If you're looking for Business Objects Interview Questions & Answers for Experienced or Freshers, you are in right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research Business Objects has a market share of about 5.6%.
So, You still have the opportunity to move ahead in your career in Business Objects Development. Mindmajix offers Advanced Business Objects Interview Questions 2024 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as Business Objects Developer.
Considered as integrated analysis, Business Objects help in reporting and query to find solutions for some business professionals that can prove helpful for them for recovering data from the corporate databases from the desktop in a direct manner.
Furthermore, this recovered info can be analyzed and presented in a document that of business objects. Apart from this, it can prove beneficial as an OLAP tool by the management at the high level as the most important part of the decision support systems.
Arrays of advantages are there in making use of Business Objects. These are as follows:
1. Graphical Interface
2. Dragging and Dropping
3. Terms that are familiar in business
4. User-friendliness
5. Powerful reports for a short span of time
6. Use of documents on basis of an enterprise using Web
Related to Business Objects IS, it is a module that is employed by designers to create and maintain universes. To brief, Universes is known as the semantic layer isolating the end users from an array of issues that are not only technical but are also related to the database structure.
Universe designers have the opportunity to distribute various universes to the end-users as files all the way through the files system or by exporting such files to the storehouse.
A wide range of products is related to Business Objects. These are as follows:
1. Designer
2. User Module
3. Supervisor
4. Set Analyzer
5. Auditor
6. Info View
7. Broadcast Agent
8. Software Development Kit related to Business Objects
There are two kinds of modes linked with the Business Objects and Designer platforms:
1. Workgroup Mode
2. Enterprise Mode
There are many kinds of users that are associated with Business Objects. These are as follows:
1. Graphical Interface
2. Designer
3. General Supervisor
4. End-user
5. Supervisor
6. Supervisor Designer
7. Versatile User
You can access the data from a wide range of sources using Business Objects. These are:
1. Oracle
2. MS SQL Server
3. IBM DB2
Drill Mode is a kind of analysis mode that is related to business objects and is prove helpful in breaking down the data and also in viewing data from almost all the levels of detail and from the angles to discover the factor that is responsible for causing a good or bad result.
Helping you in analyzing data from a different state of details and angles, there are various available Drill Modes like:
1. Drill Up
2. Drill Down
3. Drill Through
4. Drill By
For Business Objects, there are different kinds of data providers available. They are as follows:
2. OLAP servers
3. Stored Procedures
4. VBA procedures
5. Personal data files
6. Freehand –SQL
7. Queries over the universe
A personal connection is formed by one user as well as can’t be employed by other users. The details of the connection are usually stored in PADC.LSI file.
Through a shared server, a shared connection can be used by other users. All the details of the connection are accumulated in SDAC.LSI file that can be found in the Business Objects installation folder.
Through a secured connection rights can be set on documents and objects. With the help of a secured connection, universes can be easily exported to the central repository. It can prove helpful in overcoming various limitations that are related to the other connections. The parameters associated with this connection saved usually within CMS.
The custom hierarchies are used to define the universe for assisting drill down that is not only customized but can also occur between objects from the same or different classes taking into consideration the user requirements.
One can create custom hierarchies with the help of path tools such as hierarchies in BO designer.
It is a condition that occurs when the values within the fact table get overblown at the values measurement time from different fact tables by taking into consideration the dimensions that are available in the dimension table.
By using two different methods, the Chasm trap can be solved. They are as follows:
1. In the SQL parameters case in-universe, the option creates a wide range of queries for each and every measure that requires to be selected. This assists in forming SQL statements for all measures and provides accurate results.
2. To solve the Chasm trap, another approach that can be followed is the inclusion of two joints in different contexts. With this, the problem can be solved with the help of generating two queries in synchronized forms.
There are different @functions. They are as follows:
1. @Select
2. @Script
3. @Aggregate_Aware
4. @Variable
5. @Where
6. @Prompt
By using the @Script function, and the application's visual basics macro results can be recovered. The @prompt function asks over to enter any specific value to the end-user. By using the @Select function, an existing SELECT statement for the available ones can be re-used. With the @Variable function, the value assigned for a name or variable can be referenced. Using the @Where function, an existing object can be re-used.
Three different types of domains are there in Business Objects. They are as follows:
1. Universe
2. Document
3. Security
One derived table can be accessed from another with the help of the @Derived_table function. The syntax is as follows:
@derived_table (used as the derived table name)
Slice works with the detail or master reports. Also, it is used for renaming, resetting, and deleting the blocks.
Slice helps in renaming, resetting, and deleting the blocks, Dice helps in displaying and removing the data. In another sense, Slice works with the detail/master report, while Dice helps in turning the tables and crosstabs into charts and charts in crosstabs/tables.
It is the compilation of objects in a universe. A hierarchy can be formed with the help of these classes as subclasses can be derived from classes.
It is a process by which one can extract the needed details out from the database, which can be made available to make conclusions.
The term fan trap helps in one too many joining links which further takes action with another one to many joining links.
The data source or the query is known as the data provider.
Context is formed when the dimension objects are available in one or both fact tables.
There are 5 different schemas that are supported by the Business Objects designer. These are as follows:
1. Star Schema
2. Multistar Schema
3. Snowflake Schema
4. Data warehouse with aggregates
5. Normalised production schema
Standard mode offers access to only the users who are within the group.
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