How to Write a Case Statement in Snowflake

In Snowflake, we will use the “Case” statement for working with the “if” statement in the “Select” statement. This blog illustrates writing the case statement through an example.

Write a Case Statement in Snowflake

We use “CASE” statements while reaching for the "IF" statement in our "SELECT" clause.

when percentage = 35 then ‘pass’
when percentage = 60 then ‘first class’
when percentage = 75 then ‘distinction’
when percentage >= 95 then ‘excellent’
else ’fail’
end as good_marks
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We will write a “Case” statement in the “Select” statement to work with the “if” statement. I hope this helps you use the “Case” statement in the “if” statement.

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Last updated: 04 Apr 2023
About Author

Kalla Saikumar is a technology expert and is currently working as a Marketing Analyst at MindMajix. Write articles on multiple platforms such as Tableau, PowerBi, Business Analysis, SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and other courses. And you can join him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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