment.

Know that SPOF occurs in poorly-implemented IT environments. And it is generally classified into three types: software failure, hardware failure, and database corruption.

We can control SPOFs with the help of redundant systems and adequate backup arrangements. It means that we can use backup power, load balancers, and robust security infrastructure to control SPOFs.

6. Mention the limitations of OOP.

Below are the limitations of OOP.

  • Programs usually go lengthy when we write programs based on the OOP model
  • Writing programs in OOP is not simple. Developers need to be highly proficient in OOP concepts. Simply put, OOP languages have a steep learning curve.
  • We cannot apply OOP everywhere simply because it is not a universal method
  • OOP programs occupy more memory than procedural languages
  • OOP programs run slower than procedural languages.

7. What is the use of a VPN?

VPN refers to Virtual Private Network (VPN). It is the software with which we can access the internet securely. With VPN, we can mask our identities by hiding our IP addresses and making our connection purely private.

Know that there are two types of VPN: site-to-site and remote access.

The main thing about VPN is that it encrypts data in real-time and protects it from vulnerabilities. So users can transfer sensitive data to other networks or devices without worrying about eavesdropping or cyber-attacks.

8. Outline the prime functions of MRU and LRU.

LRU refers to the Least Recently Used algorithm, whereas MRU refers to the Most Recently Used algorithm.

LRU is the cache algorithm that first discards the data items that are less used in caches. This algorithm performs this operation when the cache is full.

On the contrary, MRU is another cache algorithm that first discards the memory elements mostly used in a cache.

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9. Why do we use the lambda function in Python?

It is a special type of function that has no function name. We use the lambda keyword instead of the def keyword to create a lambda function.

A lambda function has only one expression but can have many arguments. In a way, a lambda function is an anonymous function. It means we can use a lambda function inside of another function.

10. What do you understand by the MERN stack?

MERN stack creates a 3-tier architecture with the help of backend, frontend, and database components. It combines four primary technologies that we use to create dynamic web applications. The four technologies are MongoDB, ReactJS, ExpressJS, and NodeJS.

Here, MongoDB is the NoSQL database management system. ExpressJS is nothing but a backend web application framework. ReactJS is a JavaScript library. The final one, NodeJS, is the JS runtime environment.

11. What exactly is structured programming?

Most of the latest programming languages use the structured programming model. It is a programming approach that helps to write readable and reusable codes. It is also known as modular programming.

In structured programming, programs are usually divided into many modules. The modules have many elements. Further, elements are divided into many blocks based on the related logic. Overall, it simplifies maintenance and improves the readability of codes.

12. What is the role of abstraction in OOP?

Know that abstraction is one of the OOP concepts. This property helps show only the essential information to users, but at the same time, hides the other information that is irrelevant to the users.

Abstraction reduces program complexity and improves software implementation significantly. It also helps to solve problems at the design level.

13. Mention the different iteration statements of C++.

Below are the different iteration statements of C++.

While – This statement is evaluated at the top of a loop

For – This statement is evaluated at the top of a loop

Do – This statement is evaluated at the bottom of a loop

14. Briefly describe the compile time polymorphism in Java.

We use operator overloading and method overloading to achieve compile time polymorphism. It is also called static or overloading, or early binding polymorphism. It allows binding codes at the time of compilation.

This polymorphism also allows many methods to have the same name but different signatures and return types. Besides, it simplifies debugging codes and allows reusing codes.

Related Blog: Why You Should Learn Java Programming

15. What is the use of a default constructor in Java?

The default constructor is created by the online Java compiler automatically. Know that we call default constructors as no-arg constructors at times.

We use this constructor to initialize an object’s attributes with its default values. The initialization depends on the type of variable declared in the class. For example, we can initialize an integer with 0, a string with null, a Boolean with false, etc.

16. What do you mean by destructors in C++?

Know that a destructor will have the same name as the class. Essentially, the destructor is a member function. It is invoked when an object goes out of scope.

Destructors have some properties as follows:

  • They don’t accept arguments
  • We cannot declare destructors as volatile, const, or static.
  • They don’t return a void or value
  • We can declare destructors as virtual

17. What are the different memories of the JVM?

The JVM divides its memory into two categories as follows:

18. What do you understand by NUMA architecture?

NUMA stands for Non-Uniform Memory Access. This architecture is preferred when systems have multiple processors. In this architecture, processors access memory faster. Mainly, they can access local memory faster than non-local memory. As a result, we can improve system performance to higher levels.

The main thing about this architecture is that local memory is placed near processors, allowing quick memory access. It also reduces latency remarkably.

19. What do you mean by distributed systems?

It is a group of computers that are physically separated. But these systems are controlled by a centralized computer network. A distributed system software manages the network as well as the computers.

Computers in a network interact with each other, sharing files among themselves. At the same time, the computers complete the assigned tasks individually.

20. Name the different scheduling algorithms in Operating Systems.

The below image shows the different scheduling algorithms in operating systems.

Arcesium Technical Interview Questions for Experienced

21. Is it possible that two threads can access the same data simultaneously?

Yes. Accessing the same data by two threads at a time is possible. But, it may lead to a data race condition that is nothing but a timing-dependent error.

22. Write a C++ program to find pairs in a given array.


1    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
2     using namespace std;
3       void printPairs (int arr[ ], int n)
4        {
5           for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
6              for (intj = 0; j< n; j++ ) {
7              cout <<”(“ <<arr[i] <<”,”
8                   <<arr[j]<<”)”
9                         <<”,”; 
10                  }
11           }


(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2),  (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 3), (3, 3), 

23. State the differences between Spring Boot and Spring.

Spring Boot


It is a framework with which we can build REST APIs

It is a framework that we use to develop applications.

We don’t need a deployment descriptor to run applications.

We need a deployment descriptor to run spring applications.

It supports in-memory databases

It doesn’t support in-memory databases

It has default configurations.

We need to configure it manually.

We just need a single dependency to build a web application.

We need many dependencies to create a web application.

24. Distinguish between finalize and finally in Java.



It is a method in Java

It is a block in Java. We place essential codes in these blocks.

It is associated with objects.

It is always associated with a ‘try and catch’ block.

It performs clean-up activities associated with objects before destroying them.

It cleans up resources in the ‘try’ block.

It is executed just before destroying objects.

It is executed soon after the ‘try and catch’ block is executed.

25. Explain the different types of locking mechanisms in DBMS.

There are two types of locks in DBMS: exclusive lock and shared lock.

When it comes to the shared lock, it provides read-only permission to users to access data in a database. To put it another way, users can only read the data, but they cannot modify it.

When it comes to the exclusive lock, it allows users to read and write data in a database. The important thing is that we can access data only once.

26. Write Python code to find the position of a character.

1 import re
2 string = ‘all the best ‘
3 pattern = ‘ the ’
4 match= ( pattern, string ))
5 print ( “ starting index”, match. start())
6 print ( “start and end index”, match.span())


starting index 4
start and end index ( 4, 7)

27. How are procedures different from functions?    



Procedures don’t have expressions

Functions have expressions

They support ‘try and catch’ blocks

They don’t support ‘try and catch’ blocks

We cannot call a procedure in a SQL query

We can call a function in a SQL query

SELECT statements don’t allow procedure calls

SELECT statements allow function calls

We can use functions such as delete,  update, and insert in a procedure call

We cannot use functions such as delete,  update, and insert in a function

We cannot call a procedure using a function

We can call a function using a procedure

28. Compare HTTP and HTTPS.


HTTP refers to HyperText Transfer Protocol

HTTPS refers to HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure

This protocol provides insecure connection or communication

This protocol provides secure communication

It works at the application layer

It works at the transport layer

It lacks security, so data is vulnerable.

It provides security. It offers reliable communication between the server and the client.

It is faster than HTTPS

It performs encryption which in turn slows down communication.

29. Create a Java code to find the maximum node value in a binary tree.


class Node {	
int data:
Node left, right;
public Node(int data) 
{ = data;
Left = right = nu11;
class BinaryTree {
Node root;
static int findMax(Node node)
if (node == nu11)
return Integer.MIN VALUE;

int res =;
int 1res = findMax(node.left);
intrress = findMax(node.right);
if(1res> res)
 res = 1res;
if(rres> res)
 res = rres;
public static void main (Sting argos[ ])
BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree();
tree.root = new Node(2);
Tree.root.left = new Node(7);
tree.root.right = new Node(5);
tree.root.left.right = new Node(6);
tree.root.left.right.left = new Node(1);
tree.root.left.right.right = new Nodel(10);
tree.root.right.left = new Node(9);
tree.root.right.right.left = new Node(4);
System.out.print1n(“Maximum element is “ 


java -cp /tmp/VfsLLBx0eD BinaryTree
Maximum elements is 10

30. Can an abstract class be final in C++?

An abstract class cannot be final. This is because if we declare a class abstract, we must extend it when needed. But if we declare a class as final, we cannot extend it. That’s why we cannot declare an abstract class final in C++.

31. Explain: Inheritance in Java.

It is one of the OOP concepts. According to inheritance, an object receives all the properties of its parent object. In other words, the inherited object receives all the fields and methods of the parent object. Not only that, we can add new fields and methods in the inherited object.

We use inheritance for code reusability and method overriding. Know that the various types of inheritances used in Java are single, hierarchical, and multilevel.

Grace your interview by having these: Core Java Interview Questions

32. Briefly describe copy constructor in C++.

It is a member function that uses an object to initialize another object in the same class. In other words, we use copy constructors to initialize the members of an object by copying the members of another object in the same class.

This process of initializing members of an object is known as member-wise initialization or copy initialization.

33. Can a constructor be virtual in C++?

 No. There is no virtual constructor in C++. No virtual table exists in the memory when a constructor is executed. It means that there is no virtual pointer. So, virtual constructors don’t exist in C++.

34. Differentiate Deep copy and Shallow copy.

Deep Copy

Shallow Copy

It stores copies of object values.

It stores references of objects in memory addresses.

It is slower since we allocate new memory.

It is faster since we don’t allocate any new memory.

It is expensive.

It is not costly.

By overriding the clone () method, we can allow it to support deep copy.

Default Clone () method supports shallow copy.

Original objects, as well as cloned objects, are disjoint.

Original objects, as well as cloned objects, are not disjoint.

35. Write a Java code to access databases using a singleton.


class Database { 
private static Database dbObject:
private Database() {
public static Database get Instance() {
if (dbObject == nu11) {
dbObject = new Databse() {
return dbObject;
public void get Connection() {
System.out.print1n(“You are now connected to the database.”);


java -cp  /tmp/vMBX885GHR Main
You are now connected to the database.

36. How to make efficient insert and search operations in an SQL server?

 To make efficient insert and search operations, we need to ensure the following key pointers:

  • The presence of indexes on searched columns
  • We must be able to use these indexes
  • We can apply full-text indexes
  • We can use hashes
  • We need to avoid negative searches, triggers, and globally unique identifiers.

37. Explain Java Exceptions.

They are unexpected events that occur while executing programs. Exceptions affect the flow of instructions in a program and may cause the program to terminate abruptly.

Exceptions occur for many reasons, such as invalid user input, code errors, network connection failure, memory shortage, etc.

Know that there are two types of exceptions such as IOException and RuntimeException.

38. What are the differences between preorder tree traversal and level order tree traversal?

In the preorder tree traversal, processing of the root node occurs first, then processing of the left subtree of the root node continues. The right subtree of the tree is processed at last.

Every node is processed level by level in the level order tree traversal. Once all the nodes in a particular level are processed, then the nodes in the next level are processed.

39. State the differences between Min Heap and Max Heap.

Min heap

Max heap

Each node in the tree has a value greater than its children

Each node in the tree has a value less than its children

The root node usually has the minimum value.

The root node usually has the maximum value.

The minor component is jumped from the heap first.

The highest component is bounced from the heap first.

It follows the descending priority.

It follows the ascending priority

40. List the merits of Dijkstra’s algorithm.

First and foremost, we use this algorithm to identify the shortest path between two vertices in a tree.

It has the following applications:

  • We use this algorithm in social networking applications
  • We also use it to find locations on maps.
  • We use it in telecommunication networks.

Arcesium Leadership Principles

It is essential to know how the leaders of Arcesium drive their employees to boost their performance. They practice a few excellent principles to lead, motivate, guide, and elevate their employees to greater heights.

Let’s see them in the following one by one. 

  •  Putting Product First

The Arcesium leadership insists that teams should focus their efforts on the effectiveness of products. They love to build their products to be future-proof and adapt to the latest technologies. In other words, they expect their products to meet their clients' requirements at present and future altogether.

  • Learning Continuously

The leaders of Arcesium drive their employees to be experts in their technical domains – no matter how rapidly technologies advance. To achieve this, they offer great support by creating powerful learning platforms such as attending training programs, higher education, etc.

  • Empowering Teams

The leaders of Arcesium encourage their teams to take responsibility for every activity they perform. They urge everyone in the Arcesium family to use time, energy, and resources efficiently. They believe it will pave the way to create a long-standing customer relationship with clients by delivering the best products.

  • Embracing others

The Arcesium leaders advise their employees to embrace others. They reveal that we can only understand the problems of others by embracing them. It will allow us to help them the way it is really needed. Undeniably, it will boost team synergy and generate the best business outcomes.

Tips to crack the Arcesium Interview:

Aside from learning all the technical concepts and being an expert in coding, following the best practices outlined below will help you nail the Arcesium interview quickly.

Let’s take a look at the tips or practices below:

  • Perform a deep Self-analysis

Before attending the Arcesium interview, you must have done an in-depth self-analysis about your strengths and weaknesses. So it will help to highlight your strengths during the interview. When it comes to weaknesses, you must have been practicing some proper remedial actions to overcome the shortcomings.

  • Showcase you are passionate about learning

Technology is ever-changing. So you must be learning new things constantly. Mainly, you should be aware of the latest technical developments. As Arcesium is a company that uses cloud technology, if you are aware of the recent developments in cloud computing, it will impress the interview panel and bring you near success.

  • Practice mock tests

You need to go through any number of mock tests before attending the big day. It will help to participate in the interview cool and calm. As a bonus, it will enhance your confidence level to greater heights.

  • Research the company

 It is essential that you must have done thorough research about the Arcesium before attending the interview. The interview panel examines your interest in the company by asking many questions about Arcesium. It will undoubtedly be a big plus if you answer these questions instantly.

Most commonly asked Arcesium FAQs

1. Is cracking an Arcesium interview challenging?

It purely relies on your preparation level. You must prepare well to crack the interview.

2. How should I prepare for the Arcesium interview?

You must be well-versed in computer fundamentals. Mainly, you must have strong coding skills. Besides, you should improve your soft skills and make sure your attitude impresses interviewers.

3. How many rounds of interviews must you go through in Arcesium?

There are three rounds in the Arcesium interview. You have to go through a written test, a technical interview, and an HR interview.

4. What is the salary package in Arcesium in Bangalore?

It comes to around 18 LPA for software engineers with up to 2 years of experience.

5. Is Arcesium a multinational company?

Yes. It is a multinational company located in USA, UK, and India.

6. What is the salary package of SDE 1 in Arcesium?

It comes to around 32 LPA for SDE 1 in Arcesium.

7. Are Arcesium and the company D.E.Shaw the same?

No. They are not the same. D.E. Shaw is one of the key clients of Arcesium.

8. Is Arcesium a company that delivers products?

No. It provides software services to finance and investment-based companies.


Let’s conclude! In this blog post, you have come across the top 40 Arcesium interview questions with answers, the Arcesium interview process, tips to nail the interview, and much more. This blog might have given you the necessary knowledge and information to get through the Arcesium interview in the best way possible.

However, if you sharpen your knowledge of computer fundamentals and improve your coding expertise further, then clearing the Arcesium interview will be a piece of cake. If you want to level up your knowledge, you can sign up for a course in MindMajix Core Java Online Training and get a certification. Eventually, it will be a big plus to crack your Arcesium interview easily.

Course Schedule
Core Java TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Core Java TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Core Java TrainingNov 02 to Nov 17View Details
Core Java TrainingNov 05 to Nov 20View Details
Last updated: 03 Jul 2024
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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