QlikView Interview Questions

QlikView is a powerful data visualization and business intelligence tool that helps organizations make data-driven decisions. The demand for professionals skilled in QlikView is increasing as companies recognize the importance of leveraging data for strategic insights. In this article, we have collated a list of the top 45+ QlikView interview questions to help you crack your interview while applying for the post of QlikView Developer.

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If you're looking for QlikView Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced & Freshers, you are at the right place. There are a lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research, QlikView has a market share of about 7.3%. So, You still have opportunities to move ahead in your career in QlikView. Mindmajix offers advanced QlikView Interview Questions 2024 that help you in cracking your interview & acquire your dream career as QlikView Developer.

Types of QlikView Interview Questions

Top 10 QlikView Interview Questions

  1. Explain join and its types
  2. What is the difference between Keep and Join?
  3. How many types of charts are used in QlikView?
  4. What are the main features of Qlikview?
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of QlikView?
  6. What are the types of authorization in QlikView
  7. What are the new features in QV 11?
  8. What is the difference between QVD and QVW?
  9. What is the QlikView Server and Publisher
  10. What are CAL and its types in QlikView?
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Basic QlikView Interview Questions and Answers

1. In QlikView, what are the objects having only expression and no dimension?

Gauge chart and list box are the objects having only expression and no dimension.

Explore QlikView Tutorial for more information

2. Explain join and its types

Joins are used to merge data from different data sets into one. There are many types of joins-

  • Left join
  • Right join
  • Inner Join
  • Outer join

3. What is the difference between Keep and Join?

Join merges two tables to create one table whereas Keep implements Join logic on two tables but maintains them separately.

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4. What is the difference between the Let and Set options in QlikView?

  • Let: It assigns a variable to a value after assessing the expression.
  • Set: It assigns a variable to a value without assessing the expression.

5. What is Fact Constellation Schema?

Fact Constellation Schema is a collection of multiple facts tables sharing common dimension tables. It is made up of several star schemas and hence also called galaxy schema. 

6. What are the main features of Qlikview?

QlikView features are as follows

  • Data visualization
  • Dynamic BI Ecosystem
  • Searching across all data
  • Secure, real-time collaboration
  • Interacting with dynamic apps, dashboards, and analytics

7. How can you bring data into QV and handle early arriving facts? 

By using ODBC, OLEDB, or SAP connectors as a data connection, we can load data using the Select statement.

8. What is the use of Comparative Analysis in the Qlikview Developer Platform?

By using the Comparative Analysis option, users can quickly gain new insights to analyze their information in Qlikview.

9. In Qlikview, what is the use of an optimized load?

QVD files can be read in two modes- the standard and the optimized model. The optimized load is a faster process and is preferable for large sets of data.

10. What are Incremental load and Resident load?

Qlikview Incremental load is used for loading new or changed records from the database, whereas resident load is a part of loading data which already present in the Qlikview application. 

11. What are delimited files and why are they called CSV files?

Delimited files are text files in which data fields and data values are separated by commas, semicolons, and tabs, and that is why they are also called Comma Separated Values files. These files are saved with .csv extension.

12. Is it possible to load web files into QlikView? If so, how?

Yes, it is possible to load web files into QlikView. It is done through the Script Editor.

13. What is Inline data? How can we load Inline into QlikView?

Inline data is created on the spot and to load inline data in QlikView we need to open the Script Editor and then select the Insert option. After that, select Load Statement followed by Load from Inline.

14. What are Sheets in QlikView?

A Sheet divides a QlikView document into multiple sections. Every document will have at least one sheet in it, if needed, we can add more from the Sheet Properties option.

15. In how many ways can the Script Editor be invoked?

Script Editor can be invoked in two ways- either by the shortcut keys Ctrl+E or by the icon for Edit Script.

16. What is a Dashboard?

A dashboard is a QlikView document that displays values from many fields simultaneously and makes the analysis process easier.

17. What is buffer load, and why is it significant?

A buffer load is used to create a file using a buffer prefix in Qlikview's memory for future use. 

18. How many types of charts are used in QlikView?

The following are the types of charts are used in QlikView

  • Bar chart
  • Mekko Chart
  • Grid chart
  • Funnel chart
  • Line chart
  • Gauge chart
  • Combo Chart
  • Scatter Chart
  • Radar chart
  • Block chart
  • Straight table chart
  • Pie chart
  • Pivot table chart

19. What is a synthetic key, and what is its importance?

The synthetic key is created to avoid confusion when two rows of the table are the same. In QlikView, automatically, this scenario is detected, and a synthetic key is created to make the process faster.

20. What does the Auto-Generated function do in QlikView?

The auto-Generated function automatically generates the numbers between the given range.

21. What are the parameters needed by a crosstable Wizard to form a cross table?

A total of three fields are required to create a cross table, and they are as follows:

  • Attribute field
  • Data field
  • Qualifier field

22. What are the advantages and disadvantages of QlikView?


  • Data sharing 
  • Data interpretation and analysis
  • Self-service tool
  • Low Maintenance
  • Data security
  • Direct and indirect search 
  • Cheaper


  • Inefficient real-time data analysis 
  • Less RAM limit

23. What is the difference between dimensional and relational modeling?

The main difference between the entity-relationship model and dimensional model is-

In the ER model, a table can have foreign keys in multiple tables that lead to circular references. In a dimensional model, a fact table contains all necessary measures surrounded by dimensional tables.

24. What is a circular reference, and how to avoid it?

In QlikView, tables get automatically connected to each other based on some key references. This process leads to the formation of unwanted structures called circular references. It is a condition when there exist two or more association paths among three or more tables. This condition can be corrected in the following ways-

  1. Renaming data fields
  2. Creating a link table
  3. Concatenation of two tables together 

25. What is the difference between the drill-down group (hierarchical groups) and the cyclic group?

Cyclic groups contain a set of dimensions that can be switched among users, whereas Drill down Groups contain a hierarchical list of dimensions used by users to drill down to access detailed levels of the data. 

26. What are the types of authorization in QlikView?

Authorization is nothing but permitting the users to access the resources. In QlikView, authorizations are implemented at multiple levels such as-

  • Document-level
  • Data level
  • Sheet Level
  • Chart level
  • Column level

27. What is an interval match?

Interval match is one of the functions that are useful for the tables containing numeric values because it is used to match a numeric value from one table to another table. 

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28. What are the new features in QV 11?

New features of QV are as follows-

  1. Container Object-Grid Style
  2. Conditional enabling of dimensions and expressions
  3. Metadata 
  4. Granular Chart
  5. Comparative analysis

29. What is the difference between QVD and QVW?

  • QVW: It is a QlikView file saved in binary format with default expression QVW containing tables, charts script, etc. 
  • QVD: It is a binary CSV file that contains one data table, no layout, and no security.

30. What is the difference between QV Publisher and QV Server?

QV Server is a program installed in a physical server with a number of CAL’s to authorize users to access QV files on the server. QV Publisher is a program that gives centralized control of all QV files and how to schedule them.

31. What P() and E() in the Set analysis?

In QlikView Set Analysis, a P() function is used to return all possible values while an E() function is used for returning a set of all excluded values.

32. What is the difference between Pick and Match?

The Match() function checks whether the value of a string on expression is matching with the data value present in a column. The Pick() function is used to return the nth expression along with the string in the list.

33. What is the difference between RDBMS and Associative Data Model?

RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System, and it stores data into rows and columns of tables, and data is retrieved through SQL queries. An associative database model is comprised of two tables: one for items and one for links.

34. Which tool is provided by QV to get a snapshot view of your table?

Table Viewer is the tool provided by QV that is used to get a snapshot of tables. 

35. What type of data connections are used in QlikView?

 Type of data connections are used in QlikView

  • ODBC
  • SAP connectors

36. What macros are used in your application? 

We can use macros for the following things-

  • To reload the application 
  • To create objects.

37. What is the use of the extended Interval Match function()?

It is used for slowly changing dimensions.

38. What are the purpose and Uses of QVD files?

  1. To increase load speed
  2. Incremental Load
  3. Ease of Maintenance
  4. Consolidating data  
  5. Separation of Roles
  6. Decreasing load on database servers

39. What are the types of QVD Creation?

  • By using the Store command 
  • By using buffer before load/select 
  • via UI-[chart export]

40. What is the use of the Interval match function()?

It is used to generate data buckets of different sizes.

Top QlikView Server Admin Interview Questions

41. What are the tasks and triggers in QMC (QlikView Management Console)?

Tasks are generated to reload data, whereas triggers are created to schedule and run tasks at a certain time. 

42. What is the QlikView server and Publisher?

QlikView Server hosts documents, users, and objects whereas QlikView Publisher is a component of QVS that is responsible for data reduction and distribution, accessing, and managing content. Users need to get a separate license for Publisher.

43. What is the function of different tabs on the QlikView Management console?

There are three tabs present on the QMC - Status, Documents, and Users. There are used for-

  • Status- It shows the list of tasks that are already executed and which are currently running on the server. By clicking on this tab, you can check which tasks are successfully completed, which failed, and which are running. 
  • Documents- This tab contains sub-tabs - source and user document. The source documents contain dashboards created by developers, whereas user documents contain published dashboards.
  • Users- It contains data regarding the QlikView server environment and several services and configure users, and clients to access the license system. 

44. What are CAL and its types in QlikView?

CAL stands for Clients Access License which is a must to connect to the QlikView Server. There are different types of CAL present QlikView, and they are as follows-

  • Named User CAL: It is user-specific or machine-specific
  • Session CAL: Allows different users to control and access different documents
  • Usage CAL: It allows users to initiate a session
  • Document CAL: It permits to access a specific document

45. Name some databases that QlikView can connect to.

The following are the databases:

  • Oracle
  • SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • Progress
  • DB2, MS Access
  • Informix

46. What kind of Charts do we use in Qlikview Admin?

We generally use a

  • combo chart
  • scatter chart
  • bar chart
  • line chart
  • grid chart

47. How are the subset ratios and information density different from each other?

Information density is defined as the ratio of null values to the total number of records present in the tables whereas the subset ratio is the ratio of a number of distinct values of a field in a table to the distinct values of the same field in all tables.

48. What is Document-level Auditing in QlikView 11?

Document-level auditing helps administrators to effectively audit the user interactions and improve risk management and compliance. 

49. What are the different services of the QlikView Server Environment?

  • QMS (QlikView Management System)
  • QVS (QlikView Server)
  • QVWS (QlikView WebServer)
  • QDS (QlikView Distribution Services)
  • DSC (Directory Service Connector)

These were some of the most important interview questions on QlikView for both freshers as well as experienced candidates. I hope this article has helped you in preparing for your interview. 

If you have any doubts or queries, do not forget to drop the question in the comment box below.

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QlikView TrainingMar 29 to Apr 13View Details
QlikView TrainingApr 01 to Apr 16View Details
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QlikView TrainingApr 08 to Apr 23View Details
Last updated: 02 Jan 2024
About Author

Pooja Mishra is an enthusiastic content writer working at Mindmajix.com. She writes articles on the trending IT-related topics, including Big Data, Business Intelligence, Cloud computing, AI & Machine learning, and so on. Her way of writing is easy to understand and informative at the same time. You can reach her on LinkedIn & Twitter.

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